51% America Makes Less Than $30K

I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really think government regulations are not stricter than they were in 1978? Wow.
What regulations make it harder to sell nails and 2x4s now? Did he only manage that because he could just shit in the stream behind the store and no one cared? Was it because he'd now have to provide health insurance, like everyone else who sells nails and 2x4s? There might be more regualtions but they are the same for all players. Play on...
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
He died because the cops were fucking Nazis.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.
Those who refuse to see the downsides of capitalism are the most enthusiastic participants in it's eventual downfall. Anyone who thinks this voodoo will last forever without causing massive social upheaval are fooling themselves.
It's a house of cards, that stays together largely because people treat it like it's a real house. Lose the faith and down it goes. That's capitalism for ya.
Yeah these true believers need to ask themselves why so many are losing faith in our economic system rather than diverting the discussion to socialism as if we cannot have a mixture of both.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really think government regulations are not stricter than they were in 1978? Wow.
What regulations make it harder to sell nails and 2x4s now? Did he only manage that because he could just shit in the stream behind the store and no one cared? Was it because he'd now have to provide health insurance, like everyone else who sells nails and 2x4s? There might be more regualtions but they are the same for all players. Play on...
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
Ooooh, the hypocrisy!!!!!!!!
Yes, I wish we had Socialist utopia like Cuba, where if you earn one penny over $25 a day your tossed in a hell hole prison to rot.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.
What's the matter, afraid to talk about the record of socialism and the trail of despair and poverty it leaves behind wherever it touches?

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?

If we actually had free market capitalism, we wouldn't be discussing this.
So very true, socialist programs and a three term president put us past the point of no return...
Even more dogma.
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really think government regulations are not stricter than they were in 1978? Wow.
What regulations make it harder to sell nails and 2x4s now? Did he only manage that because he could just shit in the stream behind the store and no one cared? Was it because he'd now have to provide health insurance, like everyone else who sells nails and 2x4s? There might be more regualtions but they are the same for all players. Play on...
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
He died because the cops were fucking Nazis.
Led by a progressive mayor not wanting someone to capitalize... Oooooh the hypocrisy!!!

Silly progressives
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really think government regulations are not stricter than they were in 1978? Wow.
What regulations make it harder to sell nails and 2x4s now? Did he only manage that because he could just shit in the stream behind the store and no one cared? Was it because he'd now have to provide health insurance, like everyone else who sells nails and 2x4s? There might be more regualtions but they are the same for all players. Play on...
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
He died because the cops were fucking Nazis.
Government regulations killed Eric Garner. He just wanted to make some money and Big Government killed him in what shouldn't have even had government involvement.

Your socialist Utopia, Exhibit A: Eric Garner
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really think government regulations are not stricter than they were in 1978? Wow.
What regulations make it harder to sell nails and 2x4s now? Did he only manage that because he could just shit in the stream behind the store and no one cared? Was it because he'd now have to provide health insurance, like everyone else who sells nails and 2x4s? There might be more regualtions but they are the same for all players. Play on...
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
He died because the cops were fucking Nazis.
Led by a progressive mayor not wanting someone to capitalize... Oooooh the hypocrisy!!!

Silly progressives
It wouldn't matter a damn if Karl Fucking Marx had led the city at the time, Garner broke the law and the cops enforced it in a way that was entirely unnecessary, killing him in the process.
Those who refuse to see the downsides of capitalism are the most enthusiastic participants in it's eventual downfall. Anyone who thinks this voodoo will last forever without causing massive social upheaval are fooling themselves.
It's a house of cards, that stays together largely because people treat it like it's a real house. Lose the faith and down it goes. That's capitalism for ya.
Yeah these true believers need to ask themselves why so many are losing faith in our economic system rather than diverting the discussion to socialism as if we cannot have a mixture of both.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really think government regulations are not stricter than they were in 1978? Wow.
What regulations make it harder to sell nails and 2x4s now? Did he only manage that because he could just shit in the stream behind the store and no one cared? Was it because he'd now have to provide health insurance, like everyone else who sells nails and 2x4s? There might be more regualtions but they are the same for all players. Play on...
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
He died because the cops were fucking Nazis.
Government regulations killed Eric Garner. He just wanted to make some money and Big Government killed him in what shouldn't have even had government involvement.

Your socialist Utopia, Exhibit A: Eric Garner
No one wants a utopia, dumbass. Get back to capitalism.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.
Those who refuse to see the downsides of capitalism are the most enthusiastic participants in it's eventual downfall. Anyone who thinks this voodoo will last forever without causing massive social upheaval are fooling themselves.
It's a house of cards, that stays together largely because people treat it like it's a real house. Lose the faith and down it goes. That's capitalism for ya.
Yeah these true believers need to ask themselves why so many are losing faith in our economic system rather than diverting the discussion to socialism as if we cannot have a mixture of both.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Just another boring true believer in the plutocratic faith. Mixed economies are more stable during the constant boom and bust cycles that only seem to hurt people who work for a living and only seem to benefit the wealthy.
It's a house of cards, that stays together largely because people treat it like it's a real house. Lose the faith and down it goes. That's capitalism for ya.
Yeah these true believers need to ask themselves why so many are losing faith in our economic system rather than diverting the discussion to socialism as if we cannot have a mixture of both.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Indeed. Obama's Socialism is working. He is destroying the Middle Class. He is establishing his own wealthy group and the poor - a two-class system. The Obamas are firmly entrenched into the wealthy class and Hollywood elite.

The middle class created with the help of FDR policies. The middle class has been losing ground since at least Reagan's trickle down presidency. And he was the first prez that started the illegal alien amnesty plan, by the way, not Obama.

And obama has encouraged illegal immigration.
When will Americans realize that both parties are out to screw us?

I agree, both parties have endorsed free trade and mass illegal immigration. Only Sanders and Trump go in a different direction, which is why they are so popular.
You really
You really think government regulations are not stricter than they were in 1978? Wow.
What regulations make it harder to sell nails and 2x4s now? Did he only manage that because he could just shit in the stream behind the store and no one cared? Was it because he'd now have to provide health insurance, like everyone else who sells nails and 2x4s? There might be more regualtions but they are the same for all players. Play on...
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
He died because the cops were fucking Nazis.
Government regulations killed Eric Garner. He just wanted to make some money and Big Government killed him in what shouldn't have even had government involvement.

Your socialist Utopia, Exhibit A: Eric Garner
No one wants a utopia, dumbass. Get back to capitalism.
Eric Garner = capitalism
Big Government = dead Eric Garner.

Simple enough for you?
Government is now preventing people from climbing up the ladder, and Eric Garner is a prime example of that. He was killed because he wanted to make more money.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.
What's the matter, afraid to talk about the record of socialism and the trail of despair and poverty it leaves behind wherever it touches?

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?

If we actually had free market capitalism, we wouldn't be discussing this.
So very true, socialist programs and a three term president put us past the point of no return...
Even more dogma.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??
What regulations make it harder to sell nails and 2x4s now? Did he only manage that because he could just shit in the stream behind the store and no one cared? Was it because he'd now have to provide health insurance, like everyone else who sells nails and 2x4s? There might be more regualtions but they are the same for all players. Play on...
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
He died because the cops were fucking Nazis.
Government regulations killed Eric Garner. He just wanted to make some money and Big Government killed him in what shouldn't have even had government involvement.

Your socialist Utopia, Exhibit A: Eric Garner
No one wants a utopia, dumbass. Get back to capitalism.
Eric Garner = capitalism
Big Government = dead Eric Garner.

Simple enough for you?
Too simple, as usual. In your version you'd be mad because the government stopped me from running a child brothel. Capitalism is regulated, by every nation on earth. Get over it.
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
Yes indeed, there are VERY SUCCESSFUL socialistic countries.

But, of course, the righties try to throw in failed communist states as well as some socialist ones that didn't work out because of HUMAN GREED FOR POWER instead of learning from the socialist states that got it right.
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...
Yes, I wish we had Socialist utopia like Cuba, where if you earn one penny over $25 a day your tossed in a hell hole prison to rot.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.

I find that those who think capitalism does are the ones that failed in it.
Yeah these true believers need to ask themselves why so many are losing faith in our economic system rather than diverting the discussion to socialism as if we cannot have a mixture of both.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
Name one contribution to civilization Sweden has made since the Vasa. And Sweden has the highest suicide rate in the world.
What's the matter, afraid to talk about the record of socialism and the trail of despair and poverty it leaves behind wherever it touches?

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?

If we actually had free market capitalism, we wouldn't be discussing this.
So very true, socialist programs and a three term president put us past the point of no return...
Even more dogma.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??
The OP shows that we have too little socialism, not too much. Capitalism would be even more pleased if most made 20K, as long as they could still buy the shit for sale...

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