60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

a majority of those voting, idiot, thats how it always works.

The US is moving toward a european type of socialism. If thats what a "majority" of the citizens want, then so be it.

And what's with the insult? You keep changing your mind every five seconds.

Right, so it's always going to be and stay a majority of those who bother to actually vote? Even if it means a minority of actual people? You're not going to change on the next whim?

Next point I need to ask.

The people, a majority of those who voted, voted for Obama, voted for either democrats or republicans, more voted democrat but republicans hold the House, but dems hold the senate.

The Presidents appoint the judges, and if they decide to change this, it's all been done through majority voting. Right?

So is this then okay with you?

Next point. The Bill of Rights and the 14A were both passed by a majority of those who voted. If the Supreme Court finds that preventing gay marriage goes against these, and strikes it down, then this is the will of the majority. So you'd accept that too?
Are you seriously trying the "gays can't get married because they might divorce" angle? That is new...and ridiculous. You even threw in a "gays can't get married because other people are assholes" argument. Yowza!

My two children each have a circle of friends they "hang" with. Only my daughter has a friend whose parents are still married to each other. One out of her five best friends. My son's circle of five has none, other than my son, whose parents are still together. None of them get bullied for being divorced, nor do my children get bullied for having gay parents.

Know who made arguments similar to today's "but, but, but the children" arguments? Racist bigots...

People who engage in the sin of interracial marriage need to reflect upon the offspring they will parent. What race will these children identify with? We know of a child who asked her maternal grandmother when she would turn white like her. ... The above-mentioned child put powder all over herself one day, in an attempt to look like her mother. This, of course, did not work. It will never work, and this child will suffer for her mother's sin forever. (Save Your Heritage)

I'm happy to hear this actually, but you are likely in the top 1% of minorities.

No, actually, not. Gays are divorcing at lower rates currently in the US than straights. That won't last, of course, it will even out but it is certainly not a reason to deny gays marriage equality, that they will also get divorce equality. That's just silly.

None of the gay married couples I know have divorced yet. Purely anecdotal of course.

Not what i was referring to at all.

Then perhaps you need to be more clear. My perception is that you are arguing against marriage equality because gays might have kids and might divorce. Dissuade me of that notion, please.


"Visualize this - a young boy in middle school already gets bullied because his parents choose to marry a same sex partner and then the bullies find out his parents separated, and the bullied kid has all of that to deal with along with not knowing who his biological parents are, and thinking they didn't want him, while seeing the majority of the other kids with a male and female parents.

1 question - What do you think the kid will do while under all that emotions and scrutiny? I think you know what I'm referring to. Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome. Put yourself in the kids shoes. Kids are innocent and don't have the backbone of an adult that's been through nearly this much.?"

You could have simply said that my perception of your position was spot on...instead of repeating the same drivel as before. You really are saying that gays shouldn't get married because they could have children and they could divorce.
Visualize this - a young boy in middle school already gets bullied because his parents choose to marry a same sex partner and then the bullies find out his parents separated, and the bullied kid has all of that to deal with along with not knowing who his biological parents are, and thinking they didn't want him, while seeing the majority of the other kids with a male and female parents.

1 question - What do you think the kid will do while under all that emotions and scrutiny? I think you know what I'm referring to. Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome. Put yourself in the kids shoes. Kids are innocent and don't have the backbone of an adult that's been through nearly this much.

Are you seriously trying the "gays can't get married because they might divorce" angle? That is new...and ridiculous. You even threw in a "gays can't get married because other people are assholes" argument. Yowza!

My two children each have a circle of friends they "hang" with. Only my daughter has a friend whose parents are still married to each other. One out of her five best friends. My son's circle of five has none, other than my son, whose parents are still together. None of them get bullied for being divorced, nor do my children get bullied for having gay parents.

Know who made arguments similar to today's "but, but, but the children" arguments? Racist bigots...

People who engage in the sin of interracial marriage need to reflect upon the offspring they will parent. What race will these children identify with? We know of a child who asked her maternal grandmother when she would turn white like her. ... The above-mentioned child put powder all over herself one day, in an attempt to look like her mother. This, of course, did not work. It will never work, and this child will suffer for her mother's sin forever. (Save Your Heritage)

Just curious, did you teach your kids that they can swing either way based on how the feel on any given day? What did you teach them about multiple partner "marriage" ? Did you teach them that it was ok to discriminate against these people who only want to marry who they love? Did you teach them that your "wife" had nothing to do with creating them? (I assume you are the birth mother).

Have they expressed confusion about their sexual identity while growing up?

You say its all wonderful, just wondered if it really is.

I let my kids be kids, Fish. I will give them any information they have questions about. They are well aware of the role their other parent played in their conception. They know who their donor is and have met him. They don't consider him their parent, only their donor. They have two parents, my partner and I.

Why would I "teach" my children about "multiple partner" marriages? They aren't legal.
Just curious, did you teach your kids that they can swing either way based on how the feel on any given day? What did you teach them about multiple partner "marriage" ? Did you teach them that it was ok to discriminate against these people who only want to marry who they love? Did you teach them that your "wife" had nothing to do with creating them? (I assume you are the birth mother).

Have they expressed confusion about their sexual identity while growing up?

You say its all wonderful, just wondered if it really is.

Or maybe it's just better to let kids be kids, and to let them find their own way, but support them with the decisions they make.

Plenty of kids grow up gay. Within my job I have worked with such kids. You can spot them a mile off. They don't even necessarily know it yet. You support them the same as anyone else.

People or adults choose to be gay. Kids don't know until they reach a certain age and they usually turn gay because they don't know how to deal with the opposite sex or they hate and develop anger toward the opposite sex for rejection or the simply got abused by their same sex parent and it becomes the new normal. Let me ask you a question - How many gays were abused as kids by there parent? Probably a huge part of the gay community, which if it didn't happen or they sought professional help they wouldn't be gay meaning it's all psycological. take all of those people out of the equasion and you get very few gays or none at all.

Thank you for putting your ignorance on display.
Just curious, did you teach your kids that they can swing either way based on how the feel on any given day? What did you teach them about multiple partner "marriage" ? Did you teach them that it was ok to discriminate against these people who only want to marry who they love? Did you teach them that your "wife" had nothing to do with creating them? (I assume you are the birth mother).

Have they expressed confusion about their sexual identity while growing up?

You say its all wonderful, just wondered if it really is.

Or maybe it's just better to let kids be kids, and to let them find their own way, but support them with the decisions they make.

Plenty of kids grow up gay. Within my job I have worked with such kids. You can spot them a mile off. They don't even necessarily know it yet. You support them the same as anyone else.

People or adults choose to be gay. Kids don't know until they reach a certain age and they usually turn gay because they don't know how to deal with the opposite sex or they hate and develop anger toward the opposite sex for rejection or the simply got abused by their same sex parent and it becomes the new normal. Let me ask you a question - How many gays were abused as kids by there parent? Probably a huge part of the gay community, which if it didn't happen or they sought professional help they wouldn't be gay meaning it's all psycological. take all of those people out of the equasion and you get very few gays or none at all.

Thank you for putting your ignorance on display.

You mean my common sense and brains? Your welcome. :)
I'm happy to hear this actually, but you are likely in the top 1% of minorities.

No, actually, not. Gays are divorcing at lower rates currently in the US than straights. That won't last, of course, it will even out but it is certainly not a reason to deny gays marriage equality, that they will also get divorce equality. That's just silly.

None of the gay married couples I know have divorced yet. Purely anecdotal of course.

Not what i was referring to at all.

Then perhaps you need to be more clear. My perception is that you are arguing against marriage equality because gays might have kids and might divorce. Dissuade me of that notion, please.


"Visualize this - a young boy in middle school already gets bullied because his parents choose to marry a same sex partner and then the bullies find out his parents separated, and the bullied kid has all of that to deal with along with not knowing who his biological parents are, and thinking they didn't want him, while seeing the majority of the other kids with a male and female parents.

1 question - What do you think the kid will do while under all that emotions and scrutiny? I think you know what I'm referring to. Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome. Put yourself in the kids shoes. Kids are innocent and don't have the backbone of an adult that's been through nearly this much.?"

You could have simply said that my perception of your position was spot on...instead of repeating the same drivel as before. You really are saying that gays shouldn't get married because they could have children and they could divorce.

It's not just about divorce. Read the above quote.
Just curious, did you teach your kids that they can swing either way based on how the feel on any given day? What did you teach them about multiple partner "marriage" ? Did you teach them that it was ok to discriminate against these people who only want to marry who they love? Did you teach them that your "wife" had nothing to do with creating them? (I assume you are the birth mother).

Have they expressed confusion about their sexual identity while growing up?

You say its all wonderful, just wondered if it really is.

Or maybe it's just better to let kids be kids, and to let them find their own way, but support them with the decisions they make.

Plenty of kids grow up gay. Within my job I have worked with such kids. You can spot them a mile off. They don't even necessarily know it yet. You support them the same as anyone else.

People or adults choose to be gay. Kids don't know until they reach a certain age and they usually turn gay because they don't know how to deal with the opposite sex or they hate and develop anger toward the opposite sex for rejection or the simply got abused by their same sex parent and it becomes the new normal. Let me ask you a question - How many gays were abused as kids by there parent? Probably a huge part of the gay community, which if it didn't happen or they sought professional help they wouldn't be gay meaning it's all psycological. take all of those people out of the equasion and you get very few gays or none at all.

Thank you for putting your ignorance on display.

You mean my common sense and brains? Your welcome. :)

No, I meant your ignorance and I really do thank you for posting your ignorance for all to see. Comments like the one you made above only helps the marriage equality side. Actual thinking people read your posts and think "I don't want to be like that guy" and are more supportive of marriage equality as a result.

P.S. Never abused as a child.
No, actually, not. Gays are divorcing at lower rates currently in the US than straights. That won't last, of course, it will even out but it is certainly not a reason to deny gays marriage equality, that they will also get divorce equality. That's just silly.

None of the gay married couples I know have divorced yet. Purely anecdotal of course.

Not what i was referring to at all.

Then perhaps you need to be more clear. My perception is that you are arguing against marriage equality because gays might have kids and might divorce. Dissuade me of that notion, please.


"Visualize this - a young boy in middle school already gets bullied because his parents choose to marry a same sex partner and then the bullies find out his parents separated, and the bullied kid has all of that to deal with along with not knowing who his biological parents are, and thinking they didn't want him, while seeing the majority of the other kids with a male and female parents.

1 question - What do you think the kid will do while under all that emotions and scrutiny? I think you know what I'm referring to. Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome. Put yourself in the kids shoes. Kids are innocent and don't have the backbone of an adult that's been through nearly this much.?"

You could have simply said that my perception of your position was spot on...instead of repeating the same drivel as before. You really are saying that gays shouldn't get married because they could have children and they could divorce.

It's not just about divorce. Read the above quote.

I read it both times you posted it...my perception remains. You don't think gays should be able to civilly marry because they might have children and they might break up. Your argument doesn't get any less silly the more you repeat it.
Just curious, did you teach your kids that they can swing either way based on how the feel on any given day? What did you teach them about multiple partner "marriage" ? Did you teach them that it was ok to discriminate against these people who only want to marry who they love? Did you teach them that your "wife" had nothing to do with creating them? (I assume you are the birth mother).

Have they expressed confusion about their sexual identity while growing up?

You say its all wonderful, just wondered if it really is.

Or maybe it's just better to let kids be kids, and to let them find their own way, but support them with the decisions they make.

Plenty of kids grow up gay. Within my job I have worked with such kids. You can spot them a mile off. They don't even necessarily know it yet. You support them the same as anyone else.

People or adults choose to be gay. Kids don't know until they reach a certain age and they usually turn gay because they don't know how to deal with the opposite sex or they hate and develop anger toward the opposite sex for rejection or the simply got abused by their same sex parent and it becomes the new normal. Let me ask you a question - How many gays were abused as kids by there parent? Probably a huge part of the gay community, which if it didn't happen or they sought professional help they wouldn't be gay meaning it's all psycological. take all of those people out of the equasion and you get very few gays or none at all.

Thank you for putting your ignorance on display.

You mean my common sense and brains? Your welcome. :)

No, I meant your ignorance and I really do thank you for posting your ignorance for all to see. Comments like the one you made above only helps the marriage equality side. Actual thinking people read your posts and think "I don't want to be like that guy" and are more supportive of marriage equality as a result.

P.S. Never abused as a child.

There's other bad things about upbrinings then being abused just 1 of many examples. Do you read and understand psychology? It's all about what you see and experience while growing up. Not ignorance but common sense and my personal experience which is pretty common.
Not what i was referring to at all.

Then perhaps you need to be more clear. My perception is that you are arguing against marriage equality because gays might have kids and might divorce. Dissuade me of that notion, please.


"Visualize this - a young boy in middle school already gets bullied because his parents choose to marry a same sex partner and then the bullies find out his parents separated, and the bullied kid has all of that to deal with along with not knowing who his biological parents are, and thinking they didn't want him, while seeing the majority of the other kids with a male and female parents.

1 question - What do you think the kid will do while under all that emotions and scrutiny? I think you know what I'm referring to. Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome. Put yourself in the kids shoes. Kids are innocent and don't have the backbone of an adult that's been through nearly this much.?"

You could have simply said that my perception of your position was spot on...instead of repeating the same drivel as before. You really are saying that gays shouldn't get married because they could have children and they could divorce.

It's not just about divorce. Read the above quote.

I read it both times you posted it...my perception remains. You don't think gays should be able to civilly marry because they might have children and they might break up. Your argument doesn't get any less silly the more you repeat it.

No you didn't.

Here's a quote you missed,

"Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome."
Or maybe it's just better to let kids be kids, and to let them find their own way, but support them with the decisions they make.

Plenty of kids grow up gay. Within my job I have worked with such kids. You can spot them a mile off. They don't even necessarily know it yet. You support them the same as anyone else.

People or adults choose to be gay. Kids don't know until they reach a certain age and they usually turn gay because they don't know how to deal with the opposite sex or they hate and develop anger toward the opposite sex for rejection or the simply got abused by their same sex parent and it becomes the new normal. Let me ask you a question - How many gays were abused as kids by there parent? Probably a huge part of the gay community, which if it didn't happen or they sought professional help they wouldn't be gay meaning it's all psycological. take all of those people out of the equasion and you get very few gays or none at all.

Thank you for putting your ignorance on display.

You mean my common sense and brains? Your welcome. :)

No, I meant your ignorance and I really do thank you for posting your ignorance for all to see. Comments like the one you made above only helps the marriage equality side. Actual thinking people read your posts and think "I don't want to be like that guy" and are more supportive of marriage equality as a result.

P.S. Never abused as a child.

There's other bad things about upbrinings then being abused just 1 of many examples. Do you read and understand psychology? It's all about what you see and experience while growing up. Not ignorance but common sense and my personal experience which is pretty common.

Yes, just one of many examples of your ignorance. Please, do tell us about the "psychology" of being gay that you've read about. Provide your sources.

My "personal experience" is probably a lot more extensive than yours and every gay person I know says they were born with attractions to the same sex, that it was never a choice.

Obviously you think you chose. When did you choose? Were you equally attracted to both men and women and flipped a coin?
People or adults choose to be gay. Kids don't know until they reach a certain age and they usually turn gay because they don't know how to deal with the opposite sex or they hate and develop anger toward the opposite sex for rejection or the simply got abused by their same sex parent and it becomes the new normal. Let me ask you a question - How many gays were abused as kids by there parent? Probably a huge part of the gay community, which if it didn't happen or they sought professional help they wouldn't be gay meaning it's all psycological. take all of those people out of the equasion and you get very few gays or none at all.

Thank you for putting your ignorance on display.

You mean my common sense and brains? Your welcome. :)

No, I meant your ignorance and I really do thank you for posting your ignorance for all to see. Comments like the one you made above only helps the marriage equality side. Actual thinking people read your posts and think "I don't want to be like that guy" and are more supportive of marriage equality as a result.

P.S. Never abused as a child.

There's other bad things about upbrinings then being abused just 1 of many examples. Do you read and understand psychology? It's all about what you see and experience while growing up. Not ignorance but common sense and my personal experience which is pretty common.

Yes, just one of many examples of your ignorance. Please, do tell us about the "psychology" of being gay that you've read about. Provide your sources.

My "personal experience" is probably a lot more extensive than yours and every gay person I know says they were born with attractions to the same sex, that it was never a choice.

Obviously you think you chose. When did you choose? Were you equally attracted to both men and women and flipped a coin?

No at one time you were attracted to women naturally unless you were abused before puberty, and then something happened along the lines and changed you. Pretty simple to come to that conclusion if you know psychology. btw.. not all gays can remember the turning point and why it happened which is also natural in psychology.
Then perhaps you need to be more clear. My perception is that you are arguing against marriage equality because gays might have kids and might divorce. Dissuade me of that notion, please.


"Visualize this - a young boy in middle school already gets bullied because his parents choose to marry a same sex partner and then the bullies find out his parents separated, and the bullied kid has all of that to deal with along with not knowing who his biological parents are, and thinking they didn't want him, while seeing the majority of the other kids with a male and female parents.

1 question - What do you think the kid will do while under all that emotions and scrutiny? I think you know what I'm referring to. Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome. Put yourself in the kids shoes. Kids are innocent and don't have the backbone of an adult that's been through nearly this much.?"

You could have simply said that my perception of your position was spot on...instead of repeating the same drivel as before. You really are saying that gays shouldn't get married because they could have children and they could divorce.

It's not just about divorce. Read the above quote.

I read it both times you posted it...my perception remains. You don't think gays should be able to civilly marry because they might have children and they might break up. Your argument doesn't get any less silly the more you repeat it.

No you didn't.

Here's a quote you missed,

"Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome."

Ah, so it's even more insidious than that...you think gays shouldn't have children because assholes might pick on them? Gosh, I guess that means poor people, fat people, smart people, etc shouldn't have kids because assholes might pick on their children? You're making the same argument bigots made against interracial marriage..."the children might get picked on".

"Visualize this - a young boy in middle school already gets bullied because his parents choose to marry a same sex partner and then the bullies find out his parents separated, and the bullied kid has all of that to deal with along with not knowing who his biological parents are, and thinking they didn't want him, while seeing the majority of the other kids with a male and female parents.

1 question - What do you think the kid will do while under all that emotions and scrutiny? I think you know what I'm referring to. Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome. Put yourself in the kids shoes. Kids are innocent and don't have the backbone of an adult that's been through nearly this much.?"

You could have simply said that my perception of your position was spot on...instead of repeating the same drivel as before. You really are saying that gays shouldn't get married because they could have children and they could divorce.

It's not just about divorce. Read the above quote.

I read it both times you posted it...my perception remains. You don't think gays should be able to civilly marry because they might have children and they might break up. Your argument doesn't get any less silly the more you repeat it.

No you didn't.

Here's a quote you missed,

"Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome."

Ah, so it's even more insidious than that...you think gays shouldn't have children because assholes might pick on them? Gosh, I guess that means poor people, fat people, smart people, etc shouldn't have kids because assholes might pick on their children? You're making the same argument bigots made against interracial marriage..."the children might get picked on".

No I won't pick on them, but it's only natural that others will. Bulling leads to suicide and so does depression. Kids of Gay will go through this at high unnatural levels.
Thank you for putting your ignorance on display.

You mean my common sense and brains? Your welcome. :)

No, I meant your ignorance and I really do thank you for posting your ignorance for all to see. Comments like the one you made above only helps the marriage equality side. Actual thinking people read your posts and think "I don't want to be like that guy" and are more supportive of marriage equality as a result.

P.S. Never abused as a child.

There's other bad things about upbrinings then being abused just 1 of many examples. Do you read and understand psychology? It's all about what you see and experience while growing up. Not ignorance but common sense and my personal experience which is pretty common.

Yes, just one of many examples of your ignorance. Please, do tell us about the "psychology" of being gay that you've read about. Provide your sources.

My "personal experience" is probably a lot more extensive than yours and every gay person I know says they were born with attractions to the same sex, that it was never a choice.

Obviously you think you chose. When did you choose? Were you equally attracted to both men and women and flipped a coin?

No at one time you were attracted to women naturally unless you were abused before puberty, and then something happened along the lines and changed you. Pretty simple to come to that conclusion if you know psychology. btw.. not all gays can remember the turning point and why it happened which is also natural in psychology.

No, I'm a lesbian and I've always been attracted to women. My first crushes were on other girls and women. My first "loves" were to Julie Andrews and Barbara Stanwick. Nothing "changed" me, I was born this way.

Where are your sources? Your opinion isn't a source, it's ass facts (facts pulled from your ass).
What the American Psychological Association has to say...not gas's "ass facts".

There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.
You mean my common sense and brains? Your welcome. :)

No, I meant your ignorance and I really do thank you for posting your ignorance for all to see. Comments like the one you made above only helps the marriage equality side. Actual thinking people read your posts and think "I don't want to be like that guy" and are more supportive of marriage equality as a result.

P.S. Never abused as a child.

There's other bad things about upbrinings then being abused just 1 of many examples. Do you read and understand psychology? It's all about what you see and experience while growing up. Not ignorance but common sense and my personal experience which is pretty common.

Yes, just one of many examples of your ignorance. Please, do tell us about the "psychology" of being gay that you've read about. Provide your sources.

My "personal experience" is probably a lot more extensive than yours and every gay person I know says they were born with attractions to the same sex, that it was never a choice.

Obviously you think you chose. When did you choose? Were you equally attracted to both men and women and flipped a coin?

No at one time you were attracted to women naturally unless you were abused before puberty, and then something happened along the lines and changed you. Pretty simple to come to that conclusion if you know psychology. btw.. not all gays can remember the turning point and why it happened which is also natural in psychology.

No, I'm a lesbian and I've always been attracted to women. My first crushes were on other girls and women. My first "loves" were to Julie Andrews and Barbara Stanwick. Nothing "changed" me, I was born this way.

Where are your sources? Your opinion isn't a source, it's ass facts (facts pulled from your ass).

It's normal at that age to be attracted to their beauty as a women, but that doesn't mean you were attracted to their breast or Vagina. BIG DIFFERENCE. Look men can have some of the same personalities as Women not fully but the parts you like, but the hard part is finding them. I think you got lazy.
You could have simply said that my perception of your position was spot on...instead of repeating the same drivel as before. You really are saying that gays shouldn't get married because they could have children and they could divorce.

It's not just about divorce. Read the above quote.

I read it both times you posted it...my perception remains. You don't think gays should be able to civilly marry because they might have children and they might break up. Your argument doesn't get any less silly the more you repeat it.

No you didn't.

Here's a quote you missed,

"Heck take out the divorce and you still get the same outcome."

Ah, so it's even more insidious than that...you think gays shouldn't have children because assholes might pick on them? Gosh, I guess that means poor people, fat people, smart people, etc shouldn't have kids because assholes might pick on their children? You're making the same argument bigots made against interracial marriage..."the children might get picked on".

No I won't pick on them, but it's only natural that others will. Bulling leads to suicide and so does depression. Kids of Gay will go through this at high unnatural levels.

And I never said YOU would...I said you're arguing that gays shouldn't have children because OTHER assholes (I'm sorry you think you're an asshole, I guess) might pick on their kids.

That's a stupid fucking argument. Fat people shouldn't have kids. People who can't afford Nike tennis shoes shouldn't have kids. (This is YOUR argument) See how silly it is?
No, I meant your ignorance and I really do thank you for posting your ignorance for all to see. Comments like the one you made above only helps the marriage equality side. Actual thinking people read your posts and think "I don't want to be like that guy" and are more supportive of marriage equality as a result.

P.S. Never abused as a child.

There's other bad things about upbrinings then being abused just 1 of many examples. Do you read and understand psychology? It's all about what you see and experience while growing up. Not ignorance but common sense and my personal experience which is pretty common.

Yes, just one of many examples of your ignorance. Please, do tell us about the "psychology" of being gay that you've read about. Provide your sources.

My "personal experience" is probably a lot more extensive than yours and every gay person I know says they were born with attractions to the same sex, that it was never a choice.

Obviously you think you chose. When did you choose? Were you equally attracted to both men and women and flipped a coin?

No at one time you were attracted to women naturally unless you were abused before puberty, and then something happened along the lines and changed you. Pretty simple to come to that conclusion if you know psychology. btw.. not all gays can remember the turning point and why it happened which is also natural in psychology.

No, I'm a lesbian and I've always been attracted to women. My first crushes were on other girls and women. My first "loves" were to Julie Andrews and Barbara Stanwick. Nothing "changed" me, I was born this way.

Where are your sources? Your opinion isn't a source, it's ass facts (facts pulled from your ass).

It's normal at that age to be attracted to their beauty as a women, but that doesn't mean you were attracted to their breast or Vagina. BIG DIFFERENCE. Look men can have some of the same personalities as Women not fully but the parts you like, but the hard part is finding them. I think you got lazy.

OMG, you really are this ignorant. Wow! And still no sources...shocking. (not) :lol:

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