
President Trump is gaining increasing popularity amongst sane people according to Rasmussen. Much to the chagrin of the weasel media, likely voters like what they see, despite the daily gauntlet of lies and negativity the president must run. But the rats are running out of cheese...today Huffington Post called the intel shadow government, "whistle blowers".


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Except A) Trump has already gone lower than Obama ever went, and his highest is 46%, but he hasn't gone as low as Dubya, yet. His average approval rating is, right now, the lowest of any president ever. At the same period in Obama's presidency he was above 60%. Dubya was above 50%, as was Clinton.

United States presidential approval rating - Wikipedia

Rasmussen Reports - Wikipedia

"After the 2010 midterm elections, Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points according to Silver's model."

Yeah, great.
55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.
The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

At the time of the election, there were about 245 million people, age 18 and over, in the U.S. ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... minus the roughly 60 million non-U.S. citizens in the nation leaves us at about 185 million adult U.S. citizens.

For your statement to be correct, a "majority of the nation," half that plus one, would have had to have voted against her.

Good luck finding those 92,631,501 votes. :thup:
Intelligent people know that it's a given the numbers include legitimate voters but since you are Democrat, I can see why you'd include illegitimate voters in the count. I apologize for not clarifying this statement for all Democrats who favor letting illegitimate and illegal voters vote for Hillary.

"majority of the nation voted against"
An ass, maybe, but smarter, and more honest, than you, sir as the facts have proven.

Smarter? You call trying to be a smart arse, smart? I call it being a dishonest fuck.
Of course you would. After all, you were caught twisting facts and distorting what I said to push your own agenda.

... the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.
Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.
55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.
The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

At the time of the election, there were about 245 million people, age 18 and over, in the U.S. ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... minus the roughly 60 million non-U.S. citizens in the nation leaves us at about 185 million adult U.S. citizens.

For your statement to be correct, a "majority of the nation," half that plus one, would have had to have voted against her.

Good luck finding those 92,631,501 votes. :thup:
Intelligent people know that it's a given the numbers include legitimate voters but since you are Democrat, I can see why you'd include illegitimate voters in the count. I apologize for not clarifying this statement for all Democrats who favor letting illegitimate and illegal voters vote for Hillary.

"majority of the nation voted against"
I can only go by the words you posted, "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary"

Nope. As you were shown, the majority of the "nation" did not vote against her. The majority of "voters" voted against her. Many folks in the "nation" did not even "vote."

Oh, and I did not include illegitimate voters either. I can't help your brain farts.
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55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.
The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

At the time of the election, there were about 245 million people, age 18 and over, in the U.S. ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... minus the roughly 60 million non-U.S. citizens in the nation leaves us at about 185 million adult U.S. citizens.

For your statement to be correct, a "majority of the nation," half that plus one, would have had to have voted against her.

Good luck finding those 92,631,501 votes. :thup:
Intelligent people know that it's a given the numbers include legitimate voters but since you are Democrat, I can see why you'd include illegitimate voters in the count. I apologize for not clarifying this statement for all Democrats who favor letting illegitimate and illegal voters vote for Hillary.

"majority of the nation voted against"

What in the world do voters have to do with approval ratings?

One must be a registered voter to approve or disapprove?
Except A) Trump has already gone lower than Obama ever went, and his highest is 46%, but he hasn't gone as low as Dubya, yet. His average approval rating is, right now, the lowest of any president ever. At the same period in Obama's presidency he was above 60%. Dubya was above 50%, as was Clinton.

United States presidential approval rating - Wikipedia

Rasmussen Reports - Wikipedia

"After the 2010 midterm elections, Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points according to Silver's model."

Yeah, great.
Yes, Trump is setting records in Presidential approval rating category. It's going to be a fun four years!

On a related note, I keep hearing the talking heads about Trump's claim he "inherited a mess" then point out the 5% employment rate he inherited. What they don't talk about is the fact that the Middle Class has been sinking for decades and Hillary promised more of the same. IMO, with Trump, voters were desperate for true change for the Middle Class. The problem with the two-party system is that voters are often left with voting for the lesser of two evils. If the "evil" is the demise of the Middle Class in America and Hillary represented "more of the same", then the lesser of two evils for many voters was a narcissistic reality TV billionaire....and, of course, a Republican Congress. ;)

The American Middle Class Is Losing Ground
What in the world do voters have to do with approval ratings?

One must be a registered voter to approve or disapprove?
It depends on the poll. Exit polls are, by definition, voters. If the pollsters were polling only citizens, there's be one statistic. If they polled everyone including a 5 year old Mexican girl crossing the desert border into Arizona, they'd come up with a different statistic. This is why polling results can vary since the results depend upon the methodology used.
I can only go by the words you posted, "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary"

Nope. As you were shown, the majority of the "nation" did not vote against her. The majority of "voters" voted against her. It many folks in the "nation" did not even "vote."

Oh, and I did not include illegitimate voters either. I can't help your brain farts.
Of course, which is why I apologized for not making it clear I was referencing legal voters, not the Democrat's illegal voters. ;)

Interesting to me that you do include illegitimate voters. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but you've proved that there are Democrats who favor letting everyone vote, regardless of age or citizenship. That's what you mean, right?
I can only go by the words you posted, "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary"

Nope. As you were shown, the majority of the "nation" did not vote against her. The majority of "voters" voted against her. It many folks in the "nation" did not even "vote."

Oh, and I did not include illegitimate voters either. I can't help your brain farts.
Of course, which is why I apologized for not making it clear I was referencing legal voters, not the Democrat's illegal voters. ;)

Your apology aside... you now owe Dr Grump $25.

Pay up or forever be known on this forum as just another welsher.

Interesting to me that you do include illegitimate voters. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but you've proved that there are Democrats who favor letting everyone vote, regardless of age or citizenship. That's what you mean, right?
Oh? And how do you think I proved that?
Your apology aside... you now owe Dr Grump $25.

Pay up or forever be known on this forum as just another welsher.
Dr Grump's previous dishonesty is well known and proved as was your previous post twisting.

Fortunately, those members with normal or higher integrity and average or higher English reading skills know you are wrong....again.

Note where Dr Grump stated in his first reply "Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary." It was only later that you two tried to twist this into insults and made it more than legitimate voters. Anyone can make a mistake, Faun, but repeated dishonesty is a character flaw.

55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

Go for it....
You are betting $25 that the majority of voters voted against Hillary? Sorry to be so strict, but I've dealt with a lot of weaselly fuckwads betting on forums. You aren't a weaselly fuckwad, are you? Are you a stand up person?
Last edited:
Your apology aside... you now owe Dr Grump $25.

Pay up or forever be known on this forum as just another welsher.
Dr Grump's previous dishonesty is well known and proved as was your previous post twisting.

Fortunately, those members with normal or higher integrity and average or higher English reading skills know you are wrong....again.

Note where Dr Grump stated in his first reply "Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary." It was only later that you two tried to twist this into insults and made it more than legitimate voters. Anyone can make a mistake, Faun, but repeated dishonesty is a character flaw.

55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

Go for it....
You are betting $25 that the majority of voters voted against Hillary? Sorry to be so strict, but I've dealt with a lot of weaselly fuckwads betting on forums. You aren't a weaselly fuckwad, are you? Are you a stand up person?
That's funny. You actually quoted yourself out of context.

What you actually said was...

The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?

What you actually bet on was that you could prove a majority of the "nation" voted against Hillary; which as I proved, is not true.

Dr Grump accepted that bet.

As I suspected, you're just another loser welsher who makes empty bets with no intent on ever paying up.
As we have pointed out on another thread, 55% is the boundary-line shown on the graph for the emergence of fascism, the other boundary-line is 40%. This means that the accelerationists (DNC monkeywrench Gang), even having used and perverted the concept of acceleration itself, will still lose when Trump meets Putin in Slovakia. For anti-fascist studies, we suggest the Russian chron.
Note the independents, they are crucial and trump has lost them
35% isn't far from the election results. The NYT exit polls had Independents voting for Trump 48% vs. Hillary's 42%.

Bitch about Trump all you like, most people do, but you conveniently forget that more people voted against Hillary than for her. Try running a less deplorable candidate in 2020. ;)

Out of the total votes she got a greater percent of the vote than he did, well except for the votes that mattered.
President Trump is gaining increasing popularity amongst sane people according to Rasmussen. Much to the chagrin of the weasel media, likely voters like what they see, despite the daily gauntlet of lies and negativity the president must run. But the rats are running out of cheese...today Huffington Post called the intel shadow government, "whistle blowers".


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 1/31 - 2/15 -- 44.6 50.3 -5.7
Gallup 2/13 - 2/15 1500 A 40 54 -14
Rasmussen Reports 2/13 - 2/15 1500 LV 55 45 +10
Economist/YouGov 2/12 - 2/14 1100 RV 46 49 -3
FOX News 2/11 - 2/13 1013 RV 48 47 +1
Reuters/Ipsos 2/10 - 2/14 1774 A 46 50 -4
Pew Research 2/7 - 2/12 1503 A 39 56 -17
PPP (D) 2/7 - 2/8 712 RV 43 53 -10
Emerson 2/5 - 2/6 617 RV 48 47 +1
Quinnipiac 2/2 - 2/6 1155 RV 42 51 -9
CBS News 2/1 - 2/2 1019 A 40 48 -8
CNN/ORC 1/31 - 2/2 1002 A 44 53 -9

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval


What is your point? I posted the most recent and far more legible.
40% Approval, 54% Disapproval with downward trend since election among 16+ adults.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
Even when he drops into the 20's in approval ratings they still will be screaming FAKE NEWS.

Using the most recent five polls at Real Clear Politics the approval rating is up to an average or 47%.

47% now thats something to really be proud of, less than 1/2 of the population in a time a new president is on his "honeymoon"

Yes, it is rising and you find that detestable. Grow up and enjoy things getting better!
Sorry, but Rasmussen uses a method that purposely jacks up the approval rating:


...as you can see from the Bush years.

No, Rassy assumes that conservatives are 47% of the population instead of the 37% your rigged polls say. It's quite simple...even you should be able to see it by looking at your own graph.

Conservatives are not 47% of the population.

Self identified conservative voters are about 35% of the population.

JANUARY 9, 2015
U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives
by Lydia Saad

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%
  • Liberals up one point to 24%, the highest yet
  • Conservative-liberal gap now smallest in Gallup trends

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Conservatives continued to outnumber moderates and liberals in the U.S. population in 2014, as they have since 2009. However, their 14-percentage-point edge over liberals last year, 38% vs. 24%, is the smallest in Gallup's trends since 1992. The percentage of U.S. adults identifying themselves as politically conservative in 2014 was unchanged from 2013, as was the percentage of moderates, at 34%, while the percentage considering themselves liberal rose a percentage point for the third straight year.


U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives

Ok, so you've offered solid evidence that the Tom Horn's claim of 47% conservatives is retarded.

I deal in facts. Period.

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