5 Moslems shot dead in mosque

Just a grammar note; murder is necessarily of a person or people. "Murdering people" is redundant.
If it turns out to be a Muslim on Muslim attack, the PM will no doubt walk his words back when he called this a "terrorist attack".
Just a grammar note; murder is necessarily of a person or people. "Murdering people" is redundant.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for the last 2 days.
Perhaps, someday, by a miracle people will learn to use language more intelligently, accurately, and effectively.
BREAKING: Quebec City police have identified the shooters. Their names are Angela A'ishah Merkel and Justin Mohammad Trudeau.


I sincerely hope the PM's call out that Canada will welcome ALL refugees, is heard all over the world.
Better that they go to Canada than here.
I bet all the people that were persecuted and killed under Hitler, would have been very happy to live in our country with President Trump. It's disgusting when anyone compares us to Nazi Germany, it belittles the horror they went through, and anyone who does that should be ashamed. It's a shame we can't send them back in time so they could enjoy some of Nazi Germany.

Not comparing him to Nazi Germany. Comparing him to Hitler traits. Big difference.

Egomaniac? Check
Thin skinned? Check
Think the whole world revolves around him? Check
Tries to undermine the free press? Check

I could go on. They are personality traits. Millions of people have them, but don't go on to mass murder people. Hitler is just a prime example of those traits. So is Trumpie.
President Trump hasn't mass murdered anyone either, and I haven't heard of any such plans, have you?
It wouldn`t matter if he did mass murder people would it? The last U.S. president to do so is still roaming free on a fake ranch in a shithole state.
Uh, Hitler mass murdered his own people, President Trump hasn't done that, has he? I remember some terrorists mass murdering our people on 9-11, do you?
Indeed I do and I remember a president who lied his country into war and killed at least 100,000 people. He was rewarded with a second term. Hitler didn`t speak about concentration camps and murdering Jews when his political career was getting off the ground. That came later.

Say it a few hundred times more in ridiculous ways just to make absolutely certain it has lost all meaning or effect.

Being ever in attack mode blinds one to learning.

No apologies are forthcoming from this poster for knowing how English works.
Five people were killed after gunmen opened fire in a Quebec City mosque during evening prayers, the mosque’s president told reporters on Sunday.

We must bring more attacks here in the US now. Why should Canada have all of the fun?
Perhaps, someday, by a miracle people will learn to use language more intelligently, accurately, and effectively.
The bottom feeders will still be calling people with measurable IQs "libtards".
If it turns out to be a Muslim on Muslim attack, the PM will no doubt walk his words back when he called this a "terrorist attack".
Seems one of them might be of Moroccan origin:

Police have arrested two students – one 'of Moroccan origin' - over the murder of six people shot dead in the Quebec City mosque carnage two days after Canada's Prime Minister condemned Donald Trump's immigration ban.

Read more: Police arrest two students over Quebec mosque killings | Daily Mail Online
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I bet all the people that were persecuted and killed under Hitler, would have been very happy to live in our country with President Trump. It's disgusting when anyone compares us to Nazi Germany, it belittles the horror they went through, and anyone who does that should be ashamed. It's a shame we can't send them back in time so they could enjoy some of Nazi Germany.

Not comparing him to Nazi Germany. Comparing him to Hitler traits. Big difference.

Egomaniac? Check
Thin skinned? Check
Think the whole world revolves around him? Check
Tries to undermine the free press? Check

I could go on. They are personality traits. Millions of people have them, but don't go on to mass murder people. Hitler is just a prime example of those traits. So is Trumpie.
President Trump hasn't mass murdered anyone either, and I haven't heard of any such plans, have you?
It wouldn`t matter if he did mass murder people would it? The last U.S. president to do so is mopill roaming free on a fake ranch in a shithole state.
Uh, Hitler mass murdered his own people, President Trump hasn't done that, has he? I remember some terrorists mass murdering our people on 9-11, do you?
Indeed I do and I remember a president who lied his country into war and killed at least 100,000 people. He was rewarded with a second term. Hitler didn`t speak about concentration camps and murdering Jews when his political career was getting off the ground. That came later.
Do you honestly believe President Trump is going to mass murder American citizens? President Bush did not lie, and my son served during that time, so I am not getting into that with you. Take your lies and hate somewhere else.
Five people were killed after gunmen opened fire in a Quebec City mosque during evening prayers, the mosque’s president told reporters on Sunday.

We must bring more attacks here in the US now. Why should Canada have all of the fun?
Perhaps, someday, by a miracle people will learn to use language more intelligently, accurately, and effectively.
The bottom feeders will still be calling people with measurable IQs "libtards".
Just so you know what you are Mr. Stain.
If it turns out to be a Muslim on Muslim attack, the PM will no doubt walk his words back when he called this a "terrorist attack".
Seems one of them might be of Moroccan origin:

Police have arrested two students – one 'of Moroccan origin' - over the murder of six people shot dead in the Quebec City mosque carnage two days after Canada's Prime Minister condemned Donald Trump's immigration ban.

Read more: Police arrest two students over Quebec mosque killings | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Now, the whole world can see what a moron the PM is.
If it turns out to be a Muslim on Muslim attack, the PM will no doubt walk his words back when he called this a "terrorist attack".
Seems one of them might be of Moroccan origin:

Police have arrested two students – one 'of Moroccan origin' - over the murder of six people shot dead in the Quebec City mosque carnage two days after Canada's Prime Minister condemned Donald Trump's immigration ban.

Read more: Police arrest two students over Quebec mosque killings | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Morocco isn't on Trump's list, but it needs to be added. Several of the attackers in Europe have come from, or 2nd generation Moroccans.

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