6/11: American Demonology-X


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-parable in honor of 9/11 (since today is 6/11!).

Here're some interesting events in world-history that came on June 11 [6/11]:

6/11/1345: Alexios Apokaukos, chief minister of the Byzantine Empire, is lynched by political prisoners

6/11/1492: The Hundred Years' War: Start of the Battle of Jargeau (France)

6/11/1578: England grants Sir Humphrey Gilbert a patent to explore and colonize North America

6/11/1774: Jews of Algiers escape attacking Spanish Army

6/11/1837: Broad Street Riot (Boston): ethnic tensions between English-Americans and Irish-Americans

6/11/1898: 1st US Marines (600) land at Guantanamo Cuba during Spanish-American War

6/11/1911: Universal Negro Improvement Association founded by Marcus Garvey

6/11/1913: Grand Vizir Mahmud Shevket Pasha assassinated, continuing Young Turk terrorism until WWI

6/11/1921: Brazil adopts women's suffrage

6/11/1924: Bene Brak Palestine founded

6/11/1927: Charles Lindbergh is awarded the 1st Distinguished Flying Cross

6/11/1941: Vichy-French planes bomb Tel Aviv, killing 20 Jews

6/11/1963: Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức burns himself at a Saigon intersection in an anti-war protest

6/11/1986: Amnesty International megaconcert

6/11/1990: Supreme Court says law prohibiting desecration of US flag unconstitutional

6/11/1991: Microsoft releases MS DOS 5.0

6/11/2012: Five people are killed after an ambulance hits a roadside bomb in Afghanistan



"Ajay Satan was an idealistic self-proclaimed Internet-blogging 'vigilante' and 'democracy defender' who wrote about the value of populism oriented political optimism in this modern age of media/networking. Ajay would dress up in radical outfits and take photos for his varied blogs about TrumpUSA, Facebook-America, American petroleum, MTV, and the World Bank. Ajay was a big fan of Tom Cruise films since they represented the American aesthetic. Ajay wrote about Cruise, 'Tom is a media-doll who symbolizes media daydreams.' When Cruise read Ajay's blog, he decided to contact him and arrange a meeting. Ajay was invited by Cruise to a Scientology media-symposium being held at Yale University on June 11, 2018 [6/11]!"


"Americans loved stories and campfire-tales about everyday revolutionary spirit, alive and 'ticking' since even the early days of the American Revolutionary War against the British Empire. Americans watched documentaries on TV about watershed movements in civil rights history and urban pluralism protests representing democratic progress and improvements. After 9/11 (the day the World Trade Center in NYC was destroyed by Middle Eastern terrorists), America was on edge about globalization. Now, on 6/11(!), American celebrity Tom Cruise invited idealistic Internet-blogging Ajay to a Scientology media-symposium at Yale. Wasn't America a 'fine bargain' (for strange folk poetry)?"


"Ajay attended the Scientology event at Yale with Cruise, and the two became close 'colleagues' in this new world of media guidance and social spotlights. Ajay remembered that all this began on 6/11, and he wondered if he should write blogs about the transformative pro-citizenry politics symbolic of his momentous June day and if it would help him transcend the horrifying anti-modernism scars left by 9/11! Would Cruise and Ajay become media-democracy dialogue 'peers'? They decided to make tape-recordings of all kinds of idealistic pro-capitalism speeches (Cruise had vintage 1980s unrecorded/blank compact-cassettes he had kept in his possession for sentimental value). Ajay wondered if what he and Cruise were doing together could be considered the 'antidote' to McCarthyism."


"After 9/11, the world was plunged into a proverbial lake of fire in which all kinds of anti-globalization 'sentiments' were being stirred by terrorists. Suddenly, all the consumerism excitement begun in the Big '80s was giving way to new forms of anti-humanity fears (after the Gulf War, the Clinton-Lewinsky media-scandal, and 9/11). This 'lake of fire' would swallow up any soul not willing to meditate seriously on the reality of the unforgiving quality of modern capitalism (i.e., Wall Street consciousness). Cruise and Ajay were like 'media angels' and this new age 'intrigue' involving this 'cultural lake of fire' (which could conflagrate potentially into all kinds of anti-commerce/media paranoia-oriented urban race-riots such as the one seen in Los Angeles in 1992!)."


GOD: This day (6/11) will be remembered like 9/11!
SATAN: I think it will...
GOD: Cruise and Ajay are like 'modern idols.'
SATAN: Yes, they're both 'diplomats.'
GOD: I'd liken Ajay to Job.
SATAN: I'd liken Cruise to Steve Jobs (of Apple Computers)!
GOD: Both Job and Jobs served as 'civilization diplomats.'
SATAN: They sure did; will Cruise and Ajay congeal?
GOD: Media-ruthlessness could always drive them apart.
SATAN: I'm glad they made tapes of idealistic speeches.
GOD: Capitalism requires much 'cheerleading.'
SATAN: This is the age of fantasy and comic books and video-games!
GOD: Yes. Microsoft, IBM, NASDAQ, Duracell, Electro (Marvel Comics), and Sega are 'sublime.'
SATAN: Why should we fixate on dates like 6/11 and 9/11?
GOD: Because they remind us of the primalism of globalization and journalism...
SATAN: Will Cruise and Ajay be considered 'role models' (in America)?
GOD: I think people might call them 'MCs.'
SATAN: I wonder if the AntiChrist will be a pro-media politician.
GOD: Like Donald Trump?
SATAN: Is capitalism something that requires exorcism?
GOD: Isn't American History X (a movie about racism) indicative of ambition-malady?
SATAN: Isn't the modern dragon 'merciless money'?




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