5 Years of Obama

The only way to defeat deflation is government spending.

It helps to have a smart president.

And when is it enough debt, so the system just doesn't collapse?...Or shall we just continue to have the FED print money with NOTHING behind it?

The deficit has dropped to 3.3% of GDP.

Stop buying weapons the Pentagon doesn't want and we can cut it further.

Well what do you know, since the TAX INCREASE went back into our economy in 2013 tax receipts increased by $284 billion.
This thread is why all the right can do is come up with faux scandals. They have nothing else.

Can you think how even more robust our economy would be if republicans had cooperated with the president the past few years?


Budget deficit shrinks to lowest level under Obama - Brian Faler - POLITICO.com....


Republicans in Congress blocked infrastructure spending which would have dropped unemployment even further.

Also Federal outlays fell by $127 billion, because of that and the Republican sequestration....but don't let facts get in your way!
This thread is why all the right can do is come up with faux scandals. They have nothing else.

Can you think how even more robust our economy would be if republicans had cooperated with the president the past few years?


Budget deficit shrinks to lowest level under Obama - Brian Faler - POLITICO.com....


Republicans in Congress blocked infrastructure spending which would have dropped unemployment even further.

Also Federal outlays fell by $127 billion, because of that and the Republican sequestration....but don't let facts get in your way!

The President signed the sequestration.
Anything that cuts the defense budget is a good idea in my opinion.
And when is it enough debt, so the system just doesn't collapse?...Or shall we just continue to have the FED print money with NOTHING behind it?

The deficit has dropped to 3.3% of GDP.

Stop buying weapons the Pentagon doesn't want and we can cut it further.

Well what do you know, since the TAX INCREASE went back into our economy in 2013 tax receipts increased by $284 billion.

Democrats raise taxes and cut spending to balance budgets.
Republicans cut taxes and increase spending to defund the government.
Reagan did it, Bush did it, Schwarzenegger did it, Gilmore did it in Virginia. Which resulted in huge deficits.
Clinton balanced the budget, Warner balanced the budget, Jerry Brown balanced the budget, and Obama reduced the budget deficit with the sequester.

Republicans in Congress blocked infrastructure spending which would have dropped unemployment even further.

Also Federal outlays fell by $127 billion, because of that and the Republican sequestration....but don't let facts get in your way!

The President signed the sequestration.
Anything that cuts the defense budget is a good idea in my opinion.

He HAD TO SIGN IT, it was the DEAL he cut! :cuckoo:

What, you think some of us don't know this shit backwards and forwards?
Also Federal outlays fell by $127 billion, because of that and the Republican sequestration....but don't let facts get in your way!

The President signed the sequestration.
Anything that cuts the defense budget is a good idea in my opinion.

He HAD TO SIGN IT, it was the DEAL he cut! :cuckoo:

What, you think some of us don't know this shit backwards and forwards?

Thanks for proving my point.
And we are still $17 Trillion in debt.
HeaalthCare costs have increased.
Record number of people on food stamps.
Record number of people on disability.
Vets dying from lack of care.
And check the GDP gowth again....First quarter -1%
More regulations passed.

Just a beautiful day in the neighboorhood right?

More regulations passed.

New Record: Instead of Passing Laws, The Obama Regime Issued 3,659 Economy-Crushing Regulations In 2013? | Weasel Zippers

Funny how Howey missed those stats.
Thanks, Mr. President!


The deficit has dropped to 3.3% of GDP.

Stop buying weapons the Pentagon doesn't want and we can cut it further.

Well what do you know, since the TAX INCREASE went back into our economy in 2013 tax receipts increased by $284 billion.

Democrats raise taxes and cut spending to balance budgets.
Republicans cut taxes and increase spending to defund the government.
Reagan did it, Bush did it, Schwarzenegger did it, Gilmore did it in Virginia. Which resulted in huge deficits.
Clinton balanced the budget, Warner balanced the budget, Jerry Brown balanced the budget, and Obama reduced the budget deficit with the sequester.

I could argue all you bullshit but just on the Sequester

Republicans said Obama and the White House are exaggerating the impact of the cuts for political effect. Sen.Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said, "Does any lawmaker, reporter or citizen believe that the only way to save taxpayer dollars is to hurt children, that every government program is effective and helpful and not one penny is wasted?"

The Senate's top Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, described the White House meeting Friday morning as "an opportunity to restate our commitment to the American people that we would significantly reduce Washington spending."

While pledging to try and avoid a government shutdown at the end of March, McConnell said Republicans would work on "solutions for making spending reductions more intelligently than the president's across-the-board cuts."

The President signed the sequestration.
Anything that cuts the defense budget is a good idea in my opinion.

He HAD TO SIGN IT, it was the DEAL he cut! :cuckoo:

What, you think some of us don't know this shit backwards and forwards?

Thanks for proving my point.

Yes and he's up I arms about it...after signing it!!!!...He can't have it BOTH WAYS!!!!

"These cuts will hurt our economy; they will cost us jobs," Obama told reporters after meeting 52 minutes with congressional leaders on the impact of the massive cuts known as the sequester.
Well what do you know, since the TAX INCREASE went back into our economy in 2013 tax receipts increased by $284 billion.

Democrats raise taxes and cut spending to balance budgets.
Republicans cut taxes and increase spending to defund the government.
Reagan did it, Bush did it, Schwarzenegger did it, Gilmore did it in Virginia. Which resulted in huge deficits.
Clinton balanced the budget, Warner balanced the budget, Jerry Brown balanced the budget, and Obama reduced the budget deficit with the sequester.

I could argue all you bullshit but just on the Sequester

Republicans said Obama and the White House are exaggerating the impact of the cuts for political effect. Sen.Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said, "Does any lawmaker, reporter or citizen believe that the only way to save taxpayer dollars is to hurt children, that every government program is effective and helpful and not one penny is wasted?"

The Senate's top Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, described the White House meeting Friday morning as "an opportunity to restate our commitment to the American people that we would significantly reduce Washington spending."

While pledging to try and avoid a government shutdown at the end of March, McConnell said Republicans would work on "solutions for making spending reductions more intelligently than the president's across-the-board cuts."


You are missing the point.

Republicans want deficits because they want to defund the government.
Christi has a huge deficit, McCrory in NC has a huge deficit, Reagan tripled the National Debt, Bush doubled the National Debt, etc....
Republicans want to bankrupt the government, so the big corporations will be more powerful. It's what they do.
Democrats raise taxes and cut spending to balance budgets.
Republicans cut taxes and increase spending to defund the government.
Reagan did it, Bush did it, Schwarzenegger did it, Gilmore did it in Virginia. Which resulted in huge deficits.
Clinton balanced the budget, Warner balanced the budget, Jerry Brown balanced the budget, and Obama reduced the budget deficit with the sequester.

I could argue all you bullshit but just on the Sequester

Republicans said Obama and the White House are exaggerating the impact of the cuts for political effect. Sen.Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said, "Does any lawmaker, reporter or citizen believe that the only way to save taxpayer dollars is to hurt children, that every government program is effective and helpful and not one penny is wasted?"

The Senate's top Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, described the White House meeting Friday morning as "an opportunity to restate our commitment to the American people that we would significantly reduce Washington spending."

While pledging to try and avoid a government shutdown at the end of March, McConnell said Republicans would work on "solutions for making spending reductions more intelligently than the president's across-the-board cuts."


You are missing the point.

Republicans want deficits because they want to defund the government.
Christi has a huge deficit, McCrory in NC has a huge deficit, Reagan tripled the National Debt, Bush doubled the National Debt, etc....
Republicans want to bankrupt the government, so the big corporations will be more powerful. It's what they do.

No, they want to cut it back from the $7+ TRILLION DEBT Obuma has acquired in 6 years! What do you not understand here?....And who do BIG CORPORATION support? Need the DONORS LIST again? Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, and all!
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You're going to celebrate taking 5 years to go from 7.8% unemployment to 6.7% ? :cuckoo:

Actually it had to drop from 10.1% down to 6.3%. We had to wait for the Republucan Recession to level out

How long did it take Bush to double the unemployment rate?

50+ Million on Food Stamps and record low of labor participation rate since Carter. Stats mean nothing. Voter feelings mean everything.
Um., GDP is negative this last quarter. GDP gworth overall has been a paltry sub 3%. There might have been 1 quarter where it was 4%.
We have the worst economic recovery in history. We have the loweest workforce participation rate since the 1970s. We have the smallest military since 1940. We have the most people collecting food stamps and SSI ever.
If this is Democrats' idea of success Id hate to see what they consider failure.
I could argue all you bullshit but just on the Sequester

Republicans said Obama and the White House are exaggerating the impact of the cuts for political effect. Sen.Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said, "Does any lawmaker, reporter or citizen believe that the only way to save taxpayer dollars is to hurt children, that every government program is effective and helpful and not one penny is wasted?"

The Senate's top Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, described the White House meeting Friday morning as "an opportunity to restate our commitment to the American people that we would significantly reduce Washington spending."

While pledging to try and avoid a government shutdown at the end of March, McConnell said Republicans would work on "solutions for making spending reductions more intelligently than the president's across-the-board cuts."


You are missing the point.

Republicans want deficits because they want to defund the government.
Christi has a huge deficit, McCrory in NC has a huge deficit, Reagan tripled the National Debt, Bush doubled the National Debt, etc....
Republicans want to bankrupt the government, so the big corporations will be more powerful. It's what they do.

No, they want to cut it back from the $7+ TRILLION DEBT Obuma has acquired in 6 years! What do you not understand here?....And who do BIG CORPORATION support? Need the DONORS LIST again? Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, and all!

The Obama budget deficits originated during the Bush presidency.....

1. Tax cuts 2001-2002 (4 trillion over 10 years)
2. Prescription drug benefits (1 trillion over 10 years)
3. Economic meltdown of 2008 ( 3 trillion and rising)
4. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2 trillion and winding down)
You are missing the point.

Republicans want deficits because they want to defund the government.
Christi has a huge deficit, McCrory in NC has a huge deficit, Reagan tripled the National Debt, Bush doubled the National Debt, etc....
Republicans want to bankrupt the government, so the big corporations will be more powerful. It's what they do.

No, they want to cut it back from the $7+ TRILLION DEBT Obuma has acquired in 6 years! What do you not understand here?....And who do BIG CORPORATION support? Need the DONORS LIST again? Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, and all!

The Obama budget deficits originated during the Bush presidency.....

1. Tax cuts 2001-2002 (4 trillion over 10 years)
2. Prescription drug benefits (1 trillion over 10 years)
3. Economic meltdown of 2008 ( 3 trillion and rising)
4. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2 trillion and winding down)

ZThe debt was 10T when Obama took office. It is now 17T. Looks like Obama doubled down on Bush's "failure."
In fairness to the man COngress hasnt passed a budget a year. Obama's last 2 or 3 proposed budgets got zero Democrat votes in the Senate. Senate Dems dont even like what he has to say. Maybe they're all racist?
And Howey can marry his best friend, Herman.

That's not his name and the wedding's planned for later this year.

Be sure to wear a rubber when you marry "Trixie".

Having said that.....We have lost credibility with our former allies and have embolden our enemies under obummer's tenure.

Link: http://www.tradereform.org/2014/05/true-unemployment-rate-23-2/

Is the true unemployment rate 23.2%?

Posted on 09 May 2014 by Ellen Croibier.

unemploymentThis is reprinted from a Bob Hall missive on the unemployment rate:

Yesterday I called your attention to a new all-time record: the number of Americans officially “Not in Labor Force” — not increasing the official unemployment rates:
◦92,018,000 — up +988,000 from March 2014 — seasonally adjusted
◦92,594,000 — up +964,000 from March 2014 — not seasonally adjusted

According to the BLS:
◦“Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.”

Also according to the BLS, you are neither working nor seeking work — you are “Not in Labor Force” — if you’ve been unemployed and discouraged for more than 12 months. “Discouraged” according to the BLS:
◦“Discouraged workers were not currently looking for work specifically because they believed no jobs were available for them or there were none for which they would qualify.”

Remainder of article at link.
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Thanks, Mr. President!


Link: http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/...e-real-reason-why-the-stock-market-is-soaring

Dow only rises because of printing money.
Federal Reserve Money Printing Is The Real Reason Why The Stock Market Is Soaring

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
Jan 29, 2013

You can thank the reckless money printing that the Federal Reserve has been doing for the incredible bull market that we have seen in recent months. When the Federal Reserve does more “quantitative easing”, it is the financial markets that benefit the most. The Dow and the S&P 500 have both hit levels not seen since 2007 this month, and many analysts are projecting that 2013 will be a banner year for stocks. But is a rising stock market really a sign that the overall economy is rapidly improving as many are suggesting? Of course not. Just because the Federal Reserve has inflated another false stock market bubble with a bunch of funny money does not mean that the U.S. economy is in great shape. In fact, the truth is that things just keep getting worse for average Americans. The percentage of working age Americans with a job has fallen from 60.6% to 58.6% while Barack Obama has been president, 40 percent of all American workers are making $20,000 a year or less, median household income has declined for four years in a row, and poverty in the United States is absolutely exploding. So quantitative easing has definitely not made things better for the middle class. But all of the money printing that the Fed has been doing has worked out wonderfully for Wall Street. Profits are soaring at Goldman Sachs and luxury estates in the Hamptons are selling briskly. Unfortunately, this is how things work in America these days. Our “leaders” seem far more concerned with the welfare of Wall Street than they do about the welfare of the American people. When things get rocky, their first priority always seems to be to do whatever it takes to pump up the financial markets.

When QE3 was announced, it was heralded as the grand solution to all of our economic problems. But the truth is that those running things knew exactly what it would do. Quantitative easing always pumps up the financial markets, and that overwhelmingly benefits those that are wealthy. In fact, a while back a CNBC article discussed a very interesting study from the Bank of England which showed a clear correlation between quantitative easing and rising stock prices…

It said that the Bank of England’s policies of quantitative easing – similar to the Fed’s – had benefited mainly the wealthy.

Specifically, it said that its QE program had boosted the value of stocks and bonds by 26 percent, or about $970 billion. It said that about 40 percent of those gains went to the richest 5 percent of British households.

Many said the BOE’s easing added to social anger and unrest. Dhaval Joshi, of BCA Research wrote that “QE cash ends up overwhelmingly in profits, thereby exacerbating already extreme income inequality and the consequent social tensions that arise from it.”

So should we be surprised that stocks are now the highest that they have been in more than 5 years?

Of course not.

And who benefits from this?

The wealthy do. In fact, 82 percent of all individually held stocks are owned by the wealthiest 5 percent of all Americans.

Unfortunately, all of this reckless money printing has a very negative impact on all the rest of us. When the Fed floods the financial system with money, that causes inflation. That means that the cost of living has gone up even though your paycheck may not have.

If you go to the supermarket frequently, you know exactly what I am talking about. The new “sale prices” are what the old “regular prices” used to be. They keep shrinking many of the package sizes in order to try to hide the inflation, but I don’t think many people are fooled. Our food dollars are not stretching nearly as far as they used to, and we can blame the Federal Reserve for that.

For much more on rising prices in America, please see this article: “Somebody Should Start The ‘Stuff Costs Too Much’ Party“.

Sadly, this is what the Federal Reserve does. The system was designed to create inflation. Before the Federal Reserve came into existence, the United States never had an ongoing problem with inflation. But since the Fed was created, the United States has endured constant inflation. In fact, we have come to accept it as “normal”. Just check out the amazing chart in the video posted below…

Remainder of article at link.
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