$6.00 a gallon for gas in Florida

I work in the office a lot since we have a bad obama economy. and I keep my computer with me all the time.

But back to the subject at hand why is it that you have not had a problem responding until now?
its called working a real job. not a paper pusher behind a computer. maybe you should take some initiative and get out of the office and try to make something of yourself instead of not really working and posting on here a hundred times a day.

or maybe youre really on the government teet. since NC gets more in federal tax dollars back than what they actually pay in. your state is a leech and needs to be cut off.
Yada yada yada are you going to give a rebuttal or just waste your time?
you wouldnt understand or comprehend it anyways. so you can just go live in wing nut land by yourself.
I'm just guessing in the time these convos took place, gas in the area went up? Yeah, I'm psychic.
its called working a real job. not a paper pusher behind a computer. maybe you should take some initiative and get out of the office and try to make something of yourself instead of not really working and posting on here a hundred times a day.

or maybe youre really on the government teet. since NC gets more in federal tax dollars back than what they actually pay in. your state is a leech and needs to be cut off.
Yada yada yada are you going to give a rebuttal or just waste your time?
you wouldnt understand or comprehend it anyways. so you can just go live in wing nut land by yourself.

= no response
its called working a real job. not a paper pusher behind a computer. maybe you should take some initiative and get out of the office and try to make something of yourself instead of not really working and posting on here a hundred times a day.

or maybe youre really on the government teet. since NC gets more in federal tax dollars back than what they actually pay in. your state is a leech and needs to be cut off.
Yada yada yada are you going to give a rebuttal or just waste your time?
you wouldnt understand or comprehend it anyways. so you can just go live in wing nut land by yourself.

So you give support to a president who is devaluing the dollar and making gas prices go up? You support a president who said under his administration energy prices would go up? And you say I wouldn't understand? I don't understand is how and why you would support someone who hates America and wants to destroy it so he can change it.
Fuking rethugs.

We love the "free market". Just love it.

Unless we have to pay more to fill up the Hummer. Then we just hate the "free market"
and we want the man we hate to fix it. Fix it now, nananabooboo.

We are rethugs and we are butt hurt that we have to pay more for gasoline. Only poor people and Dems should have to pay more. Right rethugs?

rehtugs, quit your whining and bitching. This is the market you love at work. Deal with it.
Fuking rethugs.

We love the "free market". Just love it.

Unless we have to pay more to fill up the Hummer. Then we just hate the "free market"
and we want the man we hate to fix it. Fix it now, nananabooboo.

We are rethugs and we are butt hurt that we have to pay more for gasoline. Only poor people and Dems should have to pay more. Right rethugs?

rehtugs, quit your whining and bitching. This is the market you love at work. Deal with it.
Too much nobama koolaid. Why is Nobama devaluing the dollar?
Why is Nobama devaluing the dollar?

Tell you what. You offer up some proof (link from reputable source. Not fox) that Geitner, under Obamas directions, has set out to devalue the dollar on international markets, and I will try and speak to that. Till then.........pass.

But please feel free to comment on why at this time the Rethugs hate the "free market". What do you have against the oil companies making record profits. Again? You first.
Why is Nobama devaluing the dollar?

Tell you what. You offer up some proof (link from reputable source. Not fox) that Geitner, under Obamas directions, has set out to devalue the dollar on international markets, and I will try and speak to that. Till then.........pass.

But please feel free to comment on why at this time the Rethugs hate the "free market". What do you have against the oil companies making record profits. Again? You first.

Obama orders treasury to print more money

Obama orders treasury to print more money - Tucson Investing | Examiner.com
Is that all you got? Some investment counsler who dislikes Obama?
Got a Wall Street or NY Times article? Barrons?

You allude that Obama is currently demanding that the dollar be devalued so that the price of oil will rise. Not true. Obama needs the dollar to remain relatively strong so that it contines to be the worlds reserve currency. So far that is the case.

Obama and the treasury have been making the printing presse work overtime, but that has been going on for to long. Even though I hate to say it, George Bush had em cranked up as well.

Do you understand the principle of using debt instruments to make dollars out of thin air? All that funny money shit. Been around a long time.

Free market speculation forces are driving the oil market. Please comment on why the rethugs do not favor the free market. At this time.
Is that all you got? Some investment counsler who dislikes Obama?
Got a Wall Street or NY Times article? Barrons?

You allude that Obama is currently demanding that the dollar be devalued so that the price of oil will rise. Not true. Obama needs the dollar to remain relatively strong so that it contines to be the worlds reserve currency. So far that is the case.

Obama and the treasury have been making the printing presse work overtime, but that has been going on for to long. Even though I hate to say it, George Bush had em cranked up as well.

Do you understand the principle of using debt instruments to make dollars out of thin air? All that funny money shit. Been around a long time.

Free market speculation forces are driving the oil market. Please comment on why the rethugs do not favor the free market. At this time.

I know you think it's not Nobama's fault

Weak dollar causes elevated gas prices

Gas prices are climbing and most Americans are feeling the pain at the pump, but in reality oil should not cost this much money. Recently, oil has been violating the law of supply and demand. Gas prices are high because of derivative trading and the value of a weak dollar. The Federal Reserve has worked to devalue the dollar because a weak dollar pushes the price of United States exports down, so it can sell goods to foreign markets at cheaper prices.

Weak dollar causes elevated gas prices - CollegiateTimes.com

Value of the U.S. dollar – Oil is traded on the world market is U.S. dollars. When the value of the dollar declines in comparison to other major currencies, OPEC earns less per barrel of oil. To compensate, it may raise the price per barrel, thereby increasing the price of gasoline.

Fluctuations in Gas Prices | Learn How Gasoline Prices are Set with information from Nationwide | Nationwide.com

The Federal Reserve's Explicit Goal: Devalue The Dollar 33%
The Federal Reserve's Explicit Goal: Devalue The Dollar 33% - Forbes
Ok. We will go with it is all Obama's fault. Does that make you feel better?

Shame on Obama for wanting to increase exports and have American companies be more competitive in world markets by devaluing our dollar.

But seeing as how you must be a currency expert and give no credence to your own May 2011 article that says that commidities futures traders are driving prices and derivative traders are driving prices.

You just stick with currency devaluation. I can see how it makes your case for you. Not all true, but it works for your mindset.

When gas prices spiked under George Bush, it was for the same reason? Is that what you are saying.
Ok. We will go with it is all Obama's fault. Does that make you feel better?

Shame on Obama for wanting to increase exports and have American companies be more competitive in world markets by devaluing our dollar.

But seeing as how you must be a currency expert and give no credence to your own May 2011 article that says that commidities futures traders are driving prices and derivative traders are driving prices.

You just stick with currency devaluation. I can see how it makes your case for you. Not all true, but it works for your mindset.

When gas prices spiked under George Bush, it was for the same reason? Is that what you are saying.
Maybe it's because he's clueless and his plan is a failure. Ever thought about that?

You just stick with currency devaluation. I can see how it makes your case for you. Not all true, but it works for your mindset.

You are clueless aren't you? The more paper money print the less value it has, since oil transaction are completed by using the dollar it means a weaker dollar high fuel prices.
With a quick Google, I discovered a few articles that discussed the relationship between the recent credit downgrade and the devaluation of the dollar. Can you believe that the two are related. Amazing.
And who was it that caused the credit downgrade? Thats right. Dems. Rethugs had nothing to do with that. LOL. (I just wanted to get that in before you even though we both know that what I said about just the Dems is not true)

It was not the Pres. I do remember people talking about what a negative effect the credit downgrade could have on energy prices and other goods.

But the fact remains that oil companies will soon be reporting record second quarter profits and I don't understand why Repugs are not celebrating this. And saying thanks to the Gods that made all that profit possible.

Why are the rethugs not celebrating the free market? Do you want the guvmint to "fix" prices. Of course not. Do you need something to bang on the Pres about? Of course so.

So there you have it. Rain stopped. Back to work.
With a quick Google, I discovered a few articles that discussed the relationship between the recent credit downgrade and the devaluation of the dollar. Can you believe that the two are related. Amazing.
And who was it that caused the credit downgrade? Thats right. Dems. Rethugs had nothing to do with that. LOL. (I just wanted to get that in before you even though we both know that what I said about just the Dems is not true)

It was not the Pres. I do remember people talking about what a negative effect the credit downgrade could have on energy prices and other goods.

But the fact remains that oil companies will soon be reporting record second quarter profits and I don't understand why Repugs are not celebrating this. And saying thanks to the Gods that made all that profit possible.

Why are the rethugs not celebrating the free market? Do you want the guvmint to "fix" prices. Of course not. Do you need something to bang on the Pres about? Of course so.

So there you have it. Rain stopped. Back to work.

Anything just please don't make him blame obama. Is that what you want? OK it's not obama's fault it's not going to change the fact oil transaction are done through the dollar and the less value the dollar has the more gas will cost, and the more dollars you have printed the less the value the dollar will have. And to throw another monkey wrench into the mix. The when your debt is near the GDP it also decreases the value of the dollar.

I hope this lesson in economics 101 was helpful.
With a quick Google, I discovered a few articles that discussed the relationship between the recent credit downgrade and the devaluation of the dollar. Can you believe that the two are related. Amazing.
And who was it that caused the credit downgrade? Thats right. Dems. Rethugs had nothing to do with that. LOL. (I just wanted to get that in before you even though we both know that what I said about just the Dems is not true)

It was not the Pres. I do remember people talking about what a negative effect the credit downgrade could have on energy prices and other goods.

But the fact remains that oil companies will soon be reporting record second quarter profits and I don't understand why Repugs are not celebrating this. And saying thanks to the Gods that made all that profit possible.

Why are the rethugs not celebrating the free market? Do you want the guvmint to "fix" prices. Of course not. Do you need something to bang on the Pres about? Of course so.

So there you have it. Rain stopped. Back to work.

Not sure why the Demorats aren't celebrating, isn't this a dream come true for the Dems, for years they wanted higher energy costs so it would encourage alternative energy, why aren't they cheering, it might cost the DemoRats a Presidency, but that is just the cost of better energy a
With a quick Google, I discovered a few articles that discussed the relationship between the recent credit downgrade and the devaluation of the dollar. Can you believe that the two are related. Amazing.
And who was it that caused the credit downgrade? Thats right. Dems. Rethugs had nothing to do with that. LOL. (I just wanted to get that in before you even though we both know that what I said about just the Dems is not true)

It was not the Pres. I do remember people talking about what a negative effect the credit downgrade could have on energy prices and other goods.

But the fact remains that oil companies will soon be reporting record second quarter profits and I don't understand why Repugs are not celebrating this. And saying thanks to the Gods that made all that profit possible.

Why are the rethugs not celebrating the free market? Do you want the guvmint to "fix" prices. Of course not. Do you need something to bang on the Pres about? Of course so.

So there you have it. Rain stopped. Back to work.

Not sure why the Demorats aren't celebrating, isn't this a dream come true for the Dems, for years they wanted higher energy costs so it would encourage alternative energy, why aren't they cheering, it might cost the DemoRats a Presidency, but that is just the cost of better energy a
GWB actually made one of the biggest federal mandate in renewable energies.

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its wikipedia, so ya know...
With a quick Google, I discovered a few articles that discussed the relationship between the recent credit downgrade and the devaluation of the dollar. Can you believe that the two are related. Amazing.
And who was it that caused the credit downgrade? Thats right. Dems. Rethugs had nothing to do with that. LOL. (I just wanted to get that in before you even though we both know that what I said about just the Dems is not true)

It was not the Pres. I do remember people talking about what a negative effect the credit downgrade could have on energy prices and other goods.

But the fact remains that oil companies will soon be reporting record second quarter profits and I don't understand why Repugs are not celebrating this. And saying thanks to the Gods that made all that profit possible.

Why are the rethugs not celebrating the free market? Do you want the guvmint to "fix" prices. Of course not. Do you need something to bang on the Pres about? Of course so.

So there you have it. Rain stopped. Back to work.

Not sure why the Demorats aren't celebrating, isn't this a dream come true for the Dems, for years they wanted higher energy costs so it would encourage alternative energy, why aren't they cheering, it might cost the DemoRats a Presidency, but that is just the cost of better energy a
GWB actually made one of the biggest federal mandate in renewable energies.

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its wikipedia, so ya know...

And just because bush did it some how makes it ok? It does not.

Now why is obama devaluing the dollar?
Not sure why the Demorats aren't celebrating, isn't this a dream come true for the Dems, for years they wanted higher energy costs so it would encourage alternative energy, why aren't they cheering, it might cost the DemoRats a Presidency, but that is just the cost of better energy a
GWB actually made one of the biggest federal mandate in renewable energies.

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its wikipedia, so ya know...

And just because bush did it some how makes it ok? It does not.

Now why is obama devaluing the dollar?
why did bush start an unneeded war in iraq?

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