51 dead in september. 55 so far this month. 8 of the 55 just today in one attack.....

No regrets, many mistakes
by Gene Lyons


Bush told Charlie Gibson, "Saddam Hussein was unwilling to let the inspectors go in to determine whether or not the U.N. resolutions were being upheld." Bush has been peddling this brazen falsehood for years. It's even possible he's come to believe it. In reality, Iraq produced a 12,000-page document on Dec. 7, 2002, explaining the destruction of its chemical and biological weapons. Despite some foot-dragging, Saddam then allowed U.N. inspectors to travel at will inside Iraq searching for forbidden weapons. The inspectors remained until March 2003 when Bush ordered them out ahead of his "shock and awe" bombing campaign. The U.N. inspectors' activities were broadcast on TV daily for weeks. The same kinds of easily manipulated patriots doubtless infuriated by this column were then focusing their ire on chief arms
inspector Hans Blix.

All conveniently forgotten by Bush, his followers and our intrepid press corps, no longer so much covering for a failed president as for themselves.

Oldy Olsen, It was yesterday but did you forget this already?
He joins the club of the clueless morons who need to deflect the argument to Iraq in a thread about those dead in Afghanistan.

The debacle of Afghanistan is too important to allow such deflection. It's desperate grasping and there is already a plethora of that.

coming from you that's hilarious....... there is still troops in Iraq dumbfuck.

before the first gulf war Bin Laden offered the Saudi's the use of Al-Qaeda to get rid of Hussein and keep western forces off the holy grounds. dumbfuck

:lol: wow....you really got me there didn't ya?
Seriously, you're a clueless moron!
He joins the club of the clueless morons who need to deflect the argument to Iraq in a thread about those dead in Afghanistan.

The debacle of Afghanistan is too important to allow such deflection. It's desperate grasping and there is already a plethora of that.

coming from you that's hilarious....... there is still troops in Iraq dumbfuck.
Focus. The thread is about those who died in Afghanistan, moron.
Canuookie thinks Bush is still prez :lol::lol:

I know retards like you would love for everybody to forget Bush and the last 8 years of his galactic fuck-ups but that won't happen fast enough so you're just left with attacking the new POTUS who has to clean up his poo poo.
He joins the club of the clueless morons who need to deflect the argument to Iraq in a thread about those dead in Afghanistan.

The debacle of Afghanistan is too important to allow such deflection. It's desperate grasping and there is already a plethora of that.

coming from you that's hilarious....... there is still troops in Iraq dumbfuck.
Focus. The thread is about those who died in Afghanistan, moron.

Who died and made you king of this thread asshole?

P.S. - you can ask Jester to focus too....he has a raging hardon for Clinton.
coming from you that's hilarious....... there is still troops in Iraq dumbfuck.
Focus. The thread is about those who died in Afghanistan, moron.

Who died and made you king of this thread asshole?

P.S. - you can ask Jester to focus too....he has a raging hardon for Clinton.
I noticed how you abjectly FAILED to address the Clinton issue.

No surprise there, seeing as though Clinton is primarily responsible for us being in Afghanistan in the first place.

Truth hurts, EH Jay?

Now, back to the FACT that Obama is failing our troops.
Seriously, you're a clueless moron!
He joins the club of the clueless morons who need to deflect the argument to Iraq in a thread about those dead in Afghanistan.

The debacle of Afghanistan is too important to allow such deflection. It's desperate grasping and there is already a plethora of that.

I'm glad we agree that Wicked Jester is a clueless moron.:cool:
In the future just follow the Constitution and its requirements for declaring War and we won't ever get into these messes again. Foreign Interventions & Police Actions rarely work out well for this nation. Just openly debate the pros & cons of declaring War and every thing should work out fine. If you do follow the Constitution in this regard you will have all on record who voted Yea or Nay on declaring War. With these endless Foreign Interventions you often see many politicians falling back on that whole "I was for the War before i was against it" stuff. You then see many politicians voting to cut funding for our kids despite the fact they voted for that War in the first place. If you declare War the way we're supposed to,you really do tend to see a more committed effort to winning. Our Founding Fathers really did have it right all those years ago.

yes, they did have it right!
Focus. The thread is about those who died in Afghanistan, moron.

Who died and made you king of this thread asshole?

P.S. - you can ask Jester to focus too....he has a raging hardon for Clinton.
I noticed how you abjectly FAILED to address the Clinton issue.

No surprise there, seeing as though Clinton is primarily responsible for us being in Afghanistan in the first place.

Truth hurts, EH Jay?

Now, back to the FACT that Obama is failing our troops.

I asked you if you had anymore stupid questions about Saddam before we moved on to Pecker Bill and was waiting for a reply.
Who died and made you king of this thread asshole?

P.S. - you can ask Jester to focus too....he has a raging hardon for Clinton.
I noticed how you abjectly FAILED to address the Clinton issue.

No surprise there, seeing as though Clinton is primarily responsible for us being in Afghanistan in the first place.

Truth hurts, EH Jay?

Now, back to the FACT that Obama is failing our troops.

I asked you if you had anymore stupid questions about Saddam before we moved on to Pecker Bill and was waiting for a reply.

The only remaining question of you is, what makes you so fucking stupid?

Is that Canadian education system as screwed up as your socialized healthcare system?

If you're the model for it, then the only answer is a resounding YES!
Post-retirement President Bush

anyways back to the topic........
I noticed how you abjectly FAILED to address the Clinton issue.

No surprise there, seeing as though Clinton is primarily responsible for us being in Afghanistan in the first place.

Truth hurts, EH Jay?

Now, back to the FACT that Obama is failing our troops.

I asked you if you had anymore stupid questions about Saddam before we moved on to Pecker Bill and was waiting for a reply.

The only remaining question of you is, what makes you so fucking stupid?

Is that Canadian education system as screwed up as your socialized healthcare system?

If you're the model for it, then the only answer is a resounding YES!

The smallest ion the class is always the biggest talker.

He lives in a country with nothing to add to the world.....nothing of value has ever come from it. They live in our shadow, pray for our protection...and then criticize us when they are behind a computer screen.

I like Canada from a wildeness standpoint....but as an addition to our continent? They are a waste of land.
I asked you if you had anymore stupid questions about Saddam before we moved on to Pecker Bill and was waiting for a reply.

The only remaining question of you is, what makes you so fucking stupid?

Is that Canadian education system as screwed up as your socialized healthcare system?

If you're the model for it, then the only answer is a resounding YES!

The smallest ion the class is always the biggest talker.

He lives in a country with nothing to add to the world.....nothing of value has ever come from it. They live in our shadow, pray for our protection...and then criticize us when they are behind a computer screen.

I like Canada from a wildeness standpoint....but as an addition to our continent? They are a waste of land.

maybe you're old enuf to remember back to 1812 when we burned down your Whitehouse.....I think someone in class was boo hooing that day.
The only remaining question of you is, what makes you so fucking stupid?

Is that Canadian education system as screwed up as your socialized healthcare system?

If you're the model for it, then the only answer is a resounding YES!

The smallest ion the class is always the biggest talker.

He lives in a country with nothing to add to the world.....nothing of value has ever come from it. They live in our shadow, pray for our protection...and then criticize us when they are behind a computer screen.

I like Canada from a wildeness standpoint....but as an addition to our continent? They are a waste of land.

maybe you're old enuf to remember back to 1812 when we burned down your Whitehouse.....I think someone in class was boo hooing that day.

As I was saying....

Canada 5 U.S. 0
The only remaining question of you is, what makes you so fucking stupid?

Is that Canadian education system as screwed up as your socialized healthcare system?

If you're the model for it, then the only answer is a resounding YES!

The smallest ion the class is always the biggest talker.

He lives in a country with nothing to add to the world.....nothing of value has ever come from it. They live in our shadow, pray for our protection...and then criticize us when they are behind a computer screen.

I like Canada from a wildeness standpoint....but as an addition to our continent? They are a waste of land.

maybe you're old enuf to remember back to 1812 when we burned down your Whitehouse.....I think someone in class was boo hooing that day.

You mean when we were about 36 years old as a nation and still licking our wounds from a revolution that created the greatest land in the world?

Yoiu mean then?

Like a bully picking on the poor kid with a physical challange.

And you are proud of it.

Speaks volumes about you.
The only remaining question of you is, what makes you so fucking stupid?

Is that Canadian education system as screwed up as your socialized healthcare system?

If you're the model for it, then the only answer is a resounding YES!

The smallest ion the class is always the biggest talker.

He lives in a country with nothing to add to the world.....nothing of value has ever come from it. They live in our shadow, pray for our protection...and then criticize us when they are behind a computer screen.

I like Canada from a wildeness standpoint....but as an addition to our continent? They are a waste of land.

maybe you're old enuf to remember back to 1812 when we burned down your Whitehouse.....I think someone in class was boo hooing that day.

So, come burn down our whitehouse NOW!

In fact Jay, why don't you come and TRY to burn MY house down. I'll even hand ya' the matches!

Seriously, I will!
The smallest ion the class is always the biggest talker.

He lives in a country with nothing to add to the world.....nothing of value has ever come from it. They live in our shadow, pray for our protection...and then criticize us when they are behind a computer screen.

I like Canada from a wildeness standpoint....but as an addition to our continent? They are a waste of land.

maybe you're old enuf to remember back to 1812 when we burned down your Whitehouse.....I think someone in class was boo hooing that day.

You mean when we were about 36 years old as a nation and still licking our wounds from a revolution that created the greatest land in the world?

Yoiu mean then?

Like a bully picking on the poor kid with a physical challange.

And you are proud of it.

Speaks volumes about you.

kind of like attacking a country that had no WMD's ......like Iraq?

man you sound like a real pussy.:eusa_boohoo:

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