5 Reasons Israel Is Losing the Public Relations Battle

Because it's better for them. They are gaining more money, i guess.

And why is it propaganda? In my town we gave Palestinians Jobs.

Matter of facts, the Arabs who work in our garden while I'm speaking with you right now, are Palestinians from outside the green line.

The conditions we give them are much better than what they can gain from the area of Hebron. Just sayin'.

My dad gives them a hard time, nonetheless. One of them tried to 'appreciate' me, in a way that was not to my father's liking. He gave him a piece of his mind though. It was inappropriate. They know now that they don't come knocking on our house's doors while my father is not home. It's against our tradition, opening the door for strange men. not to mention THEM.

I am not surprised that you are missing my point. Here is a hint.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3JI-axaRF4]Rachel Corrie - Interview - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah. Bring me the NutJob that is Rachel Corrie.


There is more truth out of Rachel Corrie than all the liars in your government put together.

Nice deflection from the Issues, though.
I'm just wondering when will you stop shoveling this shit from anti-semetic, anti-American website with deceptive American or patriotic sounding names. It seems you're too stoooopid to realize that nobody sane is buying your crap.
You have little credibility when it comes to things sane.
Why don't you find something "un-American" or "Antisemitic" in The American Conservative?

I'm wondering if your handlers know how badly you're confusing US national interest with those of her strategic asset?

Maybe Sharon could give you a few pointers since you've got his current IQ.
right, another site for crazy terrorist worshipping vermin like you with an American or Patriotic sounding name. Oh look who I found writing article after article for this site? Yep, non other than anti Semetic dirtbag...drum roll please...PHILIP GIRALDI!

Philip Giraldi | The American Conservative

Perhaps "your" credibilty lies in the expertise of being on all fours at the local mosque, while the mosquitos are lining up to ride you?! Bwahahahahahaha!

Now crawl back into your hole before I make you eat even more shit, Moha-MUD!
While your credibility comes from being Israel's Retarded Bitch.
Does your flag flutter a blue Star of David or green $?

Since you still haven't managed to quote a single line of Phil Giraldi's alleged antisemitic ramblings, I'll make it easier for a stupid hasbara hack like yourself.

Tell us everything you know about Rafi Eitan, Ben-Ami Kadish, and Jonathan Pollard and their roles in spying on the US government; you know...the same government that makes the Jewish state possible?

From CBS:

"I've been covering Israel's espionage agencies for almost 20 years, and suddenly this morning (2008) there was a blast from the past – an arrest in what FBI personnel for years had called 'the hunt for Agent X.'

"American investigators refused to believe Israel's official contention that the Jonathan Pollard affair – running an agent with U.S. Naval Intelligence, who delivered thousands of secret documents to the Israelis – was an isolated incident.

"The long memory and long arm of the law finally grabbed Ben-Ami Kadish, whose alleged crimes apparently took place before Pollard was arrested in November 1985.

"According to prosecutors, Kadish and Pollard were tasked by the same 'handler' – a science attach? at Israel's Consulate-General in New York. That man vanished from the U.S. within hours of Pollard's arrest. Pollard eventually was sentenced to life in prison."

Breaking The "Unwritten Rule" In Israeli Espionage - Couric & Co. - CBS News

Be sure to MOAN loud and long about all the mean ol' antisemitic US corporate media since you're obviously a synagogue slut with a rich, kosher dick stuck in every orifice, right?
"I've been covering Israel's espionage agencies for almost 20 years, and suddenly this morning (2008) there was a blast from the past – an arrest in what FBI personnel for years had called 'the hunt for Agent X.'
What does Batman have to say?
You have little credibility when it comes to things sane.
Why don't you find something "un-American" or "Antisemitic" in The American Conservative?

I'm wondering if your handlers know how badly you're confusing US national interest with those of her strategic asset?

Maybe Sharon could give you a few pointers since you've got his current IQ.
right, another site for crazy terrorist worshipping vermin like you with an American or Patriotic sounding name. Oh look who I found writing article after article for this site? Yep, non other than anti Semetic dirtbag...drum roll please...PHILIP GIRALDI!

Philip Giraldi | The American Conservative

Perhaps "your" credibilty lies in the expertise of being on all fours at the local mosque, while the mosquitos are lining up to ride you?! Bwahahahahahaha!

Now crawl back into your hole before I make you eat even more shit, Moha-MUD!
While your credibility comes from being Israel's Retarded Bitch.
Does your flag flutter a blue Star of David or green $?

Since you still haven't managed to quote a single line of Phil Giraldi's alleged antisemitic ramblings, I'll make it easier for a stupid hasbara hack like yourself.

Tell us everything you know about Rafi Eitan, Ben-Ami Kadish, and Jonathan Pollard and their roles in spying on the US government; you know...the same government that makes the Jewish state possible?

From CBS:

"I've been covering Israel's espionage agencies for almost 20 years, and suddenly this morning (2008) there was a blast from the past – an arrest in what FBI personnel for years had called 'the hunt for Agent X.'

"American investigators refused to believe Israel's official contention that the Jonathan Pollard affair – running an agent with U.S. Naval Intelligence, who delivered thousands of secret documents to the Israelis – was an isolated incident.

"The long memory and long arm of the law finally grabbed Ben-Ami Kadish, whose alleged crimes apparently took place before Pollard was arrested in November 1985.

"According to prosecutors, Kadish and Pollard were tasked by the same 'handler' – a science attach? at Israel's Consulate-General in New York. That man vanished from the U.S. within hours of Pollard's arrest. Pollard eventually was sentenced to life in prison."

Breaking The "Unwritten Rule" In Israeli Espionage - Couric & Co. - CBS News

Be sure to MOAN loud and long about all the mean ol' antisemitic US corporate media since you're obviously a synagogue slut with a rich, kosher dick stuck in every orifice, right?
Yep, Terrorist worshipping cocksuckers like George Philip think Israel is a greater threat than Islamic terrorist animals. What else is new. Must be something in the water they drink probably.
"I've been covering Israel's espionage agencies for almost 20 years, and suddenly this morning (2008) there was a blast from the past – an arrest in what FBI personnel for years had called 'the hunt for Agent X.'
What does Batman have to say?
Batman says Phil Giraldi should be the next US President, and Jonathan Pollard should die in prison.
What say you, drivel?
"I've been covering Israel's espionage agencies for almost 20 years, and suddenly this morning (2008) there was a blast from the past – an arrest in what FBI personnel for years had called 'the hunt for Agent X.'
What does Batman have to say?
Batman says Phil Giraldi should be the next US President, and Jonathan Pollard should die in prison.
What say you, drivel?
Batman says George shouldn't be masturbating to these IslamoNazi wetdreams so much. Batman also says at US and International airports across the world, when they make everybody take their shoes off and search them from top to bottom, it ain't Jewish or Israeli terrorists they're looking for, it's George's boyfriends at the mosque.
right, another site for crazy terrorist worshipping vermin like you with an American or Patriotic sounding name. Oh look who I found writing article after article for this site? Yep, non other than anti Semetic dirtbag...drum roll please...PHILIP GIRALDI!

Philip Giraldi | The American Conservative

Perhaps "your" credibilty lies in the expertise of being on all fours at the local mosque, while the mosquitos are lining up to ride you?! Bwahahahahahaha!

Now crawl back into your hole before I make you eat even more shit, Moha-MUD!
While your credibility comes from being Israel's Retarded Bitch.
Does your flag flutter a blue Star of David or green $?

Since you still haven't managed to quote a single line of Phil Giraldi's alleged antisemitic ramblings, I'll make it easier for a stupid hasbara hack like yourself.

Tell us everything you know about Rafi Eitan, Ben-Ami Kadish, and Jonathan Pollard and their roles in spying on the US government; you know...the same government that makes the Jewish state possible?

From CBS:

"I've been covering Israel's espionage agencies for almost 20 years, and suddenly this morning (2008) there was a blast from the past – an arrest in what FBI personnel for years had called 'the hunt for Agent X.'

"American investigators refused to believe Israel's official contention that the Jonathan Pollard affair – running an agent with U.S. Naval Intelligence, who delivered thousands of secret documents to the Israelis – was an isolated incident.

"The long memory and long arm of the law finally grabbed Ben-Ami Kadish, whose alleged crimes apparently took place before Pollard was arrested in November 1985.

"According to prosecutors, Kadish and Pollard were tasked by the same 'handler' – a science attach? at Israel's Consulate-General in New York. That man vanished from the U.S. within hours of Pollard's arrest. Pollard eventually was sentenced to life in prison."

Breaking The "Unwritten Rule" In Israeli Espionage - Couric & Co. - CBS News

Be sure to MOAN loud and long about all the mean ol' antisemitic US corporate media since you're obviously a synagogue slut with a rich, kosher dick stuck in every orifice, right?
Yep, Terrorist worshipping cocksuckers like George Philip think Israel is a greater threat than Islamic terrorist animals. What else is new. Must be something in the water they drink probably.
Israel is a much greater threat to the US, just ask any survivor of the USS Liberty.
Any Islamic version of Jonathan Pollard who turned over thousands of secret documents to the Taliban probably wouldn't have John "Songbird" McCain singing for his release from prison, would he?
When are you coming up with a Phil Giraldi quote proving he's antisemitic, when Mitt moves the US embassy to Jerusalem?

"Philip Giraldi (born c. 1946[1]) is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a columnist and television commentator who is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a group that advocates for more even handed policies by the U.S. government in the Middle East.[2]"

Philip Giraldi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel won't allow them to.

If they had Jobs and normal lives, they would not have been so busy with terror.

It's Israeli interest more than theirs.

We gave Palestinians jobs here in the south. It has ended badly.

Ahhh, the old "we gave Palestinians jobs" propaganda.

Why would Palestinians have to go to Israel for jobs?

Arabs living in Palestine have been seeking jobs from jews living in Palestine for MANY CENTURIES. The fact that arabs worked for jews for centuries in Palestine did result in some emnity Keep in mind-----jews in Jerusalem did depend on jews abroad for support-----so even if they were impoverished they did have a little money----which was usually more than the starving and diseased and neglected arabs of jerusalem had Such situations lead to hatreds Your ignorance is fascinating. As impoverished as the jews of jerusalem were 150 years ago------their children did not starve to death in the gutters as did the children of arab parents.
While your credibility comes from being Israel's Retarded Bitch.
Does your flag flutter a blue Star of David or green $?

Since you still haven't managed to quote a single line of Phil Giraldi's alleged antisemitic ramblings, I'll make it easier for a stupid hasbara hack like yourself.

Tell us everything you know about Rafi Eitan, Ben-Ami Kadish, and Jonathan Pollard and their roles in spying on the US government; you know...the same government that makes the Jewish state possible?

From CBS:

"I've been covering Israel's espionage agencies for almost 20 years, and suddenly this morning (2008) there was a blast from the past – an arrest in what FBI personnel for years had called 'the hunt for Agent X.'

"American investigators refused to believe Israel's official contention that the Jonathan Pollard affair – running an agent with U.S. Naval Intelligence, who delivered thousands of secret documents to the Israelis – was an isolated incident.

"The long memory and long arm of the law finally grabbed Ben-Ami Kadish, whose alleged crimes apparently took place before Pollard was arrested in November 1985.

"According to prosecutors, Kadish and Pollard were tasked by the same 'handler' – a science attach? at Israel's Consulate-General in New York. That man vanished from the U.S. within hours of Pollard's arrest. Pollard eventually was sentenced to life in prison."

Breaking The "Unwritten Rule" In Israeli Espionage - Couric & Co. - CBS News

Be sure to MOAN loud and long about all the mean ol' antisemitic US corporate media since you're obviously a synagogue slut with a rich, kosher dick stuck in every orifice, right?
Yep, Terrorist worshipping cocksuckers like George Philip think Israel is a greater threat than Islamic terrorist animals. What else is new. Must be something in the water they drink probably.
Israel is a much greater threat to the US, just ask any survivor of the USS Liberty.
Any Islamic version of Jonathan Pollard who turned over thousands of secret documents to the Taliban probably wouldn't have John "Songbird" McCain singing for his release from prison, would he?
When are you coming up with a Phil Giraldi quote proving he's antisemitic, when Mitt moves the US embassy to Jerusalem?

"Philip Giraldi (born c. 1946[1]) is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a columnist and television commentator who is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a group that advocates for more even handed policies by the U.S. government in the Middle East.[2]"

Philip Giraldi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It has been proven that Philip Giraldi is an IslamoNazi worshipping cocksucker and so are you. He makes money by writing anti semetic, anti Israel articles like how "Jews did 9-11" for scumbags like you.
Because it's better for them. They are gaining more money, i guess.

And why is it propaganda? In my town we gave Palestinians Jobs.

Matter of facts, the Arabs who work in our garden while I'm speaking with you right now, are Palestinians from outside the green line.

The conditions we give them are much better than what they can gain from the area of Hebron. Just sayin'.

My dad gives them a hard time, nonetheless. One of them tried to 'appreciate' me, in a way that was not to my father's liking. He gave him a piece of his mind though. It was inappropriate. They know now that they don't come knocking on our house's doors while my father is not home. It's against our tradition, opening the door for strange men. not to mention THEM.

I am not surprised that you are missing my point. Here is a hint.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3JI-axaRF4]Rachel Corrie - Interview - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah. Bring me the NutJob that is Rachel Corrie.


For many reasons, I am a staunch supporter of Israel. But I will share with you this one time, that for many of us who have served in the military and intelligence sectors of the United States, it is known that this young lady was not what you say. She was a sweet, intelligent, caring young person, and did not need to die in the manner in which she was killed. So, lest you remind me of my doubts, lets keep your arguments to the broader topic at hand, that Israel still has our support, and should keep it in the face of growing international distain.
If they had Jobs and normal lives, they would not have been so busy with terror.

It's Israeli interest more than theirs.

We gave Palestinians jobs here in the south. It has ended badly.

Ahhh, the old "we gave Palestinians jobs" propaganda.

Why would Palestinians have to go to Israel for jobs?

Because it's better for them. They are gaining more money, i guess.

And why is it propaganda? In my town we gave Palestinians Jobs.

Matter of facts, the Arabs who work in our garden while I'm speaking with you right now, are Palestinians from outside the green line.

The conditions we give them are much better than what they can gain from the area of Hebron. Just sayin'.

My dad gives them a hard time, nonetheless. One of them tried to 'appreciate' me, in a way that was not to my father's liking. He gave him a piece of his mind though. It was inappropriate. They know now that they don't come knocking on our house's doors while my father is not home. It's against our tradition, opening the door for strange men. not to mention THEM.
Well, imagine that. It IS part of their culture, to take in strangers.
Because it's better for them. They are gaining more money, i guess.

And why is it propaganda? In my town we gave Palestinians Jobs.

Matter of facts, the Arabs who work in our garden while I'm speaking with you right now, are Palestinians from outside the green line.

The conditions we give them are much better than what they can gain from the area of Hebron. Just sayin'.

My dad gives them a hard time, nonetheless. One of them tried to 'appreciate' me, in a way that was not to my father's liking. He gave him a piece of his mind though. It was inappropriate. They know now that they don't come knocking on our house's doors while my father is not home. It's against our tradition, opening the door for strange men. not to mention THEM.

I am not surprised that you are missing my point. Here is a hint.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3JI-axaRF4]Rachel Corrie - Interview - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah. Bring me the NutJob that is Rachel Corrie.

How about Pat Tillman?

"Corporal Patrick Daniel 'Pat' Tillman[1] (November 6, 1976 – April 22, 2004) was an American football player who left his professional career and enlisted in the United States Army in June 2002 in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks. He joined the Army Rangers and served several tours in combat before he died in the mountains of Afghanistan."

Pat had other ideas about Rachel Corrie since neither was afraid to open their doors to THEM, unlike racist cowards who LOL at heroes.

"This piece from Mary Tillman’s (Pat's mother) book sums it up well:

"The article is about Rachel Corrie, the 23 year old peace activist from Olympia, Washington who was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer on March 16, 2003, trying to protect the home of a Palestinian doctor and his family.

"I remember picking up the article from the same spot more than a year ago and asking Pat, 'Who’s this?'

"'That’s my hero,' Pat said. "She was a stud; she had a lot of guts.'”

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Yep, Terrorist worshipping cocksuckers like George Philip think Israel is a greater threat than Islamic terrorist animals. What else is new. Must be something in the water they drink probably.
Israel is a much greater threat to the US, just ask any survivor of the USS Liberty.
Any Islamic version of Jonathan Pollard who turned over thousands of secret documents to the Taliban probably wouldn't have John "Songbird" McCain singing for his release from prison, would he?
When are you coming up with a Phil Giraldi quote proving he's antisemitic, when Mitt moves the US embassy to Jerusalem?

"Philip Giraldi (born c. 1946[1]) is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a columnist and television commentator who is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a group that advocates for more even handed policies by the U.S. government in the Middle East.[2]"

Philip Giraldi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It has been proven that Philip Giraldi is an IslamoNazi worshipping cocksucker and so are you. He makes money by writing anti semetic, anti Israel articles like how "Jews did 9-11" for scumbags like you.
What's actually been proven is that the founder of the Jewish state, David Ben-Gurion, favorite expression sums up the racist creed that pathic punks like you swallow like Moses: "It is not important what the Gentiles say, what matters is what Jews do."

"During the 1948 war, Ben-Gurion's view was that 'To the Arabs of the Land of Israel only one function remains -- to run away.'

"The words reflected traditional Zionist attitudes. Chaim Weizmann, the first President of Israel and the most revered Zionist figure, observed casually that the British had informed him that in Palestine 'there are a few hundred thousand Negroes, but that is a matter of no significance.'

"Weizmann had in turn informed Lord Balfour after World War I that 'the issue known as the Arab problem in Palestine will be of merely local character and, in effect, anyone cognizant of the situation does not consider it a highly significant factor.'

"Hence displacement of the Arabs and expansion of the Jewish settlement can be pursued with no moral qualms, merely tactical concerns."

Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes, by Noam Chomsky

Proving yet again that ALL racist shit clumps, Chump.
I am not surprised that you are missing my point. Here is a hint.

Rachel Corrie - Interview - YouTube

Yeah. Bring me the NutJob that is Rachel Corrie.


For many reasons, I am a staunch supporter of Israel. But I will share with you this one time, that for many of us who have served in the military and intelligence sectors of the United States, it is known that this young lady was not what you say. She was a sweet, intelligent, caring young person, and did not need to die in the manner in which she was killed. So, lest you remind me of my doubts, lets keep your arguments to the broader topic at hand, that Israel still has our support, and should keep it in the face of growing international distain.
Some of Rachel's first emails from Gaza prove your assessment of her character:

"I have been in Palestine for two weeks and one hour now, and I still have very few words to describe what I see. It is most difficult for me to think about what's going on here when I sit down to write back to the United States.

"...I don't know if many of the children here have ever existed without tank-shell holes in their walls and the towers of an occupying army surveying them constantly from the near horizons.

"I think, although I'm not entirely sure, that even the smallest of these children understand that life is not like this everywhere.

"An eight-year-old was shot and killed by an Israeli tank two days before I got here, and many of the children murmur his name to me - Ali - or point at the posters of him on the walls."

Rachel's war | World news | The Guardian
"'That’s my hero,' Pat said. "She was a stud; she had a lot of guts.'”
A rather disturbing sexual charge of the above aside, we may say that burning the US flag doesn't require "a lot of guts", as it turned out it only required a dumb fem and a lighter and ... burn, baby, burn.
"'That’s my hero,' Pat said. "She was a stud; she had a lot of guts.'”
A rather disturbing sexual charge of the above aside, we may say that burning the US flag doesn't require "a lot of guts", as it turned out it only required a dumb fem and a lighter and ... burn, baby, burn.

Another Israel-first Talking Point/LIE!

Of course, NO ONE can substantiate the NaZionist propaganda that Rachel Corrie "burned an American flag". (As though that would justify murdering her in cold blood by running over her with a US-made Caterpillar....TWICE.)
"'That’s my hero,' Pat said. "She was a stud; she had a lot of guts.'”
A rather disturbing sexual charge of the above aside, we may say that burning the US flag doesn't require "a lot of guts", as it turned out it only required a dumb fem and a lighter and ... burn, baby, burn.

Another Israel-first Talking Point/LIE!

Of course, NO ONE can substantiate the NaZionist propaganda that Rachel Corrie "burned an American flag". (As though that would justify murdering her in cold blood by running over her with a US-made Caterpillar....TWICE.)





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"'That’s my hero,' Pat said. "She was a stud; she had a lot of guts.'”
A rather disturbing sexual charge of the above aside, we may say that burning the US flag doesn't require "a lot of guts", as it turned out it only required a dumb fem and a lighter and ... burn, baby, burn.

Another Israel-first Talking Point/LIE!

Of course, NO ONE can substantiate the NaZionist propaganda that Rachel Corrie "burned an American flag". (As though that would justify murdering her in cold blood by running over her with a US-made Caterpillar....TWICE.)

PS- Note to the lame-of-mind/haters of US peace activists:
This is what a US flag IS:
Flag description: 13 equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white; there is a blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner bearing 50 small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars; the 50 stars represent the 50 states, the 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies; the blue stands for loyalty, devotion, truth, justice, and friendship; red symbolizes courage, zeal, and fervency, while white denotes purity and rectitude of conduct; commonly referred to by its nickname of Old Glory

Thus, for anyone who truly understands, the US flag is NOT a child's crayon scribbles on a piece of paper.

AMERICA FIRST! No more vilifying US peace activists MURDERED by IDF slime.
Note to anti-Americans:
If you are a citizen of another country, I do not expect you to be an "America-Firster".

But, if you claim to be a US citizen, yet make fun of True Americans (like Pat Tillman, US HERO) and Rachel Corrie, you are living up to the stereotype of the crypto-Israeli; i.e., that old stereotype which states that no matter where an Israel-firster lives, his/her fealty is always to Israel.

"Next year in Jerusalem"- what's taking you? So go there already!

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