51 dead in september. 55 so far this month. 8 of the 55 just today in one attack.....

You pointless, pathetic moron. Your own source includes Article II - the President is Commander in Chief. :rolleyes:

Have you bothered to read Article I....this IS 8th grade American government level stuff we're talking here, you know.
Somehow you want to dispute what I said - that the president being the CiC is a constitutional issue.

As I said, you're a pathetic, pointless moron who grasps at anything to convince herself of something (God only knows what that is).

The President IS CinC (not CiC, loser). But that means he is responsible for conducting wars, NOT initiating them by declaration. That is within the enumerated powers of Congress in Article I. Do try to keep up. We can't always wait for you to figure out what the heck the adults are talking about.
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Have you bothered to read Article I....this IS 8th grade American government level stuff we're talking here, you know.
Somehow you want to dispute what I said - that the president being the CiC is a constitutional issue.

As I said, you're a pathetic, pointless moron who grasps at anything to convince herself of something (God only knows what that is).

The President IS CinC (not CiC, loser). ....
LMFAO! You are seriously grasping.
.... But that means he is responsible for conducting wars, NOT initiating them by declaration. ....
See, I never said otherwise. If arguing with yourself is a pastime of yours, that's pretty strange, but to each his own interests. I find it pointless and pathetic, as I said.
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poor Osama. caught between a rock and a hard place. his own party keeps threatning to stop funding.

If they do, they would be very courageous and that would be a simple end to the issue. Everyone would come home then. Ipso Facto. But then you would use that against the Democrats, calling them "cut n' runners" wouldn't you?

that's why he won't act. fear of the party hacks who just might refuse to re elect him. shades of LBJ ????

No, it has nothing to do with trying to make a very careful, well thought out decision rather than being a partisan hack (like you) and making some snap, shoot-from-the-lip decision.

Personally, I hope Congress steps up and takes their JOB seriously.

democraps don't fight wars. they run from em.
Somehow you want to dispute what I said - that the president being the CiC is a constitutional issue.

As I said, you're a pathetic, pointless moron who grasps at anything to convince herself of something (God only knows what that is).

The President IS CinC (not CiC, loser). ....
LMFAO! You are seriously grasping.

No, I am showing the CORRECT acronym. The government and military are all about acronyms. But, you didn't get his powers right...why should I expect you to understand. Should I spot you a few I.Q points on this?

.... But that means he is responsible for conducting wars, NOT initiating them by declaration. ....
See, I never said otherwise. If arguing with yourself is a pastime of yours, that's pretty strange, but to each his own interests. I find it pointless and pathetic, as I said.[/QUOTE]

Um, yes you did...in posts #188 and again #199. But I will spot you those I.Q. points and take it as a given that you not only didn't know the correct acronym, you also don't know what CinC entails and what it does not entail.
Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Thanx for the link WJ -

What was Saddam's opinion of Osama Bin Laden?

"He considered him to be a fanatic. And as such was very wary of him. He told me, 'You can't really trust fanatics,'" Piro says.

"Didn't think of Bin Laden as an ally in his effort against the United States in this war against the United States?" Pelley asks.

"No. No. He didn't wanna be seen with Bin Laden. And didn't want to associate with Bin Laden," Piro explains.

Piro says Saddam thought that Bin Laden was a threat to him and his regime.

Too bad Bush didn't feel the same way about Bin Laden and consider him a threat even after being warned before 9-11......but Georgie had more important things to do - like breaking Presidential records for vacation time.
USATODAY.com - White House to move to Texas for a while

White House to move to Texas for a while

By Laurence McQuillan, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — Six months after taking office, President Bush will begin a month-long vacation Saturday that is significantly longer than the average American's annual getaway. If Bush returns as scheduled on Labor Day, he'll tie the modern record for presidential absence from the White House, held by Richard Nixon at 30 days. Ronald Reagan took trips as long as 28 days.

But some Republican loyalists worry about critics who say Bush lets Vice President Cheney and other top officials do most of the work. They're also concerned about the reaction of the average American, who gets 13 vacation days each year.

"It can foster other images," says William Benoit, a professor of political communication at the University of Missouri-Columbia. "Maybe he's lazy, maybe he's not determined. It feeds into the impression that he's not in charge."

Bush, who is scheduled to return to Washington on Sept. 3 (8 days before 9-11), is taking his vacation while Congress is in recess. Cheney will be in Wyoming.
Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Thanx for the link WJ -

What was Saddam's opinion of Osama Bin Laden?

"He considered him to be a fanatic. And as such was very wary of him. He told me, 'You can't really trust fanatics,'" Piro says.

"Didn't think of Bin Laden as an ally in his effort against the United States in this war against the United States?" Pelley asks.

"No. No. He didn't wanna be seen with Bin Laden. And didn't want to associate with Bin Laden," Piro explains.

Piro says Saddam thought that Bin Laden was a threat to him and his regime.

Too bad Bush didn't feel the same way about Bin Laden and consider him a threat even after being warned before 9-11......but Georgie had more important things to do - like breaking Presidential records for vacation time.

that's basackwards. Saddam was labeled a bad muslim by every ME country
In the future just follow the Constitution and its requirements for declaring War and we won't ever get into these messes again. Foreign Interventions & Police Actions rarely work out well for this nation. Just openly debate the pros & cons of declaring War and every thing should work out fine. If you do follow the Constitution in this regard you will have all on record who voted Yea or Nay on declaring War. With these endless Foreign Interventions you often see many politicians falling back on that whole "I was for the War before i was against it" stuff. You then see many politicians voting to cut funding for our kids despite the fact they voted for that War in the first place. If you declare War the way we're supposed to,you really do tend to see a more committed effort to winning. Our Founding Fathers really did have it right all those years ago.
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The President IS CinC (not CiC, loser). ....
LMFAO! You are seriously grasping.

No, I am showing the CORRECT acronym. The government and military are all about acronyms. ....
You're kidding? The government uses acronyms? LMAO.
.... But, you didn't get his powers right...why should I expect you to understand. Should I spot you a few I.Q points on this? ....
Your acid trip does not interest me.

bodecea said:
Si modo said:
bodecea said:
.... But that means he is responsible for conducting wars, NOT initiating them by declaration. ....
See, I never said otherwise. If arguing with yourself is a pastime of yours, that's pretty strange, but to each his own interests. I find it pointless and pathetic, as I said.

Um, yes you did...in posts #188 and again #199. But I will spot you those I.Q. points and take it as a given that you not only didn't know the correct acronym, you also don't know what CinC entails and what it does not entail.
You are either on an acid trip or hallucinating due to some organic deficiency.

Post no. 199
You pointless, pathetic moron. Your own source includes Article II - the President is Commander in Chief. :rolleyes:
Post no. 188
But in the system of the USA, the President is the Commander in Chief. It's a constitutional thing.

Dispute what I write, not what you hallucinate. I would explain the logical fallacy of strawmen, but I am convinced that is too advanced for you.
Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Thanx for the link WJ -

What was Saddam's opinion of Osama Bin Laden?

"He considered him to be a fanatic. And as such was very wary of him. He told me, 'You can't really trust fanatics,'" Piro says.

"Didn't think of Bin Laden as an ally in his effort against the United States in this war against the United States?" Pelley asks.

"No. No. He didn't wanna be seen with Bin Laden. And didn't want to associate with Bin Laden," Piro explains.

Piro says Saddam thought that Bin Laden was a threat to him and his regime.

Too bad Bush didn't feel the same way about Bin Laden and consider him a threat even after being warned before 9-11......but Georgie had more important things to do - like breaking Presidential records for vacation time.

that's basackwards. Saddam was labeled a bad muslim by every ME country

ooooooh did they all call him names too?

"BAD muslim... BAD Muslim....you Saddam have been a very BAD Muslim"

I sometimes wonder how many paintchips ya swallowed at the back of the shortbus as a kid.....
Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Thanx for the link WJ -

What was Saddam's opinion of Osama Bin Laden?

"He considered him to be a fanatic. And as such was very wary of him. He told me, 'You can't really trust fanatics,'" Piro says.

"Didn't think of Bin Laden as an ally in his effort against the United States in this war against the United States?" Pelley asks.

"No. No. He didn't wanna be seen with Bin Laden. And didn't want to associate with Bin Laden," Piro explains.

Piro says Saddam thought that Bin Laden was a threat to him and his regime.

Too bad Bush didn't feel the same way about Bin Laden and consider him a threat even after being warned before 9-11......but Georgie had more important things to do - like breaking Presidential records for vacation time.

So Jay, Why didn't Sadaam just come clean about his feelings about Bin Laden?

Why did he gas his OWN CITIZENS with WMD'S?

Why didn't he just come clean about the WMD'S?

Why did he continue to shoot at our aircraft in the no-fly zones, even though he agreed to the zones?

Why did he continually throw the inspectors out of the country?

Why did he continue to threaten Kuwait?

Why did he continually rattle his sabre?

Why did he continue his charade that ultimeately led to Bush RIGHTFULLY shoving that sabre firmly up his ass, and the IRAQI PEOPLE stringing him up like the dog he WAS?

Tell us Jay, WHY?

Too bad Clinton allowed WTC attack one to happen

Too bad Clinton ABJECTLY FAILED to take Bin Laden out three seperate times.

Too bad the USS Cole attack happened on Clintons watch.

Too bad Clinton allowed the 9/11 terrororists to enter this country. Rent apartments. Obtain employment. Roam freely. Accept monetary wire transfers. Communicate with fellow operatives abroad. Scout airports. Take test runs on commercial airlines. Leave and re-enter this country on numerous occasions. And, finalize the attack plans.

Seriously, you're a clueless moron!
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Seriously, you're a clueless moron!
He joins the club of the clueless morons who need to deflect the argument to Iraq in a thread about those dead in Afghanistan.

The debacle of Afghanistan is too important to allow such deflection. It's desperate grasping and there is already a plethora of that.
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1. - "So Jay, Why didn't Sadaam just come clean about his feelings about Bin Laden?"

to who.... his thearpist?

2. - Why did he gas his OWN CITIZENS with WMD'S?

that's what evil dictators do....

3. - Why didn't he just come clean about the WMD'S?

read your own link Slingblade..... hmmmmm...Iran ring a bell?

4. - Why did he continue to shoot at our aircraft in the no-fly zones, even though he agreed to the zones?

for shitz and giggles?....once again, playing the evil dictator does have it's upside I suppose
1. - "So Jay, Why didn't Sadaam just come clean about his feelings about Bin Laden?"

to who.... his thearpist?

2. - Why did he gas his OWN CITIZENS with WMD'S?

that's what evil dictators do....

3. - Why didn't he just come clean about the WMD'S?

read your own link Slingblade..... hmmmmm...Iran ring a bell?

4. - Why did he continue to shoot at our aircraft in the no-fly zones, even though he agreed to the zones?

for shitz and giggles?....once again, playing the evil dictator does have it's upside I suppose
Seriously, you're an idiot!


You should just quit while you're behind.
5 - Why did he continually throw the inspectors out of the country?

Hans Blix and company were in Iraq finding fuck all right up to the point that they were ordered out ahead of Chimpys "shock and Awe" bombing parade.

6. - Why did he continue his charade that ultimeately led to Bush RIGHTFULLY shoving that sabre firmly up his ass, and the IRAQI PEOPLE stringing him up like the dog he WAS?

he didn't..... a 12,000 page document that he handed over very clearly explained he had no WMD's.

any other stupid questions before we start on Billy-Bob and his mistakes?
Seriously, you're a clueless moron!
He joins the club of the clueless morons who need to deflect the argument to Iraq in a thread about those dead in Afghanistan.

The debacle of Afghanistan is too important to allow such deflection. It's desperate grasping and there is already a plethora of that.

coming from you that's hilarious....... there is still troops in Iraq dumbfuck.
5 - Why did he continually throw the inspectors out of the country?

Hans Blix and company were in Iraq finding fuck all right up to the point that they were ordered out ahead of Chimpys "shock and Awe" bombing parade.

6. - Why did he continue his charade that ultimeately led to Bush RIGHTFULLY shoving that sabre firmly up his ass, and the IRAQI PEOPLE stringing him up like the dog he WAS?

he didn't..... a 12,000 page document that he handed over very clearly explained he had no WMD's.

any other stupid questions before we start on Billy-Bob and his mistakes?

Who handed who a 12,000 page document?
Seriously, you're a clueless moron!
He joins the club of the clueless morons who need to deflect the argument to Iraq in a thread about those dead in Afghanistan.

The debacle of Afghanistan is too important to allow such deflection. It's desperate grasping and there is already a plethora of that.

coming from you that's hilarious....... there is still troops in Iraq dumbfuck.

There are still troops in Korea too....so exactly who is the dumbfuck?
Seriously, you're a clueless moron!
He joins the club of the clueless morons who need to deflect the argument to Iraq in a thread about those dead in Afghanistan.

The debacle of Afghanistan is too important to allow such deflection. It's desperate grasping and there is already a plethora of that.

coming from you that's hilarious....... there is still troops in Iraq dumbfuck.

before the first gulf war Bin Laden offered the Saudi's the use of Al-Qaeda to get rid of Hussein and keep western forces off the holy grounds. dumbfuck

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