
1) I wasn't a "smart arse", I simply posted facts you didn't like. When I did, you became emotionally upset, abusive and twisting the words to more your liking. You know, like you are now.

2) Actually you did and, no, you can't.

I don't have an opinion on your facts. Go back and see who got all emotional and abusive in the first place. Wasn't me...

I didn't ask for any back up. Maybe Faun saw you for the smart arse you are, just like me. I like how he did to you what you were attempting to do to me. Who threw a little tanty over that?
Of course, which is why I apologized for not making it clear I was referencing legal voters, not the Democrat's illegal voters. ;)?
Oh so now you're acknowledging you weren't being clear...
Yes, as the post clearly stated and to which you responded to yesterday.

Intelligent people know that it's a given the numbers include legitimate voters but since you are Democrat, I can see why you'd include illegitimate voters in the count. I apologize for not clarifying this statement for all Democrats who favor letting illegitimate and illegal voters vote for Hillary.

"majority of the nation voted against"

There is not one shread of evidence there were illegal votes. not one.. more fake news..
President Trump is gaining increasing popularity amongst sane people according to Rasmussen. Much to the chagrin of the weasel media, likely voters like what they see, despite the daily gauntlet of lies and negativity the president must run. But the rats are running out of cheese...today Huffington Post called the intel shadow government, "whistle blowers".


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

This is what Rasmussen itself says about its polling:

When comparing Job Approval ratings between different polling firms, it's important to focus on trends rather than absolute numbers.

One reason for this is that different firms ask Job Approval questions in different ways.

At Rasmussen Reports, we ask if people Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, or Strongly Disapprove of the way the President is performing his job.

This approach, in the current political environment, yields results about 3-4 points higher than if we simply ask if people if they approve or disapprove (we have tested this by asking the question both ways on the same night).

Presumably, this is because some people who are a bit uncomfortable saying they "Approve" are willing to say they "Somewhat Approve."

Get it? by Rasmussen's own admission they are using a method that gives the president higher numbers than he would get by the simple, straightforward approve/disapprove method.

Mystery Pollster: Rasmussen Update: A Lesson in Measurement Error
Speaking being a weak pussy. You!
Come up with some thing a bit more original than all your "the peemeister" quotes and statements.
We still know tommie...your butt hurts from "the gropenfuherer" sticking it in your ass all the time.
Whiny ass!


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