$6.00 a gallon for gas in Florida

Hey DickSuck. Here is your new avitar :suck: :lol: :fu:

The war dropped oil prices by 1/3rd. Over the 8 year war period that could of saved us triple the cost of the war. As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq on December 31, 2011 gas prices shot up 25%.

When we invaded Iraq oil price dropped 33%. That 33% drop in price times our USA annual 7.6 billion barrel oil consumption saved us $366 billion a year. Over the 8 years of the Iraq war total could be $2.9 trillion. So take out the ~$1 trillion cost of the Iraq war & we may be $1.9 trillion in the black.

Oil prices crashed 33% from $40 down to $27 after we invaded Iraq in March 2003.


As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq on December 31, 2011 gas prices shot up 25%.


So you're claiming the war only lasted a month? You're one dumb fuck.

Your the dumb fuck who can't read or comprehend shit. I clearly said 8 years in my post.
Hey DickSuck. Here is your new avitar :suck: :lol: :fu:

The war dropped oil prices by 1/3rd. Over the 8 year war period that could of saved us triple the cost of the war. As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq on December 31, 2011 gas prices shot up 25%.

When we invaded Iraq oil price dropped 33%. That 33% drop in price times our USA annual 7.6 billion barrel oil consumption saved us $366 billion a year. Over the 8 years of the Iraq war total could be $2.9 trillion. So take out the ~$1 trillion cost of the Iraq war & we may be $1.9 trillion in the black.

Oil prices crashed 33% from $40 down to $27 after we invaded Iraq in March 2003.


As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq on December 31, 2011 gas prices shot up 25%.


So you're claiming the war only lasted a month? You're one dumb fuck.

Your the dumb fuck who can't read or comprehend shit. I clearly said 8 years in my post.
He can't go back to the good years with bush he has to focus on the years the democrats took control of congress under bush.
The true cost of the Iraq war: $3 trillion and beyond


When the United States went to war in Iraq, the price of oil was less than $25 a barrel, and futures markets expected it to remain around that level. With the war, prices started to soar, reaching $140 a barrel by 2008. We believe that the war and its impact on the Middle East, the largest supplier of oil in the world, were major factors. Not only was Iraqi production interrupted, but the instability the war brought to the Middle East dampened investment in the region.

In calculating our $3 trillion estimate two years ago, we blamed the war for a $5-per-barrel oil price increase. We now believe that a more realistic (if still conservative) estimate of the war's impact on prices works out to at least $10 per barrel. That would add at least $250 billion in direct costs to our original assessment of the war's price tag. But the cost of this increase doesn't stop there: Higher oil prices had a devastating effect on the economy.
The true cost of the Iraq war: $3 trillion and beyond


When the United States went to war in Iraq, the price of oil was less than $25 a barrel, and futures markets expected it to remain around that level. With the war, prices started to soar, reaching $140 a barrel by 2008. We believe that the war and its impact on the Middle East, the largest supplier of oil in the world, were major factors. Not only was Iraqi production interrupted, but the instability the war brought to the Middle East dampened investment in the region.

In calculating our $3 trillion estimate two years ago, we blamed the war for a $5-per-barrel oil price increase. We now believe that a more realistic (if still conservative) estimate of the war's impact on prices works out to at least $10 per barrel. That would add at least $250 billion in direct costs to our original assessment of the war's price tag. But the cost of this increase doesn't stop there: Higher oil prices had a devastating effect on the economy.

oh wow Washington post that's a real winner.
The true cost of the Iraq war: $3 trillion and beyond


When the United States went to war in Iraq, the price of oil was less than $25 a barrel, and futures markets expected it to remain around that level. With the war, prices started to soar, reaching $140 a barrel by 2008. We believe that the war and its impact on the Middle East, the largest supplier of oil in the world, were major factors. Not only was Iraqi production interrupted, but the instability the war brought to the Middle East dampened investment in the region.

In calculating our $3 trillion estimate two years ago, we blamed the war for a $5-per-barrel oil price increase. We now believe that a more realistic (if still conservative) estimate of the war's impact on prices works out to at least $10 per barrel. That would add at least $250 billion in direct costs to our original assessment of the war's price tag. But the cost of this increase doesn't stop there: Higher oil prices had a devastating effect on the economy.

oh wow Washington post that's a real winner.

Washington Post?

Doesnt have the credibility of Breitbart does it?
Florida Drivers Shelling Out Nearly $6 A Gallon At Some Gas Stations « CBS Tampa

TAMPA (CBS Tampa) — Talk about pain at the pump! Some Florida drivers are spending nearly $6 a gallon to fill up their gas tanks.

According to GasBuddy.com, motorists are shelling out $5.89 for a gallon of regular gas at a Shell station in Lake Buena Vista, topping out at $5.99 a gallon for premium. It doesn’t get better at a Suncoast Energy station in Orlando, where drivers are paying $5.79 for a gallon of regular.

What GOOD NEWS for democrats. If this doesn't put a lock on obama's keeping his job, everyone is just racist. Democrats will tell you how high prices are good for the ecoonomy.

10$ a gallon in Europe, so you have nothing to complain about.:eusa_drool:

But the problem in the US is the failed foreign policy, Cuba has large reserves of oil just outside Florida that are cheap and available. But US are not willing to buy from Cuba. The embargo on Iran does also create a price increase.

For cheaper gasoline, remove those trade regulations with Cuba, Venezuela,Iran etc. Let free market and free trade solve it and cheap gasoline will be available.

Trade with Cuba, Iran, venezuela etc. Free trade and free market,no embargos

Yeah....Gas costs the same give or take 20% depending on delivery costs...it the fucking taxes you Euros load onto motor fuel which makes up the difference.
The true cost of the Iraq war: $3 trillion and beyond


When the United States went to war in Iraq, the price of oil was less than $25 a barrel, and futures markets expected it to remain around that level. With the war, prices started to soar, reaching $140 a barrel by 2008. We believe that the war and its impact on the Middle East, the largest supplier of oil in the world, were major factors. Not only was Iraqi production interrupted, but the instability the war brought to the Middle East dampened investment in the region.

In calculating our $3 trillion estimate two years ago, we blamed the war for a $5-per-barrel oil price increase. We now believe that a more realistic (if still conservative) estimate of the war's impact on prices works out to at least $10 per barrel. That would add at least $250 billion in direct costs to our original assessment of the war's price tag. But the cost of this increase doesn't stop there: Higher oil prices had a devastating effect on the economy.

oh wow Washington post that's a real winner.

The authors:

Joseph E. Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University, was chairman of President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers and winner of the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001. Linda J. Bilmes is the Daniel Patrick Moynihan senior lecturer in public policy at Harvard University. They are co-authors of "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict."

The authors:

Joseph E. Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University, was chairman of President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers and winner of the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001. Linda J. Bilmes is the Daniel Patrick Moynihan senior lecturer in public policy at Harvard University. They are co-authors of "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict."

Educated elitists

They lack the common sense of a Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck
Hey DickSuck. Here is your new avitar :suck: :lol: :fu:

The war dropped oil prices by 1/3rd. Over the 8 year war period that could of saved us triple the cost of the war. As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq on December 31, 2011 gas prices shot up 25%.

When we invaded Iraq oil price dropped 33%. That 33% drop in price times our USA annual 7.6 billion barrel oil consumption saved us $366 billion a year. Over the 8 years of the Iraq war total could be $2.9 trillion. So take out the ~$1 trillion cost of the Iraq war & we may be $1.9 trillion in the black.

Oil prices crashed 33% from $40 down to $27 after we invaded Iraq in March 2003.


As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq on December 31, 2011 gas prices shot up 25%.


So you're claiming the war only lasted a month? You're one dumb fuck.

Your the dumb fuck who can't read or comprehend shit. I clearly said 8 years in my post.

The DickSucker can't read. Obama shot his load in his eyes.
I hate to break it to you but the president has more control over gas pierces than you think. Does he have direct control no his control is more indirect. through policy executive order regulations.

so Bush was responsible for the $4 gas?
Gas prices came down when he lifted the offshore drilling ban.
But you knew that already.

Gas came down when the economy started falling apart.
Or maybe because Brittany spears shaved her head?

Bush lifted the offshore drilling ban where?
Not off the CA coast, nor off the FL coast, nor most of the east coast.
so Bush was responsible for the $4 gas?
Gas prices came down when he lifted the offshore drilling ban.
But you knew that already.

Gas came down when the economy started falling apart.
Or maybe because Brittany spears shaved her head?

Bush lifted the offshore drilling ban where?
Not off the CA coast, nor off the FL coast, nor most of the east coast.

Go back through this thread I have post the supportive links that show when bush lifted the offshore drilling ban gas prices came down.

The authors:

Joseph E. Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University, was chairman of President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers and winner of the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001. Linda J. Bilmes is the Daniel Patrick Moynihan senior lecturer in public policy at Harvard University. They are co-authors of "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict."

Washington post media matters huffy puffy MSNBC what's the difference?
Page last updated at 18:07 GMT, Monday, 14 July 2008 19:07 UK

Bush lifts offshore drilling ban

President George W Bush has lifted an executive ban on drilling for oil in most US coastal waters, and has urged lawmakers to follow suit.

July 14 2008 hmmm and he just lifted an executive ban....
Urges congress....
An election year ploy?
Page last updated at 18:07 GMT, Monday, 14 July 2008 19:07 UK

Bush lifts offshore drilling ban

President George W Bush has lifted an executive ban on drilling for oil in most US coastal waters, and has urged lawmakers to follow suit.

July 14 2008 hmmm and he just lifted an executive ban....
Urges congress....
An election year ploy?

I posted each month from march through Nov. 2008Gas was going up until July 2008 that's when bush lifted the ban Gas went down after that even through the start iof a bad economy.
Page last updated at 18:07 GMT, Monday, 14 July 2008 19:07 UK

Bush lifts offshore drilling ban

President George W Bush has lifted an executive ban on drilling for oil in most US coastal waters, and has urged lawmakers to follow suit.

July 14 2008 hmmm and he just lifted an executive ban....
Urges congress....
An election year ploy?

I posted each month from march through Nov. 2008Gas was going up until July 2008 that's when bush lifted the ban Gas went down after that even through the start iof a bad economy.

The price of gas will go down in a bad economy. Less demand = lower prices.

'The 5 biggest whoppers in Egobama's energy speech'

Investors Business Dailylistened to Egobama's energy speech so you didn't have to, and picked out the top 5 lies told by the president about his energy policy:

LIE: "We're focused on production."

Fact: Obama has chosen almost always to limit production. He canceled leases on federal lands in Utah, suspended them in Montana, delayed them in Colorado and Utah, and canceled lease sales off the Virginia coast.

LIE: "The U.S. consumes more than a fifth of the world's oil. But we only have 2% of the world's oil reserves."

In fact, the U.S. has a mind-boggling 1.4 trillion barrels of oil, enough to "fuel the present needs in the U.S. for around 250 years," according to the Institute for Energy Research. The problem is the government has put most of this supply off limits.

LIE: "Because of the investments we've made, the use of clean, renewable energy in this country has nearly doubled."

Fact: Production of renewable energy - biomass, wind, solar and the like - climbed just 12% between 2008 and 2011, according to the federal Energy Information Administration.

LIE: :We need to double-down on a clean energy industry that's never been more promising."

Fact: Renewable energy simply won't play an important role in the country's energy picture anytime soon, accounting for just 13% of U.S. energy production by 2035, according to the EIA.

LIE: "There are no short-term silver bullets when it comes to gas prices."

Fact: Obama could drive down oil prices right now simply by announcing a more aggressive effort to boost domestic supplies. When President Bush lifted a moratorium in 2008, oil prices immediately fell $9 a barrel.
'The 5 biggest whoppers in Egobama's energy speech'
Everything Invested Bigots Daily says is a whopper of a lie. Oil prices fell BEFORE Bush pretended to lift a moratorium that did not end a ban on offshore drilling as soon as the tension between Israel and Iran let up.

And we don't have 1.4 trillion barrels of oil, we have 1.4 trillion barrels of tar sands that cost so much to process into refine-able oil that the price of gas would skyrocket. If it could be refined profitably at todays prices they would be doing it already.

What planet do you live on?

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Strong prices for oil sands-derived crude bolstered quarterly earnings at Imperial Oil Ltd , Cenovus Energy Inc and other Canadian energy producers, although snags elsewhere in their operations marred some of the results.

Imperial and Cenovus rose on Thursday after they reported third-quarter profits, with at least some of the stocks' gains attributed to a sharp jump in oil prices following an EU deal on Greek debt with private lenders.

Canadian Oil Sands Ltd , reported its quarterly results after market, but its shares also rose as oil prices jumped 4 percent to $93.96 a barrel, the highest closing price since early August.

The resource is Canada's most lucrative export, and already makes up a major part of U.S. oil supply as it competes with domestic oil and crude from the Middle East and elsewhere.

WRAPUP 2-Oil sands, prices bolster Canadian energy results | Reuters
Tar sand is only profitable at higher gas prices, so as long as you don't mind paying $3+ per gallon than tar sand is good for you. But if you are going to bitch that gas is not the same price today as when President Obama took office, then SHUT THE FUCK UP about tar sand reserves!!!
With a quick Google, I discovered a few articles that discussed the relationship between the recent credit downgrade and the devaluation of the dollar. Can you believe that the two are related. Amazing.
And who was it that caused the credit downgrade? Thats right. Dems. Rethugs had nothing to do with that. LOL. (I just wanted to get that in before you even though we both know that what I said about just the Dems is not true)

It was not the Pres. I do remember people talking about what a negative effect the credit downgrade could have on energy prices and other goods.

But the fact remains that oil companies will soon be reporting record second quarter profits and I don't understand why Repugs are not celebrating this. And saying thanks to the Gods that made all that profit possible.

Why are the rethugs not celebrating the free market? Do you want the guvmint to "fix" prices. Of course not. Do you need something to bang on the Pres about? Of course so.

So there you have it. Rain stopped. Back to work.

The downgrade happened on Obama's watch and he gets the blame.

9/11 happened on Bush's watch - does he get the blame?

Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's on Friday lowered the nation's AAA rating for the first time since granting it in 1917. The move came less than a week after a gridlocked Congress finally agreed to spending cuts that would reduce the debt by more than $2 trillion -- a tumultuous process that contributed to convulsions in financial markets. The promised cuts were not enough to satisfy S&P.

Read more: U.S. Loses AAA Credit Rating From S&P | Fox News

It doesn't mention President Obama at all.

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