61% Of Trump Supporters Are Birthers


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
Not surprising.
61% Of Trump Supporters Are Birthers - Dispatch Times
Trump hailed his poll position in an early morning tweet Tuesday: “The just released Public Policy Polling (PPP – national result) is the best yet”.

According to the survey, only 16 percent of Republicans agreed with President Obama on universal healthcare. Donald Trump was in first place with 29 percent, followed by Ben Carson at 15 percent, with no other candidate attracting double-digit support.

The majority of Donald Trump’s supporters believe that President Barack Obama was not born within the United States, according to a new survey from Public Policy Polling. What’s more, “61% think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21% who accept that he was”.

In fact, Republicans are more likely to think Ted Cruz was born in the USA than Obama, even though Ted Cruz actually was born overseas.

Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, to an American mother and Cuban father.

“So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, nowone of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all“.

When asked about Social Security, 57 percent of Republican voters agreed that the program should be protected from cuts when Hillary Clinton supported it. A staggering 74 percent of Republicans said they supported Social Security protection behind Trump. The poll also pulled the curtain back on who is supporting Trump at this point in the primary process.
Just wait until Trump's people down in Hawaii start talking...I assume they're still too dumbfounded at what they've found to make any statements.
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Not surprising.
61% Of Trump Supporters Are Birthers - Dispatch Times
Trump hailed his poll position in an early morning tweet Tuesday: “The just released Public Policy Polling (PPP – national result) is the best yet”.

According to the survey, only 16 percent of Republicans agreed with President Obama on universal healthcare. Donald Trump was in first place with 29 percent, followed by Ben Carson at 15 percent, with no other candidate attracting double-digit support.

The majority of Donald Trump’s supporters believe that President Barack Obama was not born within the United States, according to a new survey from Public Policy Polling. What’s more, “61% think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21% who accept that he was”.

In fact, Republicans are more likely to think Ted Cruz was born in the USA than Obama, even though Ted Cruz actually was born overseas.

Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, to an American mother and Cuban father.

“So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, nowone of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all“.

When asked about Social Security, 57 percent of Republican voters agreed that the program should be protected from cuts when Hillary Clinton supported it. A staggering 74 percent of Republicans said they supported Social Security protection behind Trump. The poll also pulled the curtain back on who is supporting Trump at this point in the primary process.

And 100% of Bernie Sanders supporters are socialists. :p

Factcheck is funded by the Annenberg Foundation which William Ayers and Barack Obama both served on it's board. It's a leftist organization and never to be taken serious.
You have yet to refute anything, attacking the source isn't attacking the information.
Not surprising.
61% Of Trump Supporters Are Birthers - Dispatch Times
Trump hailed his poll position in an early morning tweet Tuesday: “The just released Public Policy Polling (PPP – national result) is the best yet”.

According to the survey, only 16 percent of Republicans agreed with President Obama on universal healthcare. Donald Trump was in first place with 29 percent, followed by Ben Carson at 15 percent, with no other candidate attracting double-digit support.

The majority of Donald Trump’s supporters believe that President Barack Obama was not born within the United States, according to a new survey from Public Policy Polling. What’s more, “61% think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21% who accept that he was”.

In fact, Republicans are more likely to think Ted Cruz was born in the USA than Obama, even though Ted Cruz actually was born overseas.

Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, to an American mother and Cuban father.

“So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, nowone of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all“.

When asked about Social Security, 57 percent of Republican voters agreed that the program should be protected from cuts when Hillary Clinton supported it. A staggering 74 percent of Republicans said they supported Social Security protection behind Trump. The poll also pulled the curtain back on who is supporting Trump at this point in the primary process.

And 100% of Bernie Sanders supporters are socialists. :p
Well, social democrats/democratic socialists, basically, Bernie is a moderate when looking at almost every other country who have actual communist parties and what not.

Factcheck is funded by the Annenberg Foundation which William Ayers and Barack Obama both served on it's board. It's a leftist organization and never to be taken serious.
You have yet to refute anything, attacking the source isn't attacking the information.

Go ahead and use a left tard source, nobody with an ounce of common sense will take you serious.

Factcheck is funded by the Annenberg Foundation which William Ayers and Barack Obama both served on it's board. It's a leftist organization and never to be taken serious.
You have yet to refute anything, attacking the source isn't attacking the information.

Go ahead and use a left tard source, nobody with an ounce of common sense will take you serious.
Keep foaming at the mouth about the source.

Factcheck is funded by the Annenberg Foundation which William Ayers and Barack Obama both served on it's board. It's a leftist organization and never to be taken serious.
You have yet to refute anything, attacking the source isn't attacking the information.

Go ahead and use a left tard source, nobody with an ounce of common sense will take you serious.
Keep foaming at the mouth about the source.

I don't care, clown. Good grief, you use some idiot left loon site and think you're all that? You're stupid at best

It wasn't Hillary, it was her supporters. She obviously didn't care what they put out there if it meant beating her opponent. It was an email circulated among them that asserted Obama wasn't born in Hawaii.

Fact Check: Did Hillary Clinton start the birther movement?

Factcheck is funded by the Annenberg Foundation which William Ayers and Barack Obama both served on it's board. It's a leftist organization and never to be taken serious.
You have yet to refute anything, attacking the source isn't attacking the information.

Go ahead and use a left tard source, nobody with an ounce of common sense will take you serious.

Can't refute the information though.......right?
Not surprising.
61% Of Trump Supporters Are Birthers - Dispatch Times
Trump hailed his poll position in an early morning tweet Tuesday: “The just released Public Policy Polling (PPP – national result) is the best yet”.

According to the survey, only 16 percent of Republicans agreed with President Obama on universal healthcare. Donald Trump was in first place with 29 percent, followed by Ben Carson at 15 percent, with no other candidate attracting double-digit support.

The majority of Donald Trump’s supporters believe that President Barack Obama was not born within the United States, according to a new survey from Public Policy Polling. What’s more, “61% think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21% who accept that he was”.

In fact, Republicans are more likely to think Ted Cruz was born in the USA than Obama, even though Ted Cruz actually was born overseas.

Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, to an American mother and Cuban father.

“So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, nowone of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all“.

When asked about Social Security, 57 percent of Republican voters agreed that the program should be protected from cuts when Hillary Clinton supported it. A staggering 74 percent of Republicans said they supported Social Security protection behind Trump. The poll also pulled the curtain back on who is supporting Trump at this point in the primary process.
100% of your threads are trolling nonsense
Refute it.

Factcheck is funded by the Annenberg Foundation which William Ayers and Barack Obama both served on it's board. It's a leftist organization and never to be taken serious.
You have yet to refute anything, attacking the source isn't attacking the information.

Go ahead and use a left tard source, nobody with an ounce of common sense will take you serious.
Keep foaming at the mouth about the source.

I don't care, clown. Good grief, you use some idiot left loon site and think you're all that? You're stupid at best
Still can't be bothered to refute the facts. Typical.
Not surprising.
61% Of Trump Supporters Are Birthers - Dispatch Times
Trump hailed his poll position in an early morning tweet Tuesday: “The just released Public Policy Polling (PPP – national result) is the best yet”.

According to the survey, only 16 percent of Republicans agreed with President Obama on universal healthcare. Donald Trump was in first place with 29 percent, followed by Ben Carson at 15 percent, with no other candidate attracting double-digit support.

The majority of Donald Trump’s supporters believe that President Barack Obama was not born within the United States, according to a new survey from Public Policy Polling. What’s more, “61% think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21% who accept that he was”.

In fact, Republicans are more likely to think Ted Cruz was born in the USA than Obama, even though Ted Cruz actually was born overseas.

Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, to an American mother and Cuban father.

“So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, nowone of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all“.

When asked about Social Security, 57 percent of Republican voters agreed that the program should be protected from cuts when Hillary Clinton supported it. A staggering 74 percent of Republicans said they supported Social Security protection behind Trump. The poll also pulled the curtain back on who is supporting Trump at this point in the primary process.

And 100% of Bernie Sanders supporters are socialists. :p
Well, social democrats/democratic socialists, basically, Bernie is a moderate when looking at almost every other country who have actual communist parties and what not.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

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