6 BILLION! She said 6 Billion!

Ms Greene — who recently called for the dissolution of the United States — was hammering Mr Biden on immigration policies and for spending time in Ukraine over the last week.

Her talking points echo those of other Maga politicians, who have been using Mr Biden's Ukraine trip to claim that he is ignoring domestic issues like the Ohio train derailment and the border.

"$113 Billion has been appropriated to Ukraine in just 1 yr," Ms Greene tweeted. "Trump's wall would have only cost $22 billion, but Congress refused to fund it. 6 Billion people illegally crossed our border since Biden took office, but Ukraine's border is the only border that matters to Washington."

There's approximately 8 billion people on the planet and 75% of them crossed our southern border last year.

There are 434 other members of congress with opinions that might not stand up to scrutiny. Why do sissie lefties continue to pick on the pretty blonde? It beats talking about the mess that Biden created?
There are 434 other members of congress with opinions that might not stand up to scrutiny. Why do sissie lefties continue to pick on the pretty blonde? It beats talking about the mess that Biden created?
Youn mean that trans blonde dude?
The U.S. has sent more than $54 billion to Ukraine since the war against Russia started, according to The New York Times. The aid package can be broken down into multiple types of aid.
  • Weapons and other supplies: $12.5 billion
  • Economic support: $9.4 billion
  • U.S. military deployments and intelligence: $9 billion
  • Food assistance, healthcare, and other aid: $7 billion
  • Military and security assistance: $6 billion
  • Grants and loans for military supplies: $4.7 billion
  • Migration and refugee assistance: $1.8 billion
  • Other foreign aid: $1.5 billion
  • Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Aisa: $1.1 billion
  • Administration for Children and Families: $0.9 billion
  • Diplomatic programs and other: $0.5 billion
  • Enforcing sanctions: $0.3 billion

Don't sweat it. If the war drags on past 2024 & the Orange Ape God is reelected he'll hand Ukraine over to his boyfriend Pooty in a heartbeat. That's why Ukraine needs to kick Russia's ass back where they came from soon as possible just in case you cultists reelect that fat jerkoff Trump next election.
Poppycock bob.

Ukraine is in a fight for the nation.

We are not even if phax scares you.

It's not our war, not our business.

It is criminal-level malfeasance, at best, on the part of our government to be spending the people's resources on that war instead of spending it to defend our own nation against the very real invasion that is taking place across our southern border.
I wonder if anyone has ever figured out what the “one word” was that Brandon claimed described America.
Awwww Bluto don't get mad. Put a claim in for those Jewish space lasers just to piss off the dude in the settlement.
I’m not mad, odd1. I just find your douchey commentary to be douchey.

But feel free to stick with your failed effort at mockery over a MJT comment I didn’t care about in the first place.
It's not our war, not our business.

It is criminal-level malfeasance, at best, on the part of our government to be spending the people's resources on that war instead of spending it to defend our own nation against the very real invasion that is taking place across our southern border.
Of course, it's part of our business as a world leading nation. You conservatives bitch that China is gaining influence and give russia a pass.

It's pathetic.
I’m not mad, odd1. I just find your douchey commentary to be douchey.

But feel free to stick with your failed effort at mockery over a MJT comment I didn’t care about in the first place.
Yeah sure, but here you are carrying the dude's water.
Ms Greene — who recently called for the dissolution of the United States — was hammering Mr Biden on immigration policies and for spending time in Ukraine over the last week.

Her talking points echo those of other Maga politicians, who have been using Mr Biden's Ukraine trip to claim that he is ignoring domestic issues like the Ohio train derailment and the border.

"$113 Billion has been appropriated to Ukraine in just 1 yr," Ms Greene tweeted. "Trump's wall would have only cost $22 billion, but Congress refused to fund it. 6 Billion people illegally crossed our border since Biden took office, but Ukraine's border is the only border that matters to Washington."

There's approximately 8 billion people on the planet and 75% of them crossed our southern border last year.

You really don't what to get into a debate over misspoken works, especially with Biden in office. Because Damn! You could write a novel on isspoken works that braindead tratior has said.
You really don't what to get into a debate over misspoken works, especially with Biden in office. Because Damn! You could write a novel on isspoken works that braindead tratior has said.
Sure, good right ahead.

And covfete that.
You’re being incoherent again. Seriously, dud. Cut back on the glue.
Dude, just good over to his house and play with the Jewish space laser for a while.

Then come home and ask mom for one.

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