61% of Young Republicans Support Gay Marriage

Young Republicans may support gay marriage but less young people identify as Republican according to a Pew study.

Half of millennials identify as independents up from 38 percent in 2004, according to a new poll.
These are the highest levels of political disaffiliation the the Pew Research Center has recorded for any generation in its 25 years of polling.

But more millennials have Democratic leanings — half identify as Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party compared with 34 percent who identify as Republican or lean toward the Republican Party, according to the survey.

Read more: Poll: Half of millennials independent - Natalie Villacorta - POLITICO.com

I was very liberal in my youth. Esp in college. It wasn't until I got out of college, start to work for a living and started a family that I became more conservative. However, I kept some of my liberal views, such as on abortion in the 1st term, gay marriage and legalization of marijuana. I believe the same will happen with many of this generations young people.
I was very liberal in my youth. Esp in college. It wasn't until I got out of college, start to work for a living and started a family that I became more conservative. However, I kept some of my liberal views, such as on abortion in the 1st term, gay marriage and legalization of marijuana. I believe the same will happen with many of this generations young people.

Personally, I never understood why it is usually the conservatives who bemoan the legalization of marijuana. All of the principles legalizing the drug are essentially conservative:

1.) Let people make their own decisions about their body
2.) Stop wasting billions of dollars with a program that polices a naturally growing plant that cannot kill you and makes you relaxed when you smoke it.
3.) Force some poor communities to empower themselves via a legitimate job vs drug distribution.

That one always baffled me..
If gays wanna get married, more power to them, no one elses business as far as i'm concerned. However, it sure as hell doesn't stop liberals from using this to pump up their phony air of moral superiority.... :thup:

And a decade ago when social authoritarians (from both parties) were passing legislation that discriminated against homosexuals were patting themselves on the back because their "moral superiority".

It's not just the liberals that wrap themselves in phone airs.


Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, etc.... are terms that DEMOCRATS have patented for their own use. Usually for purposes of weaseling out of a debate they're losing.

fact, not opinion ...... :thup:

I thought it was the Democrats who were the Racists...who were the Sexists...who were the Homophobes....? That's what we get told here....a lot.
And a decade ago when social authoritarians (from both parties) were passing legislation that discriminated against homosexuals were patting themselves on the back because their "moral superiority".

It's not just the liberals that wrap themselves in phone airs.


Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, etc.... are terms that DEMOCRATS have patented for their own use. Usually for purposes of weaseling out of a debate they're losing.

fact, not opinion ...... :thup:

I thought it was the Democrats who were the Racists...who were the Sexists...who were the Homophobes....? That's what we get told here....a lot.

Republican War on Women - fabricated by Democrats

Republicans hate minorities - fabricated by Democrats

Republicans hate gays - fabricated by Democrats
Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, etc.... are terms that DEMOCRATS have patented for their own use. Usually for purposes of weaseling out of a debate they're losing.

fact, not opinion ...... :thup:

I thought it was the Democrats who were the Racists...who were the Sexists...who were the Homophobes....? That's what we get told here....a lot.

Republican War on Women - fabricated by Democrats

Republicans hate minorities - fabricated by Democrats

Republicans hate gays - fabricated by Democrats

Sure......so all those comments about rape by Republicans didn't happen. All that calling Fluke a slut didn't happen. All the comments about minorities didn't happen. All the trying to keep gay Americans from equal rights isn't happening. Sure.
I thought it was the Democrats who were the Racists...who were the Sexists...who were the Homophobes....? That's what we get told here....a lot.

Republican War on Women - fabricated by Democrats

Republicans hate minorities - fabricated by Democrats

Republicans hate gays - fabricated by Democrats

Sure......so all those comments about rape by Republicans didn't happen. All that calling Fluke a slut didn't happen. All the comments about minorities didn't happen. All the trying to keep gay Americans from equal rights isn't happening. Sure.

The rape did take place. She is a slut. The comments about minorities? You mean the ones stating facts about how the democrat plan to screw blacks over is working, or the one about the POTUS breaking the law by allowing illegal immigration to hurt minorities and poor Americans in general because of the downward wage rate pressure the illegal immigration is causing?

As to the trying to keep gay Americans from equal rights... well yeah you got em there. Course, the democrats are also trying to keep gay Americans from equal rights so...
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Young Republicans may support gay marriage but less young people identify as Republican according to a Pew study.

Half of millennials identify as independents up from 38 percent in 2004, according to a new poll.
These are the highest levels of political disaffiliation the the Pew Research Center has recorded for any generation in its 25 years of polling.

But more millennials have Democratic leanings — half identify as Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party compared with 34 percent who identify as Republican or lean toward the Republican Party, according to the survey.

Read more: Poll: Half of millennials independent - Natalie Villacorta - POLITICO.com

I was very liberal in my youth. Esp in college. It wasn't until I got out of college, start to work for a living and started a family that I became more conservative. However, I kept some of my liberal views, such as on abortion in the 1st term, gay marriage and legalization of marijuana. I believe the same will happen with many of this generations young people.

I agree - but the polls indicate that millenials are starting out more liberal than previous generations. And even a lot of older folks are losing their enthusiasm for blocking gay marriages.

I really thought it would take another 25 or 30 years for gay marriage ... but it seems to be happening faster than I thought it would.
Young Republicans may support gay marriage but less young people identify as Republican according to a Pew study.

I was very liberal in my youth. Esp in college. It wasn't until I got out of college, start to work for a living and started a family that I became more conservative. However, I kept some of my liberal views, such as on abortion in the 1st term, gay marriage and legalization of marijuana. I believe the same will happen with many of this generations young people.

I agree - but the polls indicate that millenials are starting out more liberal than previous generations. And even a lot of older folks are losing their enthusiasm for blocking gay marriages.

I really thought it would take another 25 or 30 years for gay marriage ... but it seems to be happening faster than I thought it would.

The same thing was said about interracial marriage. The religious war against interracial marriage was every bit as wrong as this religious war against gays. Just as it's none of our business when two gays want to sign a contract to share ownership of a corporation, it's also none of our business when two gays want to sign a contract to share personal property (aka marriage contract).

Makes no sense to be legislating marriage based on some religious law written thousands of years ago by some jewish homophobes.
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Next up plural marriages. Get on board now democrats and you'll have another reason to win the next election cycle.
The ultimate fate of the issue is already determined in the long term. It is just a matter of how long it takes to become law everywhere.

Once gay people were able to come out relatively openly people had to face the issue and people find it much harder to be a bigot to someone that they know and like than to nameless faceless strangers. It is our capacity to love and have empathy for one another that has changed what people think about the issue.
The ultimate fate of the issue is already determined in the long term. It is just a matter of how long it takes to become law everywhere.

Once gay people were able to come out relatively openly people had to face the issue and people find it much harder to be a bigot to someone that they know and like than to nameless faceless strangers. It is our capacity to love and have empathy for one another that has changed what people think about the issue.

Can't believe I'm agreeing with Bombur, but yeah what he said.
Marriage should simply disappear as a State matter. Marriage should be left to the church where it belongs.

Marriage has traditionally been an issue of property and it is the property issues that are being talked about.

The religious ceremony of marriage is already allowed.
Marriage should simply disappear as a State matter. Marriage should be left to the church where it belongs.

Well, the Church should have never asked the for the state's stamp of approval for the sacrament of marriage. They should have insisted then on the the separation of Church and state as Jesus recommended when he said, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Give unto God what is God's."

Separation of Church and state protects the Church more than it protects the state.

But the state needed an institution to settle inheritance issues and the Church gladly handed over marriage.
Marriage should simply disappear as a State matter. Marriage should be left to the church where it belongs.

Well, the Church should have never asked the for the state's stamp of approval for the sacrament of marriage. They should have insisted then on the the separation of Church and state as Jesus recommended when he said, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Give unto God what is God's."

Separation of Church and state protects the Church more than it protects the state.

But the state needed an institution to settle inheritance issues and the Church gladly handed over marriage.

Marriage has always been a property issue and property rights have always been in the government realm. Religion gets more or less involved from culture to culture and from time to time but if anything it was religion who tried to steal a government practice, not the other way around.
I thought it was the Democrats who were the Racists...who were the Sexists...who were the Homophobes....? That's what we get told here....a lot.

Republican War on Women - fabricated by Democrats

Republicans hate minorities - fabricated by Democrats

Republicans hate gays - fabricated by Democrats

Sure......so all those comments about rape by Republicans didn't happen. All that calling Fluke a slut didn't happen. All the comments about minorities didn't happen. All the trying to keep gay Americans from equal rights isn't happening. Sure.

You just proved my point, all fabricated nonsense that Democrats ran their campaigns on in the last election cycle.... :thup:
I was very liberal in my youth. Esp in college. It wasn't until I got out of college, start to work for a living and started a family that I became more conservative. However, I kept some of my liberal views, such as on abortion in the 1st term, gay marriage and legalization of marijuana. I believe the same will happen with many of this generations young people.

Personally, I never understood why it is usually the conservatives who bemoan the legalization of marijuana. All of the principles legalizing the drug are essentially conservative:

1.) Let people make their own decisions about their body
2.) Stop wasting billions of dollars with a program that polices a naturally growing plant that cannot kill you and makes you relaxed when you smoke it.
3.) Force some poor communities to empower themselves via a legitimate job vs drug distribution.

That one always baffled me..

You're confusing conservative with libertarian. Many conservatives are authoritarian.

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