68 Dems will not attend Trump inaugural

Seems a bit petty and childish. Attending Inaugurations is a long-respected tradition. It's a time to put partisan politics aside. I think the Democrats could have handled this with more class and dignity.

there are not many classy or dignified democrat congress folk left

Yeah, the Democrats have approached this Inauguration in an unprecedented fashion. It's usually not a time for bitter angry protest. I don't think it helps them for the future. I think it's gonna upset a lotta folks. We don't always win or get our way. But it's how we handle that adversity that counts the most. And it doesn't look like the Democrats are handling their adversity very well.
Hillary must be alarmed that anyone would be entertaining the very idea of not accepting the results of the election. To do so undermines the democratic process our country was founded on.
Hmmmm. Crickets.
Think of it this way. Have dozens of Democrats boycotted past Republican inaugurals?

Think of it this way. You elected a shit of unprecedented shittitude.

THAT is why you're seeing an unprecedented reaction.

And your the sheep that believes that is why they are doing it.
Say whatever they want, but they should respect the process...ESPECIALLY when it doesn't go your way.
Instead of acting like a bunch of children, they should self reflect as to WHY this happened.
Trump was not elected by Republicans. They were going to vote for him anyway. He was elected by people WHO PREVIOUSLY OVERWHELMINGLY VOTED FOR OBAMA. They not only did not choose Hillary...they chose someone categorically the complete opposite. NOT ONE Democrat leader is asking why that happen....because they are so steeped in their own self righteousness and delusion that it couldn't possibly be THEY are the problem.
I hear that Trump's people were going to contact them about getting their tickets to give to Veterans and Gold Star Families.

I hadn't heard how that went, but it seems like a WIN/WIN.

They don't want to go, some patriotic Americans do----and the rest of America either doesn't want the Horses Asses there, or doesn't give a shit what the Horse's Asses do. Never heard of any of them until John Lewis got on T. V. and made an ass out of himself...and that was before he got caught in an outright lie.

What a fool he has made of himself. Claimed he'd NEVER missed an Inauguration, but in fact he skipped George Bushes Inauguration too. Why?

Didn't think he was the legitimate president, either. So, I'll remember him....when it comes to Making An Ass Out of Yourself...John Lewis deserves to be remembered.

The rest of the Party-First-America-Second Assholes...I have already forgotten who they are.

Let the turds at least get their tickets to the Trump People so they get them to some Patriots and their children who might not ever have the chance to see A Great American Tradition and our Nations Capital.
Hopefully one of Don's first acts as president will be to executively outlaw free will.
I wonder what new and creative ways the Trump Administration will find, to throttle back to a trickle, the flow of Federal funds into those Congressional Districts?

sounds fascist.
Not really.

He'd merely be taking a page from the Chicago Democratic Machine Play Book back in King Richard's (Richard J. Daley) Day... punishing wayward aldermen...

And, oh my, how creative they'll be, in punishing these wayward congress-folk...

In marvelously imaginative and legal and defensible ways...
I wonder what new and creative ways the Trump Administration will find, to throttle back to a trickle, the flow of Federal funds into those Congressional Districts?

sounds fascist.
Not really.

He'd merely be taking a page from the Chicago Democratic Machine Play Book back in King Richard's (Richard J. Daley) Day... punishing wayward aldermen...

And, oh my, how creative they'll be, in punishing these wayward congress-folk...

In marvelously imaginative and legal and defensible ways...

now who is sounding like a whiner...wah!!!! he's not getting his way & having ALL congress critters kiss his ring... what a mook. :lmao:
I wonder what new and creative ways the Trump Administration will find, to throttle back to a trickle, the flow of Federal funds into those Congressional Districts?

sounds fascist.
Not really.

He'd merely be taking a page from the Chicago Democratic Machine Play Book back in King Richard's (Richard J. Daley) Day... punishing wayward aldermen...

And, oh my, how creative they'll be, in punishing these wayward congress-folk...

In marvelously imaginative and legal and defensible ways...

now who is sounding like a whiner...wah!!!! he's not getting his way & having ALL congress critters kiss his ring... what a mook. :lmao:
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is whether the Trump Administration finds viable ways to turn off the funding faucet for those Congressional Districts.

And they WILL.

What DOES matter is that their constituencies are going to suffer, not the boycotters.

Then again, what do LibTards care about that, as long as they get to make their point?
68 Dems will not attend Trump inaugural

If they would also not attend any sessions of Congress for the next four years, especially sessions where votes are taken, finally they would be doing something that BENEFITS the country instead of trying to sabotage it.

I wonder what new and creative ways the Trump Administration will find, to throttle back to a trickle, the flow of Federal funds into those Congressional Districts?

sounds fascist.
Not really.

He'd merely be taking a page from the Chicago Democratic Machine Play Book back in King Richard's (Richard J. Daley) Day... punishing wayward aldermen...

And, oh my, how creative they'll be, in punishing these wayward congress-folk...

In marvelously imaginative and legal and defensible ways...

now who is sounding like a whiner...wah!!!! he's not getting his way & having ALL congress critters kiss his ring... what a mook. :lmao:
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is whether the Trump Administration finds viable ways to turn off the funding faucet for those Congressional Districts.

And they WILL.

What DOES matter is that their constituencies are going to suffer, not the boycotters.

Then again, what do LibTards care about that, as long as they get to make their point?

& your gleefulness says just how ethical & moral trumpanzees are. i'm betting you consider yourself a religious person too.
I hear Trump is doing the logical thing and is trying to get the rest of the democrats not to attend. Who wants their whining asses around?
The Clintons will be there. They wouldn't miss a free meal.

Democrats should not be at a Republican inauguration.
68 Dems will not attend Trump inaugural

If they would also not attend any sessions of Congress for the next four years, especially sessions where votes are taken, finally they would be doing something that BENEFITS the country instead of trying to sabotage it.


lol... trump's cabinet picks have sabotoge written all over it. that swamp really wasn't drained like he said....
68 Dems will not attend Trump inaugural

If they would also not attend any sessions of Congress for the next four years, especially sessions where votes are taken, finally they would be doing something that BENEFITS the country instead of trying to sabotage it.


Got your panties in a wad, too. All it takes to get you excited are 68 democratic representatives who tell your fuhrer to go fuck himself. Poor little snowflake. Stay here in your safe space on USMB.

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