60 Years Ago Another Democrat Stole the White House

Most histories date American involvement in the Vietnam War to be from 1965 to 1973 though our involvement did start before that and didn't end until 1975 or so.

Though to be fair you could date U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War from either JFKs presidency or even Eisenhowers.
Yes we went in or took over after the French failed miserably in that hell hole at the time.
If you meant to say “ Big League” and it comes out “Bigly” …….you said BIGLY

He said big leaGue and you can even hear the “g”, so your rejoinder lacks rationality and a factual basis.
Yes we went in or took over after the French failed miserably in that hell hole at the time.

Actually, that was not it at all. I suggest you actually take the time to learn some history.

The French-Indochina War ended with a multi-nation conference in Geneva. Where France pretty much backed away from the region, and agreed to what the US, USSR, and PRC agreed to among themselves.

And that was to break the area up into 4 countries. Laos, Cambodia, and North and South Vietnam. In fact, it was the PRC that suggested that Cambodia and Laos be treated as neutral territories with no involvement of any other nations in either of those two countries, unless they themselves asked for it. And that as a compromise, the USSR assist and mentor North Vietnam, as the US assist and mentor South Vietnam.

So the US hardly "went in and took over", that was part of a diplomatic process. And was not even one that the US wanted, it was Zhou Enlai of China that actually proposed that. And only an idiot would think that China was doing the US any favors in that, as the US delegate to that conference was Secretary of State Dulles, and he publicly refused to even shake Zhou Enlai's hand. However, that was also a win for China, as it got the US and USSR involved in a proxy war that kept both nations tied up for over a decade.
The 1960 presidential election was the closest ever.
JFK got narrow margins in a number of critical states to carry him to victory over Nixon.

And we always end up back in Chicago. Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley allegedly “stole” Illinois for the Democratic presidential campaign of John F. Kennedy.
Kennedy won by an official count of 8,858 votes, thanks to his criminal booze running dad greasing the Chicago democrat crooks. Republicans and Nixon knew that they had been cheated out of enough votes to have swung the state into the Republican column. These Republican allegations are widely accepted, on the basis of two partial recounts of paper ballot precincts which were conducted in Cook County (Chicago) in the aftermath of the 1960 elections. There was a pattern of miscounting votes which worked to the advantage of all Democratic candidates involved in the recount. Sound familiar?

Although Kennedy won by just 118,000 popular votes out of 69 million ballots nationwide, Illinois was at the heart of the fraud due to the Electoral College system, which actually determines the winner, insiders say. Kennedy finished with a slender 8,858 margin out of 4.8 million ballots cast in the state — capturing Illinois’ key 27 electoral votes, which put the final nail in Nixon’s coffin.
This is a known fact. The Mod delivered the number of votes in Chicago necessary for JFK to win.

After all it is not the people who vote that decide the winner. It is the people that count the votes. Like we saw in 2020.

Joseph Kennedy had strong ties to the Mafia from the days of booze running during Prohibition.

Then Bobby Kennedy decided to go after the Mob and they felt betrayed after delivering the election to that JFK piece of shit.

Neither Bobby or John lasted very long, did they? I wonder why.
The 1960 presidential election was the closest ever.
JFK got narrow margins in a number of critical states to carry him to victory over Nixon.

And we always end up back in Chicago. Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley allegedly “stole” Illinois for the Democratic presidential campaign of John F. Kennedy.
Kennedy won by an official count of 8,858 votes, thanks to his criminal booze running dad greasing the Chicago democrat crooks. Republicans and Nixon knew that they had been cheated out of enough votes to have swung the state into the Republican column. These Republican allegations are widely accepted, on the basis of two partial recounts of paper ballot precincts which were conducted in Cook County (Chicago) in the aftermath of the 1960 elections. There was a pattern of miscounting votes which worked to the advantage of all Democratic candidates involved in the recount. Sound familiar?

Although Kennedy won by just 118,000 popular votes out of 69 million ballots nationwide, Illinois was at the heart of the fraud due to the Electoral College system, which actually determines the winner, insiders say. Kennedy finished with a slender 8,858 margin out of 4.8 million ballots cast in the state — capturing Illinois’ key 27 electoral votes, which put the final nail in Nixon’s coffin.
Kennedy was alright as an American leader. I wouldn't let my womenfolk around 'im though.
Before you go saying he was all bad, you need to see this:
Actually, that was not it at all. I suggest you actually take the time to learn some history.

The French-Indochina War ended with a multi-nation conference in Geneva. Where France pretty much backed away from the region, and agreed to what the US, USSR, and PRC agreed to among themselves.

And that was to break the area up into 4 countries. Laos, Cambodia, and North and South Vietnam. In fact, it was the PRC that suggested that Cambodia and Laos be treated as neutral territories with no involvement of any other nations in either of those two countries, unless they themselves asked for it. And that as a compromise, the USSR assist and mentor North Vietnam, as the US assist and mentor South Vietnam.

So the US hardly "went in and took over", that was part of a diplomatic process. And was not even one that the US wanted, it was Zhou Enlai of China that actually proposed that. And only an idiot would think that China was doing the US any favors in that, as the US delegate to that conference was Secretary of State Dulles, and he publicly refused to even shake Zhou Enlai's hand. However, that was also a win for China, as it got the US and USSR involved in a proxy war that kept both nations tied up for over a decade.
Did I say something non-factual ? Was it my imagination that we went into Vietnam after the French abandoned the place ? Otherwise who was in there before us ? It was the French right ? Yes it was, now I didn't get into deeper thoughts about the things you described, but it was ok.
Was it my imagination that we went into Vietnam after the French abandoned the place

We went into Vietnam, as did the Soviet Union. At the request of a multi-national committee.

There is a difference between being factual, and being accurate.

Telling only half the truth and insisting that was all that matters is pretty damned close to lying. And we did not "go in" with more than a small advising organization until North Vietnam started to attack South Vietnam. The first two years, we had less than 1.000 people there. All the way up to 3,205 in 1961. The actual "buildup" was not until 1964 when Vietnam requested the assistance of a multi-national force and the US was just one of seven nations that responded (one more would join in 1967).

But don't get all butthurt if somebody corrects your obviously slanted telling of half the facts.

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