6 weeks of weight training

I dunno, these Jewish bodies seem to look like they are working pretty OK to me. :smoke:

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Amazing WTF Facts: Beautiful Israeli Military Women
Amazing WTF Facts: Beautiful Israeli Military Women
She needs more curvature in the tit department, IMO.
Close to 100% is more of a fact.
When working on 1 part of your body there should be no visible stress on any other part of the body.
Unless it for vanity, physical therapy, or one is a professional body builder; it doesn't matter much. Muscles work in real life, in muscle groups.
Care to support that claim with credible proof?
Ever take a martial art?
If your face looks strained when you’re lifting weights, you’re lifting too much.
If any other part of the body apart from your arms are moving, you’re doing it wrong and wasting energy.
When doing pull down weights you shouldn’t be putting your legs under a support.
Ever take a martial art?
If your face looks strained when you’re lifting weights, you’re lifting too much.
If any other part of the body apart from your arms are moving, you’re doing it wrong and wasting energy.
When doing pull down weights you shouldn’t be putting your legs under a support.
Umm... Physics? If the weight you are pulling down, weighs more than you; you'll be doing a pull up...
You could say that.
Yes or no and did your teacher suck?
I took Tai Kwon Do for 2 years and the teacher taught the watered down US shit.
I later took Karate and Tai-Chi for 10 years and the teacher was unforgiving when it came to form and function.
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Umm... Physics? If the weight you are pulling down, weighs more than you; you'll be doing a pull up...
I weigh 150 pounds and I can pull down 120 pounds with my knees and calves folded under me on the floor and no arms or body wavering.
The bigger guys won't do the machine when I'm around because they can't do 80 without shaking all over the place.

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