5 Obama Freed from Gitmo for Traitor Bergdhal Have Joined Taliban

Yeah me either. I thought they would change their ways and start selling life insurance
That Obama asshole was the most worthless piece of shit ever in American politics.

Everything he did was fucked up. A complete failure.

That is what the stupid Moon Bats get for electing an affirmative action Muslim loving Libtard.
Who knows how many coalition troops they have murdered since Obama let them loose.....
Who knows how many coalition troops they have murdered since Obama let them loose.....

Not let them loose but required that they loose because they were fighting his Muslim buddies. The ones he gave all that money to.
They are the 'Taliban 5' - the 5 leaders of the Taliban in Afghanistan Obama released during the war IN AN ATTEMPT TO CLOSE GITMO, NOT AS PART IF ANY DEAL FOR BERGDAHL.

Bergdahl was captured by the Haqqani network, a group who is loosely affiliated with the Taliban but who do not like the Taliban. The Haqqani network specializes in kidnapping and ransoms to fund their terrorist operations. They never asked for the release of the Taliban 5 but instead demanded a ransom, and Obama paid it.

The release of the Taliban five was treason in an attempt to keep a campaign promise of closing Gitmo.

The Bergdahl story was just a cover for the release of the Taliban five and just another example of how the Despicable Left kisses the traitorous ass of Obama while rewriting history in order to make this act of betrayal look like it was a sacrifice to get back an American citizen.

From your link:

They are now negotiating for peace in Afghanistan
you must have stopped there. you didn't seem to mention:

"But there are some among the five who have a disturbing past.

Human Rights Watch accused Mohammed Fazl, the former Taliban army chief arrested in 2002, of overseeing the deaths of thousands of minority Shiites in 2000. The massacre outraged the world and followed the killing the year before of an estimated 2,000 young ethnic Pashtuns in northern Afghanistan by Taliban rivals.

Another of the five is Khairullah Khairkhwa, a former governor of Herat province, who was close to both Taliban founder Mullah Omar and al- Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. Khairkhwa also had a friendship with former president Hamid Karzai.

The others include Abdul Haq Wasiq, deputy intelligence minister, Mullah Norullah Nori, once described as the most significant Taliban leader held at Guantanamo Bay because of his particularly close relationship with Mullah Omar, who fought U.S.-led coalition forces in northern Afghanistan’s Mazar-e-Sharif and Mohammad Nabi Omari, a Taliban communications officer."
Go figure? They hate America, Hussein hates America. We shouldn't even be in Afghanistan anymore.

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