
One of these things is not like the others. Can you guess which one?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Rassy doesn't assume conservatives are 37% of the public and lump independents in with the left like the others.

They also have different selection criteria for those they poll. Rasmussen uses Likely Voters and Gallup uses Adults. A major difference.

Yes, and when we are talking about popularity among Americans obviously Adult sample is the one that SHOULD BE used.
President Trump is gaining increasing popularity amongst sane people according to Rasmussen. Much to the chagrin of the weasel media, likely voters like what they see, despite the daily gauntlet of lies and negativity the president must run. But the rats are running out of cheese...today Huffington Post called the intel shadow government, "whistle blowers".


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
55 percent of flyover country rubes aren't 55 percent of normal Americans

Should they count you.....

Really, they poll the Special Olympics ?
Oh!!! tommie.. fakes news!!
It is to easy for all the trump suckers.!!
Although Rasmussen leans right, there's no denying that Trump's popularity has risen since the election. Reuters has him at 50/50. To call that "fake news" is not only an abuse of the term, but is, in fact, fake news. Akin to a liar calling another person a liar.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

That's old.
Try again.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
One of these things is not like the others. Can you guess which one?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Rassy doesn't assume conservatives are 37% of the public and lump independents in with the left like the others.
Yes, I'm sure that's the reason they are the statistical anomaly. Everyone of the others got it wrong.

They got the national popular vote right:

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Rasmussen Reports Clinton 45, Trump 43, Johnson 4, Stein 2 Clinton +2

But using the same sample for public opinion is nonsense.
Speaking being a weak pussy. You!
Come up with some thing a bit more original than all your "the peemeister" quotes and statements.
We still know tommie...your butt hurts from "the gropenfuherer" sticking it in your ass all the time.
Whiny ass!

I know your ass is hurting, you don't have to tell us. You have let "the donald, the peemeister" shove shit up there to often.

"I'm not but you are"? Seriously? you're weak as a kitten little fella.
The American people love president Trump, outstanding! Meanwhile the Democratic party is on life support and intensive care units around the country are filling up with hyperventilating liberals, God what a great country!! :eusa_clap:
Sorry, but Rasmussen uses a method that purposely jacks up the approval rating:


...as you can see from the Bush years.

No, Rassy assumes that conservatives are 47% of the population instead of the 37% your rigged polls say. It's quite simple...even you should be able to see it by looking at your own graph.

Conservatives are not 47% of the population.

Self identified conservative voters are about 35% of the population.

JANUARY 9, 2015
U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives
by Lydia Saad

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%
  • Liberals up one point to 24%, the highest yet
  • Conservative-liberal gap now smallest in Gallup trends

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Conservatives continued to outnumber moderates and liberals in the U.S. population in 2014, as they have since 2009. However, their 14-percentage-point edge over liberals last year, 38% vs. 24%, is the smallest in Gallup's trends since 1992. The percentage of U.S. adults identifying themselves as politically conservative in 2014 was unchanged from 2013, as was the percentage of moderates, at 34%, while the percentage considering themselves liberal rose a percentage point for the third straight year.


U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives
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One of these things is not like the others. Can you guess which one?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Rassy doesn't assume conservatives are 37% of the public and lump independents in with the left like the others.

They also have different selection criteria for those they poll. Rasmussen uses Likely Voters and Gallup uses Adults. A major difference.

Yes, and when we are talking about popularity among Americans obviously Adult sample is the one that SHOULD BE used.

In your opinion. In my opinion, if you are NOT a likely voter, you don't know or care what is going on. Being that Progressives depend on uninformed voters as their base, of course you are attracted to that segment of the population.
Sorry, but Rasmussen uses a method that purposely jacks up the approval rating:


...as you can see from the Bush years.

No, Rassy assumes that conservatives are 47% of the population instead of the 37% your rigged polls say. It's quite simple...even you should be able to see it by looking at your own graph.

Conservatives are not 47% of the population.

Self identified conservative voters are about 35% of the population.

JANUARY 9, 2015
U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives
by Lydia Saad

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%
  • Liberals up one point to 24%, the highest yet
  • Conservative-liberal gap now smallest in Gallup trends

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Conservatives continued to outnumber moderates and liberals in the U.S. population in 2014, as they have since 2009. However, their 14-percentage-point edge over liberals last year, 38% vs. 24%, is the smallest in Gallup's trends since 1992. The percentage of U.S. adults identifying themselves as politically conservative in 2014 was unchanged from 2013, as was the percentage of moderates, at 34%, while the percentage considering themselves liberal rose a percentage point for the third straight year.


U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives

Ok, so you've offered solid evidence that the Tom Horn's claim of 47% conservatives is retarded.
Trump is just getting started. Wait until the wall construction begins, the pipeline construction begins, if he delivers on jobs its game over for Democrats and the media. Its entirely within Trump's power to obliterate them.

Good job president Trump, keep kicking their ass!! :udaman:
I still think its 65% because 35% of all Americans are as intelligent as a gerbil
One of these things is not like the others. Can you guess which one?

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Rassy doesn't assume conservatives are 37% of the public and lump independents in with the left like the others.

They also have different selection criteria for those they poll. Rasmussen uses Likely Voters and Gallup uses Adults. A major difference.

Yes, and when we are talking about popularity among Americans obviously Adult sample is the one that SHOULD BE used.

In your opinion. In my opinion, if you are NOT a likely voter, you don't know or care what is going on. Being that Progressives depend on uninformed voters as their base, of course you are attracted to that segment of the population.

It's a government of the People, not of some cockeyed measurement of the likely voters.
Whenever righties want their numbers inflated they head down to the far right leaning Rassmussen.
The nonpartisan, the standard bearer for polling, Gallup has his approval rating for the week of Feb 6-12 at 41%. Down from the historic low for an incoming president of 46%.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

Of course you tards have to lie about it because you can't handle the truth.

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