512 Days


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
That is the number of days that John Boehner allowed the bipartisan immigration bill to sit on his desk. Did he think it was going to go away? Did he think that all those people were going to just return to their native country?

What was he thinking? Now the President has taken legal executive action to implement just a tiny portion of what a bipartisan vote of democrats and republicans voted for, John Boehner is outraged.

He DID NOT DO HIS JOB, and when someone finally did part of it for him, he is outraged. WHAT A BAFOON!
That is the number of days that John Boehner allowed the bipartisan immigration bill to sit on his desk. Did he think it was going to go away? Did he think that all those people were going to just return to their native country?

What was he thinking? Now the President has taken legal executive action to implement just a tiny portion of what a bipartisan vote of democrats and republicans voted for, John Boehner is outraged.

He DID NOT DO HIS JOB, and when someone finally did part of it for him, he is outraged. WHAT A BAFOON!
It was not a legal act. What if a GOP president says "congress failed to doing anything about abortion pso I'm going to make it illegal by EO."
Two fucking years.

Thats how long the left held all three branches.

512 days. That's how long it's been since YOU let those poor mexicans down
That is the number of days that John Boehner allowed the bipartisan immigration bill to sit on his desk. Did he think it was going to go away? Did he think that all those people were going to just return to their native country?

What was he thinking? Now the President has taken legal executive action to implement just a tiny portion of what a bipartisan vote of democrats and republicans voted for, John Boehner is outraged.

He DID NOT DO HIS JOB, and when someone finally did part of it for him, he is outraged. WHAT A BAFOON!

And right on cue another far left drone pushing the far left propaganda starts yet another thread showing how far from reality they are.

The Republican House tried to do this earlier in 2014, for the DACA program, passing a bill that would have prevented anyone new from signing up, and preventing current beneficiaries from renewing. Democrats controlled the Senate, so it didn't come to the floor there. Once Republicans take control of the Senate in the New Year, they could pass a similar bill — but Obama would almost certainly veto it.

Rather than a standalone bill, Congress could attach riders killing Obama's immigration programs to the annual appropriations bills. If Obama vetoed the bills (or if Senate Democrats filibustered them) then we'll have another government shutdown.
Two fucking years.

Thats how long the left held all three branches.

512 days. That's how long it's been since YOU let those poor mexicans down
that lie has been debunked numerous times Skippy :thup: Grampa Murked U

FOX NEWS LIES Obama only had a majority for 133 days not two years - Detroit liberal Examiner.com
Fox News is in business because their model of success depends on their viewers not knowing the facts. Host of Fox News, Chris Wallace, made the incorrect assertion during an interview Sunday that President Barack Obama had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for two years. The actual fact is Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority for 133 days, a far cry from the over 700 days that Wallace gleefully interjected.

This is not the first and will certainly not the last time Fox New has been caught saying completely untrue things on the air.
That is the number of days that John Boehner allowed the bipartisan immigration bill to sit on his desk. Did he think it was going to go away? Did he think that all those people were going to just return to their native country?

What was he thinking? Now the President has taken legal executive action to implement just a tiny portion of what a bipartisan vote of democrats and republicans voted for, John Boehner is outraged.

He DID NOT DO HIS JOB, and when someone finally did part of it for him, he is outraged. WHAT A BAFOON!
It was not a legal act. What if a GOP president says "congress failed to doing anything about abortion pso I'm going to make it illegal by EO."

You are wrong. All the legal scholars say you are wrong. The GOP will lose big time in 2016 because they will bring out a massive Latino vote.
Two fucking years.

Thats how long the left held all three branches.

512 days. That's how long it's been since YOU let those poor mexicans down
that lie has been debunked numerous times Skippy :thup: Grampa Murked U

FOX NEWS LIES Obama only had a majority for 133 days not two years - Detroit liberal Examiner.com
Fox News is in business because their model of success depends on their viewers not knowing the facts. Host of Fox News, Chris Wallace, made the incorrect assertion during an interview Sunday that President Barack Obama had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for two years. The actual fact is Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority for 133 days, a far cry from the over 700 days that Wallace gleefully interjected.

This is not the first and will certainly not the last time Fox New has been caught saying completely untrue things on the air.

Leave it to the far left troll to use a far left blog site for their facts..

The Republican House tried to do this earlier in 2014, for the DACA program, passing a bill that would have prevented anyone new from signing up, and preventing current beneficiaries from renewing. Democrats controlled the Senate, so it didn't come to the floor there. Once Republicans take control of the Senate in the New Year, they could pass a similar bill — but Obama would almost certainly veto it.

Rather than a standalone bill, Congress could attach riders killing Obama's immigration programs to the annual appropriations bills. If Obama vetoed the bills (or if Senate Democrats filibustered them) then we'll have another government shutdown.

So once again it was the far left's way or no way at all..
730 days that is how long the Democrats held the Presidency and both houses of Congress and did nothing on immigration.
Two fucking years.

Thats how long the left held all three branches.

512 days. That's how long it's been since YOU let those poor mexicans down
that lie has been debunked numerous times Skippy :thup: Grampa Murked U

FOX NEWS LIES Obama only had a majority for 133 days not two years - Detroit liberal Examiner.com
Fox News is in business because their model of success depends on their viewers not knowing the facts. Host of Fox News, Chris Wallace, made the incorrect assertion during an interview Sunday that President Barack Obama had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for two years. The actual fact is Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority for 133 days, a far cry from the over 700 days that Wallace gleefully interjected.

This is not the first and will certainly not the last time Fox New has been caught saying completely untrue things on the air.

Umm, the claim was that the Dems had majority control for two years, which is absolutely correct. I didn't see anyone claim that they had a filibuster proof majority, did you?

The Keystone Pipeline was passed by the House over 1000 days ago.....
That is the number of days that John Boehner allowed the bipartisan immigration bill to sit on his desk. Did he think it was going to go away? Did he think that all those people were going to just return to their native country?

What was he thinking? Now the President has taken legal executive action to implement just a tiny portion of what a bipartisan vote of democrats and republicans voted for, John Boehner is outraged.

He DID NOT DO HIS JOB, and when someone finally did part of it for him, he is outraged. WHAT A BAFOON!

and Obama and Democrats had TWO YEARS of complete control so why didn't they take care of it THEN. ? It' doesn't bother you at al they played games with yours and everyone else's lives that they waited unitl he became a frikken lame ass duck.?
OH right they TIMED it so it's the Republicans fault, again
you've become a useful tool Jim. I'm sorry to have to tell you that but it's the sad truth
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That is the number of days that John Boehner allowed the bipartisan immigration bill to sit on his desk. Did he think it was going to go away? Did he think that all those people were going to just return to their native country?

What was he thinking? Now the President has taken legal executive action to implement just a tiny portion of what a bipartisan vote of democrats and republicans voted for, John Boehner is outraged.

He DID NOT DO HIS JOB, and when someone finally did part of it for him, he is outraged. WHAT A BAFOON!
It was not a legal act. What if a GOP president says "congress failed to doing anything about abortion pso I'm going to make it illegal by EO."

You are wrong. All the legal scholars say you are wrong. The GOP will lose big time in 2016 because they will bring out a massive Latino vote.

The far left shows they understand that these 5 million will be added to the far left roster for 2016..

More proof showing the real reason for the illegal EO that is supported to no end by the far left drones..
Two fucking years.

Thats how long the left held all three branches.

512 days. That's how long it's been since YOU let those poor mexicans down
that lie has been debunked numerous times Skippy :thup: Grampa Murked U

FOX NEWS LIES Obama only had a majority for 133 days not two years - Detroit liberal Examiner.com
Fox News is in business because their model of success depends on their viewers not knowing the facts. Host of Fox News, Chris Wallace, made the incorrect assertion during an interview Sunday that President Barack Obama had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for two years. The actual fact is Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority for 133 days, a far cry from the over 700 days that Wallace gleefully interjected.

This is not the first and will certainly not the last time Fox New has been caught saying completely untrue things on the air.

Umm, the claim was that the Dems had majority control for two years, which is absolutely correct. I didn't see anyone claim that they had a filibuster proof majority, did you?

Hey Mark, IF thats your real name. :eusa_think: we don't split hairs here and if we did, Righties would be stymied so shove off m8.


I've known Grampa Murked U for years and he's a FAILtroll's FAILtroll.
That is the number of days that John Boehner allowed the bipartisan immigration bill to sit on his desk. Did he think it was going to go away? Did he think that all those people were going to just return to their native country?

What was he thinking? Now the President has taken legal executive action to implement just a tiny portion of what a bipartisan vote of democrats and republicans voted for, John Boehner is outraged.

He DID NOT DO HIS JOB, and when someone finally did part of it for him, he is outraged. WHAT A BAFOON!
It was not a legal act. What if a GOP president says "congress failed to doing anything about abortion pso I'm going to make it illegal by EO."

You are wrong. All the legal scholars say you are wrong. The GOP will lose big time in 2016 because they will bring out a massive Latino vote.

The far left shows they understand that these 5 million will be added to the far left roster for 2016..

More proof showing the real reason for the illegal EO that is supported to no end by the far left drones..

they are party over country and about as UnAmercian as can be. it's sick
The Keystone Pipeline was passed by the House over 1000 days ago.....
putting the cart in front of the horse and you're applauding them? lol It crossed int'l boundaries (which necessitates the involvement of the State Dept) AND needed an environmental assessment so your statement is irrelevant.
That's 512 years that the Republicans have fought for and gotten complete amnesty for all illegals.

Make no mistake, that is exactly why the R has fought Obama about the fence, they fought him deporting illegals, fought against hiring more border patrol against and against any kind of immigration reform and control of illegals.

The right has fought issuing driver's licenses in order to find and track illegals.

The 1% depends on cheap labor. If they are deported, the uber wealthy would have to pay a livable wage.

The Repubs are in the pocket of the 1%.

Hence, Repubs fighting for amnesty and against deportation.

And now, watch what they do.

They will do nothing except fight against the same things some more.
Repub voters need illegals more than any other groups. Who pulls up to the Quikie Mart in their F-350's every morning to hire them and pay them low wages (undercutting American workers wages) & under the table so no taxes are paid hence crumbling infrastructure? I know one thing, it aint Progressives.
That is the number of days that John Boehner allowed the bipartisan immigration bill to sit on his desk. Did he think it was going to go away? Did he think that all those people were going to just return to their native country?

What was he thinking? Now the President has taken legal executive action to implement just a tiny portion of what a bipartisan vote of democrats and republicans voted for, John Boehner is outraged.

He DID NOT DO HIS JOB, and when someone finally did part of it for him, he is outraged. WHAT A BAFOON!
It was not a legal act. What if a GOP president says "congress failed to doing anything about abortion pso I'm going to make it illegal by EO."

You are wrong. All the legal scholars say you are wrong. The GOP will lose big time in 2016 because they will bring out a massive Latino vote.

The far left shows they understand that these 5 million will be added to the far left roster for 2016..

More proof showing the real reason for the illegal EO that is supported to no end by the far left drones..

Really? Are you brain dead. Illegals are not going to vote in 2016. Unfortunately for you, more than just white male voters will be 2016. The turn out in 2014 was the lowest since 1942. The less people vote, the better for the gop.

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