50 potential jurors in Trump porn case already dismissed saying they COULD NOT be impartial

He did have sex with Daniels.
He did falsify business records.

Now, yes, he could try for Jury nullification by getting the jury to like him, but not the way he's carrying on.
He did have sex with Daniels. But do you think Trump does his own accounting work? Some low-level accountant made that entry and probably never even reported it up the chain of command. If it was reported, it was one entry on an accounting sheet with a thousand other entries. The only way Trump personally would have known was if in a meeting one of his executives had said something on the order of "Hey, we paid off your hooker's blackmail, should we absorb it as a business expense or pass it on to the election committee as an election-related expense?"
Haha that would be hilarious if they can't find the jurors by November :)
Actually it wouldn't because the judge is requiring Trump to sit in the courtroom all day, every day so he couldn't campaign anywhere where he couldn't do a round trip AND a campaign event between five P.M. and eight A.M. the next morning, or over a weekend.
If we followed the constitution, he wouldn't be on the ballot.

But we don't. So he will be on the ballot, and Americans will have to ask, do they really want a felon to be president.

What felony did you convict Trump with in your feeble fascist head?
He did have sex with Daniels. But do you think Trump does his own accounting work? Some low-level accountant made that entry and probably never even reported it up the chain of command. If it was reported, it was one entry on an accounting sheet with a thousand other entries. The only way Trump personally would have known was if in a meeting one of his executives had said something on the order of "Hey, we paid off your hooker's blackmail, should we absorb it as a business expense or pass it on to the election committee as an election-related expense?"
That's not even going to pass the laugh test.

We know from Cohen and the Federal investigation (that Barr killed) that Trump was intimately involved in the scheme to pay off Daniels.

This wasn't an "accounting error". Any more than the millions in bank fraud were accounting errors.

What felony did you convict Trump with in your feeble fascist head?
The 14th Amendment doesn't have a conviction requirement. Merely participating in an insurrection is adequate. The court just ruled states can't take him off the ballot.
That's not even going to pass the laugh test.

We know from Cohen and the Federal investigation (that Barr killed) that Trump was intimately involved in the scheme to pay off Daniels.

This wasn't an "accounting error". Any more than the millions in bank fraud were accounting errors.
Paula Jones smiles.
The 14th Amendment doesn't have a conviction requirement. Merely participating in an insurrection is adequate. The court just ruled states can't take him off the ballot.
Ban all Democrats from being on ballots!

BTW - SCOTUS says you’re an ignoramus.
That's not even going to pass the laugh test.

We know from Cohen and the Federal investigation (that Barr killed) that Trump was intimately involved in the scheme to pay off Daniels.

This wasn't an "accounting error". Any more than the millions in bank fraud were accounting errors.
How is it a scheme when it’s his money?
Campaign funds is purely supposition and they want proof of his innocence from that which isn’t how our legal system works
The 14th Amendment doesn't have a conviction requirement. Merely participating in an insurrection is adequate. The court just ruled states can't take him off the ballot.
Cant participate in what never happened
I have been called to jury duty for 3, thirty day jury pool assignments over the years. Going daily, usually released after jury selection, until the next day or trial date. Usually serving on two or three trials during any 30 day call up. I have never been rejected by prosecution, defense or judge's action of the court, and have been jury foreman on a felony trial. I was never on a trial that took more than 3 days.

PJ was on a capital murder case jury, for over a weak and sequestered at a local hotel, even court monitored in the court selected restaurants. I was surprised she was selected and approved by the lawyers, as it was murder of an infant, and we had year old twins at the time. The sequestering was hard on the little guys. In the end, they found him guilty as charged. It could have been a death penalty, but it became life without parole.

I take it, you are not lawyer, or have never been ordered to jury duty. You simply have to play it straight during jury selection. I automatically come, when called, as it is a duty. I generally did not care whether selected or not, and that is probably the best attitude. The court worked with me during one jury pool session, as I was already committed to a beach vacation and had leased a beachfront home for one of the weeks (those things being hard to reschedule in season), so was let off, that week and came back to the pool the following week as if I had never left, but now had an excellent tan.:cool:
That's much my experience. I've served on at least six juries as well as a Criminal Grand Jury. I always stayed objective even when I knew some of the evidence being presented was wrong and voted per the evidence presented to us. It was very hard when I absolutely knew some of the "facts" we had to judge on were wrong, but I did it. That was the oath I swore when I was empaneled. At least on the Grand Jury, I could try to question testimony I thought was incorrect IF the DA allowed the question. Many times he didn't. On every jury, we had at least one juror who lied about being objective and on one jury I had to go over the foreman's head and send a message to the judge via the bailiff because the foreman was trying to sway the jury to rule on things the defense said in his opening statement that were never offered into evidence. That got the foreman tossed off the jury and threatened with contempt of court by the judge. Jurors being objective is the most important part of the judicial system.
How is it a scheme when it’s his money?
Campaign funds is purely supposition and they want proof of his innocence from that which isn’t how our legal system works
Paying off Daniels wasn't illegal. If it was most of congress would have been put into prison over the decades. Tens of millions of TAXPAYER DOLLARS have been paid to interns and other people to keep them quiet about illegal and immoral actions by members of congress.

Both the FEC and the Justice Department have investigated the Daniels payment and found it NOT to be a violation of the law. Daniels has lost two cases to Trump and had to pay him nearly a half million dollars in restitution for claiming illegal actions on his part. The NY case is being bootstrapped into a felony by claiming something two different federal agencies have already ruled NOT a criminal action. That's why it's not named in the indictment.
Seems two of the seven seated jurors were released today.

Of the five remaining, two of them are lawyers. One is in civil law, one is corporate.
Paying off Daniels wasn't illegal. If it was most of congress would have been put into prison over the decades. Tens of millions of TAXPAYER DOLLARS have been paid to interns and other people to keep them quiet about illegal and immoral actions by members of congress.

Both the FEC and the Justice Department have investigated the Daniels payment and found it NOT to be a violation of the law. Daniels has lost two cases to Trump and had to pay him nearly a half million dollars in restitution for claiming illegal actions on his part. The NY case is being bootstrapped into a felony by claiming something two different federal agencies have already ruled NOT a criminal action. That's why it's not named in the indictment.
you are going to be so sad when Orange Jesus gets convicted.

The DOJ was being run by a hack who deliberately hid Trump's crimes (and got fired for his trouble).
That's much my experience. I've served on at least six juries as well as a Criminal Grand Jury. I always stayed objective even when I knew some of the evidence being presented was wrong and voted per the evidence presented to us. It was very hard when I absolutely knew some of the "facts" we had to judge on were wrong, but I did it. That was the oath I swore when I was empaneled. At least on the Grand Jury, I could try to question testimony I thought was incorrect IF the DA allowed the question. Many times he didn't. On every jury, we had at least one juror who lied about being objective and on one jury I had to go over the foreman's head and send a message to the judge via the bailiff because the foreman was trying to sway the jury to rule on things the defense said in his opening statement that were never offered into evidence. That got the foreman tossed off the jury and threatened with contempt of court by the judge. Jurors being objective is the most important part of the judicial system.
Was grand jury much different? That is where you are just deciding if there is enough evidence to get a true bill and charge or not?
I would sure like to see you find the proof of that statement... because I've never heard that before... but it doesn't matter... he wants to see Barron graduate and the Judge would make a huge mistake if he locked Trump up for going....
I haven't seen any proof that he has.
Being Trump and beating their godess Hillary.
Screwing up Covid Response
Sinking the economy
letting the country descend into riots
inciting an insurrection.

This is kind of like getting Al Capone on income tax evasion. You know he's done far worse stuff, but this is the path of least resistance.

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