55% approval for Obama

George W. Bush was at 52% in Feb 05.....:dunno:

3% less than my boy I see :razz:
It's okay there's no way it's possible for him to tank as badly as Bush ended up doing.

he has 4 years to go......anything could happen.....one fuck up and boom....people are pretty unforgiving.....and the media loves destroying people....

The American people will do what the media tells them to do. If they want to destroy Obama they could, but I doubt they will.

As of right now, the American people have bought into the notion of class warfare, even though if you take all the wealth of the rich it would not even be a drop in the bucket in relation to the debt and spending. I've heard that America is by in large conservative, but I don't buy it for a second. They are just sheep.
Republicans have been too successful in stopping obama from doing his worst. They should let him drive the buggy over every cliff that exists. Raise the minimum wage and start a really massive recession. Raise the price of energy until people are freezing in their homes. Open the borders until the cartels are rolling heads into every bar in the country and taking a bus means having your kidnap insurance paid up. Legalize drugs until our cities look like the set of the Walking Dead.

Let him do his worst, until there is a general rebellion.

Unfortunately, I think this is what he's looking to do with his on the road hate show, pitting groups of the people against each other

He's thinking kindly of the French Revolution where the Jacobins were finally reduced to killing one another having run out of everyone else.

What can obama do? He can hate the rich until the rich leave, then the middle class will be the new rich, and the new racists too. obama hates this country and all of its people. He would like nothing more than to turn every neighborhood into Chicago. That's why he says Chicago is a model for the nation.
OMG, cons are fans of Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette. Now as then most cons would be the peasants who overthrew them.
Only 35% for the pubs.

Looks like all the lies from Boehner and the Boys are failing. The Rs don't think Americans are smart enough to listen to both sides and see through the R lies.

Obama holds upper hand in budget, immigration fights, poll shows - latimes.com

Almost half of Americans surveyed said they would blame the GOP if the cuts took place, compared with fewer than one-third who said they would blame Obama. Moreover, an overwhelming majority, 79%, say that additional tax increases should be part of any new deficit reduction deal, compared with only 19% who side with the Republican position that the deficit should be reduced solely with spending cuts.

Republicans will continue to stay in denial. Because of all the advantages Republicans have with congressional districting, my thinking has been that it will be difficult for Dems to win back the House in 2014, but seeing these numbers, I'm not so certain. If Republicans continue to refuse to play ball, it could cost them big. 2014 is just around the corner.

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