642 Days


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Yes, boys and girls, that's the teabagger's newest outrage against the black Kenyan socialist.

It took 642 days for him to capture Ahmed Abu Khattala.

Ahmed Abu Khattala the so called Benghazi mastermind has finally been captured, just 642 days after the Benghazi attack. Ahmed Abu Khattala is the scumbag who was interviewed by CNN and Fox and ignored by the Obama regime until it was convenient. With Obama’s polls dropping like Joe Biden’s IQ, and Hillary Clinton’s public image taking a major hit after her disastrous book rollout, the timing of this arrest of Ahmed Abu Khattala is all too convenient. Abu-Khattala isn’t the one who pulled the triggers and actually killed Chris Stevens and three other Americans though. He’s merely the ‘mastermind’ of the plan.

I'm sorry...I'm having a bit of a brain fart today.

Can anyone tell me how many days it took George Bush to capture bin Laden?
Kinda is embarrassing when it takes 642 days to capture a wanted terrorist who hid in plain sight, while in the meantime denying that what he did wasn't terrorism but was because of some stupid video. So right there, you as well as they, are acknowledging the fact that the video had nothing to do with it and that this was a terrorist attack. Moreover, if it hadn't been for Bush, Osama would have never been killed at all. Obama was simply the tip of the spear, Bush was the one who threw it.
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He gave himself up during the time when the administration told us that the mastermind was some poor jerk who made a freaking you tube video. We just released five terrorist masterminds. It's hard to keep up with the intrigue.
So what if it was a terrorist attack? Who didn't know that it was a terrorist attack? The Watts riots were a terrorist attack. Ludlow was a terrorist attack. Sandy Hook was a terrorist attack. Have you ever read the "legal" definition of terrorism? It's basically anyone who uses violence to get their way.

But not America, though. That's why we made up the term "American Exceptionalism".
It is so difficult to deal with idiot teapers and mindless liberals. Are there any normal people on this forum, or is everyone a nutter?
Yes, boys and girls, that's the teabagger's newest outrage against the black Kenyan socialist.

It took 642 days for him to capture Ahmed Abu Khattala.

Ahmed Abu Khattala the so called Benghazi mastermind has finally been captured, just 642 days after the Benghazi attack. Ahmed Abu Khattala is the scumbag who was interviewed by CNN and Fox and ignored by the Obama regime until it was convenient. With Obama’s polls dropping like Joe Biden’s IQ, and Hillary Clinton’s public image taking a major hit after her disastrous book rollout, the timing of this arrest of Ahmed Abu Khattala is all too convenient. Abu-Khattala isn’t the one who pulled the triggers and actually killed Chris Stevens and three other Americans though. He’s merely the ‘mastermind’ of the plan.
I'm sorry...I'm having a bit of a brain fart today.

Can anyone tell me how many days it took George Bush to capture bin Laden?

He was hanging out in the open, and being interviewed by news agencies, and you think the fact that it almost two years to catch him proves Obama is a genius?

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