50 Seperate Nation-States.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
This is a what if, hypothetical...

California being the 7th largest economy in the world, might be able to survive without the other 49. The Port of L.A. alone would be enough leverage for CA to get any favorable trade with other states. Besides the fact they supply the nation with... um... FOOD.

A number of other states have enough of their own industry and resources to trade with other 49 and possibly stay afloat.

But the majority of states would be poor and without a means to support themselves unless they started taxing the wealthy and the big businesses who set up shop in their boarders.

This being the case, why don't we collectively raise taxes on the wealthy and prevent big business from making money in the U.S. without paying back to the U.S. for our infrastructure, economy, stock markets, banks etc.??
This is a what if, hypothetical...

So then why is it in "politics?"

California being the 7th largest economy in the world, might be able to survive without the other 49. The Port of L.A. alone would be enough leverage for CA to get any favorable trade with other states. Besides the fact they supply the nation with... um... FOOD.

A number of other states have enough of their own industry and resources to trade with other 49 and possibly stay afloat.

But the majority of states would be poor and without a means to support themselves unless they started taxing the wealthy and the big businesses who set up shop in their boarders.

This being the case, why don't we collectively raise taxes on the wealthy and prevent big business from making money in the U.S. without paying back to the U.S. for our infrastructure, economy, stock markets, banks etc.??

So being separate, we aren't allowed to trade any more either? Why is that? You don't have much imagination, do you?
This is a what if, hypothetical...

California being the 7th largest economy in the world, might be able to survive without the other 49. The Port of L.A. alone would be enough leverage for CA to get any favorable trade with other states. Besides the fact they supply the nation with... um... FOOD.

A number of other states have enough of their own industry and resources to trade with other 49 and possibly stay afloat.

But the majority of states would be poor and without a means to support themselves unless they started taxing the wealthy and the big businesses who set up shop in their boarders.

This being the case, why don't we collectively raise taxes on the wealthy and prevent big business from making money in the U.S. without paying back to the U.S. for our infrastructure, economy, stock markets, banks etc.??

Trick isn't raising or lowering taxes for a given demographic, but rather ensuring whatever taxes for demos is actually paid. Too many loopsholes exist making it possible for companies to be under an already high tax rate, but not actually have to pay them. Tax rates could be a lot lower and we'd still bring in much more money fromt hose lower taxes than we do now with higher rates no one actually pays.

So we should close all the loopholes AND lower the tax rates to a flat tax of say 15-20%. With a lower rate for even big businesses, they'd likely pay them since the overall savings not having to hire expensive accounting firms to find all the loopholes would wind up saving them money just paying the flat rate, then avoiding a higher rate plus having to pay to do so.
This is a what if, hypothetical...

California being the 7th largest economy in the world, might be able to survive without the other 49. The Port of L.A. alone would be enough leverage for CA to get any favorable trade with other states. Besides the fact they supply the nation with... um... FOOD.

A number of other states have enough of their own industry and resources to trade with other 49 and possibly stay afloat.

But the majority of states would be poor and without a means to support themselves unless they started taxing the wealthy and the big businesses who set up shop in their boarders.

This being the case, why don't we collectively raise taxes on the wealthy and prevent big business from making money in the U.S. without paying back to the U.S. for our infrastructure, economy, stock markets, banks etc.??
There are a lot more considerations to take into account besides trade and industry. And, taxes alone is not the answer to a self-supporting nation or citizenry. What if the wealthy and businesses mover into one, or a couple of the newly formed nations? Where would that leave everyone else? Don't you think businesses would re-locate to where it's more profitable to operate? And, wouldn't the wealthy mover to were they would pay the least taxes? Would workers do as many of them do already, and follow the jobs market? What would be left for those new nations ( states ) that were drained of revenue sources, labor, and industry? Don't you think that over time, they would rejoin in order to survive economically?

And, what about the possibility of different forms of government, different laws and regulations, and the possibility of other world nations ( Russia, China, Korea, Japan, etc. ) coming in and offering to assist in order to gain control? Then, you have to think of resources such as food, water, and energy. Also, how would you deal with the social and economic shock associated with sudden changes that would certainly affect the poor, the elderly, and the dependent? What about such considerations as infrastructure, national defense, financial institutions such as the federal reserve, and our present Constitution?

Remember, it's taken over 200 years to get to where we are today, and it would take decades to even think about stabilizing new nations within this nation. In my opinion, the chances of your scenario is slim and none, and more on the side of impossible than either slim, or none.
The nation is in the process of fracturing and dividing right now. It won't be 50 nation states. It will be regions. Within those regions will be tribal territories.
Were we 50 sovereign states water rights alone would have us fighting and killing each other very shortly.
Actually California is the number one producer of fruits, nuts and vegetables with almonds being their number one export, As for everything else they fall way behind. Almost every state has something to produce that most everyone wants or needs.
Not to mention agriculture in many states is expanding, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are rapidly increasing their pistachio farms, Texas is expanding their pecan orchards. As for regular producers: Iowa is corn, Washington state is apples, Alabama is auto parts, South Dakota is soybean meal, Alaska is zinc.
Each state has it's primary raw or finished product so your wishful thinking is a just that, a flight of fancy....... as usual........

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