6 BILLION! She said 6 Billion!

Dude, just good over to his house and play with the Jewish space laser for a while.

Then come home and ask mom for one.
Your incoherence is worse than ever.

When you say “his” who the fuck are you babbling about?

And when you say “good,” be advised: it’s not a verb.

Again, I am unimpressed with you mocking the commentary of MJT which I thought was stupid too.
Your incoherence is worse than ever.

When you say “his” who the fuck are you babbling about?

And when you say “good,” be advised: it’s not a verb.

Again, I am unimpressed with you mocking the commentary of MJT which I thought was stupid too.
Ooooooo triggered.
Ms Greene — who recently called for the dissolution of the United States — was hammering Mr Biden on immigration policies and for spending time in Ukraine over the last week.

Her talking points echo those of other Maga politicians, who have been using Mr Biden's Ukraine trip to claim that he is ignoring domestic issues like the Ohio train derailment and the border.

"$113 Billion has been appropriated to Ukraine in just 1 yr," Ms Greene tweeted. "Trump's wall would have only cost $22 billion, but Congress refused to fund it. 6 Billion people illegally crossed our border since Biden took office, but Ukraine's border is the only border that matters to Washington."

There's approximately 8 billion people on the planet and 75% of them crossed our southern border last year.

Well if it were "6 billion" and I'm confident it was a Bidenesque GAFFE... it was because Biden said and I quote exactly...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " Made in September 12th 2019 democrat debate.

Biden encouraged these 6 billion right 6 million to SURGE To the border!

“”...so I want to thank you both, and I want to thank the secretary, the former general - I keep calling him general - my... my, er... the guy who runs that outfit over there.
—Forgetting the name of his Secretary of Defense during an International Women's Day address. (March 8, 2021)[46]
“”Visit vaccines.gum or text to your... text your zip code.
—Mispronouncing vaccines.gov and then stumbling over his instructions. (May 4, 2021)[47]
“”Since January 20 and we’re talking now about 15 months ago, the average daily cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000
—During a COVID press conference, meaning to say 5 months. (June 4, 2021)[48]
“”And I want to thank that fella down under. Thank you very much pal.
—While announcing the AUKUS security pact
, referring to Scott Morrison. (September 15, 2021)[49]
“”...all kidding aside, of course, President Harris, who’s a proud Howard alum, she might have something to say about Delaware State
Kamala Harris is the Vice President, not the President. (December 20, 2021)[50]
“”Let's go Brandon, I agree.
—Mistakenly repeating an anti-Biden slogan
during his Christmas address. (December 24, 2021)[51]


“”“It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion, and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do
—Commenting on possible Russian Invasion (11 Jan, 2022)[52]
“”Putin may circle Kyiv, but he'll never win the hearts of the Iranian people.
—During his first State of the Union address meaning to say "Ukrainian people". (March 1, 2022)[53]
“”America can be defined in one word, *gibberish*
—On the confirmation of Justice Jackson. (April 8, 2022)[54]
“”My mother drove us rather than us being able to walk and guess what' The first frost, you know what was happening'... That's why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer and why for the longest time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation,
— During a climate change address, referring to skin cancer he had in 2020. (July 20, 2022)[55]
“”Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie? I didn’t think she was – she wasn’t going to be here
—Referring to the late Rep. Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., who died in a car wreck in August, 2022[56]
“”That's why we defeated it in 2018 when they tried to do it. We went to 54 states
—At a Democratic event in Pennsylvania. There are only 50 states in the US. (October 30, 2022)[57]
“”You think I don't know how fucking old I am?
—After getting fed up with suggestions that, at 80 years old, he might be too old to run again. (December 14, 2022)[58]
You continue to make that absurd claim every time you’ve been bitch slapped.

Come on Bluto, you don't do the bitch slapping. You receive it and say thank you may I have another.
Well if it were "6 billion" and I'm confident it was a Bidenesque GAFFE... it was because Biden said and I quote exactly...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " Made in September 12th 2019 democrat debate.

Biden encouraged these 6 billion right 6 million to SURGE To the border!

“”...so I want to thank you both, and I want to thank the secretary, the former general - I keep calling him general - my... my, er... the guy who runs that outfit over there.
—Forgetting the name of his Secretary of Defense during an International Women's Day address. (March 8, 2021)[46]
“”Visit vaccines.gum or text to your... text your zip code.
—Mispronouncing vaccines.gov and then stumbling over his instructions. (May 4, 2021)[47]
“”Since January 20 and we’re talking now about 15 months ago, the average daily cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000
—During a COVID press conference, meaning to say 5 months. (June 4, 2021)[48]
“”And I want to thank that fella down under. Thank you very much pal.
—While announcing the AUKUS security pact
, referring to Scott Morrison. (September 15, 2021)[49]
“”...all kidding aside, of course, President Harris, who’s a proud Howard alum, she might have something to say about Delaware State
Kamala Harris is the Vice President, not the President. (December 20, 2021)[50]
“”Let's go Brandon, I agree.
—Mistakenly repeating an anti-Biden slogan
during his Christmas address. (December 24, 2021)[51]


“”“It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion, and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do
—Commenting on possible Russian Invasion (11 Jan, 2022)[52]
“”Putin may circle Kyiv, but he'll never win the hearts of the Iranian people.
—During his first State of the Union address meaning to say "Ukrainian people". (March 1, 2022)[53]
“”America can be defined in one word, *gibberish*
—On the confirmation of Justice Jackson. (April 8, 2022)[54]
“”My mother drove us rather than us being able to walk and guess what' The first frost, you know what was happening'... That's why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer and why for the longest time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation,
— During a climate change address, referring to skin cancer he had in 2020. (July 20, 2022)[55]
“”Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie? I didn’t think she was – she wasn’t going to be here
—Referring to the late Rep. Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., who died in a car wreck in August, 2022[56]
“”That's why we defeated it in 2018 when they tried to do it. We went to 54 states
—At a Democratic event in Pennsylvania. There are only 50 states in the US. (October 30, 2022)[57]
“”You think I don't know how fucking old I am?
—After getting fed up with suggestions that, at 80 years old, he might be too old to run again. (December 14, 2022)[58]

Yeah, its well known that Biden has gaffes.

That dude green does it intentionally to be more bombastic as a media whore.

Ms Greene — who recently called for the dissolution of the United States — was hammering Mr Biden on immigration policies and for spending time in Ukraine over the last week.

Her talking points echo those of other Maga politicians, who have been using Mr Biden's Ukraine trip to claim that he is ignoring domestic issues like the Ohio train derailment and the border.

"$113 Billion has been appropriated to Ukraine in just 1 yr," Ms Greene tweeted. "Trump's wall would have only cost $22 billion, but Congress refused to fund it. 6 Billion people illegally crossed our border since Biden took office, but Ukraine's border is the only border that matters to Washington."

There's approximately 8 billion people on the planet and 75% of them crossed our southern border last year.


I had to cross 7 times to make up for you slackers that either only crossed once or didn't cross at all to make that 6 billion. I have to sign off now, the border crossing bus is waiting.
Come on Bluto, you don't do the bitch slapping. You receive it and say thank you may I have another.
Sorry little odd1. You come to the game empty handed. That’s plain for all to see.

You remain one of my little bitches.

Go cry to you boyfriend.

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