.67c from giss for June. This is the second hottest after 1998's .74!!!

The satellite composite point for June is no where NEAR 2nd hottest.. More like 6th or 8th.

The divergence between GISS and Sat is increasing --- and it AIN'T the satellite composite.
I think GISS is cooked beyond repair...

Daveman is absolutely correct.. It is a MONTHLY record that has to be taken into context of AT LEAST the first 6 months of 2013.. If 2013 LOOKED like it was gonna break the lull in the warming -- we would have had front page news displacing the Zimmerman trial...

Anyone what to run those 6 numbers? Preferably using THIS...


No wonder Doc Hansen doesn't like his own satellite science at NASA anymore....
Daveman is absolutely correct.. It is a MONTHLY record that has to be taken into context of AT LEAST the first 6 months of 2013.. If 2013 LOOKED like it was gonna break the lull in the warming -- we would have had front page news displacing the Zimmerman trial...

Anyone what to run those 6 numbers? Preferably using THIS...


No wonder Doc Hansen doesn't like his own satellite science at NASA anymore....

Thankfully, the Sun is a digital heat source with no variance whatsoever, so we can limits the changes in the climate to mircovariations in CO2
Two things to point out on that satellite graph from UAH.

1. 1991 Volcano rebound took about 3-4 years...Most of the .2c warming in the 1990's was caused by that. ;)
2. The last 5 years have been dictated by a nina pattern, much alike the 2002-2007 period was dictated by a nino pattern.

So you really can't start to understand it until you think about the above a little. A case could be made that because of "whatever", be it more aerosols from China or something that the last few years may of slown a little. ;) I'll give you that much.
2013 6 0.30
2012 6 0.24
2011 6 0.26
2010 6 0.38
2009 6 0.02
2008 6 -0.10
2007 6 0.20
2006 6 0.14
2005 6 0.23

2002 6 0.31

June numbers from 1998 at UAH.. Officially 3rd hottest. Misses 4th by 0.04degC. Misses 5th by 0.06degC. Big whoop...

2013 avg 0.22degC.. This is almost as pointless as baseball stats.

1st 2 weeks of July in Tennessee ---- LOWEST EVER start to July on record.. Another big whoops.. But I can FEEL that diff for sure.. Gonna go trim some hedges before global warming kicks in again...
Everythings some kind of record when it comes to weather. I remember when a record was either hottest or coldest, or some other absolute like that. Now if it's the gonna help the AGW claim, it's a record..

Do you really think it means squat if we had the 3rd, 4th, or even 5th hottest july? Get a grip, a record isn't the 5th or third, it's first...
Daveman is absolutely correct.. It is a MONTHLY record that has to be taken into context of AT LEAST the first 6 months of 2013.. If 2013 LOOKED like it was gonna break the lull in the warming -- we would have had front page news displacing the Zimmerman trial...

Anyone what to run those 6 numbers? Preferably using THIS...


No wonder Doc Hansen doesn't like his own satellite science at NASA anymore....

Really dumb comments by really dumb people. No warming since 1998? Look at the 0.3 bar. Not even the warmest months prior to 1998 reached it, let alone the running average. And since the 1998 spike we have had at least 27 months at or above 0.3.

In fact, if you look at the running average, it never reached 0.1 prior to 1998. In fact, prior to 1998, the running average was mostly between -0.1 and -0.3. And between 1998 and present, it has been between 0.1 and 0.4 most of the time.

The last La Nina was a strong one, yet the most it could depress the running average was down to 0.1. That on a low TSI.
The satellite composite point for June is no where NEAR 2nd hottest.. More like 6th or 8th.

The divergence between GISS and Sat is increasing --- and it AIN'T the satellite composite.
I think GISS is cooked beyond repair...


Its like the "step right up and win some crap" scene from "The Jerk"


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Daveman is absolutely correct.. It is a MONTHLY record that has to be taken into context of AT LEAST the first 6 months of 2013.. If 2013 LOOKED like it was gonna break the lull in the warming -- we would have had front page news displacing the Zimmerman trial...

Anyone what to run those 6 numbers? Preferably using THIS...


No wonder Doc Hansen doesn't like his own satellite science at NASA anymore....

Really dumb comments by really dumb people. No warming since 1998? Look at the 0.3 bar. Not even the warmest months prior to 1998 reached it, let alone the running average. And since the 1998 spike we have had at least 27 months at or above 0.3.

In fact, if you look at the running average, it never reached 0.1 prior to 1998. In fact, prior to 1998, the running average was mostly between -0.1 and -0.3. And between 1998 and present, it has been between 0.1 and 0.4 most of the time.

The last La Nina was a strong one, yet the most it could depress the running average was down to 0.1. That on a low TSI.

You're trying to divine extremely small deviations here by eyeball. If you don't trust the numbers, run them yourself.. You're eyeball is not good enough to tell a 0.02degC/decade trend.

27 months since 1998?? Great !! 27 out of 180.. Not bad..
Do the numbers..
Daveman is absolutely correct.. It is a MONTHLY record that has to be taken into context of AT LEAST the first 6 months of 2013.. If 2013 LOOKED like it was gonna break the lull in the warming -- we would have had front page news displacing the Zimmerman trial...

Anyone what to run those 6 numbers? Preferably using THIS...


No wonder Doc Hansen doesn't like his own satellite science at NASA anymore....

Really dumb comments by really dumb people. No warming since 1998? Look at the 0.3 bar. Not even the warmest months prior to 1998 reached it, let alone the running average. And since the 1998 spike we have had at least 27 months at or above 0.3.

In fact, if you look at the running average, it never reached 0.1 prior to 1998. In fact, prior to 1998, the running average was mostly between -0.1 and -0.3. And between 1998 and present, it has been between 0.1 and 0.4 most of the time.

The last La Nina was a strong one, yet the most it could depress the running average was down to 0.1. That on a low TSI.

You're trying to divine extremely small deviations here by eyeball. If you don't trust the numbers, run them yourself.. You're eyeball is not good enough to tell a 0.02degC/decade trend.

27 months since 1998?? Great !! 27 out of 180.. Not bad..
Do the numbers..

We all agree that for 12 to 15 years the earth warmed. With the peak in 1998. What amazes me is retards like old Rocks that can't grasp the concept that since the earth is warmer the averages after that peak will be warmer then before. BUT the peak was 1998 and we have been told over and over that it was caused by CO2 levels. Since 1998 the CO2 levels have done nothing but go up. Yet no more global warming since 1998.

When asked to prove with science the claim that CO2 raises the world temps NO ONE can do an experiment that proves it or even suggests it. For a theory to have merit doesn't it need experiments that show cause to believe the theory? Isn't that science? Where is the repeatable experiment that suggests CO2 raises temperatures? Prior to the great warming and global hysteria science AGREED and has not changed the conclusion that CO2 does cause a small rise in temps but that as it goes up it has a diminishing effect on heat.
roughly a third of all the CO2 we have put in the air has been produced since 1998. and no warming. if there are natural influences that are hiding the rise, why dont the models show it?
roughly a third of all the CO2 we have put in the air has been produced since 1998. and no warming. if there are natural influences that are hiding the rise, why dont the models show it?

The models show it, reality refuses to acknowledge it
Daveman is absolutely correct.. It is a MONTHLY record that has to be taken into context of AT LEAST the first 6 months of 2013.. If 2013 LOOKED like it was gonna break the lull in the warming -- we would have had front page news displacing the Zimmerman trial...

Anyone what to run those 6 numbers? Preferably using THIS...


No wonder Doc Hansen doesn't like his own satellite science at NASA anymore....

Really dumb comments by really dumb people. No warming since 1998? Look at the 0.3 bar. Not even the warmest months prior to 1998 reached it, let alone the running average. And since the 1998 spike we have had at least 27 months at or above 0.3.

In fact, if you look at the running average, it never reached 0.1 prior to 1998. In fact, prior to 1998, the running average was mostly between -0.1 and -0.3. And between 1998 and present, it has been between 0.1 and 0.4 most of the time.

The last La Nina was a strong one, yet the most it could depress the running average was down to 0.1. That on a low TSI.

You're trying to divine extremely small deviations here by eyeball. If you don't trust the numbers, run them yourself.. You're eyeball is not good enough to tell a 0.02degC/decade trend.

27 months since 1998?? Great !! 27 out of 180.. Not bad..
Do the numbers..

Done the numbers, dumbass. At least 27 at or above 0.3. And before 1998, none at all at that level. Not only that, but prior to 1998, almost all below the 0 line. After 1998, fewer below the zero line than those above the 0.3 line.

The deviations you are talking about are the steps in the scale of the graph. And they are not small at all. And that is a shit number for the trend. It is not 0.02 C per decade. Run a deviation on a calculator for the numbers from 1979 to present, and you will get a much larger number than that.
roughly a third of all the CO2 we have put in the air has been produced since 1998. and no warming. if there are natural influences that are hiding the rise, why dont the models show it?

The models show it, reality refuses to acknowledge it

The reality that is the glacial melt worldwide and the Arctic Sea Ice melt seems to acknowledge it quite well. As will the troposphere temperatures within this decade. Look at the graph. It is not a straight line, it moves in steps.
I can only address this issue from my limited perspective but it is certainly the hottest MAINE JULY in my 25 years of living here.

I'm lovin it!
I can only address this issue from my limited perspective but it is certainly the hottest MAINE JULY in my 25 years of living here.

I'm lovin it!

Then you should contact "Wisconsins for Global Warming" and open a Maine franchise.

And write your congressional representatives...


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