63% of Americans Do Not Want Debt Ceiling Raised CBS News/New York Times

Best Solution to the Spending Problem, the Jackie Mason Solution:

Pay Congress and the President on a commission basis, no more junkets for Michelle and her 500 person entourage while we're in the red.
By doing the right thing by cutting spending and taxes. That's what needs to be done.

The idea that because the American people don't want to cut spending, raise taxes, or raise the debt ceiling, we need should just raise the debt ceiling is ridiculous. If the American people don't want to do all three, then do the one that's the right thing to do.

We can cut spending. We can cut taxes and increase the tax base which means more revenue. We can do this. But the politicians in Washington are cowards.

:lol: Cut taxes for whom and increase the tax base to whom? I'm very interested in hearing this. You do realize that spending you cut will be offset by any tax cuts, right?

You are selectively picking and choosing when you think Americans are right on this issue. You believe they're right in not seeing the debt ceiling raised. But wrong for not wanting to cut spending.

Fact: Higher taxes shrink the tax base because people with means leave the jurisdiction to keep more of their money.

You lower taxes to a competitive rate, you will have more people investing and trying to make money in the United States. Which means more revenues. You make more money when 5 people are paying $400 than when 3 people are paying $500.

Stop burdening the American people with heavy taxes and through spending money we don't have. It's common sense policy and it's morally the right thing to do.

That is not fact. Companies do not hire or fire people based on tax codes. cutting production means less profit. If a company needs a 100 people to make a 1000 widgets then that is how many they will have
Modbert......the link? COnfirmed exactly what I said...and completely negates what you claim.
Thanks for your support!:eusa_angel:

"Credit ratings are forward-looking opinions about credit risk. Standard & Poor’s credit ratings express the agency’s opinion about the ability and willingness of an issuer, such as a corporation or state or city government, to meet its financial obligations in full and on time"

Not meeting in full and/or not on time is BY NO MEANS defaulting on a debt. It means that your debt compared to your liquidity (or ability to meet the demands of the debt in a timely manner) isd such that you are a very high risk.

If it is anticipated that one will DEFAULT on a debt...which means NOT BE ABLE TO MEET IT...they would have an F rating and be considered one that should not receive ANY additional credit at all.

Except it doesn't negate my claim at all. You're the one who doesn't know what the ratings mean and actually thought there was a F. Or are you going to ignore your own post?

They don't have an F rating because D fits the bill.

Stop making yourself look so foolish.

You obviously know notyhing about the ledning world.

There are those that are not considered worthy of ANY additional credit whatsoever....and that is based on an undertwriters analysis of existing debt to expected revenue (different than anticipated revenue)....timing of expected revenue and longevitiy of revenue.

They are not labelled as D's....they are deemed as too risky for additrional debt.
I was unaware that the natural laws of economics had changed within the last 5 years.

They haven't.

When the economy is humming along and doing well (2006) that is the time to not raise the ceiling and get things in order. When it's struggling with high unemployment (2011) that is the time to deficit spend and get things moving along.

I'm sure that's what you were referring to though, right?


If that is your plan, I would hate to have you at the helm of my company.

Why? We're not talking about companies, we're talking about the government. Very different.
They haven't.

When the economy is humming along and doing well (2006) that is the time to not raise the ceiling and get things in order. When it's struggling with high unemployment (2011) that is the time to deficit spend and get things moving along.

I'm sure that's what you were referring to though, right?


If that is your plan, I would hate to have you at the helm of my company.

Why? We're not talking about companies, we're talking about the government. Very different.

Really? Very different?
Why? A debt is a debt.....you have great debt...you borrow more in the hopes it can help you generate the revenue to pay off the debt...it fails.....THEN WHAT?
Why? We're not talking about companies, we're talking about the government. Very different.

Financial and economic laws are no different. However, government can cheat and print it's own money destroying the economy (like it's doing now) and private businesses engaging in foolish practices merely go out of business. When government engage in these practices, people end up being killed.
They haven't.

When the economy is humming along and doing well (2006) that is the time to not raise the ceiling and get things in order. When it's struggling with high unemployment (2011) that is the time to deficit spend and get things moving along.

I'm sure that's what you were referring to though, right?


If that is your plan, I would hate to have you at the helm of my company.

Why? We're not talking about companies, we're talking about the government. Very different.

You ARE aware that the government is for the people and by the people. They are not there to say to the people "well, it was a risk and we lost...but we will take full responsibility and you people dont need to worry about it."

The burden of suich a great risk will fall squarley on the shoulders of ALL Americans.

And sadly, there are people like you that believe the goivernment will deal with it.


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Why? We're not talking about companies, we're talking about the government. Very different.

Financial and economic laws are no different. However, government can cheat and print it's own money destroying the economy (like it's doing now)

I like it when you answer your own questions.

I'll add to this one other thing. A company's number one priority is to make a profit. What is the number one priority of our Government? Hint: it's not to make a profit.
63% of Americans Do Not Want Debt Ceiling Raised CBS News/New York Times

I'm going to have to defer to Obama on this one:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” Obama said on March 16, 2006. "Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.”
Why? We're not talking about companies, we're talking about the government. Very different.

Financial and economic laws are no different. However, government can cheat and print it's own money destroying the economy (like it's doing now)

I like it when you answer your own questions.

I'll add to this one other thing. A company's number one priority is to make a profit. What is the number one priority of our Government? Hint: it's not to make a profit.

The fact that Public debt has much more serious consequences, how does that change the nature of the debt. You refuse to answer that.

You still have refused to answer what evidence you have that Democrats are more educated in the matter. Conveniently ignoring that are you?
by not raising the debt ceiling before august, we WILL default on our loans....there is no way out of it, from what i have read, the gvt used up all of their accounting tricks, and ran out of all of their 'stealing from peter to pay paul'' tricks.

if we default, then ALL WILL BE MISERABLE FOR ALL Americans....interest rates on our debt will go higher, borrowing money for our government and for every individual and for every business will be higher....it would be like the biggest tax hike in our history when all is said and done.....

i really do not want this to befall upon Americans, and it WILL, if we do not pay for what we have spent....and justly so....everyone SHOULD PAY THEIR BILLS.

So you believe that exponential debt forever expanding has to done? That the answer to $14,000,000,000,000 credit debt is more credit?

Again, you have really bought into the left's fake threat that America will default if they can't raise the debt from $14 trillion to $18 trillion.

Let me ask you this: if we raise the limit and in three years reach it again what is the answer then? We can't not raise it right?

You are incorrect that it is not possible to not raise the debt ceiling and service American debt. Simply wrong.
then prove it google....show me how we won't default if our debt ceiling is not raised by this august....let's see the numbers....

as far as raising it to the 18 trillion....for what period is their estimate on needing the extra 4 trillion? is it over 10 years? is it till 2012? 2016?

i agree the 18 trillion limit is not needed to settle what we have spent through august of this year....

but i also agree that the economic and market chaos would be less likely if the usa set a higher limit, where every three months they are not looking to raise the debt limit through nickle and diming it....our businesses would be on a roller coaster every few months or so, with no stability to look forward to....

as long as significant cuts are made to the future budgets, i'm ok in raising the debt ceiling....

our over spending the budget did not arise over night....it took 10 years to get us where we are running with deficit spending and it will take 10 years to get us back on track, at least! as the saying goes, it is so much easier to gain weight than to lose it.....same with budgets.

I see being irrational about this will ONLY HURT US MORE....and if we default on anything, it will hurt every single one of us, and every business out there.....and YES, I know this and believe this.

then prove it google....show me how we won't default if our debt ceiling is not raised by this august....let's see the numbers....

if I may; I have read that the gov. takes in enough revenue and can shift monies from other prgms projects etc. to cover the debt and interest payments due, a default is if I get this right when we actually don't cover those obligations.

what will happen apparently is if we go past august 2 we will have to start shuffling money around, maybe SS checks will be held up and other direct spends we make. And that of we believe that is really the drop dead date, it has been changed since feb. and I think we have hit this same 'drop dead' date in decades past and didn't default.
Why? We're not talking about companies, we're talking about the government. Very different.

Financial and economic laws are no different. However, government can cheat and print it's own money destroying the economy (like it's doing now)

I like it when you answer your own questions.

I'll add to this one other thing. A company's number one priority is to make a profit. What is the number one priority of our Government? Hint: it's not to make a profit.

What does intention have to do with debt?

Do you, as a consumer, seek to make a profit when you take out a loan?

Debt is debt is debt...

So please answer the question....what do we do if we deficit borrow and spend and it DOESNT work?
63% of Americans are stupid, misled, or not paying attention...:eusa_angel: Maybe next year...

Wow...the percentage of stupid and misled and not paying attention has increased over the last 3 years.

If I recall, that number was 54% when Obama was elected.

Financial and economic laws are no different. However, government can cheat and print it's own money destroying the economy (like it's doing now)

I like it when you answer your own questions.

I'll add to this one other thing. A company's number one priority is to make a profit. What is the number one priority of our Government? Hint: it's not to make a profit.

What does intention have to do with debt?

Do you, as a consumer, seek to make a profit when you take out a loan?

Debt is debt is debt...

So please answer the question....what do we do if we deficit borrow and spend and it DOESNT work?

You do twice as much of it. Ask any Liberal, they'll tell you.
Financial and economic laws are no different. However, government can cheat and print it's own money destroying the economy (like it's doing now)

I like it when you answer your own questions.

I'll add to this one other thing. A company's number one priority is to make a profit. What is the number one priority of our Government? Hint: it's not to make a profit.

The fact that Public debt has much more serious consequences, how does that change the nature of the debt. You refuse to answer that.

You still have refused to answer what evidence you have that Democrats are more educated in the matter. Conveniently ignoring that are you?

You already answered that. The Government can print money and pay off the debt. A company can't do that. Yes, there would be consequences for the economy as a whole, but it is possible. It's an option. Plus, again, a government's main priority is not to make a profit. I notice you didn't answer my question about that.

Back to the Democrats being more educated on this matter, the poll showed that. The Dems understand the very real consequences while Republican voters don't seem to.

Americans Oppose Raising Debt Ceiling, 47% to 19%

In that poll, only 8% of Republican voters said to raise the ceiling while 70% said no. Clearly, they don't know that defaulting would hurt them directly.
Debt is debt is debt...

So please answer the question....what do we do if we deficit borrow and spend and it DOESNT work?

I can't think of a time when it didn't work. It worked with the Recovery Act, but not on the level we needed because the Recovery Act was too small.
So you believe that exponential debt forever expanding has to done? That the answer to $14,000,000,000,000 credit debt is more credit?

Again, you have really bought into the left's fake threat that America will default if they can't raise the debt from $14 trillion to $18 trillion.

Let me ask you this: if we raise the limit and in three years reach it again what is the answer then? We can't not raise it right?

You are incorrect that it is not possible to not raise the debt ceiling and service American debt. Simply wrong.
then prove it google....show me how we won't default if our debt ceiling is not raised by this august....let's see the numbers....

as far as raising it to the 18 trillion....for what period is their estimate on needing the extra 4 trillion? is it over 10 years? is it till 2012? 2016?

i agree the 18 trillion limit is not needed to settle what we have spent through august of this year....

but i also agree that the economic and market chaos would be less likely if the usa set a higher limit, where every three months they are not looking to raise the debt limit through nickle and diming it....our businesses would be on a roller coaster every few months or so, with no stability to look forward to....

as long as significant cuts are made to the future budgets, i'm ok in raising the debt ceiling....

our over spending the budget did not arise over night....it took 10 years to get us where we are running with deficit spending and it will take 10 years to get us back on track, at least! as the saying goes, it is so much easier to gain weight than to lose it.....same with budgets.

I see being irrational about this will ONLY HURT US MORE....and if we default on anything, it will hurt every single one of us, and every business out there.....and YES, I know this and believe this.

then prove it google....show me how we won't default if our debt ceiling is not raised by this august....let's see the numbers....
if I may; I have read that the gov. takes in enough revenue and can shift monies from other prgms projects etc. to cover the debt and interest payments due, a default is if I get this right when we actually don't cover those obligations.

what will happen apparently is if we go past august 2 we will have to start shuffling money around, maybe SS checks will be held up and other direct spends we make. And that of we believe that is really the drop dead date, it has been changed since feb. and I think we have hit this same 'drop dead' date in decades past and didn't default.
yes, they have done the two step shuffle and used pension funds to pay their bills and THAT is unacceptable to me....

this has the same effect on business as businesses worrying about whether their taxes will go up or not....we MUST give them some stability in gvt....as we had to extend the tax cuts for several years......

and anyway, i heard their shffling has run out, no more funds to steal from....but maybe you are right and they will find someone else to HURT and steal from, in order to pay the banks, and countries we borrowed from, our interest payments on the loans.

Having our credit rating lowered is THE WORST that can happen to us as a country, and most certainly, while in a recession....i am not willing to let this happen to us, nor should ANY OF YOU be willing to let this happen to us.

Raising the limit to cover what we have spent already, is the only ETHICAL thing to do.

This does not mean we do not need to cut our spending...we do need to cut our spending, but NOT in a willy nilly manner...it needs to be done with thought and with facts on how each cut will affect us down the road.

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