5 scumbags I'd love to see forced into a face slapping contest.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Don't let the description of slapping fool you, slapping contests are brutal, full contact competitions, sometimes where one of the participants is knocked out cold by one slap. I would pay to watch the following shitbags be forced to be in a face slapping contest against my person of choice, 6'7" 400 pound former pro-wrestler, current FOX News host, Tyrus. This guy has huge hands and outstanding strength and can easily knock some out cold with a single slap. So here is my list I'd like to see Tyrus slap, using 100% power:

1. Adam Shitt - all you have to do is look at his face and you want to see him slapped so hard he never recovers. Adam is a child molester, he molested and raped boys at the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood. Not to mention, there is not a more corrupt and dishonest America-hating shitbag than Shitt. By far, Shitt is the #1 choice of shitbags I'd love to see slapped so hard he never recovers from it

2. John Bolton - nothing worse that a backstabber. But John Bolton is a special kind of coward. He enlisted in the Maryland National Guard to avoid being drafted for the Vietnam war. In spite of his being a vehement supporter of the Vietnam war (but then again, can anyone name a war Bolton has been against?), this chickenshit didn't want to go overseas and fight in Vietnam. So, here are the words of this pile of shit:

Though Bolton supported the Vietnam War, he declined to enter combat duty, instead enlisting in the National Guard and attending law school after his 1970 graduation. “I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy,” Bolton wrote of his decision in the 25th reunion book. “I considered the war in Vietnam already lost.”

If John Bolton had his way, American would be at war with every country on this planet. This guy truly is a sack of shit in every sense of the word. He is on my list of people's graves I plan on pissing on.

3. Rick Wilson - another war loving sack of shit. The shitbag never served, but oh my, there isn't a war this fucking asshole doesn't love. If someone can think of anything good to say about this pile of shit, please let me know, like my first 2 choices, I honestly can't think of one redeeming quality about this anus. If Rick Wilson should come into a restaurant where I am the the executive chef at, I will personally shit and piss in his meal.

4. Mitt Romney - what the fuck is this worthless backstabbing, America-hating pile of shit doing in the Republican Party?. While I am no fan of the GOP, when I see Romney, I don't see one Republican trait about him. If ever there was a color pictured, textbook example of an establishment shitstain, Shitt Romney is it. Shitt Romney is another person who is on my list of graves to piss on list. All I can say is thank God Romney lost to Barack Obama, had Romney won, he would have stabbed American in the back in a way like no other traitor ever could have - not even Benedict Arnold.

5. Charles Schumer - oh, oh, oh, what I would give to see Tyrus slap him full force. This Schumer fuck and his lowered glasses, trying to come off as some arrogant intellect who is oh so superior to all. Oh, just the sight of Tyrus slapping him so hard and sending those glasses 30 to 50 feet in whatever direction they may fly and seeing Charles on the floor unconscious would truly be a beautiful sight.
Don't let the description of slapping fool you, slapping contests are brutal, full contact competitions, sometimes where one of the participants is knocked out cold by one slap. I would pay to watch the following shitbags be forced to be in a face slapping contest against my person of choice, 6'7" 400 pound former pro-wrestler, current FOX News host, Tyrus. This guy has huge hands and outstanding strength and can easily knock some out cold with a single slap. So here is my list I'd like to see Tyrus slap, using 100% power:

1. Adam Shitt - all you have to do is look at his face and you want to see him slapped so hard he never recovers. Adam is a child molester, he molested and raped boys at the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood. Not to mention, there is not a more corrupt and dishonest America-hating shitbag than Shitt. By far, Shitt is the #1 choice of shitbags I'd love to see slapped so hard he never recovers from it

2. John Bolton - nothing worse that a backstabber. But John Bolton is a special kind of coward. He enlisted in the Maryland National Guard to avoid being drafted for the Vietnam war. In spite of his being a vehement supporter of the Vietnam war (but then again, can anyone name a war Bolton has been against?), this chickenshit didn't want to go overseas and fight in Vietnam. So, here are the words of this pile of shit:

Though Bolton supported the Vietnam War, he declined to enter combat duty, instead enlisting in the National Guard and attending law school after his 1970 graduation. “I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy,” Bolton wrote of his decision in the 25th reunion book. “I considered the war in Vietnam already lost.”

If John Bolton had his way, American would be at war with every country on this planet. This guy truly is a sack of shit in every sense of the word. He is on my list of people's graves I plan on pissing on.

3. Rick Wilson - another war loving sack of shit. The shitbag never served, but oh my, there isn't a war this fucking asshole doesn't love. If someone can think of anything good to say about this pile of shit, please let me know, like my first 2 choices, I honestly can't think of one redeeming quality about this anus. If Rick Wilson should come into a restaurant where I am the the executive chef at, I will personally shit and piss in his meal.

4. Mitt Romney - what the fuck is this worthless backstabbing, America-hating pile of shit doing in the Republican Party?. While I am no fan of the GOP, when I see Romney, I don't see one Republican trait about him. If ever there was a color pictured, textbook example of an establishment shitstain, Shitt Romney is it. Shitt Romney is another person who is on my list of graves to piss on list. All I can say is thank God Romney lost to Barack Obama, had Romney won, he would have stabbed American in the back in a way like no other traitor ever could have - not even Benedict Arnold.

5. Charles Schumer - oh, oh, oh, what I would give to see Tyrus slap him full force. This Schumer fuck and his lowered glasses, trying to come off as some arrogant intellect who is oh so superior to all. Oh, just the sight of Tyrus slapping him so hard and sending those glasses 30 to 50 feet in whatever direction they may fly and seeing Charles on the floor unconscious would truly be a beautiful sight.
I'd join you. Although I wouldn't want to just slap them. A tire iron to the cranium MAY knock some sense into them. And THEN force them to listen to a 24 hour non-ending loop of either Air Supply or Barry Manilow.
Don't let the description of slapping fool you, slapping contests are brutal, full contact competitions, sometimes where one of the participants is knocked out cold by one slap. I would pay to watch the following shitbags be forced to be in a face slapping contest against my person of choice, 6'7" 400 pound former pro-wrestler, current FOX News host, Tyrus. This guy has huge hands and outstanding strength and can easily knock some out cold with a single slap. So here is my list I'd like to see Tyrus slap, using 100% power:

1. Adam Shitt - all you have to do is look at his face and you want to see him slapped so hard he never recovers. Adam is a child molester, he molested and raped boys at the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood. Not to mention, there is not a more corrupt and dishonest America-hating shitbag than Shitt. By far, Shitt is the #1 choice of shitbags I'd love to see slapped so hard he never recovers from it

2. John Bolton - nothing worse that a backstabber. But John Bolton is a special kind of coward. He enlisted in the Maryland National Guard to avoid being drafted for the Vietnam war. In spite of his being a vehement supporter of the Vietnam war (but then again, can anyone name a war Bolton has been against?), this chickenshit didn't want to go overseas and fight in Vietnam. So, here are the words of this pile of shit:

Though Bolton supported the Vietnam War, he declined to enter combat duty, instead enlisting in the National Guard and attending law school after his 1970 graduation. “I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy,” Bolton wrote of his decision in the 25th reunion book. “I considered the war in Vietnam already lost.”

If John Bolton had his way, American would be at war with every country on this planet. This guy truly is a sack of shit in every sense of the word. He is on my list of people's graves I plan on pissing on.

3. Rick Wilson - another war loving sack of shit. The shitbag never served, but oh my, there isn't a war this fucking asshole doesn't love. If someone can think of anything good to say about this pile of shit, please let me know, like my first 2 choices, I honestly can't think of one redeeming quality about this anus. If Rick Wilson should come into a restaurant where I am the the executive chef at, I will personally shit and piss in his meal.

4. Mitt Romney - what the fuck is this worthless backstabbing, America-hating pile of shit doing in the Republican Party?. While I am no fan of the GOP, when I see Romney, I don't see one Republican trait about him. If ever there was a color pictured, textbook example of an establishment shitstain, Shitt Romney is it. Shitt Romney is another person who is on my list of graves to piss on list. All I can say is thank God Romney lost to Barack Obama, had Romney won, he would have stabbed American in the back in a way like no other traitor ever could have - not even Benedict Arnold.

5. Charles Schumer - oh, oh, oh, what I would give to see Tyrus slap him full force. This Schumer fuck and his lowered glasses, trying to come off as some arrogant intellect who is oh so superior to all. Oh, just the sight of Tyrus slapping him so hard and sending those glasses 30 to 50 feet in whatever direction they may fly and seeing Charles on the floor unconscious would truly be a beautiful sight.
I will add that Pelosi needs to be on that list.
6) Sean Hannity

For over eight years this low IQ, low vocabulary, knuckle dragging neocon gas bag carried the water for Chimpy Dubya Bush at each and every turn.....Now he's trying to play himself off as the "constitutional conservative".

Somebody please give that assshole the jackknife powerbomb.

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