50 people shoplift 100 k from luxury mall use bear spray on guards

Actually they've probably come from red states because there isn't anything to steal there.

So, by your boneheaded logic then, people from blue states go to red states to steal? Or is your idiotic quip meant to imply that people in blue states never steal? Didn't think that one through very well, did you, moron? Worse, there was no such thing as a "red" or "blue" state until the Clintons invented them in 1992 and certain states like CA and NY started voting blue every election after election no matter what.

Before that, any given state might swing red OR blue depending on the candidate and their actual agenda!
crime is a big part of Progressive culture

It starts at the very top.

Screen Shot 2023-08-14 at 10.10.26 AM.png

Even a Master Chef cannot make gourmet food out of rotten spoiled carrion.
Sew exploding dye packs into the clothes, that can only be removed by the clerks. Have the dye packs on a timer that is set off as soon as they walk out of the store, but doesn't blow up until 5 minutes later.
Forget dye packs. Semtex and ball bearings.
It is all going according to plan.


Can't wait to see those store prices go up before the chains finally close and move out of the city leaving more boarded up storefronts in a blue city as criminals take over the streets, but the good news now is the left will begin their prosecution of bear spray manufacturers for not making a crime-proof product raising their prices putting them out of business as states ban and criminalize the product, before B&M retail stores begin locking everything in cages raising prices farther as they limit entry at the door to only five patrons at a time!


We always knew those dumbfolk would get their 'reparations' one way or the other . . . . :smoke:
Actually they've probably come from red states because there isn't anything to steal there.

They probably did come from red states, because they know in blue cities they can shoplift at their heart's content, without fear of being actually thrown in jail.

dang now they used bear spray. southern california getting robbed blind.

appears to be gang of black folks in the pics. sad.
This is all pot of the reparations rhetoric. These people actually believe this is coming to them.

dang now they used bear spray. southern california getting robbed blind.

appears to be gang of black folks in the pics. sad.

The people who run California, and the people who vote for them, LOVE this.
This is all pot of the reparations rhetoric. These people actually believe this is coming to them.
they reparations list put out in california was very racist. they dont want to pay taxes, or pay child support and get free housing and on and on all because they are black. that such black superiority . craziness.
not all i dont. if hollywood didnt exsist it wouldnt be this way

Yes, it would. Every big city (and many of the smaller ones) in California is infected with this trash. Decades of one-party rule by the DemoKKKrats has destroyed the state beyond all hope of recovery. It's finished. I lived there for 35 years.
LA, SF, Philly, NYC and Chicago are 100 percent lawless
I wish Hollywood would disappear forever.. I still can watch my fav movies from the 80s and 90s when I want to
I know all those liberal down there pushing people to screw up califorina. i always thought they should have there own hollywood voting. why let them vote on stuff that doesnt apply to them so thy can keep us from getting what we need cause there libertards.

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