6 BILLION! She said 6 Billion!

This is a crisis. We must act to stop these 6 billion. Surely they are wearing out our trails and paths and whatall.
Damn straight we must act before they disappear like the 6 million Jews did while on vacation from Germany in the 1940's.

Hey moron:

Divorced from whom?
If we get divorced from commies in the US. They're fucking done here! Fact.

Expect to find them hanging everywhere. And America will be better off for it.

Nobody's going to cede land and supplies to these fucktards.
Ms Greene — who recently called for the dissolution of the United States — was hammering Mr Biden on immigration policies and for spending time in Ukraine over the last week.

Her talking points echo those of other Maga politicians, who have been using Mr Biden's Ukraine trip to claim that he is ignoring domestic issues like the Ohio train derailment and the border.

"$113 Billion has been appropriated to Ukraine in just 1 yr," Ms Greene tweeted. "Trump's wall would have only cost $22 billion, but Congress refused to fund it. 6 Billion people illegally crossed our border since Biden took office, but Ukraine's border is the only border that matters to Washington."

There's approximately 8 billion people on the planet and 75% of them crossed our southern border last year.

Well over 2 million last year, you good with that?
Considering what you people installed in the Oval Office, do you REALLY want to mock someone who misstated a number? REALLY? It makes you look juvenile as well as petty.
Your attempt to belittle Biden makes you look juvenile and petty. You don't realize that yet, just like you didn't realize what a teabagger was when you so proudly announced that is what you were.
I can’t even pretend to care about that stupidity.

You apparently have nothing of substance to contribute.
Bluto she is advocating for a red/Blue divorce...so about those Jewish Space Lasers.
Considering what you people installed in the Oval Office, do you REALLY want to mock someone who misstated a number? REALLY? It makes you look juvenile as well as petty.

In otto105's case, looking juvenile and petty would be an improvement over how he usually comes across.

It seems obvious enough to me that Mrs. Greene meant “million”, not “billion”, and an easy enough verbal fumble to make.

Try saying “million” with a clogged nose, and see how it comes out sounding. Easy experiment—pinch your nose closed, and say “million”.
In otto105's case, looking juvenile and petty would be an improvement over how he usually comes across.

It seems obvious enough to me that Mrs. Greene meant “million”, not “billion”, and an easy enough verbal fumble to make.

Try saying “million” with a clogged nose, and see how it comes out sounding. Easy experiment—pinch your nose closed, and say “million”.
Even the 6 million number is wildly wrong but keep fighting for your maga man.

Even the 6 million number is wildly wrong but keep fighting for your maga man.


Whatever the numbers may actually be, she does have a very good, very important point, about all of our own money and resources that we are spending on a foreign war that is none of our business, while we continue to badly neglect the defense of our own nation against a very real and immediate threat from an ongoing foreign invasion.

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