51% Of American Muslims Want Sharia... (NOT in All Caps Now..)

a discussion about muslims in america and their desire for sharia law... why should that turn into christians having to defend themselves? what's really going on here? the thing is, most of the time, you give the christians a national law that prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, and they'll try to come up with ideas on what is the least cruel form of punishment they can possibly think of. the hard line of ''kill all the gays'' is the exception, not the rule. but who would know that? certainly those who only look for the most extreme examples as a ploy to misrepresent christianity would dare accuse christians of implementing some kind of christian version sharia law. so we know who are the dishonest ones here, and without fail the name of jesus christ does very well to get the demons to start popping out of the woodworking, no? the fact is christianity has been very good to america, islam has not.

you ask what's really going on here?.....

Both Leftists and Muslims are aligned against Christians because their core beliefs are both are anti-Christian, anti-American, and anti-Constitutional......

Both hate Christianity because a solid religion/belief system is the only real force that can stop them......the Fascists in Germany were able to take over the country because Germany had become mostly agnostic and there were no people with enough moral certitude to oppose their anti-Christian/anti-god agenda....and thus they slaughtered the Jews....

There is a reason the Muslims call America the Great Satan......we are largely Christian....
There is a reason the Mulsims call Israel the Little Satan.....they are largely Jewish....
Both Christians and Jews are enemies of both Muslims AND the Lefties....
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.
So why are we importing the tool of our own nation's demise?

Welcome to Obama's 'Fundamental Change'! Unfortunately there are a LOT of Americans (Liberals) whose light hasn't come on yet.

Obama admittedly was / has:

- Sired by an Anti-American, anti-colonialist father who wanted the US eliminated as a world power and influence...

- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis...

- Studied Socialist Saul Alinsky - even quoted him during an Inauguration speech

- Mentored for decades by a hate-spewing racist anti-American 'pastor',

- Friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops

- Declared he would stand with Muslims if the political winds blow ugly

- Declared the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam (Convert to Islam or die, as in no future for YOU...sound familiar)

- Armed the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood

- Armed Al Qaeda

- Dragged the US into the middle of a civil war between a dictator we put into power - WHO WAS JUST BEGINNING TO HELP US COMBAT TERRORISTS IN NTHRN AFRCIA - and Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, to help Al Qaeida kill Qadaffi and take over their own nation as a safe haven....all this at a time when Obama was declaring Al Qaeida was on the run!

- Supplied, Armed, Trained, & Protected ISIS, dropped leaflets to them, after the Paris attack, to warn them that French and Russian bombers were coming to drop bombs on the ISIS Black Market oil facilities Obama was protecting that funded 50% of their terrorist activities - to include the Paris attack (can you say 'aiding and abetting the enemy'?!)

- Mocked Americans over their concerns for our national security and their safety, even after he admitted his 'vetting process' was virtually non-existent - claiming all they had to fear after the Paris attacks were 'widows and orphans' - only to have the terrorist to whom his administration gave a visa murder 12 Americans in California

Obama has sacrificed American lives for his personal political benefit / re-election. He has defended Islam by blaming a video for the needless murder of 4 Americans, by calling a terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence', by sending out his AG to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercised their right to Free Speech, by having his DHS openly declare Conservatives (who he called his 'enemies' and whom he used his IRS to target) greater threats than Islamic extremists, & has lectured the very same Americans he has bullied and vilified who are being targeted by Radical Islamists.

Obama has failed to protect Iraq, a nation our nation's soldiers had liberated at great cost, by allowing ISIS to freely enter Iraq without opposition, while he supplied/armed/trained/protected them and called them a 'JV Team'.

Despite admitting his vetting process is virtually non-existent...

Despite his FBI already spread beyond the breaking point investigating 1,000 cases involving ISIS threats in the US...

Despite ISIS declaring they are going to infiltrate the refugees...

Despite his CIA warning ISIS IS infiltrating the 'refugees' coming in...

Despite more successful terrorist attacks having been carried out under his administration than any in our nation's history...

Despite the American body count directly tied to his policies and actions Obama CONTINUES to bring in hundreds of un-vetted Muslims from a civil war-torn nation - a war between terrorists Obama has supported and a dictator - that is the home base for ISIS!

Arizona, Tennessee, Texas, California, Benghazi, Florida...while the bodies keep piling up Obama's DHS is declaring the enemy is AMERICANS and works to 'ban' the words 'Jihad' and 'Sharia' as Obama refuses to say the words 'Radical Islam' and 'Islamic extremists' because 'it means we are at war with all of Islam'.

Why is he still President? Nothing to see here...move along.

You are being redirected...

99.9% of American Warmongers and Interventionists get excited at the sight of spilt blood
99.9 % of American Warmongers and interventionists carry the Charles Manson genes.
99.9 % of American Warmongers and interventionists sing "Helter Skelter" repeteadly.

Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....
Muslim criminals and Jewish criminals and Christian criminals are punished in America, without concern about their religion, because of our secular Constitution.
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....
Muslim criminals and Jewish criminals and Christian criminals are punished in America, without concern about their religion, because of our secular Constitution.

that's nice.....

however, when the Muslim population gets bigger and bigger and starts undermining our laws plus rioting what are you going to do then? put them all in jail?
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....

Are the Swiss or any other culture which does not fuck around in middle eastern countries complaining?

they are complaining about the 'immigrants'....

the Swiss don't want to let in hoardes of muslim 'immigrants'......smart people.....
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....

The older gen immigrants (gen 2 and later) have no issues coexisting with other major religions in open Western societies. There's no real tension is WELL-ESTABLISHED and assimilated western societies.

But the way you bring tension and danger to the situation is to look on Muslim immigrants as "their Mexicans" over in Europe and push too fast on immigration. That does lead to Anti jew/christian tensions.

Need to recognize that pushing immigration from these no fun cultures too rapidly and allowing law opaque ghettos to form is true danger.
they are complaining about the 'immigrants'....

the Swiss don't want to let in hoardes of muslim 'immigrants'......smart people.....

The Ahmadiyya mosque in Zurich (built in 1963).

The Swiss are indeed very smart people. They haven't joined the US led Coalition of the Fucked up in the middle east
Islamists have declared war on Western Civilization...and the Prog response is:

Gun Control, Transgender Bathrooms and Trigger Warnings because White Privilege!
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....

The older gen immigrants (gen 2 and later) have no issues coexisting with other major religions in open Western societies. There's no real tension is WELL-ESTABLISHED and assimilated western societies.

But the way you bring tension and danger to the situation is to look on Muslim immigrants as "their Mexicans" over in Europe and push too fast on immigration. That does lead to Anti jew/christian tensions.

Need to recognize that pushing immigration from these no fun cultures too rapidly and allowing law opaque ghettos to form is true danger.

if the Muslim population is very tiny then one could say they have 'assimilated' because there is no real problem.....however when the numbers increase, either through immigration or birthrates, you start having problems whether it is the first, second, or third, etc. generation......

those ghettos which have existed for generations in Europe have not assimilated.....in my opinion Muslims as a whole do not assimilate into Western cultures....
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....
Muslim criminals and Jewish criminals and Christian criminals are punished in America, without concern about their religion, because of our secular Constitution.

that's nice.....

however, when the Muslim population gets bigger and bigger and starts undermining our laws plus rioting what are you going to do then? put them all in jail?
And when ebola ravages your town you can execute all the doctors.

You love the fallacy of false assumption, dontcha?

The generations born here meld into the population without much problem. The Mateens etc. are the exceptions that prove the rule.

You got no game, podjo.
Islamists have declared war on Western Civilization...and the Prog response is:

Gun Control, Transgender Bathrooms and Trigger Warnings because White Privilege!
Your "let's suspend the Constitution" is not going to happen.
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....
Muslim criminals and Jewish criminals and Christian criminals are punished in America, without concern about their religion, because of our secular Constitution.

that's nice.....

however, when the Muslim population gets bigger and bigger and starts undermining our laws plus rioting what are you going to do then? put them all in jail?
And when ebola ravages your town you can execute all the doctors.

You love the fallacy of false assumption, dontcha?

The generations born here meld into the population without much problem. The Mateens etc. are the exceptions that prove the rule.

You got no game, podjo.

Manteen isn't exception. He's part of the early Vanguard.
Islamists have declared war on Western Civilization...and the Prog response is:

Gun Control, Transgender Bathrooms and Trigger Warnings because White Privilege!
Your "let's suspend the Constitution" is not going to happen.

Link? I don't recall ever saying we should suspend the Constitution, FAKEY.

What we should do is to pass a war resolution and treat Invaders and Traitors who attack our country accordingly. Manteen was an enemy sympathizer who attacked Americans on the enemy's behalf.
Islamists have declared war on Western Civilization...and the Prog response is:

Gun Control, Transgender Bathrooms and Trigger Warnings because White Privilege!
Your "let's suspend the Constitution" is not going to happen.

It is not going to happen because it already happened

The US Constitution (1787) was suspended indefinitely by scumbag extraordinaire FDR in 1935
Well thought out and presented, I think, flacaltenn.

I was getting headaches from all the shouting around me. It's getting loud and nasty and in a lot of cases --- foolish. It really is a deficit in CULTURE, not a defect of Islam.
I have no doubts that Judaism, Islam, Christianity can all be practiced peacefully in cultures that dont

REQUIRE tyrants to keep down the bloodshed.
Live with perpetual tribe on tribe, sect on sect violence.
Make RELIGIOUS law dominant over Civil law or incorporate large portions of it.
Perceive a RIGHT to be free from being offended or uncomfortable in their morals/ethics.

i disagree with your assessment that Islam can be practiced peacefully together long term with Judaism and Christianity in the SAME culture....unless Islam is the dominant religion and rules it will not 'live and let live'......at least that has been its history by and large....
Muslim criminals and Jewish criminals and Christian criminals are punished in America, without concern about their religion, because of our secular Constitution.

that's nice.....

however, when the Muslim population gets bigger and bigger and starts undermining our laws plus rioting what are you going to do then? put them all in jail?
And when ebola ravages your town you can execute all the doctors.

You love the fallacy of false assumption, dontcha?

The generations born here meld into the population without much problem. The Mateens etc. are the exceptions that prove the rule.

You got no game, podjo.

so you think the Muslim populations are "melding" into western culture.......? :coffee:

i guess that's why 51+% prefer Sharia law to our Constitution....

i guess that's why terrorism is rampant world-wide....

i guess that's why many countries in Europe are facing cultural oblivion.....

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