61% of Liberals Favor Socialism

KissMy, thank you.
I was shocked, when Obama and McCain during debate said that Russia attacked Georgia. Today people in USA know that Georgia start this war?
P.S. I hope you understand that Georgia is not a state in USA.
People, I'm from Russia. I can tell you about socialism. Ask the questions, please.
But, firstly, I want to know, there is democracy in USA or not? If it is, why American TV lie to you?
Sorry for my English. I need a practice.

Will take time...but I will figure out who you are.

Uses contractions such as "I'm".....but does not use the word "the" before USA.

Uses "firstly" but does not use the word "does".....

I should have been a detective.
Может тебе больше понравиться, если я буду говорить по-русски? Только сомневаюсь, что кто-то в США знает Русский язык.
KissMy, thank you.
I was shocked, when Obama and McCain during debate said that Russia attacked Georgia. Today people in USA know that Georgia start this war?
P.S. I hope you understand that Georgia is not a state in USA.

The problem is you & I do not which story is true because we were not there. It is clear that someone is lying. You have to be a detective & do your own research to find the truth. If you know something, please share.
English wasn't my favorite subject in school.


too many frauds come in here with new names so they can stir up trouble...

Truth is....I saw your English as natural in one way and way off in another...giving reason to believe it was someone making it SEEM they were not fluent in English....whenin fact they were.

Sorry...I will keep my paranoid thoughts to myself.
It's not a problem to find the truth. You can talk with people from South Osetia (Georgia attacked South Osetia. Russia protected it). You can read report about investigation, that was made by EU.
It's not a problem to find the truth. You can talk with people from South Osetia (Georgia attacked South Osetia. Russia protected it). You can read report about investigation, that was made by EU.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya6JfFK_lYQ"]US Politician predicted Georgia Conflict Back in 2002[/ame]
Not at all. I'm good in politics and I can differ vere is the truth. But I think that my government is more honest than American government or government in Russia, when Yeltsin was president. When Yeltsin and Gorbachev ruled the Russia it was more lie compared the time when Stalin ruled the Russia.
For example, when Gorbachev was president television and government always said that Soviet manufacture is bad, because it can't produce cigarettes. And it this time really was deficit of cigarettes in the USSR, but some journalists founded in that time mountains of cigarettes in the dumps. It needs too much lie to destroy country like USSR. And today our country really can't produce cigarettes, thanks to Gorbachev.
I don't said that it wasn't problems in USSR. Really it was too much problems, but it problems wasn't unsolvable. And many problems are exaggerated in USA. For example, in USA people believe to Solzhenitsyn. But today, when we can watch soviet documents from archives, we can understand, that really Solzhenitsyn was big liar. By the way, do you know that surname 'Solzhenitsyn' is translated to Russian as 'man who lie'?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWGic1aIwR4"]Mideast news Al Jazeera - Russia Georgia War 1[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drb-84Cd2yY&NR=1"]Mideast news Al Jazeera - Russia Georgia War 2[/ame]
The most problem of USSR was that there wasn't system how to change leaders without bourgeois democracy.

Sorry, I will watch your video tomorrow. It's bit difficult to understand American speech.
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The most problem of USSR was that there wasn't system how to change leaders without bourgeois democracy.

Sorry, I will watch your video tomorrow. It's bit difficult to understand American speech.

First video is US Politician Ron Paul back in 2002 saying that if the United States attacked Iraq just because of a fear of terror attack from Iraq then we would have to let Russia attack Georgia because they also fear a terrorist attack from Georgia.
Not at all. I'm good in politics and I can differ vere is the truth. But I think that my government is more honest than American government or government in Russia, when Yeltsin was president. When Yeltsin and Gorbachev ruled the Russia it was more lie compared the time when Stalin ruled the Russia.

I think when the government is upfront about a strong arm rule, they can afford to be more honest.
I don't trust our government because of the greed these politicians are tempted with.
But, we can vote them out when it becomes blatantly obvious to the sheep in this country.
You are right. I don't tell you that dictatorship is better than bourgeois democracy. I tell you only about lie.
People, I'm from Russia. I can tell you about socialism. Ask the questions, please.
But, firstly, I want to know, there is democracy in USA or not? If it is, why American TV lie to you?
Sorry for my English. I need a practice.

While I am not convinced that you are Russian, I will accept your word that you are for now.

Yes there is democracy in America. There are still many places where the majority of the people and/or those they elect to represent them rightfully decide on those issues that do not interfere with the rights of the individual and those matters that do not contradict existing law.

Our Constitution, however, prevents a tyranny of a majority. No matter how large the majority, it cannot violate existing law with impunity nor can it violate the unalienable, civil, legal, or constitutional rights of any individual with impunity. At least that is how our government was set up.

And, unlike it is in most socialist systems, it also prevents a tyranny of a minority--a ruling or elected minority is not allowed license to dictate law contrary to the Constitution.
If I may conjecture that American ideas and ideals are more closely associated with self-reliance, free enterprise, and entrepeneurship, what is one to make of the latest Gallup poll?

"Americans are almost uniformly positive in their reactions to three terms: small business, free enterprise, and entrepreneurs. They are divided on big business and the federal government, with roughly as many Americans saying their view is positive as say it is negative. Americans are more positive than negative on capitalism (61% versus 33%) and more negative than positive on socialism (36% to 58%).

Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.
Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

It seems that socialism should be included in pantheon of Democrat beliefs.

The respondents who have a positive image of socialism don't know what it is. It is the leveling of the playing field, whereby, MISERY is shared and wealth, personal initiative, personal responsibility, and personal accountability are BAD.
Capitalism eventually fails because for everyone that wins there are two more who lose.


If I want something you have, and you are willing to sell it to me, who loses?

If I produce something different that people want, isn't that a "new form" of wealth?

Socialism: we clean out the warehouse, a big share goes to the leaders, everybody else divides up the rest. We have a big party. It is all gone. All goes well until the first bad year for harvest, then all the "little" people starve, the leaders have enough, and they blame it on the people that starved (they can't fight back), for eating (taking) too much. The hating followers believe them and the cycle starts again. Yes, the life of a serf, sound great, wonder when we will get that system?

Shouldn't have to prove how capitalism works. In order for the 10% of the population to have 90% of the wealth, 90% of the population can only have the remaining 10% of it.

So that's your definition of working, even distribution of wealth?

OK then capitalism fails that, and I'm fine with that.

I honestly do not think everyone deserves an equal share of the wealth.

The person who invents something everyone likes ought to be paid more than the person who simply delivers pizza (extreme example, I know).
The fact that so many people don't understand socialism is not helped by certain conservatives who squawk "we're going to turn into socialism if we get free healthcare".

It's socialistic to be sure, but you need much more than that to turn USA into full blown socialism.

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