5 Reasons Israel Is Losing the Public Relations Battle

You have given reasons why you think Israel should be losing public support, but not how. I personally don't see how they are losing it, but are in fact gaining in public support. The amount of money spent by church groups in the United States in support of Israel via tourism and product purchasing seems to actually be increasing. Until that changes, particularly that within the US military and government, where even whispers of being a non-Israeli supporter can bring wrath, I don't see support waining, regardless the administration at the helm.
Maintaining all that trade and commerce doesn't make sense when compared to what the majority world opinion of Israel as that of a pariah state. Country's are appauled by Israel's contempt and disdain for international law. And their treatment of the Palestinian's, is just inhuman and barbaric. Here's what Amnesty International has to say about that...

Gaza blockade and humanitarian crisis

The blockade of the Gaza Strip, in force since June 2007, suffocated the economy and drove people there further into poverty. Amid continuing health and sanitation problems, poverty and malnutrition, some 80 per cent of Gazans were forced to depend on international humanitarian aid, the flow of which was impeded by the blockade. Severe shortages fuelled high prices. Most UN reconstruction projects to provide clinics and schools had to be delayed; as a result, some 40,000 Palestinian children eligible to enrol in UN schools in September had to be turned away.

Virtually all Gazans were effectively trapped in the small enclave, including seriously ill patients who needed treatment elsewhere and many students and workers wishing to study or take up jobs abroad. Only relatively few were allowed to exit Gaza.

In May, Israeli troops forcibly intercepted an international aid flotilla aiming to break the blockade. They killed nine of those aboard and injured more than 50, some seriously. Several Israeli soldiers were injured. Several inquiries were established into the attack, including two by the UN. In September, the investigative body appointed by the UN Human Rights Council concluded that “lethal force was employed by the Israeli soldiers in a widespread and arbitrary manner which caused an unnecessarily large number of persons to be killed or seriously injured.” An Israeli government-appointed commission of inquiry lacked independence and transparency.

Following international criticism of the attack, the government announced a partial easing of the blockade, although insufficient to markedly improve conditions in Gaza. Israel continued to ban all export of goods from Gaza until 8 December, and the announced easing of restrictions on exports had not been implemented by the end of the year. Amnesty International considered the blockade to constitute collective punishment in breach of international humanitarian law and called repeatedly for it to be lifted.
To collectively punish an entire population of 1.5 million people, is just pure evil.
Didn't we tell you before to shove that "Phil Giraldi" anti semtic shit up your Mohammad?

Nazi Palestine Continues Its Jihad Against The Jews While Pretending To Be For*Peace

Isn’t it so quite the obvious that the Palestinian cause is nothing more than a big fraud?* What the leaders of the Palestinian government have done is purposely trying to have it both ways ever since they had come about.* They are still using American tax payer money to fund their own front groups of hate who smear Israel of being behind 9/11 among other things, compare Israel to Nazi Germany even though one of the biggest supporters of Nazi Germany was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during World War II.

Here is a list of front groups the Palestinian Authority, that’s right the “moderate” Palestinian Authority is funding through a number of front groups:

Council for the National Interest: This is led by former Congressman Paul Findley, along with also Philip Giraldi.* Very scary anti-Semites who have been very active on promoting anti-Semitic propaganda on the Internet.* Giraldi, especially is ten times scarier than Findley, as he has intelligence background in the CIA, which makes one wonder why the CIA allows a “moderate” Palestinian Authority to receive so much of America’s own tax money for all this time.* Findley is*a known supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization, a group led by the late Yasser Arafat, now by*Mahmoud Abbas who runs the Palestinian Authority.

If Americans Knew: Another front group organized by Findley and the Palestinian Authority, it’s purpose is purely to promote propaganda.

VeteransToday.com: An anti-Semitic website run by Gordon Duff who is a proponent of Findley and Giraldi’s wicked ideas of how 9/11 was done by Israel.* Duff also doesn’t mind not just receiving support from the Palestinian Authority, but also from the governments of Russia, Iran and Pakistan, where Hamid Gul, a former Pakistani ISI leader is a columnist.* He also has connections with anti-Semites like Eric May who purposely use the Internet to forment 9/11 “Truth” propaganda that doesn’t make sense and cannot be proven; along with also European holocaust deniers like Ernst Zundel.
What proof can you offer that Giraldi's an anti-Semite?

"Giraldi was employed by the CIA for eighteen years working in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain and is fluent in Turkish, Italian, German, and Spanish.[2]

"Since 1992 Giraldi has consulted for several Fortune 500 corporate clients. President of San Marco International, an international security management and risk assessment consulting firm and a partner in Cannistraro Associates, another security consultancy.[3]

"Giraldi has written columns on terrorism, intelligence, and security issues for The American Conservative magazine, Huffington Post, and Antiwar.com and op-ed pieces for the Hearst Newspaper chain.

"He has been interviewed by Good Morning America, 60 Minutes, MSNBC, Fox News Channel, National Public Radio, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the British Broadcasting Corporation, al-Jazeera, al-Arabiya and other outlets.[2] During the 2008 presidential primaries, Giraldi served as a foreign policy adviser to Ron Paul..."

Philip Giraldi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still constipated, Moses?
Well for starters he's in bed with a bunch of anit semetic assholes like himself who write articles that Israel did 9-11. Did you read what I posted, douchebag?

Here it is again, a favorite website that scum like you posts from regularly. An anti semitic website that deceptively uses veteran's name to deceive people:

"VeteransToday.com: An anti-Semitic website run by Gordon Duff who is a proponent of Findley and Giraldi’s wicked ideas of how 9/11 was done by Israel.* Duff also doesn’t mind not just receiving support from the Palestinian Authority, but also from the governments of Russia, Iran and Pakistan, where Hamid Gul, a former Pakistani ISI leader is a columnist.* He also has connections with anti-Semites like Eric May who purposely use the Internet to forment 9/11 “Truth” propaganda that doesn’t make sense and cannot be proven; along with also European holocaust deniers like Ernst Zundel."

And perhaps you should read what your up own links say beofre you post them. Everybody isn't as stoooopid as you are, Abdul:

"In 2009 Giraldi wrote that unnamed intelligence sources had told him that a document published by The Times, which allegedly described an Iranian plan to experiment on a "neutron initiator" for an atomic weapon, was in fact a fabrication, which Giraldi speculated was created by the state of Israel. He claimed that Rupert Murdoch publications regularly published false intelligence from the Israeli and sometimes the British government.[9][11] Further disclosures by The Times undermined the document's veracity.[12]
In August, 2010 Giraldi
wrote that unnamed “sources in the counterintelligence community” had told him that agents of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency were posing as intelligence agents and visiting Arabs and Muslims in New York and New Jersey. This was allegedly done to help agents gain information about Iran, which they believed would not be forthcoming to known Israeli agents. The Israeli embassy, the United States Department of Justice, and Giraldi all declined to comment for an article on the allegations in the biweekly New York Arab-community newspaper Aramica.[4][13]"
Did you read ABOUT this?


Welcome to the new site of Zionist Anti-Communist. This site is a temporary site from the Old Site. Reason why, is because there have beeom some allegations that Google.com, owner of Blogger.com is allegedly shutting down anti-Obama blogs, and if you refer as Barack Obama, as an ultra crypto-Communist candidate, how further anti-Obama can you get?

This is from your link, Golda.
Google...Blogger...Obama and its all a GIANT conspiracy against Hebrew trolls, right?
Anyone who thinks Wall Street's Boy is a Communist is probably dishonest or stupid enough to believe those who criticize the State of Israel are anti-Semites.

Instead of making vapid accusations against VeteransToday or Antiwar.com link to specific quotes Giraldi's made that prove he's anti-Semitic. Then explain why the CIA considers Israel a bigger threat to US state secrets than Iran and Pakistan. Your minders are becoming alarmed, Hack.

About « Zionism's Survival: Surviving Under The Coming Nazi Regime
Iran is getting slapped with sanction after sanction while both Obama and Romney state their support of Israel if it strikes Iran's nuke sites, Syria (One of Israel's main enemies) has slaughtered more than 18,000 of its own people so far, Egypt is turning into an Islamist shithole, Palestinians in Gaza are led by Hamas - a terrorist organization who openly supported Bin Laden's cause and wept for him when he was killed by US forces....and the IslamoNazi worshipping morons on this board think that somehow "Israel is loosing the public relations battle"?!

Ha ha ha!
The AIPAC antidote?
Heeeeeere's Phil.......

"There are about 50 countries in the world that have the capability to produce a nuclear weapon if they chose to do so, making Iran far from unique but for its persistence as a thorn in the side of Israel and Israel’s powerful lobby in the United States.

"In other words, Iran does not have to actually produce a nuclear weapon for it to be subject to attack by either Israel or the United States. It only has to continue to be an irritant for Israel.

"The new threat of war takes the Bush doctrine of preemption to a whole new level.

"Some sources in the Obama administration are anonymously warning that war with Iran is nearly certain and are predicting it to break out in late summer. That would be just before the presidential election, a time in which Obama will be..."

AIPAC Declares War by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Why are Hasbara Hacks always ready to shed other people's blood?
Is it for money or g-d?
More Giraldi garbage from yet another anti semetic website. You just love consuming the shit they feed dirtbags like you on those websites, don't you?

Antiwar.com: Website run by Justin Raimondo who regularly also promotes how Israel was behind 9/11.* Philip Giraldi also hangs around that wicked website as well.* Raimondo is a well known supporter of Ron Paul, along with also the John Birch Society which has been supporting Ron Paul’s campaign.* Raimondo has also been more than happy to promote propaganda against his own country.
Here's some more "Giraldi garbage" why don't you point out any factual errors or indications of "Antisemitism"

"Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta repeated on Feb. 16 that Iran does not have and is not currently building a nuclear device. Before Christmas, he stated clearly that the 'red line' for the United States is actual Iranian possession of a nuclear weapon. Even Israel’s intelligence services agree that Iran is not building a bomb. "

AIPAC Declares War by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Is Leon another anti-Semite?
Why do you defend Israeli theft of US intelligence by smearing Americans who reveal the truth?
To collectively punish an entire population of 1.5 million people, is just pure evil.
And, it's a crime against humanity.
Which is why the Likudniks don't dare set foot in The Hague.

But, G-d is watching.
GeorgePhil to Uber-Zionist Supremacists:
AIPAC Declares War by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Is Leon another anti-Semite?
Why do you defend Israeli theft of US intelligence by smearing Americans who reveal the truth?

They can never justify their NaZionism.
So, they resort to accusations of "anti-Semitism" everytime one points out The Truth about the warmongering Likudniks.

Meanwhile diluting the focus on *real* anti-Semitism (i.e., irrational fear of followers of Judaism/those who are Semitic).
What proof can you offer that Giraldi's an anti-Semite?

"Giraldi was employed by the CIA for eighteen years working in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain and is fluent in Turkish, Italian, German, and Spanish.[2]

"Since 1992 Giraldi has consulted for several Fortune 500 corporate clients. President of San Marco International, an international security management and risk assessment consulting firm and a partner in Cannistraro Associates, another security consultancy.[3]

"Giraldi has written columns on terrorism, intelligence, and security issues for The American Conservative magazine, Huffington Post, and Antiwar.com and op-ed pieces for the Hearst Newspaper chain.

"He has been interviewed by Good Morning America, 60 Minutes, MSNBC, Fox News Channel, National Public Radio, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the British Broadcasting Corporation, al-Jazeera, al-Arabiya and other outlets.[2] During the 2008 presidential primaries, Giraldi served as a foreign policy adviser to Ron Paul..."

Philip Giraldi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still constipated, Moses?
Well for starters he's in bed with a bunch of anit semetic assholes like himself who write articles that Israel did 9-11. Did you read what I posted, douchebag?

Here it is again, a favorite website that scum like you posts from regularly. An anti semitic website that deceptively uses veteran's name to deceive people:

"VeteransToday.com: An anti-Semitic website run by Gordon Duff who is a proponent of Findley and Giraldi’s wicked ideas of how 9/11 was done by Israel.* Duff also doesn’t mind not just receiving support from the Palestinian Authority, but also from the governments of Russia, Iran and Pakistan, where Hamid Gul, a former Pakistani ISI leader is a columnist.* He also has connections with anti-Semites like Eric May who purposely use the Internet to forment 9/11 “Truth” propaganda that doesn’t make sense and cannot be proven; along with also European holocaust deniers like Ernst Zundel."

And perhaps you should read what your up own links say beofre you post them. Everybody isn't as stoooopid as you are, Abdul:

"In 2009 Giraldi wrote that unnamed intelligence sources had told him that a document published by The Times, which allegedly described an Iranian plan to experiment on a "neutron initiator" for an atomic weapon, was in fact a fabrication, which Giraldi speculated was created by the state of Israel. He claimed that Rupert Murdoch publications regularly published false intelligence from the Israeli and sometimes the British government.[9][11] Further disclosures by The Times undermined the document's veracity.[12]
In August, 2010 Giraldi
wrote that unnamed “sources in the counterintelligence community” had told him that agents of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency were posing as intelligence agents and visiting Arabs and Muslims in New York and New Jersey. This was allegedly done to help agents gain information about Iran, which they believed would not be forthcoming to known Israeli agents. The Israeli embassy, the United States Department of Justice, and Giraldi all declined to comment for an article on the allegations in the biweekly New York Arab-community newspaper Aramica.[4][13]"
Did you read ABOUT this?


Welcome to the new site of Zionist Anti-Communist. This site is a temporary site from the Old Site. Reason why, is because there have beeom some allegations that Google.com, owner of Blogger.com is allegedly shutting down anti-Obama blogs, and if you refer as Barack Obama, as an ultra crypto-Communist candidate, how further anti-Obama can you get?

This is from your link, Golda.
Google...Blogger...Obama and its all a GIANT conspiracy against Hebrew trolls, right?
Anyone who thinks Wall Street's Boy is a Communist is probably dishonest or stupid enough to believe those who criticize the State of Israel are anti-Semites.

Instead of making vapid accusations against VeteransToday or Antiwar.com link to specific quotes Giraldi's made that prove he's anti-Semitic. Then explain why the CIA considers Israel a bigger threat to US state secrets than Iran and Pakistan. Your minders are becoming alarmed, Hack.

About « Zionism's Survival: Surviving Under The Coming Nazi Regime
I'll take an anti-Communist, anti-Islamist, pro-America, Zionist site over your bullshit articles from anti-American anti-Semetic sites. Besides, I'm just quoting YOUR OWN LINK from Wikipedia, you fucking moron. Your Phil Giraldi is a BULLSHIT ARTIST that makes money feeding trolls like you with garbage claims like "How Jews did 9-11".
Maintaining all that trade and commerce doesn't make sense when compared to what the majority world opinion of Israel as that of a pariah state. Country's are appauled by Israel's contempt and disdain for international law. And their treatment of the Palestinian's, is just inhuman and barbaric.
We know, we know, if palistanians don't get their way it's "inhuman" and "barbaric".
Here's what Amnesty International has to say about that... The blockade of the Gaza Strip, in force since June 2007, suffocated the economy and drove people there further into poverty. Amid continuing health and sanitation problems, poverty and malnutrition, some 80 per cent of Gazans were forced to depend on international humanitarian aid, the flow of which was impeded by the blockade. Severe shortages fuelled high prices. Most UN reconstruction projects to provide clinics and schools had to be delayed; as a result, some 40,000 Palestinian children eligible to enrol in UN schools in September had to be turned away.
Amnesty is, indeed, politically correct. That prevented it from mentioning that palistanians rank secong on the international list of welfare kings 'n queens ($7.2 bln. on 2009) after Sudan ($8.9 bln. on 2009), but headwise palistanians get more, than any other in the world. Should we care if they can't afford a second car? Of course, not.
To collectively punish an entire population of 1.5 million people, is just pure evil.
Palistanians should heed Friedrich Nietzsche's advise "If a man wishes to rid himself of a feeeling of unbearable oppression, he may have to take hashish.".
You have given reasons why you think Israel should be losing public support, but not how. I personally don't see how they are losing it, but are in fact gaining in public support. The amount of money spent by church groups in the United States in support of Israel via tourism and product purchasing seems to actually be increasing. Until that changes, particularly that within the US military and government, where even whispers of being a non-Israeli supporter can bring wrath, I don't see support waining, regardless the administration at the helm.
Maintaining all that trade and commerce doesn't make sense when compared to what the majority world opinion of Israel as that of a pariah state. Country's are appauled by Israel's contempt and disdain for international law. And their treatment of the Palestinian's, is just inhuman and barbaric. Here's what Amnesty International has to say about that...

Gaza blockade and humanitarian crisis

The blockade of the Gaza Strip, in force since June 2007, suffocated the economy and drove people there further into poverty. Amid continuing health and sanitation problems, poverty and malnutrition, some 80 per cent of Gazans were forced to depend on international humanitarian aid, the flow of which was impeded by the blockade. Severe shortages fuelled high prices. Most UN reconstruction projects to provide clinics and schools had to be delayed; as a result, some 40,000 Palestinian children eligible to enrol in UN schools in September had to be turned away.

Virtually all Gazans were effectively trapped in the small enclave, including seriously ill patients who needed treatment elsewhere and many students and workers wishing to study or take up jobs abroad. Only relatively few were allowed to exit Gaza.

In May, Israeli troops forcibly intercepted an international aid flotilla aiming to break the blockade. They killed nine of those aboard and injured more than 50, some seriously. Several Israeli soldiers were injured. Several inquiries were established into the attack, including two by the UN. In September, the investigative body appointed by the UN Human Rights Council concluded that “lethal force was employed by the Israeli soldiers in a widespread and arbitrary manner which caused an unnecessarily large number of persons to be killed or seriously injured.” An Israeli government-appointed commission of inquiry lacked independence and transparency.

Following international criticism of the attack, the government announced a partial easing of the blockade, although insufficient to markedly improve conditions in Gaza. Israel continued to ban all export of goods from Gaza until 8 December, and the announced easing of restrictions on exports had not been implemented by the end of the year. Amnesty International considered the blockade to constitute collective punishment in breach of international humanitarian law and called repeatedly for it to be lifted.
To collectively punish an entire population of 1.5 million people, is just pure evil.
wow, this is just, just...PURE EVIL:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK-Te_33Vcs]Moments Of Gaza -[/ame]

Yep, the far left who claim that Gaza’s a concentration camp ignores that Gazan cities are just as busy and normal as many other cities around the globe. How can this possibly be that they continue to lie that Gaza is a concentration camp, even when it’s not? Yep, this looks like a “model” that Gaza’s a concentration camp. Geeze, people on the Left and also your run of the mill neo-Nazis and white supremacists would often lie to suggest Gaza’s a concentration camp when it’s not.
Maintaining all that trade and commerce doesn't make sense when compared to what the majority world opinion of Israel as that of a pariah state. Country's are appauled by Israel's contempt and disdain for international law. And their treatment of the Palestinian's, is just inhuman and barbaric.
We know, we know, if palistanians don't get their way it's "inhuman" and "barbaric".
Here's what Amnesty International has to say about that... The blockade of the Gaza Strip, in force since June 2007, suffocated the economy and drove people there further into poverty. Amid continuing health and sanitation problems, poverty and malnutrition, some 80 per cent of Gazans were forced to depend on international humanitarian aid, the flow of which was impeded by the blockade. Severe shortages fuelled high prices. Most UN reconstruction projects to provide clinics and schools had to be delayed; as a result, some 40,000 Palestinian children eligible to enrol in UN schools in September had to be turned away.
Amnesty is, indeed, politically correct. That prevented it from mentioning that palistanians rank secong on the international list of welfare kings 'n queens ($7.2 bln. on 2009) after Sudan ($8.9 bln. on 2009), but headwise palistanians get more, than any other in the world. Should we care if they can't afford a second car? Of course, not.
To collectively punish an entire population of 1.5 million people, is just pure evil.
Palistanians should heed Friedrich Nietzsche's advise "If a man wishes to rid himself of a feeeling of unbearable oppression, he may have to take hashish.".
Lionboy must be smoking belly-button lint.
GeorgePhil to Uber-Zionist Supremacists:
AIPAC Declares War by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Is Leon another anti-Semite?
Why do you defend Israeli theft of US intelligence by smearing Americans who reveal the truth?

They can never justify their NaZionism.
So, they resort to accusations of "anti-Semitism" everytime one points out The Truth about the warmongering Likudniks.

Meanwhile diluting the focus on *real* anti-Semitism (i.e., irrational fear of followers of Judaism/those who are Semitic).
Zionism does not need to be "justified". You sound like you're having trouble justifying IslamoNazism and the animals that practice it.
You have given reasons why you think Israel should be losing public support, but not how. I personally don't see how they are losing it, but are in fact gaining in public support. The amount of money spent by church groups in the United States in support of Israel via tourism and product purchasing seems to actually be increasing. Until that changes, particularly that within the US military and government, where even whispers of being a non-Israeli supporter can bring wrath, I don't see support waining, regardless the administration at the helm.
Maintaining all that trade and commerce doesn't make sense when compared to what the majority world opinion of Israel as that of a pariah state. Country's are appauled by Israel's contempt and disdain for international law. And their treatment of the Palestinian's, is just inhuman and barbaric. Here's what Amnesty International has to say about that...

Gaza blockade and humanitarian crisis

The blockade of the Gaza Strip, in force since June 2007, suffocated the economy and drove people there further into poverty. Amid continuing health and sanitation problems, poverty and malnutrition, some 80 per cent of Gazans were forced to depend on international humanitarian aid, the flow of which was impeded by the blockade. Severe shortages fuelled high prices. Most UN reconstruction projects to provide clinics and schools had to be delayed; as a result, some 40,000 Palestinian children eligible to enrol in UN schools in September had to be turned away.

Virtually all Gazans were effectively trapped in the small enclave, including seriously ill patients who needed treatment elsewhere and many students and workers wishing to study or take up jobs abroad. Only relatively few were allowed to exit Gaza.

In May, Israeli troops forcibly intercepted an international aid flotilla aiming to break the blockade. They killed nine of those aboard and injured more than 50, some seriously. Several Israeli soldiers were injured. Several inquiries were established into the attack, including two by the UN. In September, the investigative body appointed by the UN Human Rights Council concluded that “lethal force was employed by the Israeli soldiers in a widespread and arbitrary manner which caused an unnecessarily large number of persons to be killed or seriously injured.” An Israeli government-appointed commission of inquiry lacked independence and transparency.

Following international criticism of the attack, the government announced a partial easing of the blockade, although insufficient to markedly improve conditions in Gaza. Israel continued to ban all export of goods from Gaza until 8 December, and the announced easing of restrictions on exports had not been implemented by the end of the year. Amnesty International considered the blockade to constitute collective punishment in breach of international humanitarian law and called repeatedly for it to be lifted.
To collectively punish an entire population of 1.5 million people, is just pure evil.

Boy, are you gullible! :eusa_whistle: Gazans live splendidly! There was an old "I Love Lucy" episode, where Lucy faked being on a hunger strike, to get Ricky to buy her a new dress. But she sneaked so much food in, that she actually gained weight! Same exact thing here.
GeorgePhil to Uber-Zionist Supremacists:
AIPAC Declares War by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Is Leon another anti-Semite?
Why do you defend Israeli theft of US intelligence by smearing Americans who reveal the truth?

They can never justify their NaZionism.
So, they resort to accusations of "anti-Semitism" everytime one points out The Truth about the warmongering Likudniks.

Meanwhile diluting the focus on *real* anti-Semitism (i.e., irrational fear of followers of Judaism/those who are Semitic).
Here's how Wiki defines Antisemitism:

"Antisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is suspicion of, hatred toward, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage. In a 2005 U.S. governmental report, antisemitism is defined as 'hatred toward Jews—individually and as a group—that can be attributed to the Jewish religion and/or ethnicity.'[1] A person who holds such views is called an 'antisemite'"

Antisemitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In order to defend Israel's crimes her supporters have to deliberately conflate violation of International Law with hatred towards Jewish religion or ethnicity; that's why the apartheid nature of the Jewish state is becoming more obvious with each passing generation, and soon it will vanish from the page of time by its own hand. (Hopefully without any mushroom clouds)
In order to defend Israel's crimes her supporters have to deliberately conflate violation of International Law with hatred towards Jewish religion or ethnicity; that's why the apartheid nature of the Jewish state is becoming more obvious with each passing generation, and soon it will vanish from the page of time by its own hand. (Hopefully without any mushroom clouds)
In order to defend Israel's crimes her supporters have to deliberately conflate violation of International Law with hatred towards Jewish religion or ethnicity; that's why the apartheid nature of the Jewish state is becoming more obvious with each passing generation, and soon it will vanish from the page of time by its own hand. (Hopefully without any mushroom clouds)
Fourth Geneva Convention:Section 3:

"Section III. Occupied territories
Articles 47-78 impose substantial obligations on occupying powers. As well as numerous provisions for the general welfare of the inhabitants of an occupied territory, an occupier may not forcibly deport protected persons, or deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into occupied territory (Art.49)."

But a master drivler like you already knew that...

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You have given reasons why you think Israel should be losing public support, but not how. I personally don't see how they are losing it, but are in fact gaining in public support. The amount of money spent by church groups in the United States in support of Israel via tourism and product purchasing seems to actually be increasing. Until that changes, particularly that within the US military and government, where even whispers of being a non-Israeli supporter can bring wrath, I don't see support waining, regardless the administration at the helm.
Maintaining all that trade and commerce doesn't make sense when compared to what the majority world opinion of Israel as that of a pariah state. Country's are appauled by Israel's contempt and disdain for international law. And their treatment of the Palestinian's, is just inhuman and barbaric. Here's what Amnesty International has to say about that...

Gaza blockade and humanitarian crisis

The blockade of the Gaza Strip, in force since June 2007, suffocated the economy and drove people there further into poverty. Amid continuing health and sanitation problems, poverty and malnutrition, some 80 per cent of Gazans were forced to depend on international humanitarian aid, the flow of which was impeded by the blockade. Severe shortages fuelled high prices. Most UN reconstruction projects to provide clinics and schools had to be delayed; as a result, some 40,000 Palestinian children eligible to enrol in UN schools in September had to be turned away.

Virtually all Gazans were effectively trapped in the small enclave, including seriously ill patients who needed treatment elsewhere and many students and workers wishing to study or take up jobs abroad. Only relatively few were allowed to exit Gaza.

In May, Israeli troops forcibly intercepted an international aid flotilla aiming to break the blockade. They killed nine of those aboard and injured more than 50, some seriously. Several Israeli soldiers were injured. Several inquiries were established into the attack, including two by the UN. In September, the investigative body appointed by the UN Human Rights Council concluded that “lethal force was employed by the Israeli soldiers in a widespread and arbitrary manner which caused an unnecessarily large number of persons to be killed or seriously injured.” An Israeli government-appointed commission of inquiry lacked independence and transparency.

Following international criticism of the attack, the government announced a partial easing of the blockade, although insufficient to markedly improve conditions in Gaza. Israel continued to ban all export of goods from Gaza until 8 December, and the announced easing of restrictions on exports had not been implemented by the end of the year. Amnesty International considered the blockade to constitute collective punishment in breach of international humanitarian law and called repeatedly for it to be lifted.
To collectively punish an entire population of 1.5 million people, is just pure evil.

In one way you are preaching to the choir. Sure there is international indignation. But, so long as Israel has the support, open and clandestine, of so many in our own country, whether in the arenas of capital, military, politics, and religion, there is not going to be much change. This is a subject that is much deeper than any concern for what the rest of the world thinks. And so long as no one in the world challenges the United States on the issue of Israel, such as the Soviets once did by supplying her enemies with arms, the status quo will remain, or in the long term, become stronger.
Well for starters he's in bed with a bunch of anit semetic assholes like himself who write articles that Israel did 9-11. Did you read what I posted, douchebag?

Here it is again, a favorite website that scum like you posts from regularly. An anti semitic website that deceptively uses veteran's name to deceive people:

"VeteransToday.com: An anti-Semitic website run by Gordon Duff who is a proponent of Findley and Giraldi’s wicked ideas of how 9/11 was done by Israel.* Duff also doesn’t mind not just receiving support from the Palestinian Authority, but also from the governments of Russia, Iran and Pakistan, where Hamid Gul, a former Pakistani ISI leader is a columnist.* He also has connections with anti-Semites like Eric May who purposely use the Internet to forment 9/11 “Truth” propaganda that doesn’t make sense and cannot be proven; along with also European holocaust deniers like Ernst Zundel."

And perhaps you should read what your up own links say beofre you post them. Everybody isn't as stoooopid as you are, Abdul:

"In 2009 Giraldi wrote that unnamed intelligence sources had told him that a document published by The Times, which allegedly described an Iranian plan to experiment on a "neutron initiator" for an atomic weapon, was in fact a fabrication, which Giraldi speculated was created by the state of Israel. He claimed that Rupert Murdoch publications regularly published false intelligence from the Israeli and sometimes the British government.[9][11] Further disclosures by The Times undermined the document's veracity.[12]
In August, 2010 Giraldi
wrote that unnamed “sources in the counterintelligence community” had told him that agents of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency were posing as intelligence agents and visiting Arabs and Muslims in New York and New Jersey. This was allegedly done to help agents gain information about Iran, which they believed would not be forthcoming to known Israeli agents. The Israeli embassy, the United States Department of Justice, and Giraldi all declined to comment for an article on the allegations in the biweekly New York Arab-community newspaper Aramica.[4][13]"
Did you read ABOUT this?


Welcome to the new site of Zionist Anti-Communist. This site is a temporary site from the Old Site. Reason why, is because there have beeom some allegations that Google.com, owner of Blogger.com is allegedly shutting down anti-Obama blogs, and if you refer as Barack Obama, as an ultra crypto-Communist candidate, how further anti-Obama can you get?

This is from your link, Golda.
Google...Blogger...Obama and its all a GIANT conspiracy against Hebrew trolls, right?
Anyone who thinks Wall Street's Boy is a Communist is probably dishonest or stupid enough to believe those who criticize the State of Israel are anti-Semites.

Instead of making vapid accusations against VeteransToday or Antiwar.com link to specific quotes Giraldi's made that prove he's anti-Semitic. Then explain why the CIA considers Israel a bigger threat to US state secrets than Iran and Pakistan. Your minders are becoming alarmed, Hack.

About « Zionism's Survival: Surviving Under The Coming Nazi Regime
I'll take an anti-Communist, anti-Islamist, pro-America, Zionist site over your bullshit articles from anti-American anti-Semetic sites. Besides, I'm just quoting YOUR OWN LINK from Wikipedia, you fucking moron. Your Phil Giraldi is a BULLSHIT ARTIST that makes money feeding trolls like you with garbage claims like "How Jews did 9-11".
Your taste runs toward kosher bullshit like Google and Obama combining forces to censor web sites that don't care enough about their readers to run spell check?

Point out any factual errors in this Giraldi assessment from August 2005:

"In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran.

"The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States.

"The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites.

"Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States.

"Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections."

Are those Air Force officers all anti-semites?
Does everyone who objects to AIPAC decrees suffer from hatred of Jewish religion or ethnicity?

Deep Background | The American Conservative

Is the above source anti-American or Antisemitic.
In order to defend Israel's crimes her supporters have to deliberately conflate violation of International Law with hatred towards Jewish religion or ethnicity; that's why the apartheid nature of the Jewish state is becoming more obvious with each passing generation, and soon it will vanish from the page of time by its own hand. (Hopefully without any mushroom clouds)
Fourth Geneva Convention:Section 3:"Section III. Occupied territories
Articles 47-78 impose substantial obligations on occupying powers. As well as numerous provisions for the general welfare of the inhabitants of an occupied territory, an occupier may not forcibly deport protected persons, or deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into occupied territory (Art.49)."
Kewl. So, what's that state the territory of which Israel allegedly "occupies"?
It's the Arabs occupying Israeli land.

Their land is Jordan.
In order to defend Israel's crimes her supporters have to deliberately conflate violation of International Law with hatred towards Jewish religion or ethnicity; that's why the apartheid nature of the Jewish state is becoming more obvious with each passing generation, and soon it will vanish from the page of time by its own hand. (Hopefully without any mushroom clouds)
Fourth Geneva Convention:Section 3:

"Section III. Occupied territories
Articles 47-78 impose substantial obligations on occupying powers. As well as numerous provisions for the general welfare of the inhabitants of an occupied territory, an occupier may not forcibly deport protected persons, or deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into occupied territory (Art.49)."

But a master drivler like you already knew that...

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fourth Geneva Convention:Section 3:"Section III. Occupied territories
Articles 47-78 impose substantial obligations on occupying powers. As well as numerous provisions for the general welfare of the inhabitants of an occupied territory, an occupier may not forcibly deport protected persons, or deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into occupied territory (Art.49)."
Kewl. So, what's that state the territory of which Israel allegedly "occupies"?
"Area C contains all the Israeli settlements, roads used to access the settlements, buffer zones (near settlements, roads, strategic areas, and Israel), and almost all of the Jordan Valley and the Judean Desert."
Fourth Geneva Convention:Section 3:"Section III. Occupied territories
Articles 47-78 impose substantial obligations on occupying powers. As well as numerous provisions for the general welfare of the inhabitants of an occupied territory, an occupier may not forcibly deport protected persons, or deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into occupied territory (Art.49)."
Kewl. So, what's that state the territory of which Israel allegedly "occupies"?
"Area C contains all the Israeli settlements, roads used to access the settlements, buffer zones (near settlements, roads, strategic areas, and Israel), and almost all of the Jordan Valley and the Judean Desert."
Kewl. So, what's that state the territory of which Israel allegedly "occupies"?

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