$6.00 a gallon for gas in Florida

Obama doesn't have to raise the gasoline TAX. Just keep production down, kill thousands of jobs by not allowing the pipeline, keep buying from the Arabs...the price will continue to rise JUST LIKE THEY WANT IT T DO.

So you have no actual proof of intent. Just like I thought.
He chose his energy secretary and even after his energy secretary said he wanted to see prices hit european levels, he kept him.

You dont see that as proof?

That isn't proof that's reaching. If I go into a bathroom is that proof of intent of me taking shit? I could be washing my hands only.
You ignore basic logic here RDD...


Now, if Obama did not agree with him, he would have dismissed the man.


Becuase energy pricing is one of his primary responsiobilities.

Basic freaking logic.....

As for policies changes....sometimes, lack of policy changes creates an increase in prices....and that is exactly what we are seeing.

Actions speak louder than words to me. Same reason why I don't like that Obama promised more with healthcare than he actually delivered. If I based his performance on what he said, he would be doing a much better job. The opposite is true as well, if his Sec. of Energy makes a claim that Obama hasn't followed through on, should I be upset about what was said or what was done? It's been 3.5 years since that statement, and while fuel prices are high, they are nowhere near Europe, despite whatever grand intentions you think he has.

you are mnissing the point here RDD...

I am not saying that Obama or his energy secretary would force prices to reach european levels.

I am referring to ideology.

If you have a man who would like to see that, it dsoesnt mean he will push policies t6o make it happen. But he most certainly would make recommendations t5hat are in the interest of seeing that happen...and more importantly.....make recommendations that would prevent the OPPOSITE from happening.

Lets use Sec of state as an example.

If Hillary said to Obama when he was vetting for a sec of state..."I hate them there muslims and I want to see all of those countries obliterated, but, of course, I will do what you want for you are the president"...

Would he choose her?

No. Why? Becuase he knows her ideology and the integrity of her advice will always be in question.

So....I ask...

If Obama did not like the idea of gas prices rising, why would he pick an adviser of energy who wants to see gas prices rise?

You are making a fucking ad-hominem argument with your childish bullshit, Obama has never said he wants to raise gas prices nor made any intent. Burden of proof is on you.
Actions speak louder than words to me. Same reason why I don't like that Obama promised more with healthcare than he actually delivered. If I based his performance on what he said, he would be doing a much better job. The opposite is true as well, if his Sec. of Energy makes a claim that Obama hasn't followed through on, should I be upset about what was said or what was done? It's been 3.5 years since that statement, and while fuel prices are high, they are nowhere near Europe, despite whatever grand intentions you think he has.

you are mnissing the point here RDD...

I am not saying that Obama or his energy secretary would force prices to reach european levels.

I am referring to ideology.

If you have a man who would like to see that, it dsoesnt mean he will push policies t6o make it happen. But he most certainly would make recommendations t5hat are in the interest of seeing that happen...and more importantly.....make recommendations that would prevent the OPPOSITE from happening.

Lets use Sec of state as an example.

If Hillary said to Obama when he was vetting for a sec of state..."I hate them there muslims and I want to see all of those countries obliterated, but, of course, I will do what you want for you are the president"...

Would he choose her?

No. Why? Becuase he knows her ideology and the integrity of her advice will always be in question.

So....I ask...

If Obama did not like the idea of gas prices rising, why would he pick an adviser of energy who wants to see gas prices rise?

You are making a fucking ad-hominem argument with your childish bullshit, Obama has never said he wants to raise gas prices nor made any intent. Burden of proof is on you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]
You are basing your claim that Obama is the reason gas prices are so high, because as a candidate he discussed cap and trade and that electric prices would increase.

Did cap and trade get passed? Do you drive an electric car? Wtf then.

Now Darrell Issa is claiming that George Bush is the reason that domestic production of oil is at or near record levels.

Which is it. Are we producing more oil domestically. Yes. According to Darrell Issa. But then you know much more than dumb Darrell. You may want to straighten his ass out.

Yesterday your premise for rising prices was a devalued dollar. Still going with that?

Saw some stupid Senator that studies these things claim that energy futures traders are responsible for most of the recent increase. There is legislation that takes effect in Oct to curtail these traders but Republicns are working frantically to remove this portion of the bill.

Real fucking fine those rethugs in Congress are. And it is all Obama's fault.
You are basing your claim that Obama is the reason gas prices are so high, because as a candidate he discussed cap and trade and that electric prices would increase.

Did cap and trade get passed? Do you drive an electric car? Wtf then.

Now Darrell Issa is claiming that George Bush is the reason that domestic production of oil is at or near record levels.

Which is it. Are we producing more oil domestically. Yes. According to Darrell Issa. But then you know much more than dumb Darrell. You may want to straighten his ass out.

Yesterday your premise for rising prices was a devalued dollar. Still going with that?

Saw some stupid Senator that studies these things claim that energy futures traders are responsible for most of the recent increase. There is legislation that takes effect in Oct to curtail these traders but Republicns are working frantically to remove this portion of the bill.

Real fucking fine those rethugs in Congress are. And it is all Obama's fault.

Yesterday your premise for rising prices was a devalued dollar. Still going with that?

Were you born brain dead? Do you have a lack of comprehension? Do you sometime's have issue's with accepting the facts as truth? Yes obama is devaluing the dollar
Were you born brain dead? Do you have a lack of comprehension? Do you sometime's have issue's with accepting the facts as truth? Yes obama is devaluing the dollar

Are you so illiterate that you can't respond to simple questions?

And the idea that something you write would be accepted by me as a FACT is just about, no surely, the most stupid thing I have seen you write. Maybe you could top that, but I doubt it.

Go for it though. A ledgend in your own mind, aren't you? Fighting for truth, justice and the Rethug way on a message board. Everyday. WOW. There must be 200 people, maybe a few more (out of 314 million) that log on here. When Obama wins, will you redouble your efforts? Post twice as many bull shit threads. That will teach them Dems to mess with you.
Were you born brain dead? Do you have a lack of comprehension? Do you sometime's have issue's with accepting the facts as truth? Yes obama is devaluing the dollar

Are you so illiterate that you can't respond to simple questions?

And the idea that something you write would be accepted by me as a FACT is just about, no surely, the most stupid thing I have seen you write. Maybe you could top that, but I doubt it.

Go for it though. A ledgend in your own mind, aren't you? Fighting for truth, justice and the Rethug way on a message board. Everyday. WOW. There must be 200 people, maybe a few more (out of 314 million) that log on here. When Obama wins, will you redouble your efforts? Post twice as many bull shit threads. That will teach them Dems to mess with you.

You don't deserve any response other than the way I give it. You have not to earn a respectful response, you fucking stupid son of a bitch. obama is devaluing the dollar and making gas cost more.
Were you born brain dead? Do you have a lack of comprehension? Do you sometime's have issue's with accepting the facts as truth? Yes obama is devaluing the dollar

Are you so illiterate that you can't respond to simple questions?

And the idea that something you write would be accepted by me as a FACT is just about, no surely, the most stupid thing I have seen you write. Maybe you could top that, but I doubt it.

Go for it though. A ledgend in your own mind, aren't you? Fighting for truth, justice and the Rethug way on a message board. Everyday. WOW. There must be 200 people, maybe a few more (out of 314 million) that log on here. When Obama wins, will you redouble your efforts? Post twice as many bull shit threads. That will teach them Dems to mess with you.
ignore bigreb, i asked him several times for proof that obama was devaluing the dollar on purpose and he refused. he even went as far as to say he didnt need to provide proof. then he started name calling, like all right wing nut jobs do. so i put him on ignore, id suggest you do the same. youre beating a dead horse.
Were you born brain dead? Do you have a lack of comprehension? Do you sometime's have issue's with accepting the facts as truth? Yes obama is devaluing the dollar

Are you so illiterate that you can't respond to simple questions?

And the idea that something you write would be accepted by me as a FACT is just about, no surely, the most stupid thing I have seen you write. Maybe you could top that, but I doubt it.

Go for it though. A ledgend in your own mind, aren't you? Fighting for truth, justice and the Rethug way on a message board. Everyday. WOW. There must be 200 people, maybe a few more (out of 314 million) that log on here. When Obama wins, will you redouble your efforts? Post twice as many bull shit threads. That will teach them Dems to mess with you.
ignore bigreb, i asked him several times for proof that obama was devaluing the dollar on purpose and he refused. he even went as far as to say he didnt need to provide proof. then he started name calling, like all right wing nut jobs do. so i put him on ignore, id suggest you do the same. youre beating a dead horse.

I really don't care if you place me on ignore you fucking hack.
And I said why do I need to post proof that the president is in charge of all the departments of the government?
Actions speak louder than words to me. Same reason why I don't like that Obama promised more with healthcare than he actually delivered. If I based his performance on what he said, he would be doing a much better job. The opposite is true as well, if his Sec. of Energy makes a claim that Obama hasn't followed through on, should I be upset about what was said or what was done? It's been 3.5 years since that statement, and while fuel prices are high, they are nowhere near Europe, despite whatever grand intentions you think he has.

you are mnissing the point here RDD...

I am not saying that Obama or his energy secretary would force prices to reach european levels.

I am referring to ideology.

If you have a man who would like to see that, it dsoesnt mean he will push policies t6o make it happen. But he most certainly would make recommendations t5hat are in the interest of seeing that happen...and more importantly.....make recommendations that would prevent the OPPOSITE from happening.

Lets use Sec of state as an example.

If Hillary said to Obama when he was vetting for a sec of state..."I hate them there muslims and I want to see all of those countries obliterated, but, of course, I will do what you want for you are the president"...

Would he choose her?

No. Why? Becuase he knows her ideology and the integrity of her advice will always be in question.

So....I ask...

If Obama did not like the idea of gas prices rising, why would he pick an adviser of energy who wants to see gas prices rise?

You are making a fucking ad-hominem argument with your childish bullshit, Obama has never said he wants to raise gas prices nor made any intent. Burden of proof is on you.


When this letter http://www.usmessageboard.com/4872082-post67.html was posted, just because it was signed by some members of the Bush administration, some of our more left-leaning posters had no trouble whatsoever linking it to Boooosh.

Florida Drivers Shelling Out Nearly $6 A Gallon At Some Gas Stations « CBS Tampa

TAMPA (CBS Tampa) — Talk about pain at the pump! Some Florida drivers are spending nearly $6 a gallon to fill up their gas tanks.

According to GasBuddy.com, motorists are shelling out $5.89 for a gallon of regular gas at a Shell station in Lake Buena Vista, topping out at $5.99 a gallon for premium. It doesn’t get better at a Suncoast Energy station in Orlando, where drivers are paying $5.79 for a gallon of regular.

What GOOD NEWS for democrats. If this doesn't put a lock on obama's keeping his job, everyone is just racist. Democrats will tell you how high prices are good for the ecoonomy.

10$ a gallon in Europe, so you have nothing to complain about.:eusa_drool:

But the problem in the US is the failed foreign policy, Cuba has large reserves of oil just outside Florida that are cheap and available. But US are not willing to buy from Cuba. The embargo on Iran does also create a price increase.

For cheaper gasoline, remove those trade regulations with Cuba, Venezuela,Iran etc. Let free market and free trade solve it and cheap gasoline will be available.

Trade with Cuba, Iran, venezuela etc. Free trade and free market,no embargos

The U.S gets 1.5 million barrels of crude oil and refined petroleum products daily from Venezuela. In fact, Venezuela has been providing low cost heating oil to vulnerable communities in the United States since 2006 through CITGO Petroleum, a subsidiary of PDVSA.

Iran has no problem selling all of the oil they produce in Asia and Europe.

Cuba now refines about 50,000 barrels of oil a day, about a third of its requirements. Venezuela makes up the difference.

I do not know about etc.
Were you born brain dead? Do you have a lack of comprehension? Do you sometime's have issue's with accepting the facts as truth? Yes obama is devaluing the dollar

Are you so illiterate that you can't respond to simple questions?

And the idea that something you write would be accepted by me as a FACT is just about, no surely, the most stupid thing I have seen you write. Maybe you could top that, but I doubt it.

Go for it though. A ledgend in your own mind, aren't you? Fighting for truth, justice and the Rethug way on a message board. Everyday. WOW. There must be 200 people, maybe a few more (out of 314 million) that log on here. When Obama wins, will you redouble your efforts? Post twice as many bull shit threads. That will teach them Dems to mess with you.
ignore bigreb, i asked him several times for proof that obama was devaluing the dollar on purpose and he refused. he even went as far as to say he didnt need to provide proof. then he started name calling, like all right wing nut jobs do. so i put him on ignore, id suggest you do the same. youre beating a dead horse.

Allow me to reword what bigreb stated. The devaluation of the dollar heavily contributes to the increase in the price of oil. Obama's policies have resulted in the devaluation of the dollar.

Whether it was intentional or not is debatable. Since his (Obama's) stated goal has been to replace oil with renewable sources of energy and his Energy Secretary still has a job after saying he favors high gas prices, you might lose the argument.
GWB actually made one of the biggest federal mandate in renewable energies.

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its wikipedia, so ya know...

And just because bush did it some how makes it ok? It does not.

Now why is obama devaluing the dollar?
why did bush start an unneeded war in iraq?

Because a UN Resolution and the US Congress (including most Democrats)
authorized said war. And, they considered it 'needed.'

Were you one of Saddam Hussein's adoring fans, or merely a Bush hating pissant?
And just because bush did it some how makes it ok? It does not.

Now why is obama devaluing the dollar?
why did bush start an unneeded war in iraq?

Because a UN Resolution and the US Congress (including most Democrats)
authorized said war. And, they considered it 'needed.'

Were you one of Saddam Hussein's adoring fans, or merely a Bush hating pissant?
why couldnt he take the clinton approach of isolationism? was working before and didnt cost 4,000+ american lives.
why did bush start an unneeded war in iraq?

Because a UN Resolution and the US Congress (including most Democrats)
authorized said war. And, they considered it 'needed.'

Were you one of Saddam Hussein's adoring fans, or merely a Bush hating pissant?
why couldnt he take the clinton approach of isolationism? was working before and didnt cost 4,000+ american lives.

derailment of the question
Why is obama devaluing the dollar?
what is bigreb flapping his yapper about now? he's till on ignore and things are much nicer this way.
Now comes a gas station on a remote highway where it's $10/gallon right now - but first you have to lick the hind quarters of a picture on Moochelle inside before you can pump any. Otherwise, feel free to drive on ---- if you think you have enough gas for the next 230 miles.
$3.79 here, as I left town for Plant City.
$3.62 in Plant City.

Little tiny crossroad community, about halfway in between? $3.85
Now why would gas be so high in such a small town with few job opportunities?
Because a UN Resolution and the US Congress (including most Democrats)
authorized said war. And, they considered it 'needed.'

Were you one of Saddam Hussein's adoring fans, or merely a Bush hating pissant?
why couldnt he take the clinton approach of isolationism? was working before and didnt cost 4,000+ american lives.

derailment of the question
Why is obama devaluing the dollar?
ANSWER: not able to stop these things; thus his middling approval.

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