5 y/o shoots himself to death

If her reason for bring that gun was to protect herself and the kids while she was there, she should have put it where only she could find it.

God bless you and the kid's family always!!!

John Read, 5-Year-Old, Fatally Shot Self With Babysitter Melissa Ann Ringhardt's Gun: Police

A Texas teen was arrested after police say a boy she was babysitting shot and killed himself with her gun while she took a nap.

Melissa Ann Ringhardt, 19, was charged Tuesday in the death of 5-year-old John Read, The Orange Leader reports. Ringhardt lives in Vidor with the boy's family, who left him and a 6-month-old child in her care Monday afternoon, according to NBC News.

One of the nutters here said this morning that little kids lacked the physical strength and the coordination to be able to kill themselves with guns. Wouldn't it be nice if it were actually true?

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

Orange County deputies say the teen put her semiautomatic .40-caliber handgun on a coffee table before going to take a nap. When she awoke, she found the 5-year-old lying on the floor in the living room with a gunshot wound to the head.

How much would this handgun weigh?

Obviously not enough to keep this little guy from firing it.

Someone who makes a stupid ass blanket statement as this:

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

isn't worth replying to.

This where I disagree -

I said it before and I'll say it again, IF you give a gun to child, you are responsive and should be legally liable for what that child does with that gun.

Every single death of a child caused by a gun is preventable. You can argue that all you want. You can say gun owners should not be responsible but you are wrong.

Take responsibility for your gun.

The owner of the gun that killed this child is 19. Her life is over. Who taught her how to be responsible for that gun?

From the whining from the rw nutters here, I'd bet it was another one like you. Last night, one of you posted that his children have access to loaded guns and that he would 'split his ass' if he did something that displeases daddy the tyrant.

Bet her father was just another asshole who doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself and just never quite got around to telling this girl that her gun could kill.
....faster than a Liberal on a school shooting

Ah...so only liberals are concerned when these things happen. Thanks for the confirmation.

Since they keep saying they're not responsible, I guess we should be grateful they admit they don't give a shit about dead babies.

And anyone who has ever had a child knows that a 5 year old is indeed, a baby.
Who cares?

Five year olds have a second amendment right to shoot themselves
Hi Luddly: Since you posted publicly you wanted to do more to end bigotry and hatred
can we please start by stopping the use of the word NUTTER can you consider
this is like calling someone a ******. If you can understand that, we might take
steps to dismantle what causes bigotry. It's simple things we can change like this that make an impact.

Thank you Luddly

John Read, 5-Year-Old, Fatally Shot Self With Babysitter Melissa Ann Ringhardt's Gun: Police

A Texas teen was arrested after police say a boy she was babysitting shot and killed himself with her gun while she took a nap.

Melissa Ann Ringhardt, 19, was charged Tuesday in the death of 5-year-old John Read, The Orange Leader reports. Ringhardt lives in Vidor with the boy's family, who left him and a 6-month-old child in her care Monday afternoon, according to NBC News.

One of the nutters here said this morning that little kids lacked the physical strength and the coordination to be able to kill themselves with guns. Wouldn't it be nice if it were actually true?

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

Orange County deputies say the teen put her semiautomatic .40-caliber handgun on a coffee table before going to take a nap. When she awoke, she found the 5-year-old lying on the floor in the living room with a gunshot wound to the head.

How much would this handgun weigh?

Obviously not enough to keep this little guy from firing it.
Hi Luddly: Since you posted publicly you wanted to do more to end bigotry and hatred
can we please start by stopping the use of the word NUTTER can you consider
this is like calling someone a ******.
If you can understand that, we might take
steps to dismantle what causes bigotry. It's simple things we can change like this that make an impact.

Thank you Luddly

John Read, 5-Year-Old, Fatally Shot Self With Babysitter Melissa Ann Ringhardt's Gun: Police

A Texas teen was arrested after police say a boy she was babysitting shot and killed himself with her gun while she took a nap.

Melissa Ann Ringhardt, 19, was charged Tuesday in the death of 5-year-old John Read, The Orange Leader reports. Ringhardt lives in Vidor with the boy's family, who left him and a 6-month-old child in her care Monday afternoon, according to NBC News.

One of the nutters here said this morning that little kids lacked the physical strength and the coordination to be able to kill themselves with guns. Wouldn't it be nice if it were actually true?

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

Orange County deputies say the teen put her semiautomatic .40-caliber handgun on a coffee table before going to take a nap. When she awoke, she found the 5-year-old lying on the floor in the living room with a gunshot wound to the head.

How much would this handgun weigh?

Obviously not enough to keep this little guy from firing it.

Had to laugh at that comment. Here is a thread about the tragedy of a kid killing himself with his baby sitters gun. Unbelievable tragedy.

You are concerned someone calls someone a "nutter".

HMMMMUMM.. Maybe he is calling them like he sees them. Nutters.
John Read, 5-Year-Old, Fatally Shot Self With Babysitter Melissa Ann Ringhardt's Gun: Police

One of the nutters here said this morning that little kids lacked the physical strength and the coordination to be able to kill themselves with guns. Wouldn't it be nice if it were actually true?

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

How much would this handgun weigh?

Obviously not enough to keep this little guy from firing it.

Someone who makes a stupid ass blanket statement as this:

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

isn't worth replying to.

This where I disagree -

I said it before and I'll say it again, IF you give a gun to child, you are responsive and should be legally liable for what that child does with that gun.

Every single death of a child caused by a gun is preventable. You can argue that all you want. You can say gun owners should not be responsible but you are wrong.

Take responsibility for your gun.

The owner of the gun that killed this child is 19. Her life is over. Who taught her how to be responsible for that gun?

From the whining from the rw nutters here, I'd bet it was another one like you. Last night, one of you posted that his children have access to loaded guns and that he would 'split his ass' if he did something that displeases daddy the tyrant.

Bet her father was just another asshole who doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself and just never quite got around to telling this girl that her gun could kill.

Yeah this particular gun owner, but that's not what you said. You said "gun owners".
That's all of us.
They're called accidents and while measures can and should be taken to prevent accidents too often people are what they are, imperfect.

Using an accidents as evidence that the right to bear arms should be curbed is unsound.

If accidental deaths are your cause there are worse culprits than guns.

more crocodile tears fro the leftards?

WTF is wrong with you people? Why must you politicize everything?

Why is it that nothing seems to actually TOUCH the right wing?

Accidents happen everyday why don't you post something about every single accidental death and not just the ones involving firearms?

Maybe then I'd think your sympathy was genuine.

It's a shame, but people die thousands of times every day due to thousands of different reasons.

No law can prevent death.

And, its only a little kid, right? They're a dime a dozen.

Hell, its Texasss. I'm surprised the kids didn't have their own guns. You know, kiddy guns, pink ones for the little redneck gurls and GI Joe guns for the boys.

If only the 6 month old had been able to get to his own gun ...

Luddy, what point are you trying to prove though? There are good guardians (or babysitters), bad guardians, and there are accidents that are not contingent on the responsibility level of the guardian. I'd say this fits in the "bad guardian" category.

However, it’s not fair to denounce the entire gun owning population over this single incident. That's generalizing and akin to propaganda. Do you consider yourself a propagandist? Rational gun owners know that kids shouldn’t handle/have access to guns under a certain age, and should be supervised by a responsible adult when they do become a bit older. This babysitter was a f*$king idiot.

Last edited:
John Read, 5-Year-Old, Fatally Shot Self With Babysitter Melissa Ann Ringhardt's Gun: Police

A Texas teen was arrested after police say a boy she was babysitting shot and killed himself with her gun while she took a nap.

Melissa Ann Ringhardt, 19, was charged Tuesday in the death of 5-year-old John Read, The Orange Leader reports. Ringhardt lives in Vidor with the boy's family, who left him and a 6-month-old child in her care Monday afternoon, according to NBC News.

One of the nutters here said this morning that little kids lacked the physical strength and the coordination to be able to kill themselves with guns. Wouldn't it be nice if it were actually true?

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

Orange County deputies say the teen put her semiautomatic .40-caliber handgun on a coffee table before going to take a nap. When she awoke, she found the 5-year-old lying on the floor in the living room with a gunshot wound to the head.

How much would this handgun weigh?

Obviously not enough to keep this little guy from firing it.

What the hell does a 19 year old need a gun for anyway?

If it were the parents who left the gun on the coffee table, would they be charged? I doubt it.
more crocodile tears fro the leftards?

Ah...so only liberals are concerned when these things happen. Thanks for the confirmation.

don't lie.

you are NOT concerned.

At all.

You are just using the situation to advance your agenda.

btw, I did not see any leftards in the thread about the two sisters killed in a heap of the leaves.

And yes, they were not shot - and that is the reason all of your ilk are unanimously absent there

You leftards, do not give a damn about the dead children.

Only about the firearms.
Last edited:

Someone who makes a stupid ass blanket statement as this:

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

isn't worth replying to.

This where I disagree -

I said it before and I'll say it again, IF you give a gun to child, you are responsive and should be legally liable for what that child does with that gun.

Every single death of a child caused by a gun is preventable. You can argue that all you want. You can say gun owners should not be responsible but you are wrong.

Take responsibility for your gun.

The owner of the gun that killed this child is 19. Her life is over. Who taught her how to be responsible for that gun?

From the whining from the rw nutters here, I'd bet it was another one like you. Last night, one of you posted that his children have access to loaded guns and that he would 'split his ass' if he did something that displeases daddy the tyrant.

Bet her father was just another asshole who doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself and just never quite got around to telling this girl that her gun could kill.

Yeah this particular gun owner, but that's not what you said. You said "gun owners".
That's all of us.


So some "this particular gun owner" should be held responsible and legally liable for how his gun is used but not all gun owners?

Sorry, but I don't agree.

I own guns. I have always owned guns and will probably always own guns.

And I will always be responsible for how they are used.

You're welcome to disagree but there is nothing that will change my mind on this.
John Read, 5-Year-Old, Fatally Shot Self With Babysitter Melissa Ann Ringhardt's Gun: Police

A Texas teen was arrested after police say a boy she was babysitting shot and killed himself with her gun while she took a nap.

Melissa Ann Ringhardt, 19, was charged Tuesday in the death of 5-year-old John Read, The Orange Leader reports. Ringhardt lives in Vidor with the boy's family, who left him and a 6-month-old child in her care Monday afternoon, according to NBC News.

One of the nutters here said this morning that little kids lacked the physical strength and the coordination to be able to kill themselves with guns. Wouldn't it be nice if it were actually true?

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

Orange County deputies say the teen put her semiautomatic .40-caliber handgun on a coffee table before going to take a nap. When she awoke, she found the 5-year-old lying on the floor in the living room with a gunshot wound to the head.

How much would this handgun weigh?

Obviously not enough to keep this little guy from firing it.

No, I said TWO year olds don't have the ability in MOST INSTANCES. You can't help but lie about everything can you? No wonder you turned your rep function off. Coward.
This where I disagree -

I said it before and I'll say it again, IF you give a gun to child, you are responsive and should be legally liable for what that child does with that gun.

Every single death of a child caused by a gun is preventable. You can argue that all you want. You can say gun owners should not be responsible but you are wrong.

Take responsibility for your gun.

The owner of the gun that killed this child is 19. Her life is over. Who taught her how to be responsible for that gun?

From the whining from the rw nutters here, I'd bet it was another one like you. Last night, one of you posted that his children have access to loaded guns and that he would 'split his ass' if he did something that displeases daddy the tyrant.

Bet her father was just another asshole who doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself and just never quite got around to telling this girl that her gun could kill.

Yeah this particular gun owner, but that's not what you said. You said "gun owners".
That's all of us.


So some "this particular gun owner" should be held responsible and legally liable for how his gun is used but not all gun owners?

Sorry, but I don't agree.

I own guns. I have always owned guns and will probably always own guns.

And I will always be responsible for how they are used.

You're welcome to disagree but there is nothing that will change my mind on this.

Bullshit. You've never owned a weapon and won't. You're probably a convicted felon based on the bullshit you constantly post. You aren't smart enough, or mentally stable enough to own weapons.
It's a shame, but people die thousands of times every day due to thousands of different reasons.

No law can prevent death.

And, its only a little kid, right? They're a dime a dozen.

Hell, its Texasss. I'm surprised the kids didn't have their own guns. You know, kiddy guns, pink ones for the little redneck gurls and GI Joe guns for the boys.

If only the 6 month old had been able to get to his own gun ...

Luddy, what point are you trying to prove though? There are good guardians (or babysitters), bad guardians, and there are accidents that are not contingent on the responsibility level of the guardian. I'd say this fits in the "bad guardian" category.

However, it’s not fair to denounce the entire gun owning population over this single incident. That's generalizing and akin to propaganda. Do you consider yourself a propagandist? Rational gun owners know that kids shouldn’t handle/have access to guns under a certain age, and should be supervised by a responsible adult when they do become a bit older. This babysitter was a f*$king idiot.


I agree about the babysitter but, from the number of children "accidentally" killed by guns, she's not all that unusual. The evidence shows that this is not, by any means, "a single incident".

In the past, I would have agreed as well that "rational gun owners know that kids shouldn’t handle/have access to guns under a certain age, and should be supervised by a responsible adult when they do become a bit older" but last night, there were posters who said they kept loaded guns available to their young children and would have 'split the ass' of a child who 'did wrong'.

I'm not in favor of huge gun "control" laws but if ever there was an issue that we need to address, its this lackadaisacle attitude about giving guns to children.

Agree with me or not. That is my opinion.
Ah...so only liberals are concerned when these things happen. Thanks for the confirmation.

don't lie.

you are NOT concerned.

At all.

You are just using the situation to advance your agenda.

btw, I did not see any leftards about the two sisters killed in a heap of the leaves.

And yes, they were not shot - and that is the reason all of your ilk are unanimously absent there

You leftards, do not give a damn about the dead children.

Only about the firearms.

Not sure what a leftard is, but it's sort of offensive sounding.

Anyways, I assure you that folks who are pro-gun do care about children the same way you do. You are trying to dehumanize the “opposition” in order to advance your views, and I see right through it. We are all the same, with the same wants and needs, just have different ideas on how to achieve those things.

Gun Control folks think that taking all guns away will result in less gun deaths. Because I’m more on the pro-2nd amendment side, I say this method of thinking is flawed due to the fact that criminals will still have access to guns, and the gov’t will still have access to guns. This leaves me – the law abiding citizen – vulnerable because now I’m the only guy without a gun. I believe that this will be MORE of a threat to me and my children than NOT enacting gun control measures.

See how that works? We both want to protect the wellbeing of our families, just have different ideas on how to do it.

And if you think I'm crazy about being worried that "only the Gov't has guns", then perhaps I can walk you through the literally thousands of examples throughout history (starting in present day) of gov'ts doing bad things. Happens to practically EVERY civilization at some point...

I am not dehumanizing the "opposition" - they do it perfectly well by themselves.

And I do not consider a person to be corpuscular - here he/she cares, and here - he/she does not.

I do not believe a person gives a damn about children being shot when the very same person with foaming froth at the mouth is defending infanticide of the totally viable children - because it is a "choice" and the "woman's body".

No, it is not a "choice" and neither is it a "woman's body". It is a murder of a baby IN the woman's body - for woman's convenience.

So if the very same person starts shedding crocodile tears at some random accident which are not more than 600-800 per year ( and not even half is children) for the 300 000 000 nation and does not give a damn about all others and glorifies the murder of all children in utero - I call it BS.

Such a person is not concerned.
Such a person is advancing the agenda.
John Read, 5-Year-Old, Fatally Shot Self With Babysitter Melissa Ann Ringhardt's Gun: Police

A Texas teen was arrested after police say a boy she was babysitting shot and killed himself with her gun while she took a nap.

Melissa Ann Ringhardt, 19, was charged Tuesday in the death of 5-year-old John Read, The Orange Leader reports. Ringhardt lives in Vidor with the boy's family, who left him and a 6-month-old child in her care Monday afternoon, according to NBC News.

One of the nutters here said this morning that little kids lacked the physical strength and the coordination to be able to kill themselves with guns. Wouldn't it be nice if it were actually true?

Especially since gun owners are obviously too damn dumb to be responsible for the safety of children.

Orange County deputies say the teen put her semiautomatic .40-caliber handgun on a coffee table before going to take a nap. When she awoke, she found the 5-year-old lying on the floor in the living room with a gunshot wound to the head.

How much would this handgun weigh?

Obviously not enough to keep this little guy from firing it.

No, I said TWO year olds don't have the ability in MOST INSTANCES. You can't help but lie about everything can you? No wonder you turned your rep function off. Coward.

And, right after you posted that, proof that children as young as 2 have managed to shoot themselves to death.

Its a stupid thing to argue about.

Fact is, children die every day from gun shot wounds.
Fact is, some shoot themselves.

You know what you can do with your childish little rep.

Its YOU who is the coward for not facing those facts, full on.

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