52% of Americans think polls are inaccurate

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Well after 2016 can you blame them?


Survey: A majority of Americans don't believe polls are accurate

According to a new The Hill-HarrisX poll released Thursday, a majority of registered voters (52 percent) are doubtful about surveys they hear about in the news media. Twenty-nine percent of respondents said they don't believe most polls but do trust a few while 19 percent said they "almost never" believe that polls are accurate.

While the majority were mistrustful of polls, 15 percent of respondents said they "almost always" believed in polls they heard about in the press. Thirty-three percent said they believed most polls but not all of them.

Male respondents in the Hill-HarrisX poll tended to be more trusting of polls and more skeptical of them than women.

Twenty-three percent of men said they "almost never" believe surveys while only 16 percent of women said the same. Among men, 15 percent said they "almost always" believe polls are accurate. Just 9 percent of women agreed.

Younger people were the most trusting with a majority, 55 percent, of voters between the ages of 18 and 34 saying they believe most or almost all polls. Elderly voters were the most skeptical; only 41 percent of voters who were 65 and older said they believed most or all surveys.

That most Americans continue to doubt the accuracy of public opinion surveys is notable considering how that most pollsters performed historically well during the November midterm elections.
19% trust the Mainstream Media.

So when they all accuse Trump some malicious malfeasance...all at the same time...using the exact same talking points...does it help or hurt Trump?

He's not an ass-kissing politician. He fights back.

We Proud Deplorables in the Heartland elected him because he is not an ass-kicking politician and he fights back. And because our other choice was Depraved.
Well after 2016 can you blame them?


Survey: A majority of Americans don't believe polls are accurate

According to a new The Hill-HarrisX poll released Thursday, a majority of registered voters (52 percent) are doubtful about surveys they hear about in the news media. Twenty-nine percent of respondents said they don't believe most polls but do trust a few while 19 percent said they "almost never" believe that polls are accurate.

While the majority were mistrustful of polls, 15 percent of respondents said they "almost always" believed in polls they heard about in the press. Thirty-three percent said they believed most polls but not all of them.

Male respondents in the Hill-HarrisX poll tended to be more trusting of polls and more skeptical of them than women.

Twenty-three percent of men said they "almost never" believe surveys while only 16 percent of women said the same. Among men, 15 percent said they "almost always" believe polls are accurate. Just 9 percent of women agreed.

Younger people were the most trusting with a majority, 55 percent, of voters between the ages of 18 and 34 saying they believe most or almost all polls. Elderly voters were the most skeptical; only 41 percent of voters who were 65 and older said they believed most or all surveys.

That most Americans continue to doubt the accuracy of public opinion surveys is notable considering how that most pollsters performed historically well during the November midterm elections.

How can anybody trust polls these days?

We have the best economy we've had in decades, yet polls show that Trump is not highly favored. How can that be?

It boils down to common sense vs polls. There is an entirely different environment between the DumBama days and today. More people are inspired by what's going on in their lives making more money, some with raises, the ability to find another job or any kind of job, paying lower taxes........

But the polls want us to believe that most people are unsatisfied with their environment today: We have too many jobs available, we have too little illegal immigrants, we have too little government dependents, we have more people that want to pay higher taxes, we have people who will not be subject to the Commie Care fines and want to pay them instead.

Who makes us believe people think like this? Polls.
Well after 2016 can you blame them?


Survey: A majority of Americans don't believe polls are accurate

According to a new The Hill-HarrisX poll released Thursday, a majority of registered voters (52 percent) are doubtful about surveys they hear about in the news media. Twenty-nine percent of respondents said they don't believe most polls but do trust a few while 19 percent said they "almost never" believe that polls are accurate.

While the majority were mistrustful of polls, 15 percent of respondents said they "almost always" believed in polls they heard about in the press. Thirty-three percent said they believed most polls but not all of them.

Male respondents in the Hill-HarrisX poll tended to be more trusting of polls and more skeptical of them than women.

Twenty-three percent of men said they "almost never" believe surveys while only 16 percent of women said the same. Among men, 15 percent said they "almost always" believe polls are accurate. Just 9 percent of women agreed.

Younger people were the most trusting with a majority, 55 percent, of voters between the ages of 18 and 34 saying they believe most or almost all polls. Elderly voters were the most skeptical; only 41 percent of voters who were 65 and older said they believed most or all surveys.

That most Americans continue to doubt the accuracy of public opinion surveys is notable considering how that most pollsters performed historically well during the November midterm elections.

Polls are seldom accurate and are skewed by the base that the poll takers use.
What most Americans have figured out is polls can be manipulated to get the results one wants by the way the question or questions are phrased and by the breakdown by party affiliation of those polled.

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