
Why do you continue to cite Rasmussen, when ever other polling organization shows what terrible shape Trumps approval is. Its called cherry picking, son

I ain't your "son", squirt. And Rassy doesn't cherry-pick and neither do I. You just can't handle that your side got whipped and our guy is becoming more popular by the day....even among your side.....feel the BURN?
Why not quote the poll that has Trump at 39%, thats more like it for this massive failure

One of these things is not like the others. Can you guess which one?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Rassy doesn't assume conservatives are 37% of the public and lump independents in with the left like the others.

They also have different selection criteria for those they poll. Rasmussen uses Likely Voters and Gallup uses Adults. A major difference.

Yes, and when we are talking about popularity among Americans obviously Adult sample is the one that SHOULD BE used.

In your opinion. In my opinion, if you are NOT a likely voter, you don't know or care what is going on. Being that Progressives depend on uninformed voters as their base, of course you are attracted to that segment of the population.

2/3s of Trumpsters thought unemployment increased since Obama got into office and you are going to tell me something about relying on un-informed voters? Fuck off. That blowhard bullshit machine (said unemployment could be as high as 40%!) couldn't win in a million years without the uninformed.


Words have meaning, PUBLIC OPINION means all adults. It's really not that complicated.

As you know, there really are more unemployed, the reason it appears that the rate is lower, is that far more have given up looking!
Your apology aside... you now owe Dr Grump $25.

Pay up or forever be known on this forum as just another welsher.
Dr Grump's previous dishonesty is well known and proved as was your previous post twisting.

Fortunately, those members with normal or higher integrity and average or higher English reading skills know you are wrong....again.

Note where Dr Grump stated in his first reply "Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary." It was only later that you two tried to twist this into insults and made it more than legitimate voters. Anyone can make a mistake, Faun, but repeated dishonesty is a character flaw.

55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

Go for it....
You are betting $25 that the majority of voters voted against Hillary? Sorry to be so strict, but I've dealt with a lot of weaselly fuckwads betting on forums. You aren't a weaselly fuckwad, are you? Are you a stand up person?
That's funny. You actually quoted yourself out of context.

What you actually said was...

The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

What you actually bet on was that you could prove a majority of the "nation" voted against Hillary; which as I proved, is not true.

Dr Grump accepted that bet.

As I suspected, you're just another loser welsher who makes empty bets with no intent on ever paying up.
Let's cut to the main point here: Do you agree or disagree that the majority of voters voted against Hillary on election day?

No bullshit, just agree or disagree please. I look forward to your answer.
You need to read English better and/or stop being a fucking lying weasel. Clearly my first post that you said "they didn't" was "the majority of the nation voted against...Clinton". When I disagreed with you and offered a bet, you said "go for it". Now you are distorting what I said. You, sir, are a weasel and a liar as the facts clearly show. You even quoted me:

I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.
Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.

Oh, I get it, you're one of those retards who thinks they're being smart. 99 percent of people would read it how I would. Only a charlatan cocksucking fuckwit would read it any other way in order to make a VERY weak point. My point - my ONLY point - is that more voted for her than the Orange Buffoon. Now, if you want to add up Johnson and Epstein's votes, got for it.

My, my what a clever little boy you are. <pats Fart Wind on the head>..
You feel all smart and superior now?

Drop off the Moonbeam state and President Trump won the popular vote too. Frankly were it not for the loss of life, an earthquake could drop off the coast and it would be a better state and country!
Your apology aside... you now owe Dr Grump $25.

Pay up or forever be known on this forum as just another welsher.
Dr Grump's previous dishonesty is well known and proved as was your previous post twisting.

Fortunately, those members with normal or higher integrity and average or higher English reading skills know you are wrong....again.

Note where Dr Grump stated in his first reply "Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary." It was only later that you two tried to twist this into insults and made it more than legitimate voters. Anyone can make a mistake, Faun, but repeated dishonesty is a character flaw.

55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

Go for it....
You are betting $25 that the majority of voters voted against Hillary? Sorry to be so strict, but I've dealt with a lot of weaselly fuckwads betting on forums. You aren't a weaselly fuckwad, are you? Are you a stand up person?
That's funny. You actually quoted yourself out of context.

What you actually said was...

The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

What you actually bet on was that you could prove a majority of the "nation" voted against Hillary; which as I proved, is not true.

Dr Grump accepted that bet.

As I suspected, you're just another loser welsher who makes empty bets with no intent on ever paying up.
Let's cut to the main point here: Do you agree or disagree that the majority of voters voted against Hillary on election day? No bullshit, just agree or disagree please. I look forward to your answer.

Drop off the Moonbeam state and President Donald Trump won the popular vote too. Frankly, were it not for the loss of life, I'd be fine if the BIG ONE came and coast dropped off into the great Pacific Ocean.
55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.
The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

At the time of the election, there were about 245 million people, age 18 and over, in the U.S. ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... minus the roughly 60 million non-U.S. citizens in the nation leaves us at about 185 million adult U.S. citizens.

For your statement to be correct, a "majority of the nation," half that plus one, would have had to have voted against her.

Good luck finding those 92,631,501 votes. :thup:
Intelligent people know that it's a given the numbers include legitimate voters but since you are Democrat, I can see why you'd include illegitimate voters in the count. I apologize for not clarifying this statement for all Democrats who favor letting illegitimate and illegal voters vote for Hillary.

"majority of the nation voted against"

Excellent point. Thanks.
President Trump is gaining increasing popularity amongst sane people according to Rasmussen. Much to the chagrin of the weasel media, likely voters like what they see, despite the daily gauntlet of lies and negativity the president must run. But the rats are running out of cheese...today Huffington Post called the intel shadow government, "whistle blowers".


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 1/31 - 2/15 -- 44.6 50.3 -5.7
Gallup 2/13 - 2/15 1500 A 40 54 -14
Rasmussen Reports 2/13 - 2/15 1500 LV 55 45 +10
Economist/YouGov 2/12 - 2/14 1100 RV 46 49 -3
FOX News 2/11 - 2/13 1013 RV 48 47 +1
Reuters/Ipsos 2/10 - 2/14 1774 A 46 50 -4
Pew Research 2/7 - 2/12 1503 A 39 56 -17
PPP (D) 2/7 - 2/8 712 RV 43 53 -10
Emerson 2/5 - 2/6 617 RV 48 47 +1
Quinnipiac 2/2 - 2/6 1155 RV 42 51 -9
CBS News 2/1 - 2/2 1019 A 40 48 -8
CNN/ORC 1/31 - 2/2 1002 A 44 53 -9

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval


What is your point? I posted the most recent and far more legible.
The most recent is the one at the top of the list.
Rassy doesn't assume conservatives are 37% of the public and lump independents in with the left like the others.

They also have different selection criteria for those they poll. Rasmussen uses Likely Voters and Gallup uses Adults. A major difference.

Yes, and when we are talking about popularity among Americans obviously Adult sample is the one that SHOULD BE used.

In your opinion. In my opinion, if you are NOT a likely voter, you don't know or care what is going on. Being that Progressives depend on uninformed voters as their base, of course you are attracted to that segment of the population.

2/3s of Trumpsters thought unemployment increased since Obama got into office and you are going to tell me something about relying on un-informed voters? Fuck off. That blowhard bullshit machine (said unemployment could be as high as 40%!) couldn't win in a million years without the uninformed.


Words have meaning, PUBLIC OPINION means all adults. It's really not that complicated.

As you know, there really are more unemployed, the reason it appears that the rate is lower, is that far more have given up looking!
Oh? How many, do you contend, have given up looking?
Intelligent people know that it's a given the numbers include legitimate voters but since you are Democrat, I can see why you'd include illegitimate voters in the count. I apologize for not clarifying this statement for all Democrats who favor letting illegitimate and illegal voters vote for Hillary.

"majority of the nation voted against"

There is not one shread of evidence there were illegal votes. not one.. more fake news..
As you know, there really are more unemployed, the reason it appears that the rate is lower, is that far more have given up looking!
Oh? How many, do you contend, have given up looking?

Simple.... Here, from the company, you have quoted from frequently is the difference.

9.4% +0.2

Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World

...and how would you say that compares to ~15% as Obama was getting into White House and 18% by end of recession?

Unemployment is way down - it's a fact.
Last edited:
Your apology aside... you now owe Dr Grump $25.

Pay up or forever be known on this forum as just another welsher.
Dr Grump's previous dishonesty is well known and proved as was your previous post twisting.

Fortunately, those members with normal or higher integrity and average or higher English reading skills know you are wrong....again.

Note where Dr Grump stated in his first reply "Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary." It was only later that you two tried to twist this into insults and made it more than legitimate voters. Anyone can make a mistake, Faun, but repeated dishonesty is a character flaw.

55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

Go for it....
You are betting $25 that the majority of voters voted against Hillary? Sorry to be so strict, but I've dealt with a lot of weaselly fuckwads betting on forums. You aren't a weaselly fuckwad, are you? Are you a stand up person?
That's funny. You actually quoted yourself out of context.

What you actually said was...

The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

What you actually bet on was that you could prove a majority of the "nation" voted against Hillary; which as I proved, is not true.

Dr Grump accepted that bet.

As I suspected, you're just another loser welsher who makes empty bets with no intent on ever paying up.
Let's cut to the main point here: Do you agree or disagree that the majority of voters voted against Hillary on election day?

No bullshit, just agree or disagree please. I look forward to your answer.
The majority of voters voted against her. Even more voted against Trump.

But regrettably for you, when you laid out the terms of your bet, which Dr Grump understandably jumped at, you didn't make it contingent upon your ability to prove a majority of "voters" voted against Hillary -- you made it based on proving a majority of the "nation" voted against her.

As demonstrated, a majority of the nation, that is to say, U.S. citizens aged 18 and over, did not vote against her. As demonstrated, that would have required almost 93 million of the more than 185 million adult citizens to have voted for any candidate other than Hillary -- but there were only 71 million votes cast for others.

And while you might have meant "voters" when you said "nation," that's not what you said. But alas, trying to weasel out of paying off losing bets is what loser welshers do. Your destiny is sealed.
Last edited:
You need to read English better and/or stop being a fucking lying weasel. Clearly my first post that you said "they didn't" was "the majority of the nation voted against...Clinton". When I disagreed with you and offered a bet, you said "go for it". Now you are distorting what I said. You, sir, are a weasel and a liar as the facts clearly show. You even quoted me:

I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.
Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.

Oh, I get it, you're one of those retards who thinks they're being smart. 99 percent of people would read it how I would. Only a charlatan cocksucking fuckwit would read it any other way in order to make a VERY weak point. My point - my ONLY point - is that more voted for her than the Orange Buffoon. Now, if you want to add up Johnson and Epstein's votes, got for it.

My, my what a clever little boy you are. <pats Fart Wind on the head>..
You feel all smart and superior now?

Drop off the Moonbeam state and President Trump won the popular vote too. Frankly were it not for the loss of life, an earthquake could drop off the coast and it would be a better state and country!
Your apology aside... you now owe Dr Grump $25.

Pay up or forever be known on this forum as just another welsher.
Dr Grump's previous dishonesty is well known and proved as was your previous post twisting.

Fortunately, those members with normal or higher integrity and average or higher English reading skills know you are wrong....again.

Note where Dr Grump stated in his first reply "Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary." It was only later that you two tried to twist this into insults and made it more than legitimate voters. Anyone can make a mistake, Faun, but repeated dishonesty is a character flaw.

I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.

Go for it....
You are betting $25 that the majority of voters voted against Hillary? Sorry to be so strict, but I've dealt with a lot of weaselly fuckwads betting on forums. You aren't a weaselly fuckwad, are you? Are you a stand up person?
That's funny. You actually quoted yourself out of context.

What you actually said was...

The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

What you actually bet on was that you could prove a majority of the "nation" voted against Hillary; which as I proved, is not true.

Dr Grump accepted that bet.

As I suspected, you're just another loser welsher who makes empty bets with no intent on ever paying up.
Let's cut to the main point here: Do you agree or disagree that the majority of voters voted against Hillary on election day? No bullshit, just agree or disagree please. I look forward to your answer.

Drop off the Moonbeam state and President Donald Trump won the popular vote too. Frankly, were it not for the loss of life, I'd be fine if the BIG ONE came and coast dropped off into the great Pacific Ocean.
That's the dumbest thing anyone could say. That's like saying, IF you drop Texas, then Hillary would be president... or like saying, IF you had a brain, you'd be a Liberal. But in reality, California counts and Hillary won the popular vote... Texas counts and Trump is president... and you're a brain-dead conservative.
As you know, there really are more unemployed, the reason it appears that the rate is lower, is that far more have given up looking!
Oh? How many, do you contend, have given up looking?

Simple.... Here, from the company, you have quoted from frequently is the difference.

9.4% +0.2

Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World
That's the U-6 rate. That's not even an unemployment rate, no less, the real unemployment rate.

How can it be an unemployment rate since it includes some folks who are working? And how can that be the figure you're talking about since it includes folks who are working and you said you were talking about folks who have given up working.

But hey, thanks for clarifying you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. :thup:

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