64,443,118 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since Roe v. Wade in 1973


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
No big deal right? Any comments on the sheer number?

No big deal right? Any comments on the sheer number?

This is a lie.

No babies have been ‘killed.’
Can you fathom what it would be like if they were all alive and it's a good chance 90-odd percent would be with no world wars during that time.

Roughly half would be women so add the number of their (mostly welfare) kids that would still be alive....We are talking 50 years so their kids will have had kids by now.

I figure at least 125 million+ more people.....Fuck that noise.
No big deal right? Any comments on the sheer number?

Silly boy/girl. Everyone knows that the only legit abortions are the ones for the con-venience of the sperm donor.

64,443,118 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions​

See it more as soul packets returning to their pods for revised instructions .
Can you fathom what it would be like if they were all alive and it's a good chance 90-odd percent would be with no world wars during that time.

Roughly half would be women so add the number of their (mostly welfare) kids that would still be alive....We are talking 50 years so their kids will have had kids by now.

I figure at least 125 million+ more people.....Fuck that noise.
so you're OK with murdering human beings

well, that says all we need t o know about you
-----that abortion victims are being killed at all, like a fucking deranged lunatic.
How do you "kill" something which is eternal?

See it as delay or postponement .

Following from my previous post , look at Michael Newton's work before being carried away by likely cognition rigidity .

No need to twitch just because an alternative and perhaps more rational explanation is being offered .
How do you "kill" something which is eternal?
Human beings are quite mortal, they are not eternal.

When you kill a human being, they are dead. They stay dead. There is no reason or evidence to believe they reincarnate or whatever the fuck stupid bullshit you are on about.

That human being is forever gone. That organism with that unique mix of DNA is killed.
so you're OK with murdering human beings

well, that says all we need t o know about you
Meh, I don't sweat it....Both "sides" hate me because I see the "utility" in abortion.

That said I don't think the practice should be unfettered and "guardrails" like the 15 week MS Compromise should be put into place but that's up to the people.

That's why SCOTUS sent it back to the states to decide on and IMHO it should be on every state ballot so the people can decide and not some red state bible-thumper or blue state leftist beholden state legislature.

A pox on both their houses if they don't.
No big deal right? Any comments on the sheer number?

How many have adopted or offered to house in your uterus?

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