68 Dems will not attend Trump inaugural

Think about the effect on climate change. Their flatulance will be contained by the Capital climate change apparatus. Heroes all. They will not be missed.

Growing list of Democrats NOT attending President-elect Trump’s inauguration; WI lawmaker on the list
The boycotting members of Congress are right to protest against Trump as a person. Trump’s campaign was defined by divisiveness: He insulted Mexican American, African Americans, women, the disabled, and, in a video recorded before his run for office, he seemed to be confessing to committing sexual assault. Unless you are a Trump supported, there is little reason to go his inauguration.
Check off another campaign promise kept by Trump.

He promised to drain the swamp.

And there they go!


yep- all them thar goldman sachs dudes that were part of the 700 billion dollar bailout sure got drained & what happened to drumpf 'knowing more than the generals' when he's got 3 of them as nominees? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's hope the capitol cloakroom is big enough to accommodate a 68 hand circle-jerk! Pity there wen't be 69 of them - could be more fun to see on the various social media sites. Hey, they gotta do SOMETHING to release their tension lest they all self-combust.
Think about the effect on climate change. Their flatulance will be contained by the Capital climate change apparatus. Heroes all. They will not be missed.

Growing list of Democrats NOT attending President-elect Trump’s inauguration; WI lawmaker on the list
The boycotting members of Congress are right to protest against Trump as a person. Trump’s campaign was defined by divisiveness: He insulted Mexican American, African Americans, women, the disabled, and, in a video recorded before his run for office, he seemed to be confessing to committing sexual assault. Unless you are a Trump supported, there is little reason to go his inauguration.
68 libtards who live in glass houses...throwing imaginary stones.....
Seems a bit petty and childish. Attending Inaugurations is a long-respected tradition. It's a time to put partisan politics aside. I think the Democrats could have handled this with more class and dignity.

They should have but don't have enough maturity to put aside differences and show respect to the other party. After watching them these past few months, I haven't seen any of them show even half the class of the average Jerry Springer guests used to have.

They better stop pretending to be all about tolerance because all the protests and childish behavior have proven that they possess none.
Seems a bit petty and childish. Attending Inaugurations is a long-respected tradition. It's a time to put partisan politics aside. I think the Democrats could have handled this with more class and dignity.

They should have but don't have enough maturity to put aside differences and show respect to the other party. After watching them these past few months, I haven't seen any of them show even half the class of the average Jerry Springer guests used to have.

They better stop pretending to be all about tolerance because all the protests and childish behavior have proven that they possess none.

Yeah, we don't always win or get our way. But it's how we handle that adversity that proves what we're made of. Attending Inaugurations is tradition. It's a day to put aside all the bitter partisanship. The Democrats have not handled their adversity well. And i think it could come back to bite em in the future. I don't think most Americans respect bitter sore losers.
Seems a bit petty and childish. Attending Inaugurations is a long-respected tradition. It's a time to put partisan politics aside. I think the Democrats could have handled this with more class and dignity.

They should have but don't have enough maturity to put aside differences and show respect to the other party. After watching them these past few months, I haven't seen any of them show even half the class of the average Jerry Springer guests used to have.

They better stop pretending to be all about tolerance because all the protests and childish behavior have proven that they possess none.

lol................... tell that to the turtle 'our #1 job is to make obama a one term prez' mcconnell... & where were all the whiney crybabies when that asshole wilson shouted 'you lie!' on the house of reps.... or where were the whiney little buttercups when netanyahu was invited to speak on the house floor behind the back of the prez?

you all are a bunch of hypocritical bastards to say the least.
LOL!!!! the upcoming drumpf installment can't even give away tickets...awwww boo fucking hoo.... cry me a river.

please, there's going to be so many empty seats tomorrow.

face it, no one likes or respects this guy.

he ran as Repub, but they secretly hate him too.
Hell, I wouldn't want low life coming to my party either.

but he does want alt right lowlifes at his inauguration.

the orange sociopath has one of the highest disapproval ratings for an incoming president ever....

and it will only get worse

it's been getting worse since the day he 'won'. george W. bush must be grinning ear from ear to know he no longer will go down in history as being the worst.

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