55 percent of the country believes the 2020 election was fraudulent

Nope. It is not the criticism I fear. It is the endless back and forth....such as the one you just dragged me into.
This conversation has gone nowhere and is no longer worth my time.

So, once again it is my fault you choose to participate in this discussion.

How weak minded are you?
It's your fault you chose to troll rather than ask a legitimate question.

How weak minded are you?

I asked a legitimate question. When it was asked of me I answered it. It is a simple one to answer.

But lets pretend it was not and I was just trolling, and you fell for it and spent the last two days talking about it...seems that makes you even more weak minded for being such a rube
so despite the following, Bidum won legitimately (?)

more Blacks voted for Trump than they did in 2016
ditto Hispanics
probably ditto females
he got more R votes than any R in history
he was winning on the night of the election but somehow.. strangely, once the polls "shut down" and we were supposed to wait for them to finish counting ballots.. suddenly Bidum was getting 90% or more of the incoming ballots

No wonder the elites think we are stupid enough to fall for their lies / thefts

So many of their constituents do.. not because they really believe said elites but simply because some D voters are as clueless as they are.. Frankly, I really don't have any idea why anyone votes for these psychos
so despite the following, Bidum won legitimately (?)

more Blacks voted for Trump than they did in 2016
ditto Hispanics
probably ditto females
he got more R votes than any R in history
he was winning on the night of the election but somehow.. strangely, once the polls "shut down" and we were supposed to wait for them to finish counting ballots.. suddenly Bidum was getting 90% or more of the incoming ballots

No wonder the elites think we are stupid enough to fall for their lies / thefts

So many of their constituents do.. not because they really believe said elites but simply because some D voters are as clueless as they are.. Frankly, I really don't have any idea why anyone votes for these psychos
Assuming that your Orange Baboon-God is not wearing an Orange jump suit by then...

If you clowns are stupid enough to run Rump again in 2024... and I suspect you are... then you're going to get your a$$e$ kicked again...
Assuming that your Orange Baboon-God is not wearing an Orange jump suit by then...

If you clowns are stupid enough to run Rump again in 2024... and I suspect you are... then you're going to get your a$$e$ kicked again...
Not by Biden. Trump wins if the election is held today. People are missing Donald Trump. Imagine that


But you go right on ahead with your Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels -like Big Lie pandering on behalf o your Orange Kool-Aid Con-Man...

After his traitorous incitement of the Insurrection of January 6, 2021... your Orange Baboon-God has become a modern-day Benedict Arnold.

Keep the agenda but dump your Orange Albatross before you end-up throwing peanuts from the cheap seats for a generation or two.

Snap out of it... get your heads out of your a$$e$... and his...
None of that is true.
Please continue to believe that and run him again...
Why, so you can riot again?

You know what happens next time. You were warned.

And you won't have a J6 committee either, to spread partisan propaganda at taxpayer expense.

You failed, it's that simple. You blew your wad on DT and he's still free and he's still the frontrunner and he's leading in all the polls.

No one wants what you clowns have. No one likes you. Donny is laughing at you. He holds all the Trump cards
Why, so you can riot again?
Wasn't me... nor any of mine... nor the Dems in general... hell, for all I care Rump could have federalized the Guard with shoot-to-kill orders.
You know what happens next time. You were warned.
Empty, hollow threats... nothing more than static and background noise... and the stuff of comedy routines.
And you won't have a J6 committee either, to spread partisan propaganda at taxpayer expense.
The January 6th Special Committee of the House is not spreading propaganda... merely examining the MAGA traitorous assault on Congress on Jan 6 2021.
You failed, it's that simple. You blew your wad on DT and he's still free and he's still the frontrunner and he's leading in all the polls.
Like I said... please continue to believe that... it's a hilarious blind-spot you have there...
No one wants what you clowns have. No one likes you. Donny is laughing at you. He holds all the Trump cards
Your Orange Baboon-God is a traitor and will be damned by American historians for generations to come.
Not by Biden. Trump wins if the election is held today. People are missing Donald Trump. Imagine that

Trump won the 2020 by 150 electorals if the fraud had been weeded out.

What will prevent the same result again?
Wasn't me... nor any of mine... nor the Dems in general...

Yes, it was. The Dems SPECIFICALLY.

hell, for all I care Rump could have federalized the Guard with shoot-to-kill orders.

He wouldn't do that. He's not a Stalinist pig like Nancy Shrew.

Empty, hollow threats... nothing more than static and background noise... and the stuff of comedy routines.

Meh... you snowflakes whine about a four hour party, I can only imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth when you see the real thing.

The January 6th Special Committee of the House is not spreading propaganda...

Yes, it is. The Stalinist fucks won't let anyone cross examine their witnesses. It's a bullshit show "trial". Iron Joe would be proud

merely examining the MAGA traitorous assault on Congress on Jan 6 2021.

Stolen beer? That's a traitorous assault? lol

Like I said... please continue to believe that... it's a hilarious blind-spot you have there...

Your Orange Baboon-God is a traitor and will be damned by American historians for generations to come.

Dude - wake the fuck up. We don't need no historians. People TODAY prefer Trump to Biden. TODAY.

Yes, you anti-Trump morons failed THAT badly.

I told you, I told you what would happen if you made a martyr out of him but you didn't listen. So fuck you, no one cares now.

No one cares about your orange delusions. We care about our retirement savings and our $2 gas.

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