5 Reasons Israel Is Losing the Public Relations Battle

In one way you are preaching to the choir. Sure there is international indignation. But, so long as Israel has the support, open and clandestine, of so many in our own country, whether in the arenas of capital, military, politics, and religion, there is not going to be much change. This is a subject that is much deeper than any concern for what the rest of the world thinks. And so long as no one in the world challenges the United States on the issue of Israel, such as the Soviets once did by supplying her enemies with arms, the status quo will remain, or in the long term, become stronger.
I have to agree with there.

Sadly, that is the situation we are dealing with currently.
In one way you are preaching to the choir. Sure there is international indignation. But, so long as Israel has the support, open and clandestine, of so many in our own country, whether in the arenas of capital, military, politics, and religion, there is not going to be much change. This is a subject that is much deeper than any concern for what the rest of the world thinks. And so long as no one in the world challenges the United States on the issue of Israel, such as the Soviets once did by supplying her enemies with arms, the status quo will remain, or in the long term, become stronger.
I have to agree with there. Sadly, that is the situation we are dealing with currently.
Instead of dealing with getting a life and a job, of course.
It's the Arabs occupying Israeli land.

Their land is Jordan.
Fourth Geneva Convention:Section 3:

"Section III. Occupied territories
Articles 47-78 impose substantial obligations on occupying powers. As well as numerous provisions for the general welfare of the inhabitants of an occupied territory, an occupier may not forcibly deport protected persons, or deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into occupied territory (Art.49)."

But a master drivler like you already knew that...

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Part II. - Boundaries


"The area of the Arab State in Western Galilee is bounded on the west by the Mediterranean and on the north by the frontier of the Lebanon from Ras en Naqura to a point north of Saliha. From there the boundary proceeds southwards, leaving the built-up area of Saliha in the Arab State, to join the southernmost point of this village.

"Thence it follows the sub-district boundary line to the Acre-Safad main road. From here it follows the western boundary of Kafr-I'nan village until it reaches the Tiberias-Acre Sub-District boundary line, passing to the west of the junction of the Acre-Safad and Lubiya-Kafr-I'nan roads.


"The north-eastern sector of the Jewish State (Eastern Galilee) is bounded on the north and west by the Lebanese frontier and on the east by the frontiers of Syria and Trans-jordan..."

"From there the Jewish State extends north-west, following the boundary described in respect of the Arab State.

"The Jewish section of the coastal plain extends from a point between Minat El-Qila and Nabi Yunis in the Gaza Sub-District and includes the towns of Haifa and Tel-Aviv, leaving Jaffa as an enclave of the Arab State.

"The eastern frontier of the Jewish State follows the boundary described in respect of the Arab State..."

The Avalon Project : UN General Assembly Resolution 181

Both states originally bordered the Mediterranean Sea, right?
Kewl. So, what's that state the territory of which Israel allegedly "occupies"?
"Area C contains all the Israeli settlements, roads used to access the settlements, buffer zones (near settlements, roads, strategic areas, and Israel), and almost all of the Jordan Valley and the Judean Desert."
Kewl. So, what's that state the territory of which Israel allegedly "occupies"?
Ask a Zionist:

"After Israel conquered the West Bank in 1967, religious Zionists and the Greater Israel movement tried to claim that settlement of the newly conquered lands in what the Jordanians called the West Bank since 1945, and what was historically part of Judea and Samaria, was a central goal of Zionism.

"But the fact is that even when there was an opportunity for free purchase of land and settlement in the 1920s and 1930s, the Zionist movement did not purchase much land in those areas. Of the territories taken by Israel in 1967, only Jerusalem and perhaps Hebron have real national symbolic significance."

Zionism and the Creation of Israel - Definition and History

Then tell us what makes you think a "state" is required for a belligerent occupation to occur?
Did you read ABOUT this?


Welcome to the new site of Zionist Anti-Communist. This site is a temporary site from the Old Site. Reason why, is because there have beeom some allegations that Google.com, owner of Blogger.com is allegedly shutting down anti-Obama blogs, and if you refer as Barack Obama, as an ultra crypto-Communist candidate, how further anti-Obama can you get?

This is from your link, Golda.
Google...Blogger...Obama and its all a GIANT conspiracy against Hebrew trolls, right?
Anyone who thinks Wall Street's Boy is a Communist is probably dishonest or stupid enough to believe those who criticize the State of Israel are anti-Semites.

Instead of making vapid accusations against VeteransToday or Antiwar.com link to specific quotes Giraldi's made that prove he's anti-Semitic. Then explain why the CIA considers Israel a bigger threat to US state secrets than Iran and Pakistan. Your minders are becoming alarmed, Hack.

About « Zionism's Survival: Surviving Under The Coming Nazi Regime
I'll take an anti-Communist, anti-Islamist, pro-America, Zionist site over your bullshit articles from anti-American anti-Semetic sites. Besides, I'm just quoting YOUR OWN LINK from Wikipedia, you fucking moron. Your Phil Giraldi is a BULLSHIT ARTIST that makes money feeding trolls like you with garbage claims like "How Jews did 9-11".
Your taste runs toward kosher bullshit like Google and Obama combining forces to censor web sites that don't care enough about their readers to run spell check?

Point out any factual errors in this Giraldi assessment from August 2005:

"In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran.

"The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States.

"The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites.

"Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States.

"Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections."

Are those Air Force officers all anti-semites?
Does everyone who objects to AIPAC decrees suffer from hatred of Jewish religion or ethnicity?

Deep Background | The American Conservative

Is the above source anti-American or Antisemitic.
I'm just wondering when will you stop shoveling this shit from anti-semetic, anti-American website with deceptive American or patriotic sounding names. It seems you're too stoooopid to realize that nobody sane is buying your crap.
In one way you are preaching to the choir. Sure there is international indignation. But, so long as Israel has the support, open and clandestine, of so many in our own country, whether in the arenas of capital, military, politics, and religion, there is not going to be much change. This is a subject that is much deeper than any concern for what the rest of the world thinks. And so long as no one in the world challenges the United States on the issue of Israel, such as the Soviets once did by supplying her enemies with arms, the status quo will remain, or in the long term, become stronger.
I have to agree with there. Sadly, that is the situation we are dealing with currently.
Instead of dealing with getting a life and a job, of course.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5UKLRRM2iE]This is what the Palestinian economy looks like - YouTube[/ame]
I have to agree with there. Sadly, that is the situation we are dealing with currently.[/size][/i]
Instead of dealing with getting a life and a job, of course.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5UKLRRM2iE]This is what the Palestinian economy looks like - YouTube[/ame]
Was that another "Pallywood production"? How much did it earn at the Arab box office when it came out?
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I'll take an anti-Communist, anti-Islamist, pro-America, Zionist site over your bullshit articles from anti-American anti-Semetic sites. Besides, I'm just quoting YOUR OWN LINK from Wikipedia, you fucking moron. Your Phil Giraldi is a BULLSHIT ARTIST that makes money feeding trolls like you with garbage claims like "How Jews did 9-11".
Your taste runs toward kosher bullshit like Google and Obama combining forces to censor web sites that don't care enough about their readers to run spell check?

Point out any factual errors in this Giraldi assessment from August 2005:

"In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran.

"The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States.

"The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites.

"Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States.

"Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections."

Are those Air Force officers all anti-semites?
Does everyone who objects to AIPAC decrees suffer from hatred of Jewish religion or ethnicity?

Deep Background | The American Conservative

Is the above source anti-American or Antisemitic.
I'm just wondering when will you stop shoveling this shit from anti-semetic, anti-American website with deceptive American or patriotic sounding names. It seems you're too stoooopid to realize that nobody sane is buying your crap.
You have little credibility when it comes to things sane.
Why don't you find something "un-American" or "Antisemitic" in The American Conservative?

I'm wondering if your handlers know how badly you're confusing US national interest with those of her strategic asset?

Maybe Sharon could give you a few pointers since you've got his current IQ.
Hey, True Americans----isn't it GREAT that Tyler Clary beat the CRAP out of that 7th-placer from Israel to win the gold in the 200 meter backstroke event today?

America first, right? (For Americans, doncha know.)
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Instead of dealing with getting a life and a job, of course.
Israel won't allow them to.
Well, they have such great jobs being terrorist shooting rockets at Israeli schools, or blowing up children, or oppressing their own people. You think these thugs are going to want to actually go to work and make a living? They're nothing but a mafia and a cancer not only on their own people, but on the entire world.
Your taste runs toward kosher bullshit like Google and Obama combining forces to censor web sites that don't care enough about their readers to run spell check?

Point out any factual errors in this Giraldi assessment from August 2005:

"In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran.

"The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States.

"The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites.

"Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States.

"Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections."

Are those Air Force officers all anti-semites?
Does everyone who objects to AIPAC decrees suffer from hatred of Jewish religion or ethnicity?

Deep Background | The American Conservative

Is the above source anti-American or Antisemitic.
I'm just wondering when will you stop shoveling this shit from anti-semetic, anti-American website with deceptive American or patriotic sounding names. It seems you're too stoooopid to realize that nobody sane is buying your crap.
You have little credibility when it comes to things sane.
Why don't you find something "un-American" or "Antisemitic" in The American Conservative?

I'm wondering if your handlers know how badly you're confusing US national interest with those of her strategic asset?

Maybe Sharon could give you a few pointers since you've got his current IQ.
right, another site for crazy terrorist worshipping vermin like you with an American or Patriotic sounding name. Oh look who I found writing article after article for this site? Yep, non other than anti Semetic dirtbag...drum roll please...PHILIP GIRALDI!

Philip Giraldi | The American Conservative

Perhaps "your" credibilty lies in the expertise of being on all fours at the local mosque, while the mosquitos are lining up to ride you?! Bwahahahahahaha!

Now crawl back into your hole before I make you eat even more shit, Moha-MUD!
Instead of dealing with getting a life and a job, of course.
Israel won't allow them to.

If they had Jobs and normal lives, they would not have been so busy with terror.

It's Israeli interest more than theirs.

We gave Palestinians jobs here in the south. It has ended badly.

Ahhh, the old "we gave Palestinians jobs" propaganda.

Why would Palestinians have to go to Israel for jobs?
Israel won't allow them to.

If they had Jobs and normal lives, they would not have been so busy with terror.

It's Israeli interest more than theirs.

We gave Palestinians jobs here in the south. It has ended badly.

Ahhh, the old "we gave Palestinians jobs" propaganda.

Why would Palestinians have to go to Israel for jobs?

Because it's better for them. They are gaining more money, i guess.

And why is it propaganda? In my town we gave Palestinians Jobs.

Matter of facts, the Arabs who work in our garden while I'm speaking with you right now, are Palestinians from outside the green line.

The conditions we give them are much better than what they can gain from the area of Hebron. Just sayin'.

My dad gives them a hard time, nonetheless. One of them tried to 'appreciate' me, in a way that was not to my father's liking. He gave him a piece of his mind though. It was inappropriate. They know now that they don't come knocking on our house's doors while my father is not home. It's against our tradition, opening the door for strange men. not to mention THEM.
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My dad gives them a hard time, nonetheless. One of them tried to 'appreciate' me, in a way that was not to my father's liking. He gave him a piece of his mind though. It was inappropriate. They know now that they don't come knocking on our house's doors while my father is not home. It's against our tradition, opening the door for strange men. not to mention THEM.
Sounds like a Southern belle from a century ago talking about the field Negroes.
If they had Jobs and normal lives, they would not have been so busy with terror.

It's Israeli interest more than theirs.

We gave Palestinians jobs here in the south. It has ended badly.

Ahhh, the old "we gave Palestinians jobs" propaganda.

Why would Palestinians have to go to Israel for jobs?

Because it's better for them. They are gaining more money, i guess.

And why is it propaganda? In my town we gave Palestinians Jobs.

Matter of facts, the Arabs who work in our garden while I'm speaking with you right now, are Palestinians from outside the green line.

The conditions we give them are much better than what they can gain from the area of Hebron. Just sayin'.

My dad gives them a hard time, nonetheless. One of them tried to 'appreciate' me, in a way that was not to my father's liking. He gave him a piece of his mind though. It was inappropriate. They know now that they don't come knocking on our house's doors while my father is not home. It's against our tradition, opening the door for strange men. not to mention THEM.

I am not surprised that you are missing my point. Here is a hint.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3JI-axaRF4]Rachel Corrie - Interview - YouTube[/ame]
Ahhh, the old "we gave Palestinians jobs" propaganda.

Why would Palestinians have to go to Israel for jobs?

Because it's better for them. They are gaining more money, i guess.

And why is it propaganda? In my town we gave Palestinians Jobs.

Matter of facts, the Arabs who work in our garden while I'm speaking with you right now, are Palestinians from outside the green line.

The conditions we give them are much better than what they can gain from the area of Hebron. Just sayin'.

My dad gives them a hard time, nonetheless. One of them tried to 'appreciate' me, in a way that was not to my father's liking. He gave him a piece of his mind though. It was inappropriate. They know now that they don't come knocking on our house's doors while my father is not home. It's against our tradition, opening the door for strange men. not to mention THEM.

I am not surprised that you are missing my point. Here is a hint.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3JI-axaRF4]Rachel Corrie - Interview - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah. Bring me the NutJob that is Rachel Corrie.


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