5 Years of Obama

Thanks, Mr. President!


Link: http://online.wsj.com/articles/u-s-...e-in-first-quarter-1401366873?mod=rss_economy

Economy Shrank, U.S. Now Says
Downturn, Though Likely Weather-Driven, Reflects Pattern of Sluggishness Seen Over Past Five YearsGDP growth is down. We are headed back into another recession.

A contraction in the nation's economic output in the first quarter again deferred hopes for a sustained pickup in growth, another stumble for a lackluster recovery approaching the end of its fifth year.

Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services produced across the economy, shrank at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1% in the first three months of the year, the Commerce Department said Thursday. The agency last month initially estimated GDP grew at a 0.1% rate in the first quarter.

The drop marked the economy's first contraction in three years, though economists say the downturn should be short-lived and likely doesn't herald a new recession. "Nobody likes to see a negative for growth," said Beth Ann Bovino, U.S. chief economist at Standard & Poor's Ratings Services. "But it doesn't change my expectation that the economy is recovering at a nice pace. I call it a recovery delayed."

Slower stockpiling of business inventories and severe winter weather combined to push the economy into the red. But key gauges of hiring, consumer spending and industrial production entered the spring on solid footing after sagging over the winter.

The downturn may have more lasting consequences for President Barack Obama and fellow Democrats if it worsens voters' already glum mood headed into November's midterm elections. Just 27% of Americans think the U.S. is headed in the right direction, compared with 63% who say things are on the wrong track, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted in April.

Remainder of article at link.
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Evidently, he did turn the economy around

He was elected by a wide margin

Do you really think it was because of what he did to our economy, or was it because of Romney? Be real here....

President Obamas point was that if the American people were not satisfied with his handling of the economy, he would be a one term president

Evidently, they were satisfied

or was it because the Republicans ran a guy they got from the bottom of the barrel?....an A player would have beat him by a wide margin....when you dont have much of a choice?....
Do you really think it was because of what he did to our economy, or was it because of Romney? Be real here....

President Obamas point was that if the American people were not satisfied with his handling of the economy, he would be a one term president

Evidently, they were satisfied

or was it because the Republicans ran a guy they got from the bottom of the barrel?....an A player would have beat him by a wide margin....when you dont have much of a choice?....

Personal responsibility takes yet one more hit.
Thanks, Mr. President!


Link: http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/stor...my-consumer-spending-dips-inflation-creeps-up

U.S. consumer spending dips; inflation creeps up
By Lucia Mutikani
WASHINGTON Fri May 30, 2014 1:00pm EDT

(Reuters) - U.S. consumer spending fell for the first time in a year in April after two months of solid gains, but the decline is likely temporary given a strengthening jobs market.

The Commerce Department said on Friday consumer spending dipped 0.1 percent, which was the first decline since April 2013. But the drop followed an upwardly revised 1.0 percent jump in March that was the largest gain since August 2009.

"The disappointing spending report should be viewed in the context of a stronger handoff into the second quarter," said Gennadiy Goldberg, an economist at TD Securities in New York. "We look for ongoing labor market progress to encourage further growth in consumer spending."

Last month's decrease, which was driven by weak spending on durable goods and utilities, did not change expectations economic growth would top a 3 percent annual pace this quarter after output shrank in the first three months of the year.

A separate report showed consumer sentiment slipped in May as households worried about income, but that too was viewed as temporary in light of the steady labor market improvement.

The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan's consumer sentiment index fell to 81.9 in May from 84.1 in April, but was up slightly from earlier in the month.

Another report from the Institute for Supply Management-Chicago showed factory activity in the U.S. Midwest reached its highest level in seven months in May, boosted by a surge in new orders. Order backlogs jumped to a three-year high and inventories rose for a second consecutive month.

"It provides more evidence that the economy and manufacturing are in an upswing, and points to rising employment," said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics in New York.

U.S. Treasury debt prices fell on the mixed data, while the dollar slipped against a basket of currencies. U.S. stocks were slightly lower.

Remainder of article at link.
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This thread is why all the right can do is come up with faux scandals. They have nothing else.

Can you think how even more robust our economy would be if republicans had cooperated with the president the past few years?


Budget deficit shrinks to lowest level under Obama - Brian Faler - POLITICO.com....

some people ask questions Howey......not everyone thinks Obama is a Demi-God ......some people actually think the guys ideas aint that great...yea i know hard to believe....you and people like Chris just cant comprehend that....."Dottie" pee's her fucking panties when he or his wife are shown on TV....
The deficit has dropped to 3.3% of GDP.

Stop buying weapons the Pentagon doesn't want and we can cut it further.

Well what do you know, since the TAX INCREASE went back into our economy in 2013 tax receipts increased by $284 billion.

Democrats raise taxes and cut spending to balance budgets.
Republicans cut taxes and increase spending to defund the government.
Reagan did it, Bush did it, Schwarzenegger did it, Gilmore did it in Virginia. Which resulted in huge deficits.
Clinton balanced the budget, Warner balanced the budget, Jerry Brown balanced the budget, and Obama reduced the budget deficit with the sequester.
Arnie also increased spending on infrastructure out here....something you just said Republicans dont do....and Jerry Brown balanced the budget?.....

America in Gridlock ~ [VIDEO] The Big Two: Ed Rendell & Arnold Schwarzenegger talk infrastructure reform | Blueprint America | PBS


you did not comment on the Brown link when you said this in another thread....as usual....
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President Obamas point was that if the American people were not satisfied with his handling of the economy, he would be a one term president

Evidently, they were satisfied

or was it because the Republicans ran a guy they got from the bottom of the barrel?....an A player would have beat him by a wide margin....when you dont have much of a choice?....

Personal responsibility takes yet one more hit.

hey i did not vote for either one of them losers so dont say that to me....to me there was a choice between 2 of the worst candidates this Country has seen since Bush and Kerry....
or was it because the Republicans ran a guy they got from the bottom of the barrel?....an A player would have beat him by a wide margin....when you dont have much of a choice?....

Personal responsibility takes yet one more hit.

hey i did not vote for either one of them losers so dont say that to me....to me there was a choice between 2 of the worst candidates this Country has seen since Bush and Kerry....

The point is that Romney won the Republican primary. That's the TOP of the barrel, not the bottom. Any fault rests solely on the Republican National Committee, the party apparatus of the states, Republicans as a whole, and the process the Republican Party put in place. If they wanted a different candidate, they had every chance to make that other choice. They didn't.
Good people have no voice.

People with MONEY have a voice.

Today we are at a point where we have to determine who is the worst candidate instead of who is the best. Howey is correct that Obama is much less worse than Romney would have been. We would be in WWIII and the Great Depression II with Romney.

Media requires massive amounts of money to get attention. Yet if money wasn't an issue, they would cover the best candidates based on what the people want to see because news is directly about what people want to see. Back in the day a "tree stump speaker" with an impressive amount of recognition from the people got headlines without paying for those headlines....

Some of Obama's top donors were CBS, ABC and NBC. Does he control the media(conspiracy theory) or does the media control him!
Good people have no voice.

People with MONEY have a voice.

Today we are at a point where we have to determine who is the worst candidate instead of who is the best. Howey is correct that Obama is much less worse than Romney would have been. We would be in WWIII and the Great Depression II with Romney.

Media requires massive amounts of money to get attention. Yet if money wasn't an issue, they would cover the best candidates based on what the people want to see because news is directly about what people want to see. Back in the day a "tree stump speaker" with an impressive amount of recognition from the people got headlines without paying for those headlines....

Some of Obama's top donors were CBS, ABC and NBC. Does he control the media(conspiracy theory) or does the media control him!

When Harry Reid and Pelosi took over the Senate and the House.. a long recession was assured. Give Democrats 66.6% to 100% of the federally elected power and chaos follows..
Thanks, Mr. President!


Not overly difficult considering he took over in the midst of a massive recession. Things really had nowhere to go but up, so what did you expect? If Bozo the clown was elected president things still would have gotten better.
President Obamas point was that if the American people were not satisfied with his handling of the economy, he would be a one term president

Evidently, they were satisfied

His economy didn't get him elected, RW. I asked you to be real, and you couldn't do it.

How more real can you get?

Do you think he would have been reelected if the people were not satisfied with the economy? So much so that the economy was barely an issue in the 2012 election
By the time Obama leaves office in 2015, unemployment is projected to reach a low 5.8% and the Dow could be as high as 20,000, more bad news for Republicans.

Fed Officials Lower Projection for Unemployment Rate in 2014 - Bloomberg
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Anyone who believes whatever unemployment rate the government puts out is a fool.

All they do is add to the number of people they claim have stopped looking for work in order to lower their fictional unemployment rate.

Someone please inform the class where exactly people go to "register" they're no longing seeking employment. Must be a list somewhere that they add up at the end of each month to come up with their latest figue, no? Otherwise, how in the world do they arrive at that month's number?

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