6th Grader Wanted to Use Trump for Class ‘Hero Project,’ Teacher Says NO WAY

She should complete the assignment, turn it in, send a copy to the White House and have her parents call FOX News when the teacher fails her.
She should complete the assignment, turn it in, send a copy to the White House and have her parents call FOX News when the teacher fails her.
All of that? Don't let either kid use the President, leave the WH and Fox out of it but have the principal have a come to Jesus talk with that teacher.

Kids are smart and they are nosy. They want to know what a teacher's opinion is. They usually figure it out. So teachers should tell students (simply, no dramatics) how they feel on an controversial subject and then make sure the students are comfortable expressing their own opinions. It's how I've always done it. Actually, I would have just accepted the student's choice to write about Trump with no comment. No need for any opinions of my own there.
The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
She should have been. Overturning the teacher's decision, though, is what I was thinking about. Not the greatest idea--6th graders will take that and run with it for the rest of the year. So that's why I said neither student should write about a President and leave it at that.
The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
She should have been. Overturning the teacher's decision, though, is what I was thinking about. Not the greatest idea--6th graders will take that and run with it for the rest of the year. So that's why I said neither student should write about a President and leave it at that.


That's how the bad guys win.
The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
She should have been. Overturning the teacher's decision, though, is what I was thinking about. Not the greatest idea--6th graders will take that and run with it for the rest of the year. So that's why I said neither student should write about a President and leave it at that.

She should have thought of that prior to her silly decision. It is better to reverse the decision, admit a mistake was made, and move on to more important matters.
The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
She should have been. Overturning the teacher's decision, though, is what I was thinking about. Not the greatest idea--6th graders will take that and run with it for the rest of the year. So that's why I said neither student should write about a President and leave it at that.

She should have thought of that prior to her silly decision. It is better to reverse the decision, admit a mistake was made, and move on to more important matters.
It's time to fire that commie teacher. Hopefully Trump will invite the 6th grader to the White House. Trump should be a hero to all school children. He's so inspiring!

6th Grader Wanted to Use Trump for Her Class ‘Hero Project,’ Teacher Says NO WAY
Now the public has proof why home schooling is a necessity. The Obama's administration was trying to stopped parents from home schooling their children, so that they can mold their children into the way that they want them to think. Mind controlling from birth. Parents better start home schooling their children before the school system have control over their children's minds. The school teachers has the power to be able to destroy a family. These teachers can say to the parents that their child isn't putting in enough effort into their studies and gives them a bad grade. And the parents will believe the teacher over their own child. Parents needs to start home schooling.

100,000 Americans to Obama: Homeschooling a right - WND - WND

The teacher was clearly in the wrong. She should be allowed to do her project on President Trump.
She should have been. Overturning the teacher's decision, though, is what I was thinking about. Not the greatest idea--6th graders will take that and run with it for the rest of the year. So that's why I said neither student should write about a President and leave it at that.


That's how the bad guys win.
Turning this into a nationwide politicized whoopdeedo is wrong, too. That is how YOU guys tar and feather the left.
It's time to fire that commie teacher. Hopefully Trump will invite the 6th grader to the White House. Trump should be a hero to all school children. He's so inspiring!

6th Grader Wanted to Use Trump for Her Class ‘Hero Project,’ Teacher Says NO WAY
Now the public has proof why home schooling is a necessity. The Obama's administration was trying to stopped parents from home schooling their children, so that they can mold their children into the way that they want them to think. Mind controlling from birth. Parents better start home schooling their children before the school system have control over their children's minds. The school teachers has the power to be able to destroy a family. These teachers can say to the parents that their child isn't putting in enough effort into their studies and gives them a bad grade. And the parents will believe the teacher over their own child. Parents needs to start home schooling.

100,000 Americans to Obama: Homeschooling a right - WND - WND

Because of one teacher?
It's time to fire that commie teacher. Hopefully Trump will invite the 6th grader to the White House. Trump should be a hero to all school children. He's so inspiring!

6th Grader Wanted to Use Trump for Her Class ‘Hero Project,’ Teacher Says NO WAY
Now the public has proof why home schooling is a necessity. The Obama's administration was trying to stopped parents from home schooling their children, so that they can mold their children into the way that they want them to think. Mind controlling from birth. Parents better start home schooling their children before the school system have control over their children's minds. The school teachers has the power to be able to destroy a family. These teachers can say to the parents that their child isn't putting in enough effort into their studies and gives them a bad grade. And the parents will believe the teacher over their own child. Parents needs to start home schooling.

100,000 Americans to Obama: Homeschooling a right - WND - WND

Obama and his administration did not try to stop homeschooling. They did not find a family fleeing Germany because the German government would not let them homeschool their children as a situation that asylum applies to.
The vast majority of public school teachers are left-wing females so is anyone surprised they get all hysterical about Trump?
She should complete the assignment, turn it in, send a copy to the White House and have her parents call FOX News when the teacher fails her.
I agree. Do complete the assignment. Prepare a note from the parent after it is graded with a copy of the assignment and send it to Fox, after the principal gets a copy of the graded assignment. Let the principal know that they plan to go to the Board of Education with the intent of suing on behalf of freedom of speech being allowed in the classrooms.

Notify local television news directors about their plans and get the community behind the desire that children learn how to make decisions and use facts to they used to present their decision.
It's time to fire that commie teacher. Hopefully Trump will invite the 6th grader to the White House. Trump should be a hero to all school children. He's so inspiring!

6th Grader Wanted to Use Trump for Her Class ‘Hero Project,’ Teacher Says NO WAY
Now the public has proof why home schooling is a necessity. The Obama's administration was trying to stopped parents from home schooling their children, so that they can mold their children into the way that they want them to think. Mind controlling from birth. Parents better start home schooling their children before the school system have control over their children's minds. The school teachers has the power to be able to destroy a family. These teachers can say to the parents that their child isn't putting in enough effort into their studies and gives them a bad grade. And the parents will believe the teacher over their own child. Parents needs to start home schooling.

100,000 Americans to Obama: Homeschooling a right - WND - WND

Because of one teacher?
It's time to fire that commie teacher. Hopefully Trump will invite the 6th grader to the White House. Trump should be a hero to all school children. He's so inspiring!

6th Grader Wanted to Use Trump for Her Class ‘Hero Project,’ Teacher Says NO WAY
Now the public has proof why home schooling is a necessity. The Obama's administration was trying to stopped parents from home schooling their children, so that they can mold their children into the way that they want them to think. Mind controlling from birth. Parents better start home schooling their children before the school system have control over their children's minds. The school teachers has the power to be able to destroy a family. These teachers can say to the parents that their child isn't putting in enough effort into their studies and gives them a bad grade. And the parents will believe the teacher over their own child. Parents needs to start home schooling.

100,000 Americans to Obama: Homeschooling a right - WND - WND

Obama and his administration did not try to stop homeschooling. They did not find a family fleeing Germany because the German government would not let them homeschool their children as a situation that asylum applies to.

It is important to note that Washington, D.C. implemented new homeschooling regulations that affect how parents report their child's progress to the school district. For many parents, this will have little impact, but it does give the government more control over how children are educated within this district. Parents are to keep a portfolio of the students work to demonstrate that they are in compliance with the district's new rules. The district can request to see this portfolio no more than twice during the school year. If they district feels a child is not receiving an adequate education, they can force the parents to send a child to a public or private school.

But remember, that the mother has the right to choose to abort their children in the 9th month in N.Y..


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