5 years of legal POT is devastating Colorado Springs.

Legislating morality. But we believe in liberty and freedom. To escape the hell of the american rat race people will get drunk or smoke pot. Which do you condone? Make pot illegal but gladly accept more alcoholics on the job and rightfully so.
Marijuana destroys your brain and harms your lungs.
The notion that marijuana "destroys your brain" has proven to be little more than moronic nonsense. Marijuana contains nothing which is harmful to the brain and some of the most intelligent people in contemporary American society regularly use it. Television destroys the brain.

As far as it harming the lungs is concerned, smoking anything is harmful to the lungs to some relative degree. But smoking is not the only way to enjoy marijuana, nor is it the best way. The only reason smoking it is so common today is the pressure of anti-marijuana laws has suppressed the production and advertising of the many alternative means of ingestion, such as edibles and vaporizing.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... marijuana kills...

... the work ethic...

... makes ya wanna lay around...

... an' do nuthin'."
You're talking about excessive use. Excessive use of anything is harmful; e.g., calories. The thing to know is there is a time for work and time for play. Those who can't or won't acknowledge the distinction will get stoned and lay around whether marijuana is legal or not.

In this regard the same circumstances apply to marijuana as apply to beverage alcohol. But based on what we learned from alcohol Prohibition and the repeal thereof, society is much better off with legal availability than with repression -- which produces all sorts of harmful factors.
There is nothing to be said or any argument to be made. The addiction is so powerful that nothing can get through. Every fact only makes the addict cling that much harder.

That's why only the methods used by President Durerte work.
"There is no reformer like a reformed drunk." Right, Tipsy?
The two main spheres of influence in Colorado Springs are Focus On The Family and the Air Force Academy.
It's an ultra conservative town with all the attendant demons that plague ultra conservative enclaves, namely fleshpots, alcoholism and drugs.
I'm not talking about ordinary conservative towns, I'm talking about the radical fundamentalist hamlets that host the most notorious figures in ultra conservative religion and politics.

Day eight: Sunday morning in the 'evangelical Vatican'

As huge as it is, this isn't the largest evangelical mega-church in America, but it is probably the most famous and it certainly has been the most influential: Its founder and former pastor, Ted Haggard, headed the National Association of Evangelicals and reportedly had a direct line to the Bush White House—right up to the moment when he was caught buying meth and having sex with a male prostitute in 2006.

So when the town's leading religious figure is caught smoking meth in 2006, it is tough to take claims that legalized pot is destroying Colorado Springs seriously.

In my experience, people that smoke pot are almost always chronic users. Usually as soon as they wake up. I've never met a pot smoker who doesn't smoke it every single day (unless they run out...then they are irritable as hell!)

I respectfully advise that what you've said here doesn't speak well of your circle of acquaintances. What you've said is comparable to saying everyone you know who enjoys any type of beverage alcohol, anytime, to any extent, manifests symptoms of compulsive alcoholism.

In my experience, people that smoke pot are almost always chronic users. Usually as soon as they wake up. I've never met a pot smoker who doesn't smoke it every single day (unless they run out...then they are irritable as hell!)

And I say you've met no more than TWO actual real life people who smoke pot, and their personal problems have nothing to do with the vast majority of people who manage to enjoy cannabis and yet have lives which are no different than the person who enjoys an occasional beer.
The two main spheres of influence in Colorado Springs are Focus On The Family and the Air Force Academy.
It's an ultra conservative town with all the attendant demons that plague ultra conservative enclaves, namely fleshpots, alcoholism and drugs.
I'm not talking about ordinary conservative towns, I'm talking about the radical fundamentalist hamlets that host the most notorious figures in ultra conservative religion and politics.

Day eight: Sunday morning in the 'evangelical Vatican'

I worked with a guy who grew up in Colorado Springs in the late 60s and early 70s. He said returning soldiers always had the BEST drugs, and brags that he is the result of the best drugs that the US military could supply. I assume it hasn't changed much since then.
I worked with a guy who grew up in Colorado Springs in the late 60s and early 70s. He said returning soldiers always had the BEST drugs, and brags that he is the result of the best drugs that the US military could supply. I assume it hasn't changed much since then.

Nope, in fact, it got even worse.
That's probably true though it's a weak argument for legalizing pot too.
If marijuana were as legal as alcohol is, and given a sufficient amount of time for adequate social adjustment, marijuana would replace a substantial percentage of alcohol use, which is why the liquor industry contributes so heavily to lobbying for anti-marijuana legislation (second only to the pharmaceutical industry). And as any seasoned highway cop will tell you, dui of marijuana, while unsafe, is not nearly as unsafe as dui of alcohol.

Stoners don't speed. If anything they drive well under the limit -- and mostly in the extreme right lane, which is where the cops look for them. Most important, they do not drive aggressively.

This does not mean it's okay to drive stoned. It simply means the accident potential is not nearly as great as driving drunk. Again -- ask any experienced cop.
There is nothing to be said or any argument to be made. The addiction is so powerful that nothing can get through. Every fact only makes the addict cling that much harder.

That's why only the methods used by President Durerte work.
"There is no reformer like a reformed drunk." Right, Tipsy?

I don't know. I've never been drunk. I've never had a drink at all. I've always been too concerned about my temper to get drunk. Suppose I lost that temper and couldn't catch it? I'm make Manson look like an altar boy.
I don't know. I've never been drunk. I've never had a drink at all. I've always been too concerned about my temper to get drunk. Suppose I lost that temper and couldn't catch it? I'm make Manson look like an altar boy.
Well, then. It seems we've hit on a constructive element: If you have a temper problem you should know there is no more suitable tranquilizer for dealing with that than one or two hits on a potent marijuana cigarette. And the only reason I'm suggesting ingestion by smoking is that is the fastest route to the brain and it will bring you down from even the most severe episode of rage in just a few seconds.

There is no more effective tranquilizer than marijuana, which is one reason why the pharmaceutical industry spends so much money lobbying to keep marijuana illegal. Legal marijuana will knock a big hole in its bottom line.
True, But smoking pot is every bit as bad as tobacco.

Nonsense. Tobacco contains a number of carcinogenic properties. Marijuana contains none.

In the example of ordinary cigarettes, apart from the tobacco take a close look at the paper they are rolled in. Its entire length is covered with faint gray ringlets. These are circles of dried potassium nitrate which is there to keep the cigarette burning. It also is a known cancer-causing element.
I don't know. I've never been drunk. I've never had a drink at all. I've always been too concerned about my temper to get drunk. Suppose I lost that temper and couldn't catch it? I'm make Manson look like an altar boy.
Well, then. It seems we've hit on a constructive element: If you have a temper problem you should know there is no more suitable tranquilizer for dealing with that than one or two hits on a potent marijuana cigarette. And the only reason I'm suggesting ingestion by smoking is that is the fastest route to the brain and it will bring you down from even the most severe episode of rage in just a few seconds.

There is no more effective tranquilizer than marijuana, which is one reason why the pharmaceutical industry spends so much money lobbying to keep marijuana illegal. Legal marijuana will knock a big hole in its bottom line.
You should not be giving medical advice when you aren't qualified and don't know what you're talking about. It's called Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Thankfully I aged out of the worst of it. Marijuana assists in loosening inhibitions.

I do not drink nor use drugs because I doubt my ability to regain control.

As I have explained to you before. I do understand that you are a severe drug addict and drugs are the answer to everything. But it's not really. You may never understand until you are free of the addiction.
I don't know. I've never been drunk. I've never had a drink at all. I've always been too concerned about my temper to get drunk. Suppose I lost that temper and couldn't catch it? I'm make Manson look like an altar boy.
Well, then. It seems we've hit on a constructive element: If you have a temper problem you should know there is no more suitable tranquilizer for dealing with that than one or two hits on a potent marijuana cigarette. And the only reason I'm suggesting ingestion by smoking is that is the fastest route to the brain and it will bring you down from even the most severe episode of rage in just a few seconds.

There is no more effective tranquilizer than marijuana, which is one reason why the pharmaceutical industry spends so much money lobbying to keep marijuana illegal. Legal marijuana will knock a big hole in its bottom line.

Excuse me, MikeK?
Have you ever researched Spiritual Healing
or even heard of how it works? NATURALLY
with no side effects, and no dependency because
it works on the CAUSE of the problem to reduce
or remove the symptoms as a result.

Please research Dr. Francis MacNutt (documented
in a medical study on Rheumatoid Arthritis)
or Dr. Phillip Goldfedder
who uses spiritual healing instead of neurosurgery
once it was demonstrated to him and he found it
worked more effectively than other alternatives.

Does Marijuana CURE the CAUSE of
or other mental or physical illnesses?
or just placate the symptoms where the
person has to depend on more intake or doses
when the symptoms return?

What are you saying MikeK ?
Is your opinion biased toward marijuana
or are you serious about finding the
very best remedy and most effective cure?
I don't know. I've never been drunk. I've never had a drink at all. I've always been too concerned about my temper to get drunk. Suppose I lost that temper and couldn't catch it? I'm make Manson look like an altar boy.
Well, then. It seems we've hit on a constructive element: If you have a temper problem you should know there is no more suitable tranquilizer for dealing with that than one or two hits on a potent marijuana cigarette. And the only reason I'm suggesting ingestion by smoking is that is the fastest route to the brain and it will bring you down from even the most severe episode of rage in just a few seconds.

There is no more effective tranquilizer than marijuana, which is one reason why the pharmaceutical industry spends so much money lobbying to keep marijuana illegal. Legal marijuana will knock a big hole in its bottom line.

Excuse me, MikeK?
Have you ever researched Spiritual Healing
or even heard of how it works? NATURALLY
with no side effects, and no dependency because
it works on the CAUSE of the problem to reduce
or remove the symptoms as a result.

Please research Dr. Francis MacNutt (documented
in a medical study on Rheumatoid Arthritis)
or Dr. Phillip Goldfedder
who uses spiritual healing instead of neurosurgery
once it was demonstrated to him and he found it
worked more effectively than other alternatives.

Does Marijuana CURE the CAUSE of
or other mental or physical illnesses?
or just placate the symptoms where the
person has to depend on more intake or doses
when the symptoms return?

What are you saying MikeK ?
Is your opinion biased toward marijuana
or are you serious about finding the
very best remedy and most effective cure?

So does spiritual healing work the first time after just a minute or two? How long before your pain for rheumatoid arthritis, or any other painful ailment is cured?.I highly doubt your claims of cure, but I suspect some people might find some pain reduction in what you describe, even if much of it might be placebo effect. Most people probably don't smoke pot for pain reduction anyway, even if some relaxation is a side effect.
I was a prosecutor in Montana in the years following legalization of medical marijuana; there was a statistically significant increase in the number of marijuana-related DUIs in those years, maybe even a doubling - but they still comprised a very small percentage of DUIs, with the vast majority being alcohol-related and a decent percentage being related to the legal or illegal use of prescription drugs.

Just more reefer madness propaganda.
And as any seasoned highway cop will tell you, dui of marijuana, while unsafe, is not nearly as unsafe as dui of alcohol.

Stoners don't speed. If anything they drive well under the limit -- and mostly in the extreme right lane, which is where the cops look for them. Most important, they do not drive aggressively.

This does not mean it's okay to drive stoned. It simply means the accident potential is not nearly as great as driving drunk. Again -- ask any experienced cop.

---Sorry but I respectfully disagree. Sure, most stoners don't speed or drive aggressively but what they DO is sometimes equally dangerous, and it depends on the kind of weed they've smoked, too.
Driving 40 on a 70 mph freeway isn't considered safe driving, but that's the tip of the iceberg.
And every cop I've talked to has said the same thing, "impaired is impaired is impaired", period.

On a personal level I equate most stoned drivers with the little four foot tall blue haired old ladies with the coke bottle glasses down in Fort Lauderdale who can barely see over the steering wheel.
That's slow driving but it's by no means safe driving.

We cannot really ascertain if the accident potential is as great as it is with alcohol yet.
Maybe in a few more years we will have enough anecdotal data.

Where you and I might be in agreement is where I wager you'd probably say that most stoners tend to AVOID driving more often than the average drunk, many of whom will happily get behind the wheel due to their liquid courage.
That may very well be a major factor in what could be a lower incidence of stoned DUI's overall.
I know one thing for sure, back when I used to be a major drug addict, I NEVER EVER drove when high...ever.
My drug of choice wasn't pot but even if I was high on pot, NO DRIVING, period.
The one time I did try to drive while stoned was enough for me, it was not something I ever want to repeat.
Excuse me, MikeK?
Have you ever researched Spiritual Healing
or even heard of how it works? NATURALLY
with no side effects, and no dependency because
it works on the CAUSE of the problem to reduce
or remove the symptoms as a result.

Please research Dr. Francis MacNutt (documented
in a medical study on Rheumatoid Arthritis)
or Dr. Phillip Goldfedder
who uses spiritual healing instead of neurosurgery
once it was demonstrated to him and he found it
worked more effectively than other alternatives.

Does Marijuana CURE the CAUSE of
or other mental or physical illnesses?
or just placate the symptoms where the
person has to depend on more intake or doses
when the symptoms return?

What are you saying MikeK ?
Is your opinion biased toward marijuana
or are you serious about finding the
very best remedy and most effective cure?

Marijuana is not addictive.
People who have highly addictive personalities can get addicted to ANYTHING but in and of itself, marijuana does not cause physical addiction in any way whatsoever...those outlier theories posted in off kilter paid studies have all been DEBUNKED...it's not addictive.
No matter how high the quality and no matter how high the POTENCY, cannabis is not addictive, the physiological mechanism behind physical addiction does not function with this substance.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder, so the only thing marijuana can do for the schizophrenic patient is calm their mood a little, it does not address the actual properties of the disorder itself in any way, because it is not a psychoactive substance.

Throwing in a laundry list of random items like

or other mental or physical illnesses?

is sloppy thinking, and is evidence of a straw man argument.
I love Mobil 1 synthetic motor oil but I am not looking around trying to find out if it works well on my laundry stains, or to see if it makes a great floor wax AND a dessert topping.

A person with a rage problem and anger control issues is nothing like a schizophrenic, and rage and anger issues aren't neurological in origin either.
You should not be giving medical advice when you aren't qualified and don't know what you're talking about. It's called Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Thankfully I aged out of the worst of it. Marijuana assists in loosening inhibitions.

I do not drink nor use drugs because I doubt my ability to regain control.

As I have explained to you before. I do understand that you are a severe drug addict and drugs are the answer to everything. But it's not really. You may never understand until you are free of the addiction.

Marijuana? You're thinking of alcohol, which is well known as "the social LUBRICANT" specifically BECAUSE it is known for "loosening inhibitions". You've already admitted to never having tried it, yes?
So, you have no idea what you're saying, especially because you have no real world frame of reference as regards marijuana.
The main thing marijuana does is act as an analgesic. It's a pain medication, an anti-inflammatory and it induces a calm and mildly euphoric feeling.
And blanket statements like "I do understand that you are a severe drug addict and drugs are the answer to everything" seem to represent a rather fundamentalist and knee jerk reactionary response.
Persons who engage in occasional marijuana use aren't "drug addicts" any more than the man who has a beer after work is an alcoholic.
The main component of addiction, the main sign of it, is the ability to manage.
If a person's life has become unmanageable due to the presence of the addictive substance in their lives, they are clearly an addict.
Referring to a "normie" user who has a perfectly manageable life as "a severe drug addict" is not only an ignorant statement, it's pure character assassination fueled by some kind of an agenda.

This doesn't mean that I personally would recommend marijuana to someone with IED disorder.
Chances are you may also have some bipolar symptoms in the background and pot isn't a good idea for that issue because the down cycle in a bipolar person would tend to get exacerbated by something like pot.
The most common treatment for depressive and anxiety disorders is Zoloft, but in severe cases, a neurologist may wish to check for overall seratonin levels and check for damage to the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala in particular.

May I ask if you have been treated for CTE? (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy)
Are you a veteran? Have you been treated for PTSD?
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