55 Reasons Obama Will Go Down As One Of Our Best Presidents

I keep hearing about 'his accomplishments' as if the entire country exist just to feed the ego of this man. I heard the same garbage when Clinton was in office and it just makes me think that a lot of people would much rather follow a leader just because they want to glorify someone else. What is more important in this country? That achievements of our 'great leader' or the non-public and personal achievements of each person in this country?

You should tell that to the Republican Party of "NO" and obstructionism that has been blocking Obama for almost eight years. They even refused to consider all or any of his American Jobs Act. Obama has been a great president in spite of the NaziCon obstacles thrown in front of him. Republicans have caused Americans needless suffering during Obama's tenure as president. It's sadly funny when NaziCons try to use "slow economic growth" against Obama. Hell, because of Republicans - we're lucky to be growing at all.
You should tell that to the Republican Party of "NO" and obstructionism that has been blocking Obama for almost eight years. They even refused to consider all or any of his American Jobs Act. Obama has been a great president in spite of the NaziCon obstacles thrown in front of him. Republicans have caused Americans needless suffering during Obama's tenure as president. It's sadly funny when NaziCons try to use "slow economic growth" against Obama. Hell, because of Republicans - we're lucky to be growing at all.

Now I believe you are a poorly paid shill...who else could call the kenyan shoeshine boy anything other than a national disgrace?
You should tell that to the Republican Party of "NO" and obstructionism that has been blocking Obama for almost eight years. They even refused to consider all or any of his American Jobs Act. Obama has been a great president in spite of the NaziCon obstacles thrown in front of him. Republicans have caused Americans needless suffering during Obama's tenure as president. It's sadly funny when NaziCons try to use "slow economic growth" against Obama. Hell, because of Republicans - we're lucky to be growing at all.

Now I believe you are a poorly paid shill...who else could call the kenyan shoeshine boy anything other than a national disgrace?

Presidential historians.
Actually, ISIS presidential historians should build a shrine to Bush - but honest, intelligent people already know that.

Dubya beat their asses into the dirt.....anybody other than a phony fuck like you will admit to that.
Previous presidents like Reagan and Bush had increased government jobs to help recover from recessions - but not Obama. Because of Republican obstructionism - not only has Obama not had an increase in government jobs to recover from the Great Bush Recession - several hundred thousand government jobs have been lost since he took office. As Americans look at the charts below - they should ask themselves why Republicans deserve to be in power - because they certainly haven't earned that right.


If it hadn't been for the collapse in public-sector employment, the jobs picture would currently look much brighter than it is.

There's A Huge Difference In Public Sector Jobs Under Obama Vs. The Presidents Who Came Before Him


The Godless Liberal: President Obama Is The...


Say good-bye to Bush's '52 months of job growth' GOP talking point
The last time the US had a balance of trade SURPLUS was in 1975....Take a look around and try to pinpoint why we're almost $20T in debt.
The last time the US had a balance of trade SURPLUS was in 1975....Take a look around and try to pinpoint why we're almost $20T in debt.

I don't have to look around too hard. How much new debt has been created by Obama that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? The Bush clusterfuck didn't end on the day Obama took office.


  • When Bill Clinton left office, our government was running a surplus and the debt was projected to be paid down to zero by the end of 2009. If Clinton-era policies had been left in place, the saved surplus (negative debt) today would have been 25% of GDP, or about $4T.
  • When Republicans assumed power in 2001 their policies turned the surplus into a deficit within months. These misguided policies included wars that were put on our credit card, massive spending increases without matching tax increases, and poorly structured tax cuts that increased debt but only produced jobs offshore. A financial meltdown was triggered by complete failure of Republican regulatory, monetary, and fiscal policy. By the time President Bush left office, the projection for today's debt had changed from a projected Surplus of 25% of GDP to deficit of 125% of GDP ... a breathtaking swing of 150% of GDP or over 30 Trillion dollars.
Fiscal Responsibility
We’re really, really going to miss him.

Since this election cycle has been so nutty, it’s easy to become super nostalgic about the last eight years and the Obama presidency. Like every president before him,Barack Obama was by no means perfect, but you can’t deny that over his time in the White House he’s managed to accomplish a lot.

From the legalization of gay marriage to saving the country from a catastrophic depression, President Obama has led Americans through some of the most important and trying times in our history. He and his family will surely be missed by many Americans.

Of course, Obama isn’t the first US president to win the Nobel Peace Prize, appoint a woman to the Supreme Court, or lead a scandal-free presidency. He’s also not the first president who was charming, funny, and cool. But his many accomplishments and qualities, when considered as a whole, are absolutely worth celebrating. So, in honor of his 55th birthday, here are 55 reasons why Barack Obama was one of the best US presidents ever:

55 Reasons: 55 Reasons Obama Will Go Down As One Of Our Best Presidents

Thank you, Mr. President. Yes, you will be missed. You accomplished many great things, but we can only imagine all the other great things you could have accomplished for Americans if not for all the Republican obstructionism. I have no doubt that history will remember you as one of our greatest presidents.

you just keep sucking that dick....holy shit...is this Obama? I mean who the fuck would work this hard for his legacy which is complete shit. He'll be worse than Carter.
The last time the US had a balance of trade SURPLUS was in 1975....Take a look around and try to pinpoint why we're almost $20T in debt.

I don't have to look around too hard. How much new debt has been created by Obama that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? The Bush clusterfuck didn't end on the day Obama took office.


  • When Bill Clinton left office, our government was running a surplus and the debt was projected to be paid down to zero by the end of 2009. If Clinton-era policies had been left in place, the saved surplus (negative debt) today would have been 25% of GDP, or about $4T.
  • When Republicans assumed power in 2001 their policies turned the surplus into a deficit within months. These misguided policies included wars that were put on our credit card, massive spending increases without matching tax increases, and poorly structured tax cuts that increased debt but only produced jobs offshore. A financial meltdown was triggered by complete failure of Republican regulatory, monetary, and fiscal policy. By the time President Bush left office, the projection for today's debt had changed from a projected Surplus of 25% of GDP to deficit of 125% of GDP ... a breathtaking swing of 150% of GDP or over 30 Trillion dollars.
Fiscal Responsibility

$10 billion, including overhauling heathcare and forcing people to buy this shit. I had better, cheaper healthcare before Obama and if nothing was done, it wouldn't cost near this much.
We’re really, really going to miss him.

Since this election cycle has been so nutty, it’s easy to become super nostalgic about the last eight years and the Obama presidency. Like every president before him,Barack Obama was by no means perfect, but you can’t deny that over his time in the White House he’s managed to accomplish a lot.

From the legalization of gay marriage to saving the country from a catastrophic depression, President Obama has led Americans through some of the most important and trying times in our history. He and his family will surely be missed by many Americans.

Of course, Obama isn’t the first US president to win the Nobel Peace Prize, appoint a woman to the Supreme Court, or lead a scandal-free presidency. He’s also not the first president who was charming, funny, and cool. But his many accomplishments and qualities, when considered as a whole, are absolutely worth celebrating. So, in honor of his 55th birthday, here are 55 reasons why Barack Obama was one of the best US presidents ever:

55 Reasons: 55 Reasons Obama Will Go Down As One Of Our Best Presidents

Thank you, Mr. President. Yes, you will be missed. You accomplished many great things, but we can only imagine all the other great things you could have accomplished for Americans if not for all the Republican obstructionism. I have no doubt that history will remember you as one of our greatest presidents.

you just keep sucking that dick....holy shit...is this Obama? I mean who the fuck would work this hard for his legacy which is complete shit. He'll be worse than Carter.

27 Carter
34 Bush

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We’re really, really going to miss him.

Since this election cycle has been so nutty, it’s easy to become super nostalgic about the last eight years and the Obama presidency. Like every president before him,Barack Obama was by no means perfect, but you can’t deny that over his time in the White House he’s managed to accomplish a lot.

From the legalization of gay marriage to saving the country from a catastrophic depression, President Obama has led Americans through some of the most important and trying times in our history. He and his family will surely be missed by many Americans.

Of course, Obama isn’t the first US president to win the Nobel Peace Prize, appoint a woman to the Supreme Court, or lead a scandal-free presidency. He’s also not the first president who was charming, funny, and cool. But his many accomplishments and qualities, when considered as a whole, are absolutely worth celebrating. So, in honor of his 55th birthday, here are 55 reasons why Barack Obama was one of the best US presidents ever:

55 Reasons: 55 Reasons Obama Will Go Down As One Of Our Best Presidents

Thank you, Mr. President. Yes, you will be missed. You accomplished many great things, but we can only imagine all the other great things you could have accomplished for Americans if not for all the Republican obstructionism. I have no doubt that history will remember you as one of our greatest presidents.

you just keep sucking that dick....holy shit...is this Obama? I mean who the fuck would work this hard for his legacy which is complete shit. He'll be worse than Carter.

27 Carter
34 Bush

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

no way Carter is 24, he should be in the 40s, he was fucking awful.
We’re really, really going to miss him.

Since this election cycle has been so nutty, it’s easy to become super nostalgic about the last eight years and the Obama presidency. Like every president before him,Barack Obama was by no means perfect, but you can’t deny that over his time in the White House he’s managed to accomplish a lot.

From the legalization of gay marriage to saving the country from a catastrophic depression, President Obama has led Americans through some of the most important and trying times in our history. He and his family will surely be missed by many Americans.

Of course, Obama isn’t the first US president to win the Nobel Peace Prize, appoint a woman to the Supreme Court, or lead a scandal-free presidency. He’s also not the first president who was charming, funny, and cool. But his many accomplishments and qualities, when considered as a whole, are absolutely worth celebrating. So, in honor of his 55th birthday, here are 55 reasons why Barack Obama was one of the best US presidents ever:

55 Reasons: 55 Reasons Obama Will Go Down As One Of Our Best Presidents

Thank you, Mr. President. Yes, you will be missed. You accomplished many great things, but we can only imagine all the other great things you could have accomplished for Americans if not for all the Republican obstructionism. I have no doubt that history will remember you as one of our greatest presidents.

you just keep sucking that dick....holy shit...is this Obama? I mean who the fuck would work this hard for his legacy which is complete shit. He'll be worse than Carter.

27 Carter
34 Bush

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

no way Carter is 24, he should be in the 40s, he was fucking awful.

He's not 24. He's 27.
Yeah they also list Jackson and Wilson high and FDR was highly overrated. Lincloln, Washington, TR, Madison, Jefferson, Monroe, and Reagan should all be above him.

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