698K Native-Born Americans Lost Their Job In August

yeah they did a good job, huh? How many layers of tar paper did they put down? Are the shingles straight? Did the drip edge have a double layer of shingles? Is there flashing along the drip edge? Did they peal the plastic off the shingle edges to allow them to seal together? Are the nail heads sealed? If you have a ridge vent, did they put the end caps in? If you have a chimney, you got a cricket for it installed?[/QUOTE

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You roofed? Tar paper? You roofed? Layers of paper? Felt? How many you want? One will generally do it. Peel the plastic off the sealing strip of the shingles? You're kidding? Right? That's funny. What a mess and time waster that would be. You roofed? Starter strip? Yep. Drip edge? Yep. How straight is a chalk line? Then that's how straight their shingle line is. You do use snow and ice guard on your eaves and valleys. Right? They do.

I assure you there are Mexican roofing crews that turn out high quality. There are white crews that do high quality. I have worked on those crews. But not for the wages a mexican will do the same work. Roofing is a tough way to make a living.
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You roofed? Tar paper? You roofed? Layers of paper? Felt? How many you want? One will generally do it. Peel the plastic off the sealing strip of the shingles? You're kidding? Right? That's funny. What a mess and time waster that would be. You roofed? Starter strip? Yep. Drip edge? Yep. How straight is a chalk line? Then that's how straight their shingle line is. You do use snow and ice guard on your eaves and valleys. Right? They do.

I assure you there are Mexican roofing crews that turn out high quality. There are white crews that do high quality. I have worked on those crews. But not for the wages a mexican will do the same work. Roofing is a tough way to make a living.
Did some roofing in college, and I know that there are a lot of short cuts that cheap labor folks will take that can cause your roof to be a disaster over time.

Going cheap on your roof is like going cheap on your cars breaks. Generally not a good idea.
My folks bought a $2million house in an exclusive golf resort so there's no construction going on. They hire for house & pool cleaning, yard maintenance (and yea three different people) and they'd hired one artist carpenter guy to do some interior stuff (built-ins and what not) and a Spanish interior designer. (The house is Spanish architecture so...)

My father is OCD as hell, like I had white glove light bulb checks as a kid, and /he/ vacuums and cleans daily but still has a maid "just in case he blows it off." We ended up with a Mexican maid up here as well. I remember all the other companies gaining the title "lazy fucks" from my father because they'd blow off stuff like wiping down the radiators, or mopping the little triangle of floor in the curve of the stairs, or behind the toilet. He would tell the maid person exactly what he expected every time too, and I'd warn them. The Mexican maids would flat out tell him if it's too much for them and walk away [or they'll negotiate raising the price to cover what he'd wanted, like the last gal did,] American's on the other hand would "lie" and say they'll do it, then try to get away with not doing it.

They adore their pool guy down there (I get an update on how awesome he is pretty much every time I talk to my mom) because if a bird craps on the side of the pool this guy will show up within an hour to clean it up for an extra $5. (Of course, I can't blame him really, not after the first time - my folks appreciate it so much they give him $20 heh)

My father even taught himself Spanish just so he could make sure they understood what he wanted - mostly for the carpentry and interior design stuff, but he said if we move down there we'll have to learn Spanish too because they don't even speak "broken" English.
My folks bought a $2million house in an exclusive golf resort so there's no construction going on. They hire for house & pool cleaning, yard maintenance (and yea three different people) and they'd hired one artist carpenter guy to do some interior stuff (built-ins and what not) and a Spanish interior designer. (The house is Spanish architecture so...)

My father is OCD as hell, like I had white glove light bulb checks as a kid, and /he/ vacuums and cleans daily but still has a maid "just in case he blows it off." We ended up with a Mexican maid up here as well. I remember all the other companies gaining the title "lazy fucks" from my father because they'd blow off stuff like wiping down the radiators, or mopping the little triangle of floor in the curve of the stairs, or behind the toilet. He would tell the maid person exactly what he expected every time too, and I'd warn them. The Mexican maids would flat out tell him if it's too much for them and walk away [or they'll negotiate raising the price to cover what he'd wanted, like the last gal did,] American's on the other hand would "lie" and say they'll do it, then try to get away with not doing it.

They adore their pool guy down there (I get an update on how awesome he is pretty much every time I talk to my mom) because if a bird craps on the side of the pool this guy will show up within an hour to clean it up for an extra $5. (Of course, I can't blame him really, not after the first time - my folks appreciate it so much they give him $20 heh)

My father even taught himself Spanish just so he could make sure they understood what he wanted - mostly for the carpentry and interior design stuff, but he said if we move down there we'll have to learn Spanish too because they don't even speak "broken" English.

Yeah, I dont understand why so many Americans these days seem to think that cowardly lies are justifiable.

They are not.
Yes, and unfortunately, folks like my parents would rather hire an illegal than an American who does a shitty job and lies about it. I wish they would ensure they're legally here, but at the same time I understand it too. Very frustrating, but they're too young for me to control their money yet so they get to hire whomever they please heh
Going cheap on your roof is like going cheap on your cars breaks. Generally not a good idea.

This is where Americans get confused about Mexican labor.
What we tend to think of as "cheap" labor, a Mexican worker thinks of as good wages.

100 to 125 dollars a day roofing is great wages if you would have only made 15 dollars a day in Mexico. When you will work 7 days a week, share your expenses and not waste money, the Mexican worker is doing good comparatively.

Good luck getting Americans to work 10 to 12 hour days on a roof for that money 6 or 7 days a week.
Did some roofing in college,

And you were very smart not to make roofing your career. I roofed for several years. Hardest damn job I have ever had.
Concrete work was easier.

Doing a three layer tear off with cedar shakes on the bottom in 90 degree heat is brutal. Or hanging on a 10/12 pitch roof trying to lay shingles. Boo.

Its a wonder anyone roofs.

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