52% Say Cheating Impacted 2020

Setting polls aside, there is growing proof that there was substantial ballot fraud favoring Biden in the 2020 Presidential election. Democrats have argued that it would not have been enough to change Biden's 10 million vote victory, but they fail to acknowledge that even if only a tiny percentage of those were fraudulent in a few states, Trump would have won the Electoral vote by a clear margin.

On the other hand, the exposure of the Democrat Party as a bunch of perfidious gangsters may tar them for many years.
ATLANTA (AP) — President Donald Trump has wrongly claimed that Georgia election officials are unable to verify signatures on absentee ballot envelopes because of a legal settlement known as a consent decree.

Here’s a look at Trump’s claims, in a tweet on Saturday:

TRUMP: “The Consent Decree signed by the Georgia Secretary of State, with the approval of Governor @BrianKempGA, at the urging of @staceyabrams, makes it impossible to check & match signatures on ballots and envelopes, etc. They knew they were going to cheat. Must expose real signatures!”

THE FACTS: There is nothing in the consent decree that prevents Georgia election clerks from scrutinizing signatures. The legal settlement signed in March addresses accusations about a lack of statewide standards for judging signatures on absentee ballot envelopes.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, said that not only is it entirely possible to match signatures, but that the state requires it.

When a voter requests an absentee ballot on a paper application, he or she must sign it. Election officials compare that signature to the signature in voter registration files before a ballot is sent to the voter, Raffensperger said.

When those ballots are returned, the required signature on the outer envelope is compared to signatures in the voter registration system.

This process was spelled out in detail in the consent decree, a legal settlement that was signed March 6.

A lawsuit by the Democratic Party, which led to the agreement, argued that minorities were disproportionately affected when they had their ballots rejected. Among other things, the settlement sets steps for local election officials to notify a voter -- by phone, mail or email -- in a timely fashion about problems with a signature.

The changes were made by the state election board.

The signature issue resurfaced after lawyer L. Lin Wood Jr. filed a federal lawsuit Friday questioning whether the secretary of state had the authority to require the process of signature verification outlined in the agreement.

3rd Strike Against Voter Fraud Claims Means They're Out After ...

https://sos.ga.gov › news › 3rd-strike-against-voter-frau...

Dec 29, 2020 — (Atlanta) -- After a hand recount and a subsequent machine recount requested by the Trump campaign, a signature audit has again affirmed the ...

(Atlanta) -- After a hand recount and a subsequent machine recount requested by the Trump campaign, a signature audit has again affirmed the original outcome of the November 2020 presidential race in Georgia. A signature match audit in Cobb County found “no fraudulent absentee ballots” and found that the Cobb County Elections Department had “a 99.99% accuracy rate in performing correct signature verification procedures.”
Fact checks are no more than opinion checks. No cigar.
Pennsylvania‘s mail in ballot laws, when the courts extended the dates of mail in ballots without consent of the state legislature.
In mid September. They sequestered them anyway and there were not enough to change the results.
However, any poll showing this much distrust, regardless of methodology, indicates a potentially serious problem. And you can't just point the finger at Trump. People who watched the election results and the irregularities were yelling it long before Trump opened his stupid mouth.

You have to remember that Trump told people for months and months there would be cheating and that if he lost it would be due to cheating. So, yeah people were seeing what they were told were irregularities. Many of those "irregularities" were not really, and they were things that happen every election but nobody noticed before.

Justified or not, there is serious lack of confidence in elections, and unless that is restored, there will be an even bigger divide.

It is almost as if that was the plan all along.
Court rulings are proof....The WI Supreme Court ruled that there were enough fake ballots in the system to have possibly flipped the election.

The Maricopa County forensic audit found the same thing.

If you believe that only happened in AZ & WI, you need a reality check.

If you believe Trump one, you need a reality check.
Not a conspiracy, a poll. Does it prove fraud? It does to those polled.

The poll also revealed the stunning evidence that a clear majority of Americans believe the result of the 2020 election was blighted by cheating.


Unreliable source.

“Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, affiliation with a known questionable group, and several failed fact checks.”


Unreliable source.

“Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, affiliation with a known questionable group, and several failed fact checks.”

You are an unreliable source.
Where is this proof of cheating and why are people not being charged and prosecuted?
Did you happen to watch 2000 Mules? If you didn't then you have no serious interest in looking at anything that can shake your personal beliefs about the election. NOT ONE COURT actually reviewed or assessed the evidence. NOT ONE. They kicked out the cases because they were filed, too early, then too late, or because the individuals weren't seen to have "standing". Over 900 Americans were deposed UNDER OATH about irregularities and even flagrant examples of law-breaking associated with polling places. NONE WERE HEARD.

If a tiny fraction of this evidence was found in a situation where a Democrat had lost the presidential race you people would have been burning the country down over it. Deny it if you like, no one on the Right will believe you. You folks are satisfied because you got rid of the BOM.

BTW, just after midnight on election night, the most heavily contested battleground states ALL STOPPED COUNTING at the same time. Can you remember or cite another example of that, EVER? I certainly can't. ALL OF THEM. The Republican observers were sent away and with Trump well ahead in all of those states, a few hours later Biden had been called the winner. The numbers of votes that were processed by the computer systems EXCEEDED the total capacity that those systems were capable of counting in that period of time. Ballots were destroyed in many locations after they were counted. Envelopes that served as the ONLY means of verifying the legality of mail-in ballots were routinely destroyed.

Your party stole an election in the open and if they try it again, this country is going to fall apart and probably burn. If the situation I just described had happened to Biden rather than Trump, we'd already be in a civil war. AND I THINK YOU KNOW IT.
Why are people not being punished for their crimes?
Because DC, BOTH PARTIES are fucking corrupt and refused to allow a populist "outsider" to do anything else to disturb their game. It's also why everyone of them is scrambling like mad to find something, ANYTHING, to stop him from running again. If he was as much a joke and loser as you lot like to laugh about, they wouldn't be near hysteria trying to stop him. They KNOW, especially after the trainwreck of the past 2 years, they KNOW that if he runs, he WINS. I just pray no one shoots him like just happened to Abe. I really believe that an assassination of Trump or a SCOTUS justice like Alito or Kavanaugh could be the spark that lights the country into a conflagration. Those on the Right have had ENOUGH. No more double standard of justice, no more use of our schools to groom our kids... ENOUGH!
He won going away....So much so that the counting needed to be stopped in at least four states, so they could bring in even more more fake ballots to stuff the boxes.
Have you noticed they never really have an answer for that? It is unprecedented in our history and they use mealy-mouthed bullshit excuses that would be suspect if it even happened in ONE state. They know their side lied and they don't give a damn. The end justified the means and now the whole nation is on the edge because nearly half of us d no longer trust the one final binding tie we had left.
Where is this proof of cheating and why are people not being charged and prosecuted?

So according to you, Stalin, Mao, Castro, all were innocent of crimes since they weren't "charged or prosecuted." Got it

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