
40% Approval, 54% Disapproval with downward trend since election among 16+ adults.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
Even when he drops into the 20's in approval ratings they still will be screaming FAKE NEWS.

Using the most recent five polls at Real Clear Politics the approval rating is up to an average or 47%.

47% now thats something to really be proud of, less than 1/2 of the population in a time a new president is on his "honeymoon"
40% Approval, 54% Disapproval with downward trend since election among 16+ adults.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
Even when he drops into the 20's in approval ratings they still will be screaming FAKE NEWS.

Using the most recent five polls at Real Clear Politics the approval rating is up to an average or 47%.

47% now thats something to really be proud of, less than 1/2 of the population in a time a new president is on his "honeymoon"

A new president that many of us voted for....and then vomited (only not as hard or as much had we gone the other way).

47% is lot more than I would have expected....by at least 10%.
President Trump is gaining increasing popularity amongst sane people according to Rasmussen. Much to the chagrin of the weasel media, likely voters like what they see, despite the daily gauntlet of lies and negativity the president must run. But the rats are running out of cheese...today Huffington Post called the intel shadow government, "whistle blowers".


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

February disapproval ratings in first term Reagan 18% Bush 13% Clinton 25% Bush 21% Obama 17%

Trump 56%


1. Early public attitudes about Donald Trump
Note the independents, they are crucial and trump has lost them
35% isn't far from the election results. The NYT exit polls had Independents voting for Trump 48% vs. Hillary's 42%.

Bitch about Trump all you like, most people do, but you conveniently forget that more people voted against Hillary than for her. Try running a less deplorable candidate in 2020. ;)
Is that why Hillary beat Trump by 3 million votes? Time to rethink your post
55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.
The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?
One of these things is not like the others. Can you guess which one?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Rassy doesn't assume conservatives are 37% of the public and lump independents in with the left like the others.

They also have different selection criteria for those they poll. Rasmussen uses Likely Voters and Gallup uses Adults. A major difference.

Yes, and when we are talking about popularity among Americans obviously Adult sample is the one that SHOULD BE used.

In your opinion. In my opinion, if you are NOT a likely voter, you don't know or care what is going on. Being that Progressives depend on uninformed voters as their base, of course you are attracted to that segment of the population.

2/3s of Trumpsters thought unemployment increased since Obama got into office and you are going to tell me something about relying on un-informed voters? Fuck off. That blowhard bullshit machine (said unemployment could be as high as 40%!) couldn't win in a million years without the uninformed.


Words have meaning, PUBLIC OPINION means all adults. It's really not that complicated.
Trump is just getting started. Wait until the wall construction begins, the pipeline construction begins, if he delivers on jobs its game over for Democrats and the media. Its entirely within Trump's power to obliterate them.

Good job president Trump, keep kicking their ass!! :udaman:

Except that he hasn't DONE any of those things. He hasn't even bothered to finish making cabinet appointments.

Trump is obsessed with the media, instead of with running the country.
55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans
I love it when elitist Democrat snobs prove over and over again why the majority of the nation voted against the most elite Democrat of all, Ms. Hillary R. Clinton.

Actually, they didn't. The majority voted for Hillary.
The "majority of the nation voted against" Hillary.

$25 says I can prove I am correct. Bet, Dr Grump?
Bitch about Trump all you like, most people do, but you conveniently forget that more people voted against Hillary than for her. Try running a less deplorable candidate in 2020. ;)
Is that why Hillary beat Trump by 3 million votes? Time to rethink your post
No, she lost because most voters can read English. ;)
Do you both need time to think about it? I can send you each a map if you got lost.
Except that he hasn't DONE any of those things. He hasn't even bothered to finish making cabinet appointments.

Trump is obsessed with the media, instead of with running the country.
Yes. Obama was the first black President, now we have the first Reality TV President....and he's still better than Hillary. 2017 is going to be a great year!

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