50 years ago today

This is who the revolutionaries were

Obama's Bill Ayers was among the leaders

Ever been in combat? No? I have.
You don't exactly go out and measure your distance from your adversary before you start shooting, dipshit...

If you're gunning down unarmed civilians, that's not combat ... it's a war crime ... which military were you in that wasn't subject to Article 118 of the UCMJ? ...

Again, dummy, the students were not unarmed.

They were just stupid enough to arm themselves with something other than guns...
When stupid people do stupid things, it can endanger others. Should the National Guard have laid down their weapons and pick up rocks and throw them back?
Now you're just being stupid.
Allison Krause was 19 years old; older than some of the people whose participation in the Vietnam War she was protesting. Jeffrey Miller was 20. Both were participating in the protest, and that protest was anything but peaceful.
Neither was a child, so stop being a dipshit...

Cold blooded murder is your answer ... and you call me the dipshit ...
I ask again, can you throw a rock 275 feet? ...

It's not cold blooded murder... Dipshit.

As for throwing a rock 275 feet? Yeah, I'd probably get pretty damn close. Then again, I'm an old man these days. When I was in my late teens and early 20's I could get 60 yards or so out of a football so, yeah, I think throwing a rock 275 feet would be very doable...
When stupid people do stupid things, it can endanger others. Should the National Guard have laid down their weapons and pick up rocks and throw them back?
Now you're just being stupid.
Allison Krause was 19 years old; older than some of the people whose participation in the Vietnam War she was protesting. Jeffrey Miller was 20. Both were participating in the protest, and that protest was anything but peaceful.
Neither was a child, so stop being a dipshit...

Cold blooded murder is your answer ... and you call me the dipshit ...
I ask again, can you throw a rock 275 feet? ...

It's not cold blooded murder... Dipshit.

As for throwing a rock 275 feet? Yeah, I'd probably get pretty damn close. Then again, I'm an old man these days. When I was in my late teens and early 20's I could get 60 yards or so out of a football so, yeah, I think throwing a rock 275 feet would be very doable...
Lessons even Obama would advise, dont bring rocks to a gun fight -- unless you're a stupid leftist, or have a suicide wish.
50 years ago I had been back for Vietnam and had enrolled in the Spring Semester of college.

I had left a war and come home to see all the Left Wing filth in this country acting like assholes.

God bless the Ohio National Guard. God damn hippies.
Maybe that's why I loathe dirty hippies. Fucking smelly non-working bastards!
When I was a kid I had a friend that came back from Vietnam..they spit in his face when he was coming home.

He came back with a habit, but he showed me how to work on a lot of things..
bikes..lawnmowers..very mechanical. Just leave him be at night.

He was good dude, had long hair but not a dirty hippie, he picked up a habit over there.
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Influenced me greatly. Hard to see your own aged gunned down. That National guard outfit was filled with young men the same age and when they heard explosions gping off they thought it was gunfire and they panicked and opened fire.
Gotta get down to it...soldiers been gunning us down....
When stupid people do stupid things, it can endanger others. Should the National Guard have laid down their weapons and pick up rocks and throw them back?
Now you're just being stupid.
Allison Krause was 19 years old; older than some of the people whose participation in the Vietnam War she was protesting. Jeffrey Miller was 20. Both were participating in the protest, and that protest was anything but peaceful.
Neither was a child, so stop being a dipshit...

Cold blooded murder is your answer ... and you call me the dipshit ...
I ask again, can you throw a rock 275 feet? ...

It's not cold blooded murder... Dipshit.

As for throwing a rock 275 feet? Yeah, I'd probably get pretty damn close. Then again, I'm an old man these days. When I was in my late teens and early 20's I could get 60 yards or so out of a football so, yeah, I think throwing a rock 275 feet would be very doable...
That's 92-ish yards. Pretty far.
Influenced me greatly. Hard to see your own aged gunned down. That National guard outfit was filled with young men the same age and when they heard explosions gping off they thought it was gunfire and they panicked and opened fire.
Gotta get down to it...soldiers been gunning us down....
There's the Neil Young..
They should have been arrested, not murdered.
They should have never used stones to provoke a response. The SDS were not just a bunch of fresh faced kids
looking for an end to the war. They were experienced Marxist revolutionaries. Stop living in the past.
You look like a fool.
Today their children are ANTIFA
"If you're gunning down unarmed civilians, that's not combat ... it's a war crime ... which military were you in that wasn't subject to Article 118 of th UCMJ."

Your comment is entirely without context which is very dishonest and unethical.

If someone didn't know better they would think the Ohio National Guard just sighted in students standing
around and like at a turkey shoot began firing.

It didn't happen that way at all and if you have to lie to make your points you have no points to make.
When stupid people do stupid things, it can endanger others. Should the National Guard have laid down their weapons and pick up rocks and throw them back?
Now you're just being stupid.
Allison Krause was 19 years old; older than some of the people whose participation in the Vietnam War she was protesting. Jeffrey Miller was 20. Both were participating in the protest, and that protest was anything but peaceful.
Neither was a child, so stop being a dipshit...

Cold blooded murder is your answer ... and you call me the dipshit ...
I ask again, can you throw a rock 275 feet? ...

I didn't call you any names, if you want me too, I can oblige you. I prefer at least a cordial expression, however it is up to you.

As far as cold blooded murder? The group was throwing rocks, the Guard didn't know who or where, they knew they were getting pelted with rocks and rocks can be used as deadly weapons.

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